Prince of Tennis Nioh Phantom

Chapter 478 : The Birth of the Houshan Running Team

Under Yukimura’s advance warning, all the members of the Back Mountain Operation Team Rikkai, except for the comatose Rikkai Deputy Minister Sanada, and the five people with Liu as the leader, have all been running when the coaches gave the U17 training camp all-round warning. Out of the scope of U17.

On the other hand, there are the 21 tennis teenagers running wild with the "Zi-Wow-Zi-Wow-" sirens and Sanada who is "sleeping".

The martial arts boy Tian Ren Zhihui in Higa ran away carrying Rikkai's deputy minister, feeling that he was on the verge of human limits!

--How can Sanada be so heavy?!

--Other people, can you help share the weight? Where did the others from Rikkai go?!

Run out of the infrared channel, but not only can't see Rikkai Big Five, but Tian Ren Zhihui, who can't even find Yukimura, ran away with a look of grief

"No, I can't do it "Zero 80"!"

He gasped and yelled.

Probably because martial arts practice is very hard-working, Kai Yujiroh, the deputy director of Higa, ran in the front part of the team.

The Okinawa teenager didn't even turn his head after hearing the collapsed cry of his teammates.

"If you can't run, just look back at the back!"

"If you have the courage, stop!"

Kai yelled while running without looking back.

Tian Renzhihui turned her head subconsciously--

"Ahhhhh! Jiafei, don't you say it earlier!

Tian Renzhihui, who was running slowly slowed down because of fatigue before, was an instant shrinking method, pulling away from the group of shadows who were approaching quietly behind.

"Too cheating!"

"Why don't those hounds bark!"

In the dark but enough moonlight to see the outline, Tian Renzhihui could clearly see the fierce appearance of the dark shadow. Those patrol officers in black uniforms were only tens of meters away from him!

What's more, the most terrifying thing is that it's enough for someone to catch them. Those hounds with sharp canine teeth that make people horrible at first sight and almost soft legs did not bark out but chose to follow up patiently!

Are these U17 watchdogs all refined?!

Tian Renzhihui complained in his heart, gritted his teeth and ran away carrying the dead Rikkai Deputy Minister.

He feels like his legs are filled with lead-this is a sequelae of using the "shrinking method", if in normal times, it can be overcome, and even in the game, he can hold on.

However, in this kind of "extreme hurricane" situation, Tian Ren Zhihui's speed is not the slowest in the team-he is statistically faster than Seigaku's three third-year students (Oishi, Gan, and Kawamura). A little bit higher-but, in the case of "bearing heavy objects", Tian Renzhihui completely lags behind the big team and ran in the last small part of the team


But even in such a difficult situation, the Higa junior who complained about the chaser behind and about Sanada's weight still didn't let go of the Rikkai Deputy Minister's version of the "dragging load" he was carrying.

Okinawa teenagers speak loyalty unexpectedly but unexpectedly. They will not give up their promised partners for the benefits they desire.

As a result, Tian Renzhi could only use Shuchi method again and again to open the distance.

He doesn't know where to go next, he just blindly ran with his teammates in front, until

"Does U17 want to kill us?!"

"There is an ambush ahead!"

"Damn it, is it that way"

None of the patrol officers who searched for them turned on their flashlights! And none of the hounds they were holding made a sound!

So, with the help of the cover of the night, the encirclement gradually appeared!

The youngsters in the Houshan Road Team simply want to pick up their net racquet and the staff and U17 senior leaders, the coaches, to play a dignified tennis match!

They are just here to play a tennis game, do you want to "indulge" in the "prank" of #追与逃# so seriously!

Has the tactics of roundabout operations and lurking close to such high-end tactics been cultivated by the U17 staff?!

Hiyoshi Wakashi stopped suddenly and forced himself to calm down and think about countermeasures.

He knew all about this "stealing of wine".

This is definitely not a mission of "death and no return", it is absolutely impossible to "dead without life"!

Even with the high difficulty of "Nine Deaths", there must be a way to break the game!

He is forcing himself to think, but time is not waiting. Those patrols and hunting dogs who have been ordered by the coaches to search for them will not wait for Hiyoshi to come up with a countermeasure.

This is reality after all, not a turn-based game, the opponent will not wait for you!

The teenagers in Houshan who were blacklisted by all U17 patrols felt that their hearts were going to cool, and they each thought about where the possible "life" is.

So, just when this second-year student of Hyotei was thinking about how to find a "life path" and was always ready to fight the people and dogs approaching in front of him.

Echizen Ryoma and Kintarou Tooyama looked at each other, and reached a consensus that other teenagers did not understand!

"Run with us!"

The boy Echizen yelled out such a sentence and then turned around and ran in the other direction.

"Follow and run ahead!"

"Don't worry, there is absolutely no problem with this road!"

Shitenhouji's first-year student said confidently.

But Shitenhouji's third grader, who is worthy of his title of "Naniwa Star", Oshitari Ken also saw a ghost on his face while running madly holding the wine jar--

"Little gold!"

"The direction you are running is in the depths of U17!"

Shouldn't we rush to the outside of U17 training camp?!

Do you want to rush into U17 or do you want to find a hostage in the main control room?

Oshitari Ken also freed his thoughts while running.

"For the sake of surrendering ourselves, can we be treated well after we become prisoners?"

Oshitari Ken can't restrain the power of complaining in his heart-anyway, Shitenhouji is such a school, such a tennis club, I believe his teammates are also used to it.

"Oshitari Kenya what unlucky things you said!"

"Go to your crow's mouth!"

The teammates behind were seriously opposed to 2.9.

However, even with such a noisy team, everyone still has doubts about the running direction and is puzzled. None of them has left the collective team of the "Houshan Running Group".

Oshitari Ken is even complaining about his first-year students, and deep down he believes in their Shitenhouji instincts against the heavens.

Xiao Jin, who has a beast instinct, will definitely find a way out!

Xiao Jin is a boy who even stopped the "slaying one" of the Chief Minister Rikkai against the Chief Minister Rikkai (actually, there is no one)!

The supernova in the Kansai region will never lose to Kanto!

(Qian on the road hasn't forgotten the fight with his cousin before #关西VS关东#~)

PS, this is a story about "yiqi, friendship and #路见不平,拎拍相助#"~ So, can you give me flowers, monthly tickets, and evaluation tickets?.

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