Prince of Tennis Nioh Phantom

Chapter 376 : Eye-opening, re-understanding

As a member of the King Rikkai Grand Tennis Club, Kirihara Akaya has always been proud and confident.

Even if he himself was first promoted to the country, at that time, he was beaten by his predecessors with a net racquet and had no power to fight back. NO.1, to become the first person in the tennis world.

And with the improvement of Kirihaya's own tennis strength, although he also knows that his strength is still not as good as that of several seniors, but the sophomore ace of Rikkai believes that besides his seniors, his strength is absolutely proud!

However, when he followed Liu quickly to their destination, his thoughts were shaken like never before. At that moment, the feeling of powerlessness he felt was even stronger than when he was crushed by the seniors with a net racquet when he was in National One of that year.

"Senior Nioh, Minister"

Kirihara Akaya gritted his teeth, his voice trembling.

The lisianthus flower swayed, entwining the samurai sword.

The silver-white vigor and the purple-black aura mixed together, and the sword aura left deep marks on the muddy ground from time to time.

The "Zero One Seven" boy with long blue and purple hair like his minister can't see his face very clearly, but Kirihaya can only imagine that the huge white purple and blue lace iris flower just by looking at it. The dreamy boy's mouth sneered.

He shuddered, but kept watching without blinking.

The wings that seemed to have no effect on flying like a display became the sharpest weapon at this time.

Pieces of flying feathers floating in the air, mixed with the falling and floating petals of the lisianthus flower, there is no feeling of strangeness, as if they should be like this.

And with this kind of cooperation, all you have to deal with is only one person, or a "different dimension"-a samurai!

Echizen Nanjiro still wore a monk's robe, but he no longer acted frivolously, but became serious, like an out-of-sheathed sword.

Looking at him with an inquiring look, Kirihaya felt his eyes were stinging. The present one cannot be explained by his current worldview, even though he had seen the state of Yukimura behind Yukimura in the final of the previous national competition.

However, at that time, although Nioh had clearly stated that the illusory light behind Yukimura was a different-dimensional prototype, Kirihaya only thought that it was just a state that was stronger than Echizen Ryoma's state!

He even thought it was a special effect of ball skills, or an alien product of "Selfless State", or Yukimura's own special state.

So at that time Kirihaya didn't ask at all!

He himself has a strong state of "angelization" that is different from ordinary players, and Kirihaya has trained with Nioh for a long time after joining the team. He has seen Nioh's ever-changing "phantom" for a long time, and he has always admired Yukimura so much.

If seniors have their own talents and skills, it is normal to have their own special status.

Doesn't the deputy minister still have a black aura?

Kirihaya had always thought that before, so now his worldview has been severely impacted!

When can I have my own different dimension?

I want another dimension too!

Rikkai's second-year ace stared at the court with a fleeting red light flashing in his green eyes, and then he was full of admiration and longing.

The "Samurai" held his sword in his hand. It didn't look like the other side with a huge sense of scene, but it gave people a sense of oppression for no reason.

That is the aura of the strong

A very mysterious thing cannot be explained in words at all, and it is impossible to explain what it is.

The only thing that can be confirmed is that as long as you encounter this kind of aura, you don't need to do any data analysis, you only need intuition to know that it is a strong person, a stronger person than yourself!

Liu opened his eyes.

He didn't come with pen and paper this time, just carrying a tennis bag like his companions.

He has been prepared for a long time, knowing that since Yukimura and Nioh are unanimous in not letting everyone come, it is definitely for their good, so this game is not what they can mix, just like Shitenhouji's Caiqian can't join Chitose and hands. The matchup of Kunimitsu is the same.

He thought he had been prepared, even ready to face Yukimura's questioning and Nioh's sarcasm.

But now, his mind is blank.

He was wrong.

This is not a metaphor for the match between Shitenhouji's members and Minister Seigaku! This is basically a tennis of another realm!

No wonder, no wonder Yukimura forbade them to follow, no wonder Nioh didn't tell him the news several times!

It's not that they did this deliberately, it is the influence of objective factors in reality, and that their tennis strength is too weak to know those things!

Liu was shocked like never before.

While there was more confusion in the eyes of Grand Army Master Rikkai, there was also more determination, and also more rare fierce determination.

Now that you know that you are "thrown down" because you can't catch up with them, then try to catch up!

No one will willingly stop their progress.

Even if Nioh and Yukimura are willing to wait, Liu also has his own pride, he can't let his teammates wait for him in front!

"Too lax."

There was a low voice of Sanada Genichiro who was silent for a while beside Liu.

"Yukimura, didn't he do his best in the finals before? And Nioh. This is his real strength. Are all the previous ones playing me?!"

Rikkai's deputy minister rubbed his fists tightly, and his knuckles turned blue and white because of too much force.

He knew that Yukimura had reached the realm that Nioh called the "different dimension", and had an illusory light that could drop the "heavenly clothes" at 6:0 thousand. He has long been habitually watching Yukimura walk in the forefront, but he has almost always maintained the fighting spirit to defeat Yukimura one day.

"The gap is not very big, and it is getting smaller", he has always thought so.

But when he rejoices that he has made a breakthrough and defeated his hand Kunimitsu, is Yukimura already at this level?

It was not like that in the finals!

And Nioh...

Since the power of the different dimension is so powerful, and since Nioh Masaharu has long known that there is a different dimension, he definitely has his own "different dimension" long ago!

When I was secretly satisfied with that little progress, I was already too far behind!

Must work harder from now on

In elementary school that year, only because he lost two consecutive games to Tezuka Kunimitsu, he remembered Sanada, who has been unforgettable for three years with his starter Kunimitsu. In fact, the degree of dedication to "strength" is unmatched by many people.

He can't tolerate his own backwardness!

Looking at Echizen Nanjiro's "Samurai Shadow" earnestly, the feeling of practicing kendo all the year round tells him that paying attention to this is very useful for me.

That is something that fits well with his future tennis.

[I must have my own knife. 】

Sanada told herself in her heart.

The samurai swung his sword, and the tip of the sword pointed at Nioh again this time.

Yukimura is still in the state where he has just finished his "epidemic", and he sees nothing but tennis.

But Nioh on the court still has a normal and clear color. Since Liu and Kirihaya have appeared, he has noticed his teammates who are following up.

Didn't you say that you are going back?

There is no professional court protection in this place, even if Echizen Nanjiro can definitely control his own power, but Yukimura and I may be the case!

In the face of this legendary warrior, I can only increase the explosiveness of my mental power, so there is almost no extra mental power to control the power!

Nioh complained about Liu and Sanada in his heart.

What is Liu doing?!

If you want to know the information, just ask, Yukimura will not always refuse you!

And Sanada.

Sanada is getting looser and looser!

With a cold snort in his heart, Nioh was so angry that he was in a bad mood when he was pressed and hit, but now there are still people coming to add to the chaos! So when he received the ball, he even glared sideways at his teammates on the sidelines.


Every ball is very hard.

Yukimura doesn't need him to worry anymore, but Echizen Nanjiro has exploded further and stronger!

Nioh hated it.

This legendary predecessor is definitely addicted to teasing Echizen Ryoma, or that he was originally such a person when he was young, so although he is now serious in 2.9, the method of playing is still so provocative!

Liu Sheng looked at the game on the court with deep eyes.

He looked at Nioh and glanced at them on the sidelines, then hit the ball back that was just so impressive, and pushed down his glasses.

The gap is getting bigger and bigger.

But this is not impossible to shrink.

Yagyu who joined the Rikkai tennis club halfway through may be the most acceptable person to all this in front of him. Who calls his doubles partner Nioh?

Liu Sheng accepted everything he saw in front of him smoothly, and he was even in the mood to observe the expressions of his teammates.

Marui's expression was about to crack, and Kuwabara had turned into a plaster statue.

Take a look at Yukimura on the court again. Did you put your heart and soul into it? Didn't even notice them when they arrived.

In this way, the strength of Nioh-kun will rise a little bit in my prediction.

After all, although I don't understand any different dimensions, I can feel that the samurai senior is mainly targeting you, Nioh-kun!

Thinking of this, Liu Sheng showed a patterned, insincere smile, and he pushed down his glasses again. .

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