Prince of Tennis Nioh Phantom

Chapter 355 : When the dust settles, what do you think

Fuji's face changed the moment the tennis ball hit the ground, and his face turned pale.

Seigaku's genius could hardly hold racquet with his right hand shaking at that moment.

How could it be possible that the gentle smile at the corner of his mouth could no longer be maintained, and Fuji looked at his opponent at the net blankly.

Originally thought it was a trick to press the bottom of the box, and finally broke through the killer copper obtained, but in the eyes of the opponent on the other side, it can be solved with just a swipe?

In fact, even if he scored a point with this trick, Fuji would not lose his temper to such an extent.

Completely lost points

Confused, almost forgot how to swing

Shoo! Shoo!

"Hang the net!"

"15:0, Rikkai and Nioh score!"

The two serve mistakes clearly showed the spectators how much Fuji was in a trance at this time.

"Brother! Cheer up!"

Fuji Yuta, who was in the audience watching the game with the beginning of the month, couldn't help standing up and shouting.

Guanyue, who was sitting next to him, looked at the court with a particularly solemn expression.

Nioh definitely deliberately eliminated Fuji's chance of winning when Fuji's belief and strength reached its peak!

Before, it seemed intentional to leave Fuji with the idea of ​​winning, but in the end it was a thunderous blow.

It's terrible, if you change a person with weak willpower, then I'm afraid you will lose the confidence to play tennis!

Guanyue even perceives Fuji as his opponent, but also sweats for him. In theory, he knew that with Fuji's willpower, he would never be completely defeated, at most, he would be passive for a while now.

But that is only theoretically under normal circumstances, after all, before the Kwantung Youth League, at the beginning of the month, there was never a data that Nioh's tennis prowess would be so strong!

Coupled with the previous game against Fuji, now Kanyue understands that his script is not foolproof, and there are too many variables in this world.

Slap! slap!

"40:0, Rikkai and Nioh score!'

Nioh had already made up his mind, as long as he played that trick "Star Fireworks" and would not drag it anymore. Faced with such a flustered Fuji, there is absolutely no room for him to return the ball!

"This game has been too long, and now it's finally over.

Saying this in a relaxed tone, Nioh also raised his voice unconsciously.

This makes his voice sound a bit more lively, but as long as anyone can hear what Nioh is talking about, except for Rikkai's big candidates and their supporters, no one feels relaxed and cheerful.

After watching Nioh's "Meteor Strike" with satisfaction, Marui and Kuwabara left to warm up. Kirihaya got orders from his own minister and deputy minister to help Echizen Ryoma hasn't come back yet, and now there are only three people sitting on the Rikkai contestant's bench, Ryu, Ryyu, and Sanada.

Yukimura herself sat on the coach's bench with a wide view and kept her smile as always.


The last ball finally landed.

The result of this game has been divided.

"6:0, singles two, Rikkai big Nioh wins"||!

But at this time everyone no longer pays attention to the outcome of the game itself.

Liu Sheng turned his head silently and exchanged his experience of watching the game with Liu-

"It's a pity, I still wonder if I can play as a substitute.

"As a result, neither of you gave me a chance."

Rikkai's "gentleman" said with a sigh.

"Chance? There are still many opportunities to play."

"How do you like competition, Yanagyu, don't shirk when you were in high school!"

Army Master Liu of Rikkai said meaningfully.

This is the "labor" that I sent to my door. Before the Kanto Contest entered a fever pitch and the start of the national contest, Rikkai's finalists were actually very unconcerned about the competition. If someone "takes the initiative", that would be great!

"No, I think it's better to give others more opportunities. Did you say so, Nioh-san?"

Liu Sheng said and looked at someone who had returned victoriously.

I'm so jealous, I won the final victory for Rikkai...

God knows, those of them who are sitting outside the court want to rush to the court with their racquet to win this victory for the tennis club!

"Me? I obey orders!"

Nioh, who won the game 6-0 with satisfaction, pointed his finger at himself and said.

He believes that the number of pranks in the past three years is very small, and he has never shied away from the order of the tennis club, which can be described as "loyal."

Sanada, who was sitting upright, felt that he could no longer bear the "nonsense" of his teammates.

obey orders?!

What order to obey!

Didn’t all the “commands” you “obey” suggest yourself?

If you are not willing, how can we dare to order!

Just now, Sanada, who was still excited about the success of Rikkai's triumphant victory, became irritable with the naked eye.

He raised his hand and pressed down the brim of his hat, and decided not to care about those few words because of Nioh's key victory for Rikkai.

Yukimura kept silent after watching Sanada suppress her irritability, and a smile flashed in her eyes.

The Minister of Rikkai University expressed his heartfelt joy for such a friendly atmosphere in the tennis department. At the same time, he decided to compliment his players a few words-

"After three years of hard work, we have finally come to this point. Training in the tennis club has always been very difficult. I am very happy that everyone has accepted this arrangement and worked hard to do the best."

Yukimura's voice is very gentle.

"Rikkai's three consecutive hegemony is a goal that I have established since I joined the ministry."

"To be honest, the achievement of this goal today also made me feel dazed-after all, I haven't played yet, and the winner of this year's national competition is already in my hands!"

The Minister of Rikkai joked.

"I have to thank you all for your efforts on behalf of the entire Rikkai. Without you, there would be no Rikkai as it is today, and there would be no Rikkai as a three-in-one hegemony today."

At the end, Yukimura's voice became lighter and softer.

Yes, until now, Yukimura herself is still in a state of mind like falling into a cloud. Guoyi’s fashionable and immature self-established goal was suddenly realized today, and it really feels like a dream.

But Yukimura's mental power is indeed very strong, and he quickly found a new goal for himself one-

"In high school, we went straight to Rikkai University together."

"Three in a row, no dead ends!"

A qualified head of the tennis department must have a mind that matches the strength of the tennis department. And "mind", to put it another way, is "ambition"!

Yukimura has never thought about anything other than victory. Since they have entered Rikkai University and become the official election of Rikkai University, they must shoulder the responsibility of "Lien Chan is the fate of victory!"

Yukimura, who was wearing a khaki dress, stood up thinking this way.

Nioh stood up almost at the same time as Yukimura.

Sanada, Yanagi, and Yanagyu stood up together.

Turning back and following their ministers, Rikkai's major candidates have set up the three years of warfare and vows for the next three years on the court of the Junior High Tennis National Competition--

"."high school--"

"Rikkai is a big three in a row, there are no dead ends!"

After Rikkai's big player stand is their support group and cheerleader, so at this time, Rikkai's big direction immediately sent a tsunami-like call from the mountain that flooded the court.

Winner takes all, loser for Kou.

This is the unchanging truth of the past and the present.

No matter how unwilling it is, others can only watch these Rikkai-old boys shout wantonly.

Kite's eyes flickered, and there was a deep envy in his eyes under the lenses.

Shiraishi put away the smile he had always had, and swallowed the bitterness in his heart.

Orange's eyes darkened as well, and he tightened his fists.

And Seigaku was silent on the other side.


Fuji looked over there and murmured.

He suddenly felt his heart that he thought had become numb after the blow was tingling again, like a needle stick.

Winners and losers, from now on, everything is useless!

Even if the next game is more exciting, even if they have won the next two games, people will only remember that the school that won the national championship this year is Rikkai.

Even if it is a few years later, when their current generation can no longer take racquet, people will remember (good) this national championship, Rikkai, who won the championship for three consecutive years!

They Seigaku, although they are runners-up, but like other schools, they have only one common name in front of Rikkai, which is a triumphant one, and that is "loser".

Competitive competitions are so cruel, except for Rikkai, who won the final victory this year, everyone else is just a stepping stone to the king's throne!

Tears finally fell drop by drop, and Fuji slowly closed his ice blue eyes and stopped looking at the opposite scene.

PS: The more I write, the more I feel that Rikkai is a "big boss". The setting of "the last big villain" I decided to follow the way of "villain"! I condemned my conscience a little, But in the end I found that my conscience didn’t hurt at all! As a dead person, I couldn’t feel the sadness of other schools at all~

Yes, when I think that these people are the roadblocks of Rikkai junior high school and go to help Seigaku, I don't sympathize with them at all, and I hope they will watch Rikkai High School continue to win! (Although I know Rikkai High School will continue to win! The older teenagers don't care about other people helping Seigaku and they all choose to oppose them, but I really feel sorry for myself!

It's all grown to Rikkai, and now I am full of malice towards Seigaku. three)

Good night everyone!.

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