Prince of Tennis Nioh Phantom

Chapter 431 : Step by step suppression, Yukimura's rhythm

Just like Yukimura on the court and Nioh off the court felt the layers of spirit like giant waves, the tennis balls played by Kirihaya racquet also gave people a feeling of the sea.

It was like a wave hitting it, giving people a sense of oppression.

The people watching the game were shocked.

The speed of tennis is not slow, but in the eyes of some middle school students, it does not reach the level that it cannot be played back. But these are not the things that make them feel surprised and jealous...

"The more special small movements plus the rotation given to the tennis ball, so as to achieve the purpose of relying on the visual error, so that the speed of the tennis ball is different in the eyes of others."

Nioh, who has been staring at Kirihaya, is very satisfied with the level of this ball.

Kirihaya was able to do this under the pressure of Yukimura's mental power, and it was already above the level of his requirements.


The tennis ball swiftly across the air, forming a roughly serpentine trace.

But due to visual errors, when people see the course of the ball, tennis has already changed another route.

"It's a bit awkward, but it's acceptable."

Minister Rikkai, who has no dead ends, is definitely an all-around tennis player.

What he is good at is not a certain type, but all!


A racquet suddenly appeared in the blank space.

In the next second, the tennis ball took the initiative to send it up.

Yukimura raised his forearm, pressed his elbow, and turned his wrist, and the manic tennis ball succumbed to his racquet.

With a smile in his eyes, Yukimura's right hand suddenly exerted force.

He intends to use this "cannibalism" seven-ball matchup to find out the tennis skills of his juniors, and he also has the idea of ​​using the game to show Rikkai's outstanding second-year students, but he did not intend to lose the ball from start to finish. .

Seiichi Yukimura, he doesn't want to lose a point!

The handsome and exquisite teenager has a fierce energy in his bones. Not only can he be cruel to himself, but he can also be cruel to the younger generation who loves the most.

So, with this ball, the mental power on the court changed again.

The mental power fluctuations caused by the Kirihaya, which had turned into huge waves, suddenly resembled a drained pond, without any response or sound.


The tennis ball landed when Kirihaya looked at Yukimura with incredible eyes.

"2:0, Seiichi Yukimura is ahead!"

I thought there would be a fierce battle, but it ended like this.

"This is the trick."

Frowning tightly, Kirihaya's eyes widened.

"No, it doesn't feel right."

As soon as he said the idea that came to his mind for the first time, he denied it.

Although Kirihara Akaya is ostentatious and can be called a slogan outside, he still knows himself in front of the seniors. If his minister wants to win, there is no need to use the bottom of the box trick against him, right?

The hole card, although in Yukimura's point of view, being shown directly is also a kind of power. However, by analyzing the specific circumstances, we still have to maintain a sense of mystery in front of competitors-especially when the "rivals" are still hidden in the dark.

Yukimura doesn't want his tricks to be studied over and over again, he is not strong enough to not fear the restraint of the tricks.

"This feeling kills the five senses?"

Rikkai's second-year student scratched his head and didn't even serve, so he just thought about it.

He thought about it, and within two seconds, he suddenly raised his head and said.

"Right now, Akaya."

"Want to know what move I used--"

"you guess!"

Yukimura said, smiling as usual.

Kirihaya suddenly twisted his face and suffocated his breath and took out a tennis ball from his pocket.

Toss the ball, bend the knees, and swing the racket.

Perhaps due to emotional stimulation, the invisible energy wrapped around Kirihaya's right hip arm became more solid.


He rushed directly with his own tennis ball, which he didn't know why he was angry and bored and grieved.

Roughly followed a C-shaped trajectory and hit Yukimura's backhand position.


But the ball came harder, but it came back even harder!

Yukimura's racquet greeted him, just right.

So, sweet spot hits!

The best focus allowed Yukimura to hit a huge return with the least amount of strength.

"3:0, Seiichi Yukimura leads!"


The tennis ball flew Kirihaya's racquet, leaving the second-year student of Rikkai standing there for a moment.

Blessed the strength of tempering, used the "angelized" state, and spared no effort to use the Selfless State to maximize its potential. Why is it still such a result!

To bite her lower lip, Kirihaya picked up the racquet unwillingly.

He felt his mood start to agitate again.

Emotional irritability is a major weakness of his tennis, and Kirihaya himself knows this. So now he tries to restrain himself, lest he lose control.

Kirihaya, who knows her own minister, understands that this is an emotional problem caused by mental power induction.

Follow the steps he is familiar with and can no longer be familiar with, the next step is

"Keep up the rhythm, Akaya!"

The speed of the tennis balls suddenly picked up.

Bang! Bang! Bang!

The sound of hitting the ball was continuous, one after another.

The two Rikkai on court did not have a chance to stop, they ran continuously.

Bang bang bang!

The speed of the ball is also faster, and the time the tennis ball flies in the air is getting shorter and shorter.

Under the fast pace, small errors are prone to appear.

Ordinary occasions may be remedied.

Even if it fails, there will still be opportunities later.

But now this game is different.

This is a seven-ball matchup. If the score cannot be brought closer to the rhythm of a protracted battle, the opponent can win as long as he scores seven points.


Thunder flashed.

Shiraishi rubbed his eyes and heard a cry from Rikkai's sophomore in his ear.

"Moving like thunder!"

After all, Kirihaya made a small mistake first, so if he is unwilling to lose points, he can only try to remedy it.

Most of Sanada's moves are mighty and have his own personal style, all of which are powerful in a certain way. But correspondingly, if you want to get something, you must pay the corresponding price.

……………Please ask for flowers…………

The four strokes of "Fenglin Volcano" come from the art of war and kendo, which have great requirements for physical fitness. Not only strength but also physical strength, there are even requirements for kendo cultivation.

This is even more true for the subsequent "yin thunder".

"Moving like thunder" is a great loss to the user's knees, and it is also a tactic developed by Sanada himself.

This is not theoretical, but reality-only Shinichiro Sanada can use the maximum power of "Fenglin Volcano Thunder"!


"4:0, Seiichi Yukimura leads!"

The faintly thunderous tennis ball was wiped out in an instant, and then left a black mark on Kirihaya's half court.

"Use "Thunder" against me Akaya, you forgot, I am the Minister of Rikkai!"

Yukimura reminded generally.

He is a minister. He is Seiichi Yukimura. For the past ten years, he has been steadily restraining the boy named Shinichiro Sanada!

Sanada has never won against Yukimura


"Puff, Akaya made a small mistake by Seigaku's first-year student in the national competition. The tennis moves of the former defeated player were not even as powerful as the original owner's use. How can he score in front of Yukimura?"

Nioh watched the game and said gleefully.

This Rikkai junior was elected, and did not show the slightest care for the younger generations. He seemed to be an outsider watching the excitement, and he was very happy to watch Yukimura crush Kirihaya step by step.

Seiichi Yukimura, who can wipe the tennis club in his hands in Kuni I, is not a pure white bunny.

The "Son of God" who has impressed the entire Rikkai tennis club has more than just superb tennis skills. While possessing leadership, Yukimura has never lacked the corresponding "strategy", or the "scheming" that should be there!

The initial "destruction of the five senses" and "dreams", the subsequent sequelae, and Kirihaya's mental power failure and restlessness just now

Yukimura's mental power has been working methodically.

On the surface, Yukimura's mental power moves were countered and cracked. But in fact, under the mental power that Kirihaya guards against on the surface is hidden, more mental power is slowly coming into play!


Kirihaya's hands trembled while holding racquet, and a chill rushed from the top of his head to the soles of his feet, making him cold all over his body.

"5:0, Seiichi Yukimura leads!"

"Such a prelude, does Akaya accept it?"

After the layout was completed, Yukimura looked at the younger generation who was sweating visibly on the other side of the net and asked cordially.

"This prelude is really long enough."

Shiraishi, who had just laughed with Nioh and the members from time to time, pulled out a stiff smile. He looked at the refreshing Yukimura on the court who didn't seem to be cruel to the younger generation. He only felt a chill behind him.

Is this roommate really suitable?

I always feel that although they are "like-minded", if they are faced with a choice or something, they must be the one who is unlucky!

PS, there is no time tonight. # Seiichi Yukimura大魔王# Please keep this in mind. earth,

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