Prince of Tennis Nioh Phantom

Chapter 430 : Yukimuravs Kirihaya, firm belief

Under the gaze of the dumbfounded middle school students, Kirihaya completed a swing back attack, which was so fast that it brought up an afterimage.

"Eyes are sore, Oishi!"

Kikumaru Eiji almost subconsciously assigned his attention from the hand and Kaidō to the court part of Minister Rikkai because of the big scene of Yukimura's "big action" at the beginning of the show.

As he spoke, Kikumaru blinked. While his dynamic vision allowed him to see the action clearly, he also paid the price accordingly.

"Can Kirihaya of Rikkai be able to crack the trick of their minister?"

However, Seigaku's deputy minister has been stunned.

Oishi ignored the game of his teammates and stared at the courts of Yukimura and Kirihaya.

Yukimura's strong sense of oppression no longer covers other courts and spectators outside the edge of the court, and all the pressure is directed at Kirihaya.

"It's still slow."

Nioh's dynamic vision is even better. He sees not only Kirihaya's movements, but also an invisible trace of stagnation.

After all, it was negatively affected. Kirihaya's physical movements were inevitably delayed by only a few tenths of a second because of Yukimura's mental power.

There is only a few tenths of a second, which is basically an invisible time difference, but it is a key failure on the court!

The extreme state of tempering allowed Kirihaya to hit a double-strength, double-spin return ball. Although Nioh saw that the ball was not perfect when it started, it had a sense of stagnation, but it still had a strong side spin. .

"Good job, Akaya."

Yukimura praised Kirihaya, and then he flashed.

As if in the blink of an eye, he moved sideways to the front of the ball and met the tennis ball.

racquet has a unique sense of sight in Yukimura's hands. It's not like Sanada, it's like holding a weapon and holding a knife. Yukimura is born with a sense of art, and holding a racket is like holding a paintbrush. The court is his canvas, and the tennis ball is his paint.

Smudge freely, understatement.


The motion of his swing seems very light, but the force of the counterattack can be heard only from the sound, and it is huge.

With a dull sound, many people once again looked at Minister Rikkai with entangled eyes in the inquiry.

The middle school tennis circle has been circulating for a long time in private. Rumor has it that in Yukimura's second year, that is, last year, he contracted a terrible illness and was almost isolated from the court.

There were many people who believed this news at that time, because most of the Rikkai players in that period were players who didn't show more or less irritability, and since that time, Yukimura, let alone singles, even substitutes. He rarely served, and he did not officially appear until the final of the Kanto Contest.

At that time, many people wondered whether the Minister of Rikkai would return from illness. But even in that way, it will suffer a lot of strength, right?

Illness and injury are still different. Injuries can increase their strength, but when they are cured, the disease goes like a thread. When the disease is gone, the physical fitness is also taken away.

Such as strength and physical fitness.

However, the finals of the national competition made everyone's face bigger, and Seiichi Yukimura was stronger.

But until just now, there were people who firmly believed that although Yukimura was stronger, it was due to mental power, and his power must be inferior to the past.

So many people were beaten by the strength of Rikkai's Minister.

"Listening to you, Yukimura is actually very angry in her heart." 1. "

"Although Yukimura has strong technical and mental power, he believes that he has no dead ends in all aspects."

Nioh listened to the sudden and continuous discussion, and said to Shiraishi and the others.

"Wait, when did we say that kind of thing!"

Shiraishi protested first. Although he thought about it in his heart, he really didn't say it.

"But Yukimura deliberately didn't use too many techniques to weaken his power and spin, right? Is this to show his strength?,

Touching his chin, Shiraishi Kuranosuke said deeply.

He felt that he had seen through the strategy of Minister Rikkai!

With a scheming plan, he really deserves to be his Shiraishi's roommate!


Nioh made a soft tone.

"I think Yukimura didn't think so much at all, he just wanted to have a good fight with Akaya. You guys are thinking too much!"

Rikkai's official election shows that he has seen everything.


There was an accent like a popping sound in the dullness.

Kirihaya never thought that even the limit of hard work would hardly work against Yukimura.

He looked out of the court with the corner of his eye.

Nioh outside the court chatted happily. And where he can't see, Sanada, who is "warming up" in the distance, is also in a state of being motivated and devoted to this activity.

His minister Yukimura, who was on the opposite side of the net, also played the game very happily.

But Kirihara Akaya was not comfortable on court.

He could feel the imperceptible but real sense of stagnation in his actions. Although "Miefing the Five Senses" was forced to crack, the sequelae, or Yukimura's original plan, have always existed and are being implemented.

His face was a little ugly, and his eyes condensed slightly, Kirihaya bit her lip.

The influence of mental power, the invisible mental power has exceeded his expectations.

In the previous practice matches in school, did his senior Nioh really play with him seriously? Did the other seniors let him deliberately?

Kirihaya, who has always been very straightforward, actually has a very sensitive heart. He is pure in heart, but because of this, he can feel the emotions and attitudes of others by intuition.

And these are now manifested in spiritual power

*. "The minister seems to be weaker."

Rikkai's second-year student smiled, under the pure white seaweed curls, the lake-green eyes had dazzling light than the sun and unwavering confidence in the face of everything.

In the past two years, in Nioh's view, although Kirihaya's tennis strength has improved rapidly, the point where he has improved the most is his firm belief! In any case, he will not be shaken after he has a firm goal!

Therefore, the current Kirihara Akaya will no longer hesitate, no longer hesitate, and no longer doubt himself.

The gap between him and his predecessors, although still very large, has been shrinking!

The atmosphere on the court changed in this case.

Yukimura felt the rippling spirit in the calm, and the surface of the water was like a storm and set off huge waves, and he also showed a gentler smile.

Tennis is straightforward and unpredictable.

The ball path can be seen clearly at a glance and can be clearly predicted by many people, but it is layered on top of each other.

It was a tennis ball, but it was also endless possibilities.

The limit of tempering, giving Kirihaya the improvement of strength, obviously makes his swing speed even better.

Hit the tennis ball quickly, and use the strength of the wrist and the slight trembling of each finger, and the technique is extremely detailed

The role of mental power can actually make the player's attention more precise. It lengthens the concept of time and makes Kirihaya perform this swing action that seems to be completed in an instant but with a huge workload.

"Teaching without a teacher, or is it the guidance of the predecessors?"

"Rikkai University is really a mysterious school, and the players' moves are amazing."

As if thinking of something, Coach Saito subconsciously looked at the distance.

PS, I wish you all a happy Mid-Autumn Festival!.

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