Prince of Tennis Nioh Phantom

Chapter 375 : Willow's outburst, shedding her cocoon

When Echizen Nanjiro made up his mind to use the "unparalleled" trick, several other teenagers in Rikkai's big khaki formal dress arrived at the foot of the hillside.

"Is it here, Senior Liu?"

Kirihara Akaya looked at the hillside in front of him curiously and asked.

"What are the Minister and Senior Nioh doing here?"

The second-year student of Rikkai University feels that this place is not worth seeing at all-.

He looked at Liu suspiciously.

Sanada, Marui, etc.-people also have questions.

In fact, if it were not for Yanagi Renji's insistence that Yukimura and Nioh would come to this place, none of them would follow Liu to come here.

Junshi Liu, who was questioned collectively, was not angry at all, really.

His anger value has long been smashed by Yukimura and Nioh!

The data tells him that he will definitely gain a great deal from coming to this place!

Absolutely, absolutely, it will calm him down.

"Yukimura once asked me cryptically about Seigaku's plans after the national competition ended. What I said at the time was that there was a 96% probability that they would have dinner together."

So Echizen Ryoma will also go to dinner together.

"So Echizen Nanjiro will come back here alone!"

As Liu said, there was an amazing gleam in his eyes.

Yukimura and Nioh, you think that you don't let us follow it for our own good, so as not to jeopardize our self-esteem and self-confidence, but we also have the right to choose!

Hehe, if you don't let us come, do we have to return to Kanagawa obediently?

Liu felt that he had endured enough!

He has already done his best to keep an eye on the movements of Yukimura and Nioh, two people whose data is extremely difficult to obtain.

Although Yukimura was looking for some information in private, he could not hide it from Sanada, but he could not hide it from Careful Liu.

Long, long ago, Liu was actually stimulated.

Yes, just after Nioh National One’s "academy tour" returned to school, Liu Junshi has been waiting for the two people to "confess and be lenient."

It is a pity that Nioh was hiding quickly with Maori at the time, and coupled with Kirihara Akaya, a young junior who had just entered the department and understood it, Liu didn't have any extra energy to investigate that matter.

He buried this matter in his heart at the time. If there were no accidents, he would not have realized it until he went there.

However, there are unforeseen circumstances, and accidents happen so easily.

Yukimura's sudden departure was like a hidden trigger being pulled for Liu, and the inquisitive heart of Rikkai Grand Sergeant became active again.

That's it for Nioh. I already knew that he was not the kind of person who was straightforward. The character of the "fraudster" is such that Liu, as a teammate, naturally has to express understanding and inclusion.

And the predecessors naturally need to be respected.

But Yukimura is different

Liu Nai was really waiting for something every day, and his heart was faintly excited.

However, to his disappointment, Yukimura didn't tell him anything!

How can this be, Yukimura, are we not your good teammates?

Yanagi Renji felt that he was hurt and he was very sad, but he was not really angry at that time.

Everyone in the Rikkai Tennis Club knows that Liu has always been a good-tempered and elegant person.

But what they didn't know was that the better-tempered people, the more powerful they would erupt after their anger accumulates!

After that, Liu was hit by Yukimura and Nioh's eye contact time and time again, but he couldn't get any information. The anger in his heart has been in the cycle of +1+1+1+1.

But the human heart's ability to endure is still limited!

Don't die in silence, just erupt in silence!

Rikkai's strategist looked at the hillside in front of him with a murderous smile.

This is not directly asked or tracked by me, it is found by my own ability!

And don't you want everyone to see it?

It just so happens that I want to bring them with me!

Yanagi Renji broke out after a long period of depression by two of his teammates!

Never underestimate the strength of a professional-level data strategist!

"That means they are here to challenge Echizen Nanjiro?!"

Marui exclaimed.

Before Yukimura was only willing to let Nioh go with him, Marui felt resentful. Unfortunately, Yukimura had a lot of power and Nioh was not only amazing in tennis, but also not easy to provoke, so he still didn't dare to express his dissatisfaction or follow up directly.

However, it is different now.

Marui's eyes looked at the hillside shiningly, and felt how pleasing the hillside looked.

…………Please ask for flowers.

They didn't follow Yukimura and Nioh!

They definitely did not disobey the minister!

Yes, they just took a walk, and then they came here unknowingly!

Marui couldn't help but secretly admired the sergeant of their tennis club. This time difference played extremely well, not only did they remove the suspicion of tracking them, but also won't miss the wonderful game!

"Then what are you waiting for, seniors? Let's go up there, maybe we are playing wonderfully now!"

Kirihara Akaya was full of interest, wishing to rush up right now.

Liu Sheng pushed down his glasses silently, his expression was a bit unpredictable now.

This time, can you see the real tennis strength of Nioh Masaharu?

Thinking of this, Liu Sheng suddenly felt that he was passionate.

Sang Principle has a simple face. He said that he was only following Marui, and he didn't know what Liu thought. Of course, if you can watch a wonderful game with your teammates, it is also a good choice!

"Everyone keep quiet!"

Sanada frowned and scolded.

Liu Ping's gaze swept over the serious-looking deputy minister of their tennis club.

"Ahem, don't relax, don't disturb Yukimura!"

Sanada lightly coughed twice, and then said this sentence.

Vice Minister Rikkai's words of one step from the truth really sounded short of breath and got Kirihaya and Marui's two slightly contemptuous eyes.

Hey, I didn't expect Sanada (Vice Minister) to be so bullying and afraid of hardship?!

Thinking like this in their hearts, Marui and Kirihaya's bodies became honest and quiet. They stopped talking loudly. Instead, they followed the lead, aggressive, windy walker Liu, and walked quickly toward the top of the hillside.

PS: # Renji is so pitiful~ Renji feels bitter, but Renji doesn't say anything. #But Liu feels that although he doesn't say it, he still has a small opinion in his heart!

Ah, the eye contact of Yukimura and Nioh at the previous round table meeting, Renji, who didn't know what they were communicating, was so angry. Touch Renji silently, Renji is not angry, let's go up and find something! Hmph, let you not take me, the depressed Army Master Liu decides to bring others directly to the door! Dirt.

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