Prince of Tennis Nioh Phantom

Chapter 381 : The impermanence of all actions, the pinnacle of skills

Echizen Nanjiro's eyes were calm and waveless, and his whole person was like an old monk in concentration, giving a sense of silence.

It's unfathomable like the sea, and it's unpredictable.

Nioh suddenly felt horrified at this thought. He realized that he suddenly couldn't feel Echizen Nanjiro's energy.

The opposite of the net seems to be empty!

His eyes clearly tell him that there is indeed a terrifying opponent who is ready to wait.

But his feelings, his mental power can't capture where the opponent is!

If this is a real competitive game, then, now he and Yukimura have lost!

The silver-white light gleamed all over the body, the breath of the extra-dimensional lisianthus flower became more and more ethereal, and Nioh's face became paler.

He estimated that he wouldn't be on the verge of overdraft after he scored in U17. The previous move "unparalleled in ancient and modern" really consumed a lot of his physical strength.

Nioh, who is a junior high school student, has no lack of mental power or even basic skills.

What he lacks is the accumulation of physical strength, the physical quality!

It is precisely because of this understanding that Nioh will climb the back mountain of U17 with Maori, and honestly practice and train under Mifūne Nyudō for so long.

It is precisely because of the unreserved teaching and training of the three boats coach that Nioh was able to increase his strength during the period between the first and second countries, and he was defeated in the U17 training camp after going down the mountain. Those seniors!

Tanegashima Shuji, Irie Kanata, and Oni Jujiro, these three high school students are the top masters in the high school class.Even if Nioh went to U17, they were only at the level of strength of the second year of high school, and they did not reach the peak of their respective strengths at the time of high school. , But Nioh can beat or even beat the senior high school students by a big score.

The training is absolutely indispensable.

Otherwise, how can Nioh, who is a little bit clean, take the initiative to go to a place where the conditions are difficult, which makes him feel ashamed, and does not even give him a bed?

The hardships I had suffered before, and the training I received are all rewarding.

At least the current Nioh Masaharu is on the verge of overdraft, but he has not reached the limit of his body, so he still has the possibility of winning!

In any case, I have to hit the ball back!

Yukimura can make a breakthrough without knowing anything. I have such a great opportunity and I have already been ahead. Why can't I make a breakthrough?!

Sweat flows down Nioh's white hair with silver light in the sun.

When he breathed, he even felt the smell of rust in his throat, which was an automatic warning for the body of excessive exercise.

Nioh's left hand holding racquet has already become sore, and his legs are also sore.

Nioh felt like he couldn't run anymore, he really wanted to lie down and rest immediately.

But the will tells him that he can continue to fight.

My left arm is sore, but I can still hold the racquet. Your legs are sore, but you can run fast!

There is one last resort, even if you hit it, you win!

And playing tennis is so fun!

Nioh slowly raised the corners of his mouth.

He is tired now, but the eyes of Echizen Nanjiro who is looking at him are shining.

Echizen Nanjiro didn't pay too much attention to his opponents, just focused on the ball, raised his arm and waved racquet.

White is the main color but the golden light shines on the heart of racquet.

Pop, pop, pop!

The afterimages are so heavy that I can't even see Echizen Nanjiro's movements with dynamic vision.

But what is certain is that Echizen Nanjiro definitely swings more than once!

Because Nioh heard a sound, but it was the sound of many hits together!

At this moment, the moment Echizen Nanjiro swings his racket, the tennis he played completely interprets what is called "the pinnacle of football skills".

What kind of ball is that?

The different dimension "Alaya" behind Yukimura opened his eyes, but the eyes of the Rikkai teenagers who had been able to influence the sidelines were full of confusion and confusion.

The ball path intertwined in "Alaya"'s eyes, one after another, tangled into a mess.

With so many possibilities, which kind of ball approach is real?

I couldn't see through, he saw countless possibilities on that ball.

Nioh is also constantly calculating in his heart. With the assistance of another dimension at this time, his ability to measure and react at that moment will definitely not be lower than the "limit of radiance", or even better. But with such crazy calculations of reasoning speed, Nioh discovered that countless possibilities would happen in this ball.

Unable to predict the point of the ball, and unable to judge the course of the ball.

Nioh also saw countless possibilities from this ball.

The scary thing about this ball is that it contains almost all the skills of Echizen Nanjiro tennis!

What is "Impermanence of All Deeds"?

The simple explanation is just a word "change".

This ball contains endless changes!

Nioh closed his eyes in an instant.

Can't catch it.

This ball can't be caught!

No wonder "Impermanence" has never had an opponent, and it is Echizen Nanjiro's final stunt.

Even Nioh needs to use the kind of nearly burning mental power in exchange for a further perception of tennis, plus the assistance of another dimension to capture the tight and airless air of the seal of tennis, what about other people? Can you receive such a tennis ball?

Not everyone can have as much mental power as Nioh Masaharu.

Mental power is the most difficult item to improve in the five dimensions! It is also the most talented item!

The different-dimensional samurai finally approached holding a katana.

A little light flashed on the tip of the knife.

From top to bottom, a seemingly simple swipe of the knife makes people blind to the path of the knife.

Where to defend?

Sanada frowned from the far side of the field.

Can such a game really be cracked? Can such a tennis really be received?

Looking at the cold blade tip, Sanada's heart became cold.

And at that moment, a ball that was wrapped in a faint white light, which seemed to be plain but actually hides huge power and incomparable skills, finally came!

Nioh's right hand immediately held racquet, and he also chose to hold the racquet with both hands.

The eyes that seemed to be closed because of wanting to give up just opened opened at that moment, and the topaz eyes sparkled with glazed brilliance.

His eyes are as deep as the universe at this time, and they seem to be able to fascinate people's hearts.

But no one appreciates his eyes at this time.

The Rikkai teammates who watched the game stood far enough to see the subtle status quo on the court.

And before 2.9, Nanjiro's attention almost turned to the back of Nioh!

Whoosh! Whoosh!

Like the sound of flying wings.

Yukimura's different dimension immediately appeared behind Nioh.

"Resonance", ability sharing!

"Synchronous", spiritual link!

"Phantom", ball skills reappear!

The silver-white light instantly violently turned into vigor, and formed a tornado-like thing around Nioh!

PS: To understand the physical disadvantages of middle school students, how else can they improve so quickly in u17? High-intensity training is a large part of the reason. Nioh's realm is very high. You can tell by looking at the ones before me, but his problem is physical fitness, or physical strength? So before sending him to climb the back mountain, it is an opportunity to make up for this.


As for the strength, don't everyone really see that this is the invincible flow?.

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