Prince of Tennis Nioh Phantom

Chapter 374 : Yukimura Breakthrough, Flower and Boy

His alien appearance, which was originally covered by Nioh's dark purple light, was revealed.

It was still a faint color, exuding a gleam of purple and blue, but something was different.

"Alaya" is considered the root body of all human consciousness and the seed of all things in the human world, so Yukimura's other-dimensional prototype was only a flickering blue-violet light at the beginning.

The reason why it is blue-violet is also because this "Alaya" was born and exists because of him. His will is the performance of another dimension!

Now, under the pressure of Echizen Nanjiro's "unparalleled" trick, and Nioh, as a companion, alone took the opponent's attack down, but he was unable to do anything but was somewhat dragged down, Yukimura's mental power was finally completed. Metamorphosis!

Along with the violent fluctuations in Yukimura's mental power, his different dimensions look more and more illusory, but his aura is getting stronger and stronger!

The expression of "Alaya" also seems to have undergone some changes.

When Echizen Nanjiro's back swing was about to cross the net, Yukimura suddenly moved.

Pointing to his toes, his figure turned out to be illusory like the different dimension "Alaya" behind him, which made people feel like he was in a dream state.

Nioh, who was about to go to 017 to catch the ball on the backcourt, looked at his minister dumbfounded.


Looking at the things like angel wings behind Yukimura, Nioh's mood at this time is very complicated.

The purple-blue illusory light has now condensed and changed into a crystal-like color, but this is not the point or the key.

The point is that at this time, part of the purple-blue illusory light of Yukimura's different dimension "Alaya" turned into white wings at that moment!

And the key is one-

As Yukimura moved his steps, a small white flower with long and curly petals suddenly bloomed behind him!

What is this?

Does it bloom every step of the way?

Echizen Nanjiro's expression became stiff. He looked at the two teenagers on the opposite side of the different dimension that lit up, and suddenly he thought whether he hadn't understood the changes in the tennis world for too long, so he fell behind.

Otherwise, why are the current teenagers in different dimensions so weird!

Echizen Nanjiro swears that he even faintly smelled the fragrance of flowers just now!

It was too shocking.

Yukimura's different dimension gave him a strong sense of shock after Nioh.

This "Samurai", who has not been forgotten by the tennis world and is regarded as a "legend", almost missed a goal because of his loss.

Fortunately, he finally received it.

And fortunately, Echizen Nanjiro still didn't get into the horns in the end.

He was pleased to think of the different-dimensional phantom of his adopted son.Although the different-dimensional is abnormal in the eyes of others, in the eyes of a tennis world-level player such as Echizen Nanjiro, it is a normal other-dimensional. NS!

"The minister of Rikkai, he is also a very good teenager.

Echizen Nanjiro began to feel pressure.

In the face of a Nioh, although he can't deal with it easily by letting the water go too far, he can completely suppress it with his heart. But plus a Yukimura who can cooperate with Nioh and is no longer affected by his pressure to make mistakes

"But this is not enough, teenager."

"The world is very big, and its vastness is not what you can imagine now!"

Completely serious, Echizen Nanjiro's tone at this time is not half frivolous.

In this case, there is a tone. If it is an ordinary person, it will sound a great sense of pressure, but Rikkai's big positive selection has never been an ordinary tennis player!

"But Echizen Nanjiro-senpai, didn't I just see part of the "world"?"

Nioh blinked and choked on Echizen Nanjiro.

"Unparalleled in the ancient and modern", isn't this trick considered part of the "world"?

In today's tennis world, isn't it that the "Unparalleled Ancient and Modern" trick is no longer in the ranks?

Echizen Nanjiro, who was originally in a state of teaching juniors, could not answer this rhetorical question (bhcj), because he did use world-class strength just now, and the boy who was Rikkai was able to catch it and fight back.

Why would such a teenager be a middle school student?!

He might now surpass the tennis skills of all high school students!

Echizen Nanjiro is secretly sad, why his Ryoma can't reach this level.

He sighed inwardly, and then he almost got stuck with this breath!

"you "

Pointing at Yukimura tremblingly, Echizen Nanjiro didn't want to swing.

I originally thought that Yukimura's different dimension is like that. Can "Alaya" be special, can it produce new changes?

But he didn't expect that the white wings and small white flowers that appeared behind Yukimura were just the beginning!

The part that was originally located in the most obvious purple-blue center of the illusory light finally completed the change.

The small white flowers began to gather, forming a very, very large flower shape that could cover Yukimura himself. It was still pure white, shining with white light, but the edges of the huge petals showed a purple-blue lace.

"Has the little daisy become an iris?"

Nioh watched the excitement enthusiastically from the backcourt.

Although there are some weird things, Nioh still recognizes something based on his knowledge of Yukimura.

He has a wonderful foreboding that he believes that Yukimura's teammate will not be disappointed after the complete change of Yukimura's different dimensions!

"Alaya" is said to be the root body of human consciousness and the seed of everything. In theory, it must be transformed into everything in the world, but after all, it is not just the identity of'Alaya'. Yukimura, as your different dimension, a large part of its current changes are actually your own thoughts, right?"

Nioh looked at the more and more obvious outline, and said "gloating."

On the opposite side, Echizen Nanjiro looked at Yukimura with an inexplicable look, and his look at Yukimura's different dimensions became very strange for a while.

Yes, the change of "Alaya" in another dimension was finally completed under Nioh's expectation.

The indistinguishable androgynous young man with purple-blue hair and slightly curvy hair has bare feet, and his feet are held in the air by the white and blue iris flower without touching the ground.

In this way, the original stunning white wings now look like ornaments, just for the sake of beauty.

But it's really pretty.

Nioh looked at his minister and minister's different dimension from the backcourt, smiling and bending his eyebrows.

PS: Hee hee, after I had endured spoilers for a long time, I finally wrote about the perfect form of Minister Yukimura's different dimensions! It's all about how to write it, it can't highlight the personal characteristics at all! Yes, that's it! It was thought of by Alaya. Shaka, a picture of the Shiling Empire provided by Alaya, as well as small daisies and irises!.

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