Prince of Tennis Nioh Phantom

Chapter 382 : Three-way river, the shadow of reincarnation

"Alaya" became more and more illusory behind Nioh.

The boy with long silver-white hair stood barefoot, and the iris and lisianthus flower turned into a silver-white color together, coated with a layer of glass-like light.

Nioh's eyes looked extra deep at this time, his eyes seemed to penetrate time and space.

It was another world, and he seemed to see something through the void.

The mental power shook greatly, Yukimura gritted his teeth and resisted the dizziness and the nausea that he wanted to vomit from the dizziness, and he showed a painful but stoic expression.

"Human disqualification?"

Echizen Nanjiro realized that he couldn't see through the swing of the pale silver-haired boy on the opposite side.

It seems that there is a similar atmosphere to the different-dimensional secret moves played by his minister Seiichi Yukimura before, but it does not seem to be the same skill.

Is it to use the different dimension of the "Alaya" trick just now to annihilate the "Impermanence"?

If the teenager on the opposite side wants to do that, then he will lose!

Echizen Nanjiro felt a little regretful.

It's a pity that my own ability is not enough to support the potential of football skills!

What if he could have encountered this trick when he was galloping in the tennis world? What a wonderful game if these teenagers could be in the same era as him!

It is not a fault of the move, not a difference of profound meaning, but a gap caused by time.

The powerful different-dimensional profound meaning will indeed become the nemesis of many moves as its owner improves in the future, but now can you afford the consumption of this profound meaning?

Even if the mental power is good, what about the body?

Echizen Nanjiro has already understood Nioh’s mental power that is different from ordinary people, but he also knows that Nioh Masaharu’s body at this time is not enough to fully exert the true power of "disqualification", and Seiichi Yukimura still needs a long time to train. In order to truly make this trick sweep everything!

What Nioh's mental power flashed was indeed the frequency of "disqualification" that Yukimura had just realized, but that was just the beginning. His mental power then burned crazily, as if he was about to die with the upcoming tennis. Same.

Nioh felt a fire burning in his chest, and his mind was sober and running at high speed under the strong stimulation of mental power.

The silvery glaze of the lisianthus flower and the iris flower flashed together and turned into lush flowing water.

The water was flowing quickly and slowly, suddenly and suddenly.

If you look closely, you will find that the water in a stream actually flows at different speeds.

The water flow looked clear at first glance, but when you look at it, you will find that it faintly reveals the color of cinnabar red!

The whirling voice suddenly sounded, and the shadow of another flower appeared on the side of the flowing water.

Beautiful and pure, sad memories.

In the legendary place where life and death meet, there is a river named "Three Ways"|Chuan, and the riverside is full of flowers of Three Ways and Rivers, which is called "The Flower of the Other Side".

The three-way rivers have different flow rates, forming virtual shadows of different shades in the silver-white light.

"If I can't catch the ball, then I just can't catch it?"

A trace of persistence and madness flashed in Nioh's eyes.

He has been going smoothly for a long time, and it is rare to encounter such a desperate situation.

I can't remember the embarrassment of losing a long time ago

But it's okay, I can't remember, isn't the "example" still in front of me just before?

Nioh was expressionless, and the water flowing in the silver-white light began to form a whirlpool centered on him.

If you remove the "Alaya" behind him, remove the three-way river with different flow rates, and the open flowers, the effect of this skill makes Rikkai Taisho elections who are watching the game from a distance think of the other. one person!

Handyman Kunimitsu!

"The Phantom of the Hand"!

Using the powerful reverse rotation force to force the tennis out, Sanada personally experienced this trick on the venue of the national finals not long ago.

However, the power of the "Phantom of the Hand" is obviously not enough, and Sanada can break it forcibly. So even if Nioh used the "Phantom of the Hand", he would not be able to win the ball under the trick "Impermanence" of the legendary samurai who is still considered the number one player in tennis.


"Is this Nioh, based on his current situation of the game, summarized and absorbed a series of moves and turned it into his own use? His "phantom" really helped a lot, giving him his own way of improvement that is different from ordinary people. Keep absorbing the essence of various football skills, make fine-tuning to adapt it to yourself, and integrate and form targeted football skills according to the court situation and the characteristics of the opponent!

Liu's eyes lit up, and he felt that he had obtained a secret data from his teammate.

"Huh, I also said that my opponent has obsessions, he himself has always been obsessed with Kunimitsu!"

Sanada snorted immediately.

After the end of singles three, what his opponent said was sincere. He really doesn't want to play with his hand Kunimitsu anymore! He was teased by his teammates for so long just want to play a game, Sanada really didn't want this!

"But Minister Seigaku's moves are really useful."

Kirihaya analyzes it realistically.

". "Deputy minister, don't worry, I'm not saying that your moves are useless, I don't mean that!"

After he finished speaking seriously, he quickly added this sentence.

Sanada wanted to refute, but it was a pity that he was choked by his junior before he could say it.

With a smile in Marui's eyes, he felt comforted as he watched Rikkai's second-year juniors become more and more fierce.

These spectators seemed to care nothing about the teammates on the court, and none of them expressed concern. Even if they have seen Echizen Nanjiro's unfathomable tennis prowess, even if this move is so unpredictable, they still believe in their teammates!


The sound of tennis balls rubbing the air sounded.

Extraordinarily long and loud.

The unclear tennis ball was directly involved in the vortex of the silver-white and cinnabar-red three-way river water. The flow rate of the water in it was different, constantly destroying the mysterious technique of "Impermanence".

It seems that a long time has passed, but in fact it is only a moment.


The tennis ball hits the ground.

(Of the)

Liu Sheng pushed his glasses several times.


Kirihaya jumped up excitedly.


Marui and Kuwahara smiled at each other and touched their fists.

"Out, they did it!"

It is rare that Sanada's voice is not so full of breath, but trembling.

But Liu's hands were shaking at this time, and he was already speechless.

Even if they have been believing in their teammates, when this moment came, Liu only felt in a trance!

To kill some of Echizen Nanjiro’s spiritual imprints and skills with "disqualification in the world", again with the phantom Qijin "Santuchuan" for continuous washing, until finally add my own spiritual imprint on it, destroying the tennis course, Forcibly throw it out of court!

Although the process was exceptionally difficult, it succeeded.

"This trick is called "reincarnation".

Nioh's face was pale, but he curled up the corners of his mouth and said with a smile.

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