Prince of Tennis Nioh Phantom

Chapter 500 : Singles II, Battle of Seigaku

Irie doesn't mean the defeat of No. 3 court doubles two, after all, he made the list of matches by himself.

Before the start of the team shuffle, in the third court, except for Irie, only Yamato Yuda knew the meaning of this shuffle.

Not for victory, but for inheritance.

"Go on, Yamato.

Irie faced both Tonin and Matsumoto, whose spirit was clearly showing Jiang Mo after leaving the field, and then nodded, then spoke to Yamato.

Unlike the other high school students on court No. 3, Yamato chose to play for the sake of his hand!

"When I was a junior high school student, Shoujia was the backbone of Seigaku.

"Now, he should have a broader future."

Yamato said, putting down his disc glasses.

"What I once gave him, which made his growth and future fettered, there must be an end today!"

Seigaku's former minister, Yamato Yudai, walked onto the court under the gaze of his No. 3 court teammates and junior high school students.

"That is "

Fuji looked at the high school student in Court No. 3 who walked onto the court, and his eyes widened slightly.

"Minister Yamato!

Kikumaru Eiji in the audience shouted.

"The team shuffle of court No. 5 vs. Court No. 3, singles two, hand Kunimitsu VS Yamato Yuda!"

The hand looked at Seigaku-senpai on the opposite side of the net quietly.

That was the minister of another country for a while.

I remember that the minister with dark green 093 hair gave him the Seigaku Tennis Club.

And since that year, the hand-made Kunimitsu has become the most indestructible pillar of Seigaku.

"Finally meet again, Tezuka."

Yamato who has changed his hairstyle now exclaimed.

Kunimitsu, who had a little baby fat on his face and a somewhat more obvious change in expression, has now become the third minister of Seigaku with no expression of emotion.

Facing the teenager on the opposite side of the net, Yamato was very surprised.

However, at the same time, he was also a little sad and low.

"Long time no see, Minister Yamato.

Although there are surging emotions in my heart, the hands are still calm on the surface.

He is like facing an ordinary opponent, as calm and restrained as ever.

But Fuji who watched the game with the junior high school teammates on court No. 6 knew that the player was not as calm as he was on the surface.

Kunimitsu has an almost natural admiration for Yamato Yuda.

The hand admired the senior who was able to endure the pain and get rid of the difficulties and lead Seigaku forward. He also thanked the senior for holding him back at the time and not making him angry.

[Become Seigaku's mainstay, hand family. 】

Handie Kunimitsu insisted on this sentence and stood on the court of the U17 training camp today.

He perfectly inherited Seigaku's pillar will, and perfectly inherited the sense of responsibility from Yamato to Seigaku's tennis club.

Yamato should have been very satisfied with this, after all, his heir is so good.

But in fact, Yamato saw Tezuka standing here, but his heart was full of sadness and self-blame.

Now Yamato, who has changed his hairstyle, dyed his hair, and tied up his light yellow curly hair, there is sadness and sorrow that people can't ignore.

The sadness was too strong, and people on the sidelines were subconsciously stunned.

"After playing this game, the hand is going to leave, senior?"

Nioh said interrogative sentences, but his eyes were filled with determination and relief.

"Does that senior Yamato leave too?"

Nioh paused for a while, then said hesitantly.

As a member of Rikkai University, it is difficult for Nioh Masaharu to comment on the affairs between the two ministers of Seigaku.

He is an outsider and doesn't understand Seigaku's internal entanglements.

But emotions can infect people.

Even if Nioh seems casual and casual, he will be infected by others.

Nioh has never doubted the innate appeal of several junior high school students.

Although handist Kunimitsu has always been silent in most eyes, this does not prevent his tennis from infecting many spectators and opponents.

--The battle of two parts is the best proof.

For tennis, the sincerity from the heart is more infectious than a thousand words.

But, until now, Nioh didn't realize I-It turns out that Seigaku's former minister is also such an emotionally contagious person!

Think about it, too, how can a teenager who can stabilize the tennis club and strengthen (bhcj) Seigaku's centripetal force after such a bad thing happened at that time, how can he be just a minister who plays tennis well?

Yamato Yuda's love for tennis is also from the heart, so he himself and his tennis show that the appeal is not inferior to his hand Kunimitsu!

"Yamato has been waiting for a long time-in order to see the younger generation with a new look, he also changed his profile and hairstyle."

Tanegashima changed the subject "cunningly".

If the previous two games were just a simple contest between junior high school students and high school students along with Irie's calculations, then the current singles two has a completely different meaning from the previous games.

The atmosphere on the court is the same as Tiancheng.

The communication between Yamato and Teka is like rivals, but they show an aura that doesn't allow others to interrupt.

"Yamato is very motivated today.

The leader of Court No. 3, Irie Kanata, looked at Yamato who kept talking to his hand, and said very gently.

Nakawa Naiwai Michio, who was standing next to him, cast a stern face and darkened the opposite of Oni Jujiro, and said nothing.

Nioh, who noticed Irie, was even more sentimental.

With Nioh's eyesight, he could see something wrong in the body of the senior Seigaku high school student.

--It's like the body can't keep up with your brain's instructions.

--Five-dimensional seems to be more than a little bit worse than the average level of No. 3 court.

Bang bang bang!

The first game is the serve game of the hand.

The current minister of Seigaku has no idea of ​​being merciful to his seniors on the online court.

He relentlessly quickly won a round from their Seigaku's own predecessor!


"1:0, No. 5 court player Kunimitsu is leading!"

Yamato lost the score in the first game very decisively.

"Sure enough, it doesn't work at all.

Scratching his head, Yamato behaved very drunkenly. It seemed that he was not the same person who was quickly won by the younger generation on court.

"Hey, Yamato!"

"Get up! What a man to lose to the younger generation!"

The Zhonghe internal and external Dao who won the first-year junior high school is very dissatisfied.

I don’t have so many thoughts in my heart and I don’t want to think about the internal and external roads of those twists and turns, but simply don’t want their No. 3 court player who is rather melancholy after meeting his juniors to play in such a "depressed" manner. It's just a complete game.

But Yamato Yuda sighed after listening to what Nakawone said.

"I see, senior outsider."

He was a little helpless.

"I can't do you opponents like this!"

With today's five dimensions, Yamato knew that not only did he have no chance of winning, but he would also lose very quickly.

So he must really cheer up!

- Feel the spiritual power of the predecessors, Shoujia!

"Next, be serious, Shoujia.

Said the former Minister Seigaku Yamato, who has light yellow hair with a ponytail.


He bends his knees and takes off, then swings a pat. .

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