Prince of Tennis Nioh Phantom

Chapter 501 : Mutual infection, coincidence of wills

The tennis ball flying from the opposite side clearly left a trail in the eyes of hand Kunimitsu.

As if he had practiced thousands of times, the hand raised his hips and swung his arms.



"15:0, court No. 3 Yamato scores!"

He missed the tennis ball, and his swing failed!

This is not like a mistake that Kunimitsu would make.

But this is indeed what is happening on court.


"30:0, court No. 3 Yamato scores!"

It's another time.

Shoujia obviously saw the tennis ball, but after swinging his racket, he found that the tennis ball had penetrated his racquet!

Naturally, racquet's string was not interrupted, so what he saw was a virtual shadow of a tennis ball?

- Is it a visual error?

The current Minister Seigaku on the court looked more dignified.

He has never despised the senior across the net.

Because, Shoujia knew that his predecessor, Yamato Minister, was such a tough person.

[Seigaku's will is unsettled]

[Become the pillar of Seigaku, give all of yourselves for the team, even if you have to endure the unbearable pain]

Kunimitsu, who was still a first-year student, was not the sober and restrained Minister Seigaku. When he was in junior high school, he was also a boy who was ignorant of the future.

Even though his dedication to tennis remains the same, he knows that he did not have such a strong heart at the time.

Bang bang bang!

This is a tennis feast specially prepared by Yamato Yuda for Kunimitsu, and it is also a farewell banquet.

Fantasy has dreams, is it true or false?

"Dream" is naturally based on reality. What Yamato himself does is just to let his tennis reflect the player himself.

With the help of the opponent's strength, use the opponent's tennis to make yourself win.

In an instant, it changed the course of serve, which almost perfectly avoided the predictions of his players, plus the deceit and inducement of mental power.

This is Yamato Yuda's tennis.

This is the original strength of Seigaku's former minister.

"I didn't expect Yamato to hide a hand in court number three."

"Tokugawa, have you ever seen this trick from him?"

Tanegashima Shuji leaned forward slightly and leaned slightly against the railing.

He said without looking back.

"never seen it."

Tokugawa, a sophomore in high school, walked behind him and Nioh and replied.

Yamato Yuda's position in the U17 training camp has stabilized to the third court, but his strength is also a mystery.

--This is not because Yamato's strength is too high to be predictable, but because Yamato Yuda's "state" always fluctuates, which makes people confused.

He can play a very good tennis match, can quickly win and win his own shuffle game. However, in the next game, he may lose to a high school player who is obviously inferior to his opponent in the previous game.

This "status" is good for his "status" in the U17 training camp, because the army will never allow players with ups and downs to join their expedition team.

However, for Yamato himself, the ups and downs of strength appearing are just a means for him to "protect his tennis".

Why do Seigaku tennis players respect Yamato Yudai so much?

--That's the respect for Seigaku's victory and dignity brought by blood and pain!

Yamato Yuda's tennis also has a lot of damage to his elbow.

The arm joints were overwhelmed, but I had to persist in patience, because Seigaku at that time really did not have the ability to take on the "pillar" of the tennis club.

And by the time of Yamato Junior Three, the serious injuries accumulated in the arm joints completely broke out!

Yamato admitted that he really wanted to give up tennis at the time.

Because his tennis has no future to speak of, but who else can take responsibility for the Seigaku Tennis Club?

In the Seigaku Tennis Club before Tejia, Fuji, Oishi and others, it was Yamato Yudai who supported it alone.

Therefore, those junior high school students in those days, even if they were stabs, and even if they were not weak in jealousy, they were always obedient to Yamato.

Their opponents adopted an indifferent attitude, and even to a certain extent, they believed that if the Minister of Yamato did not leave old injuries because of his previous efforts, then Yamato would not be defeated by the opponents 6:0!

I have to say that at the beginning, the predecessors of the Seigaku Tennis Club had a hatred of their opponent Kunimitsu, and they were stubbornly unwilling to believe in the tennis talent of the player.

As a result, the "Golden Generation" Seigaku Tennis Club ushered in the darkest period of time

Yamato felt that he owed a lot of his hand at the beginning.

Not only because the player was injured in National One, but also because his tennis can be played until this time, thanks to the infection of this junior Tezuka.

The dedication and love of tennis by the younger generations awakened Yamato who was indulged in grief and resentment at the time.

Yamato knew that the hand family always believed that his help gave him the will to tennis.

But in his heart, it has always been another idea-it is that the hand has given himself the perseverance to accept painful rehabilitation, so that he has the belief that he will continue to play tennis even if it is always painful!

Even if every swing is accompanied by pain from the bone marrow, Yamato Yuda really likes tennis!


"2:1, No. 3 court Yamato leads!"

That illusory tennis ball failed the player's swing time and time again.

"Illusions have dreams", restrained the current hand.

"Good job, Yamato!"

Zhonghe internal and external roads are very satisfied with the performance of Gango Yamato.

But Irie shook his head--

"Although Yamato has this trick, his younger generations are not so easy to deal with.

"If his younger generation were defeated so easily, then Yamato would not insist on standing here."

Yamato, who insisted on playing a game with Tezuka, never wanted victory.

In the stands not far from the players in the No. 3 court, Nioh frowned as he watched the game.

He watched the singles second match between the two ministers of Seigaku and had to admit that his emotions were also infected by them.

How attractive is tennis?

...For flowers ...

Nioh felt that as long as he knew that learning to play tennis and standing on the court must be prepared to withstand bruises and bloodstains, then this question would not need to be answered.

Tennis hits people, but it hurts so much.

However, one cannot abandon everything carefree just for tennis.

There are always some fetters that make you stop and hesitate.

--What is the weight of responsibility?

--Which one is more important to personal dreams and collective honors?

These questions may have standard recitation answers on the test papers, but in real life, they are simply unsolvable questions.

There is no ruler or balance in the world that can measure these things that only exist in the human heart but have a profound impact on reality.

Nioh himself didn't know his answers to these two questions.

Because before things happen, no one will know their choice.

But not knowing his own answer does not prevent Nioh Masaharu from seeing it clearly - the two Seigaku ministers on court really come from the same line!


Their will is clearly engraved with the mark of "Seigaku".

"This is the final inheritance.

The Rikkai major junior high school student who watched the game said in a low voice.

"But this is also a new beginning."

Tanegashima buckled the railing with his fingers and said.

As a senior in the U17 training camp, he is very happy to see the younger generation grow up spiritually and have a new consciousness. But as a senior of Rikkai, Tanegashima really doesn't want his junior to have such a day.

He doesn't even want his juniors to understand the intentions of the former head of the Seigaku Tennis Department on court!

--Is it not good for juniors to play tennis happily?

Such a heavy burden is really a burden that can crush people.

Pressure and responsibility can really crush people.

Even if it cannot destroy the human body, it can also destroy the human will.

Tanegashima even thinks of Byodoin Temple at this moment.

Sometimes "responsibility" is naturally endless "accusations", carrying the expectations of others and moving forward, it is difficult not to be exhausted and hysterical by that burden.

In the end, even if it does not collapse, it will go extreme.

Although the injury of the hand's arm is cured, he only needs to protect himself from adding to the burden or getting injured again, but his thoughts are undoubtedly "extreme" to some extent.

He almost instinctively took responsibility for himself, and subconsciously shouldered the pressure of others.

The invisible Qi Jin makes four reverse turns around the hand-

Bang bang bang bang!

Tennis out, the phantom of the hand!

"4:4, No. 5 court player Kunimitsu scored!"

PS (Good night) I've been very sad all the time. Probably only when it comes to the World Cup, I will not write that there is a sad atmosphere in the hand. Seigaku's will always feels firm in the pain.

Yamato and Tezuka have successively become ministers, which is Seigaku's fortune. Yamato Yuda met Kunimitsu, a junior and a successor, in his junior year. It was also his greatest fortune after suffering many misfortunes. (So ​​the next chapter is just heavenly clothes!) Soil,

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