Prince of Tennis Nioh Phantom

Chapter 377 : Go further, another trick

Since the arrival of the group of teenagers dressed in khaki Rikkai Taisho elections can attract Nioh's attention, they will naturally not escape Echizen Nanjiro's eyes.

The "samurai" who have been retired for more than ten years have not been left in vain in the past ten years. He has not relaxed the maintenance of his own strength level, and over time, his xinxing has become stronger.

And, just like his tennis strength is still so strong, his eyesight is extremely vicious, especially now that he has experienced the baptism of the world and years.

Those teenagers, as well as the two teenagers on court, are all very talented.

Echizen Nanjiro only caught up with the singles match between Echizen Ryoma and Seiichi Yukimura due to the late arrival, and did not see the other four games with his own eyes, so the strength of the other Rikkai Taisho elections was still unclear before.

But at this time, he did not take any measures to conceal his aura when fighting against Nioh and Yukimura.

And the simple court on the ground does not have any protective measures. The current game scene looks very dangerous. Those later teenagers dare to stand by the court and watch the game. Even if the current strength is not enough, then just rely on this. You can also get good tennis strength after a lot of hard work!

Randomly glanced at the teenagers with different looks but shocked but not completely decadent in their eyes, Echizen Nanjiro realized that there were even some of them who had touched the faintly different dimension due to the violent emotional fluctuations. The breath of realm!

It's amazing.

He even slightly felt another knife intent. Although it is fleeting and weak now, it does not mean that he will be like this in the future

Walking mysteriously, Echizen Nanjiro came to the ball drop point at an incredible speed. His speed is even faster than the speed of tennis.

Behind him, the phantom of the samurai dressed in a dark black samurai uniform exudes a strong pressure, and even if he hasn't started it, it gives people a sense of shock.

However, at this time Yukimura has completely awakened his different dimension "Alaya", and is no longer deterred by this invisible pressure, and is no longer backlashed by Echizen Nanjiro's domineering mental power.

He started to cooperate with Nioh.

In this way, the advantages of the realm of "resonance" begin to appear.

The pressure that was almost taken by the Nioh people, or even the excess, was partially passed by Yukimura, and due to the special nature of the "resonance" of the different dimensions, they also offset a part of the legendary samurai from the opposite who is strong and does not look like a human. The power of returning the ball.

At least in Nioh's view, although Echizen Nanjiro saw Yukimura improve his strength, he also let go of his combat power to a greater extent, but in the face of Echizen Nanjiro's stronger return, he received the ball. It's easier.

Echizen Nanjiro admired the two teenagers opposite him more and more at this time.

Since retiring, although he has almost maintained his tennis prowess, it has been a long, long time since he has played a game like today that he has missed for a long time!

Playing tennis couldn't be more fun!

Echizen Nanjiro's lips curled up. He had already changed his mind.

Originally, I just wanted to play with Nioh at will. I felt that at most I could use a different dimension to knock these two challengers off the field, and I thought it was an overestimation of them.

But later, Yukimura's performance was still in his expectations, facing his "different warrior" there was no backhand, and Nioh's performance was far beyond his expectations. So he couldn't help it anymore, and used one of his unique tricks "Unparalleled in Ancient and Modern" against a middle school student!

After thinking about this ball, he could go off the court and rest. Because even though it is not the "Gujin Wushuang" that he played with all his strength, even though it is the "Gujin Wushuang" without the "Tianyi" bonus, it is not a tennis that middle school students can play back!

But I didn't expect that Nioh actually played back, and he has not lost his fighting power after that goal. And Yukimura actually made a breakthrough under pressure to overcome difficulties

The "resonance" of different dimensions is rare even in the world. This is an opportunity that can be met but cannot be sought, and it is also an opportunity that many players dream of.

In this state, Nioh and Yukimura not only cooperated tacitly, but their respective strengths were temporarily improved because of "resonance"!

In this way

"Unexpectedly, the teenagers are so good now, so let you see the next trick!"

"How about? Would you like to, teenager?"

Echizen Nanjiro returned to the state he looked like before, and he said with a joking tone, as if he was asking Nioh for advice.

"Gu Jin Wu Shuang" is really overbearing, the blade is convergent but hidden sharp.

But this is not Echizen Nanjiro's strongest and most famous move. To be honest, "Gu Jin Wushuang" can only be regarded as the best move.

"The impermanence of all actions" is his strongest move, and it is the next move that follows the comprehension of the "unparalleled in ancient and modern"!

Originally, I thought not to overwhelm the teenagers' confidence in tennis, and Nioh's catching of the ball should be his limit. So he didn't plan to use that trick again after using "Gu Jin Wushuang".

But now Yukimura has broken through, and the "resonance" has strengthened the strength of both him and Nioh, and even the Rikkai teenagers who watched the game did not shake their confidence in tennis, so Echizen Nanjiro was itchy and couldn't help but use it. My strongest 020 trick!

Nioh doesn't even have the effort to wipe sweat. The sweat on his body is no less than Yukimura, because most of Echizen Nanjiro's tennis offensive stance is directed at him.

Although on the surface they seem to be playing up and down, but in fact, the rhythm has always been held by Echizen Nanjiro.

In their hands! They can't grab it back!

Originally, he was struggling with hardships, but now he heard the words of the samurai senior on the opposite side, Nioh immediately rolled his eyes regardless of his own image.

He glanced at his minister's partner who was still immersed in "resonance" and whose consciousness was actually on tennis, and he was extremely helpless.

Does he have room for rejection?


Let alone whether the opponent will really so kindly ask for his own opinions and change his already made determination, just say that his current teammate and partner Seiichi Yukimura is better.

If Yukimura recovers and knows that he ends the game without authorization because of fear of war, then he will definitely be retaliated by Yukimura in the future?!

"Senior, since you have already made up your mind, why do you still ask us? Is it useful?"

Nioh said angrily.

But he himself knew that his heart was more excited than ever.

That's the "impermanence of all things", it is a little bit to steal the teacher, and it will definitely be useful in the future!,

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