Prince of Tennis Nioh Phantom

Chapter 397 : Taken out of context, weird feeling

Yukimura smiled and accepted the care of his old rivals and personal friends.

The Minister of Rikkai felt very comfortable at this time. He was so touched that he almost couldn't help but say that Atobe would have "mental training" with his team tomorrow.

"There was a problem with the school bus, so I was almost late."

Yukimura was very satisfied, but still showed an apologetic expression on her face.

"As for Renji, they

Yukimura made a long tone.

Seigaku's Inui Sadaharu immediately showed expectation.

Hyotei's Akutakawa Jirou even squeezed in front of Yukimura regardless of their darkened face.

"Where did Wen Tai go?"

Akutagawa asked anxiously.

Since that stay, the relationship between him and Marui has been growing rapidly and getting better and better. Now that Marui has not come, Akutakawa Jirou is naturally distracted.

Yukimura hadn't planned to tell the truth to them.

He still wants to stay in the training camp, but he doesn't want to do thankless things like "destroying the coach's plan".

But at this time, looking at the two anxious people in front of him, Yukimura felt that he could not reveal anything.

He sighed.

As a result, the faces of the heads of the tennis club of the junior middle school who came around unknowingly looked even more ugly.

Even if it is an opponent, it is a sympathy.

Everyone is a pure-minded teenager. The junior high school students never thought of accidentally making Rikkai older people, and then they missed this kind of thing!

Yukimura looked around without a trace, feeling that she was under a lot of pressure to lie.

Originally, this kind of thing was to be handed over to Nioh, but Sanada was on his side. If Nioh made up the nonsense on the spot, Sanada would definitely be skeptical.

Therefore, in desperation, Rikkai's Minister "Son of God" had to do a job as a "fraudster".

"They went to live together."

Yukimura said so.

Atobe, Shoujia, Fuji, Shiraishi, and Kite all showed an expression similar to "You are a lie".

"Yukimura, you have to be serious about your lying!"

Atobe was about to laugh angrily.

Is this questioning their IQ?

It's a lie at the first hearing, Seiichi Yukimura can say it without changing his face!

"Yeah, Yukimura, do you still treat us as outsiders?"

Shiraishi leaned over and said sadly.

Minister Shitenhouji, who is familiar with himself, obviously no longer regards himself as an outsider, but

"Sorry, Shiraishi, I really can't tell you, it's Rikkai's house affairs after all"||.

Said Seiichi Yukimura, Minister of Rikkai University.

For Rikkai University, the minister of a foreign school is obviously an "outsider"!

Shitenhouji's minister Shiraishi Kuranosuke showed a heartbroken expression.

"Yoshihira, in the duty of a good brother, I tell you that you must stay away from Shiraishi in this state!"

His staff Chitose had already flashed to Fudomine Minister Tachibana Yoshihira.

"Yukimura, I didn't expect you to think so!'

"As I said before, everyone is a good friend. You just haven't seen it for a few days, so have you forgotten about it?!"

Shiraishi began to question Yukimura.

"Yeah, Seiichi, don't you think of us as friends?"

Fuji Syusuke frowned slightly.

Kunimitsu, the handist standing next to him, moved a few steps towards Atobe without a trace.

Fuji in this state is very dangerous. Standing next to him is easy to accidentally hurt.

Didn't you see Shitenhouji, Chitose has already mixed into Fudomine's camp? Oshitari Ken has also activated his speed to defect to his genius cousin of Hyotei!

"how come?"

Under Nioh's unbearable stare, their Minister of Rikkai also showed a sad expression.

"I have always regarded you as friends, but I am just the minister of Rikkai.

Yukimura looked sad the more she said it.

At this time, he acted like he was being forced to lie, and his expression showed an expression of "I don't want to be like this, but someone is forcing me to be like this."

"Huh, Sanada, you said, what happened to your Rikkai!"

Atobe can't stand it anymore.

Shiraishi, Fuji, and Yukimura got together and began to change their style of painting.

In Minister Hyotei's mind, it is Rikkai's Deputy Minister Sanada that is safer.

I think Sanada is so upright and will never lie. Atobe is so naive and doesn't understand Rikkai.

"Liu and the others really took the school bus to live together!"

Sanada said in a deep voice.

He didn't lie.

He personally watched Liu Siren leave in Rikkai University's school bus!

Since getting off the school bus, Sanada has been glared at by the school bus for several times. Sanada, who was (threat) signalled that he was not allowed to say it, played his limit this time.

He followed Yukimura's topic of "coming together" to unfold his own knowledge.

Training in the back mountain is about equal to staying together.

no problem.

Anyway, it is estimated that there are only four people from Rikkai University on the back mountain.

"Sanada! Yukimura just said that there was a problem with your school bus!'

Atobe yelled out of anger.

There are problems with the logic before and after this. Is it easy to cheat?

"That's because Kirihaya was too lax! He was late and didn't meet at the school gate on time. We went to pick him up so it was too late!"

Sanada yelled back without showing weakness.

Vice Minister Rikkai, who has done a good job of building his heart, didn't feel at all sorry when he said something to him.

Because what he said is true, it is indeed Kirihaya's fault!

"You are too careless!"

A low-pressure zone with a diameter of three meters appeared around Kunimitsu.

Seigaku's people all withdrew apart from smiling and saying to Yukimura, Fuji Syusuke, who I was chatting with no nutrition, and Inui Sadaharu, who wanted to know where Yoo had gone.

"It is impossible for Rikkai not to receive the invitation letter from all members. Is it really my data problem?"

". "Hasn't Liu received the invitation letter?"

Inui Sadaharu stood firmly in front of Rikkai and his group, who had broken thoughts and didn't mean to move at all.

"Oh, does Senior Liu's whereabouts have anything to do with you?

"Hurry up and let the road open. Didn't you say that it will start at nine o'clock? Why haven't we started yet!"

Kirihaya followed Nioh and said with an unhappy expression.

He felt that he was wronged, and he wanted to help the seniors who had left.

They didn't come late at all, okay!

Obviously arrived before nine o'clock!

"Uh-hhhhhhhhhhh, Yuta, did you see it? Rikkai did this on purpose."

Kan Yuechu, who stood with Fuji Yuta from a distance, curled up her hair with her fingers and said.

"Seiichi Yukimura must have said something like that on purpose. His words are half-truths and half-truths. Otherwise, their deputy head of Rikkai University Kenichiro Sanada will certainly show disapproval.

Guanyue reasoned for his descendants.

"Otherwise, if Nioh Masaharu is asked to say something, it may be made up to make everyone feel reasonable. However, Nioh's words, no matter how true they are, will anyone believe it?

Fuji Yuta is ignorant to understand, but this does not affect the continued reasoning at the beginning of Kanyue.

(Good) "Rikkai University is definitely invited by all members."

A gleam of light flashed in the eyes of the moon.

"It seems that this U17 training camp is weird."

Kite was squeezed out of the small circle around Yukimura and Sanada by those who "care about Rikkai," but he didn't care.

The sensitive sense of smell of practicing martial arts made him feel a stormy, dark and unclear dangerous atmosphere!

"Yukimura and Fuji and Shiraishi have a great relationship."

After Kirihaya uttered a sentence impatiently, Nioh quickly pulled his junior to find a space for the group to quickly evacuate.

They are now standing next to Hyotei's team.

"Akaya, get along well with Hyotei's second-year students."

Nioh glanced at the expressionless Hiyoshi Wakashi in the Hyotei team and whispered to Kirihaya.

"I will, Senior Nioh!"

Kirihaya said solemnly.

The two Oshitari standing next to him looked at each other.

When is Kirihara Akaya so talkative?

Today's Rikkai University, how come the four people who came to report are collectively weird?!

What happened?

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