Prince of Tennis Nioh Phantom

Chapter 477 : The medical staff is already in place, then let the dog go!

Sanada fainted, and Yukimura was content.

The teenagers of the Houshan group who entered the food storage room to watch this scene up close, all #化樹樂为食欲# and ate them.

At first, they worried that Yukimura was here, and they didn't dare to chew it.

However, when they saw Yukimura gently facing Rikkai's relationship with Rikkai (except for the Seigaku spoiler, the Kanto game almost came across) Hyotei Gakuen's tall, sturdy second-year student Kabaji Munehiro "delivered" a coma. After Sanada’s "custodial rights" in the state, when they watched Rikkai's minister enter the infrared channel without looking back

The three coaches staring at the screens in the food storage room: Doesn't Hou Shan give food?

#错,后山 of course is for the players to eat#

#But Houshan does not give meat to eat~#

In short, I feel that those coaches who have some "spicy eyes" in their eating have turned their attention to another screen.

They watched silently at Minister Rikkai in the infrared channel, closed his eyes and started #如风少年#'s fast walk!

Seiichi Yukimura's mental power unknowingly developed many functions in life, and he easily walked out of the infrared channel.

"The matter is largely over."

Yukimura said to his staff and Tian Renzhihui who was unhappy with a relaxed face.

"You can leave here right away!"

Minister Rikkai smiled and issued a warning.

Liu, Kirihaya, Yagyu, Marui, and Kuwabara suddenly expressed their collective expressions, and then turned around and left after they clicked.

As for the deputy minister and the other partners of Houshan, ignore them for now!

The most important thing is to listen to the minister!

"Wait, they just left?!"

Tian Renzhi looked at Rikkai Oina incredulously and walked to the five people who had left behind, and then asked Yukimura.

At the moment he spoke, the five people of Rikkai who remembered the minister's instructions had already started a trot under the leadership of Army Master Rikkai Daliu.

Tian Renzhihui:!!!

"They don't wait for others--"

The election in Higa couldn't believe that Rikkai was such a disunity group.

"This is because if you have to wait, you will have to wait a long time, Tian Renzhijun."

"You didn't go in, so you didn't see it--everyone had a great time eating in it!

Yukimura said with a sigh.

He speaks this way sincerely.

Because according to his judgment, those people will not come out obediently if they don't fill their stomachs to eat.

And if they "waste" too long in it

The three coaches in the U17 training camp headquarters are still working during the day, right?

Seiichi Yukimura consciously, as an ordinary member of the Rikkai training camp, should think from the broad standpoint of the ordinary players in the U17 training camp.

In order to keep the coaches from staying up late, and in order for the coaches to be able to "help" everyone in the training camp improve their strength during the day, Yukimura took the initiative and did not belong to him!

He thought that the coaches in front of the screen would be very pleased to see the next situation!

Because, after listening to Yukimura's words--

Higa Zhongzheng, who was excluded from the infrared channel team in the Houshan group due to physical reasons, chose Tian Renzhihui and entered a violent state!


He gritted his teeth.

"Eating food in there with my back!"

His expression turned hideous.

"Kai Yujiroh, take your life!"

Tian Renzhihui rushed towards the infrared channel under the gaze of Yukimura and the gaze of the three coaches in front of the screen.

"I can't help it! Let go of those foods and let me come--eat--eat--eat!"

The roaring Tian Ren Zhihui rushed over.

His voice echoed in the passage.

At the same time, the wonderful music that serves as accompaniment is "Zi-Wow-Ming-Wow"

The alarm sounded.

In the food storage room, there were only a few white lights that had been shining, and turned into a big red.

The red lights flashed and flashed, and they were shining brilliantly.

Youngsters from the Back Mountain Action Team:!!!

"Get your drinks and get ready to go!"

A group of teenagers rushed to the jars of wine with ham sausage or bread and fruit in their mouths.

"Tian Ren Zhihui! Are you a fool?!"

The deputy minister in Higa watched Tian Renzhi rush over and ate the ham, his forehead bounced.

"Ahhhh, is the deputy minister of Rikkai no one in charge?"

Mukahi Gakuto, who was not arranged to hold the wine jar due to height (crossed out), looked at Sanada who was fainted on the ground, and jumped again in a hurry.

Kabaji Munehiro, who was holding two wine jars, was silent, he was stunned, and then made a gesture to put down the drinks and go to be the deputy minister of Rikkai.

--After all, Sanada's "guardianship" was "delivered"!

However, his actions were stopped by another Hyotei second-year student with a cold face.

Hiyoshi Wakashi was expressionless, but his face revealed a chill of tens of degrees below zero.

"Huaji, you should help carry the drinks, the deputy minister of Rikkai University.

Hiyoshi's aura suddenly increased a lot from the eyes of the Houshan boys present.

Shishido Ryoh even unknowingly felt the pressure similar to Atobe.

"The deputy minister in Higa will arrange it, right?"

Hiyoshi Wakashi said coldly.

The sentence he said was an interrogative sentence, but Kai Yujiroh, the deputy minister in Higa, suspected that if he did not agree, then he and Tian Renzhi would immediately lie down in this food storage room with Sanada.

"Leave it to us Higa!"

Jia Fei knew that this was Tian Ren Zhihui's trouble, so he readily agreed.

"Tian Renzhi! Don't eat it!

"The one on the ground will leave it to you!"

The deputy minister in Higa turned his head and shouted.

"If you fail to complete the task of safely sending the deputy minister of Rikkai University back."

He said grimly.

"I believe the Minister of Rikkai will go back to Eishirou and say something, and Eishirou will also ask you to say something!"

As soon as this statement came out, Tian Ren Zhihui, the candidate in Higa, was struck by lightning.

He quickly stuffed some sausages and ham into his clothes, and then ran to the place where Chief Deputy Minister Rikkai fainted on the ground.

...For flowers...

Just like carrying a sack of rice, Tian Renzhihui, a member of the Minister of "Fear (cross out) Love" in Higa, made perfect use of his huge physical advantage, carrying the "sack" of Minister Rikkai's version. Rush outside!

The other teenagers held the wine jar with great strength, and took a few sausages and fruits with little strength. In short, no one ran out of the infrared channel empty-handed!

The behavior of the youngsters in the Houshan Action Group of not giving face and even eating and taking makes the coaches in front of the screen very! Very often! Not! Full!

Coach Kurobe pressed the button to communicate with the security patrol personnel of the U17 training camp--

"Catch those who sneak into U17 without permission!"

Coach Saito watched all this and listened to Coach Kurobe. After taking the last sip of coffee, he got up from his seat.

"I remember that we had notified the night shift medical staff to be prepared?"

The mental coach Saitō Itaru has a pure face.

"Then it's okay!"

Coach Tuo Zhi is gearing up.

"Listen, for those "intruders", you must teach them a lesson!"


After coach Kurobe gave the "hunt" command and stretched his finger to the other red button, he pulled over the trainer Kurobe that was connected to the workbench and could talk to patrol officers and other staff. Microphone, shouted into the microphone.

"Listen to me, don't repeat the order-"

"Take our U17 hound and let the dog out!"

Therefore, after the patrol personnel in charge of U17 security work received the instructions of the coaches, after the monitoring room where the coaches from the U17 training camp were located was also the highest control room of the U17 headquarters, they wanted to press another red button. The roar of the hound resounded over U17!

Following the instructions of his minister, the top five of Rikkai, who was jogging all the way and seeing that he was about to run out of the U17 training camp, was selected. While feeling "it is true" in his heart, he decisively accelerated the speed of running!

They were running on the road in the woods and faintly heard a few barking dogs...

Wang! Wang--Wang!

The voice of the vicious dog trembles in the hearts of those who have left the U17 training camp.

Liu, who led the teammates of Rikkai team back to Houshan, was worried about his young tame and dyed for a while, and then very sincerely hoped that the Houshan action teammate, who shares his stats, could be in such a dangerous situation. At this moment, I can remember the way back to the back mountain without chaos!

I hope other people can come back. Yanagi Renji thought so, and completely left the deputy head of his tennis department in the corner of his memory.

PS, #U17培训营深夜犬 BARAchievement reached #Tuzhi coach (said ruthlessly): Come on! Bite them!

# Work hard again to run in the cold night and the barking, even the teenagers who eat and take! Eating the king’s meal is a price! #

Coach Kurobe (calling someone in a rage and pressing the alarm button): Ha ha, when our staff do not exist? We must let them know that our high-tech U17 training camp is not so easy to enter!

so,#Next is the time for Twenty-One to escape from "Magic Cave U17" with a drag of "zero combat effectiveness"~#土,

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