Prince of Tennis Nioh Phantom

Chapter 396 : All targets, finally entered

Although met with premeditated obstruction by two high school students, under the effort of Sanada alone, all the pots were successfully knocked down.

The fearful two high school students on the 16th court obviously didn't want to provoke the four Rikkai junior high school students they had already recognized.

Therefore, after spending enough personal funds to make Sanada's game satisfied, Tenjin Kosuke and Heiri Tohei couldn't wait to watch Nioh leave.

It was really thrilling.

After Nioh and the others left, Tenjin Kosuke couldn't help but wipe a sweat.

This is all scared cold sweat!

As a second-year student, Tenjin Kosuke is already regarded as an "old man" in the high school tennis world. He has passed the immature "newcomer period" and understands the cruelty of competitive tennis.

This cruelty is not simply a phenomenon of elimination due to the outcome of the game, but the burden of the game itself is still harmful to the players themselves!

Why does the U17 training camp call for batches of players instead of just a batch?

It's not because the first batch of players who were recruited were "baptized" after entering U17, although they were superior in strength and talented!

Every year, many people are out of balance because they can't bear the pressure. Every year, many people leave U17 training camp sadly with injuries.

After all, there are very few people who really adapt and develop well in U17.

Players like Tenjin Kosuke and 17 Youhei Tohei are just stepping stones for coaches to hone their rookies.

Even so, many people in the U17 training camp still squeezed their heads and wanted to go in. Even if they stay in the courts of the next few numbers, they don't want to leave, just because such an experience will add an honor to their qualification profile!

"Is this U17?

"The player's strength does not seem to be very good."

Kirihaya said disdainfully.

The two high school students just now were shocked by his Vice Minister Sanada before they even started to play. Without letting him, his senior Nioh and Minister Yukimura take action, they obediently watched them leave.

If U17 is full of such high school students, it would be really disappointing!

"It's just the players in the back court. The players in the top court are the ones you should pay attention to.

Nioh reminded Kirihaya.

He doesn't hope that his younger generations have not seen the high-end strength of U17 because the two high school students before them completely denied the entire U17.

Such a mentality is not conducive to Kirihaya's progress.

"I see, Senior Nioh."

"I'm not stupid. Those high school students can't have the strong. And they are bigger than us, plus the training of this U17 training camp, they will definitely have an advantage."

Kirihaya was very dissatisfied that his predecessors treated him as a child who knew nothing.

But unfortunately, no matter how many times he protested, in the eyes of all Rikkai juniors, he is still the junior who needs a lot of care and love at all times.

"Xianichiro, you feel better now."

Yukimura said to Sanada with a smile.

After finishing those dozens of beverage cans, the mood of their Deputy Minister Rikkai finally rose above the horizontal line.

"Well, Yukimura.

"The formal elections of other schools should have arrived, and we can't relax!"

As Sanada said, his expression became serious again.

This is a new round of challenges.

U17 training camp, for Sanada, is a new battlefield.

Former opponents may get a leap in strength in this place. Although they, Rikkai's big ones ahead of his school, still have an advantage in tennis, they can't ignore the hidden threats!

Rikkai University's national competition this year is really ruthless.

Even Sanada must admit that if the current junior middle school tennis referendum votes for a hatred list, Rikkai will definitely rank first with an absolute advantage!

Presumably, even if the hatred values ​​attracted by other schools add up, it can't keep up with the hatred of Rikkai University in his corrections!

The wood is beautiful in the forest, and the wind will destroy it.

If you are too aggressive, you will always suffer too much.

Although Sanada is confident that he is not afraid of any challenge, he does not dare to take such an important matter lightly.

Although the personal relationship between these candidates and the candidates from other schools is good, if there is a chance, there will be no old opponents in the middle school to give up the opportunity to pull Rikkai from the throne!

"This is natural, Rikkai is not afraid of any challenges.

"Akaya, U17 training camp is not a simple place, you must take advantage of this opportunity to recruit middle school students to learn more!"

As Yukimura said, she couldn't help but tell Kirihaya again.

The various "suppression" of Kirihaya by the third-year candidates of Rikkai University is not just for their "personal interest". Next year in the middle of Rikkai, when they graduate from the third grade, only Kirihaya can stay.

Kirihara Akaya's mission is actually just "successful".

"Shoucheng" is not difficult, but it will undoubtedly be a nightmare level difficulty to be a "shoucheng" who guards the Kanto consecutive victories and the national hegemony.

"I see, Minister.

"I will definitely work hard!"

Kirihaya assured Yukimura again.

Kirihaya didn't know how many times he had said it like this.

However, whenever any of his predecessors gave a warning, he would still answer solemnly without getting tired of it.

Under the guidance signs prepared by the staff, the four Nioh walked towards a court of U17.

On the way, they met a staff member who was specifically responsible for leading the players.

The staff told them that as early as eight o'clock, the other recruits were almost there, whether they were middle school or high school students.

"Too lax!"

Sanada darkened his face, he felt that Rikkai was far behind.

"But it's not nine o'clock yet.

Nioh pointed to the wall clock hanging over there, and said casually.

Sanada looked up--

"Eight fifty-nine! Nioh Masaharu!"

The deputy minister of Rikkai University yelled directly.

The mood he had just calmed down from hitting a can was aroused again.

"Huh, Rikkai is big."

The players who have been recruited have gathered in the outdoor court in front of them.

Nioh and the others walked out of the room and heard a cold snort from Atobe.

"Sanada, your voice is very loud.

"Why, you also know that Rikkai is late?"

Atobe asked coldly.

The Minister of Hyotei was quite angry, which is natural.

Atobe Keigo has never waited for others, and it takes more than an hour to wait.

"Rikkai has a lot of face.

Shiraishi also said in a sighing tone at this time.

For more than an hour, waiting for nothing to do here, it took him a lot of effort to suppress the impatient Kintarou Tooyama!

030 "Yes."

Fuji Syusuke smiled and nodded, agreeing with Shiraishi's words.

"Hey, why did Rikkai come with only four people? Where are the others?"

But when he saw Yukimura taking the lead and all his members into the arena, Fuji's face changed slightly.

Although he was soon covered up by his smile, the curious look still existed in his eyes.

"What's the accident?"

Kite's glasses flashed.

"Should something happen, right, Ren?"

Sengoku Kiyosumi stroked his chin and guessed.

"Don't order me!

Akutsu Jin was furious in an instant, but he didn't avert his gaze looking at Rikkai Dai Yukimura, Nioh, four people like a beastly aggressive.

"Too big!"

Kunimitsu frowned.

He thought that Rikkai was due to an accident that caused the situation where only four people appeared and pinched to the scene.

"Renji Jingran didn't come! There is a 100% probability that an accident will happen!"

Seigaku's Inui Sadaharu immediately changed his face, and his expression became more anxious.

"Where is Wen Tai?!"

"Why didn't Wen Tai come!"

Hearing a loud voice about Rikkai in his ear, Akutakawa Jirou woke up from sleep and opened his eyes wide, but still did not see the idol he wanted to see.

"Shut up, Cilang!"

"It's not gorgeous, Rikkai is big!"

Atobe's expression became colder.

"What's going on? Speak out, my uncle can consider giving you some help!"

The minister of Hyotei's eyes flashed, and then said.

PS: Good night!

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