Prince of Tennis Nioh Phantom

Chapter 538 : Pure daily life, blackening warning

After Kirihaya was secretly relieved, she felt that she had behaved too badly just now.

Even if the U17 original team's tennis level is in such a backward position, what about?

His Kirihara Akaya is Rikkai's second-year ace!

--Is to inherit the glory of the predecessors, lead the tennis club to continue the tradition of continuous dominance of the Kanto Championship, and continue to complete the four consecutive dominances of the country, Rikkai Dai Mirai, the head of the tennis department!

When I think of this, Kirihaya feels that his heart is extremely eager.

He stood up straightforwardly, with his left hand and waist, and his right hand compared to the gesture of a young man protagonist, pretending to snorted with restraint.

"Huh, since the current ranking is so lagging, then let me one-"

Kirihara Akaya, a second-year junior high school student, has the temperament of the second-year junior high school fully exposed at this moment.

Although, he pretended to be reserved, and even tried his best to maintain a cold expression on his face.

-But among his seniors on the court, which one is not a tennis player from the cold background of Rikkai?

Therefore, Sanada couldn't stand it anymore.

Liu directly turned his gaze and couldn't bear to look


"Too lax, Kirihara Akaya17!"

--here we go again.

Akaya, when will you remember the lesson?

Marui and Kuwabara wanted to hold their foreheads and sighed.

--Sure enough.

Sanada, when can you say another word?

Liu Sheng also had an urge to hold his forehead.

Such a familiar scene

The iron fist of their Rikkai first deputy minister was not to punish the loser, but to smash the heads of their younger generations, right?

"Deputy Minister"

The younger generation's voice at this time was very small compared to his just now, showing a full sense of grievance.

Except for being active for a while for his project of "Helping Senior Tanegashima to quickly integrate into the Rikkai large-country middle school student group", Nioh who has been very motivated at the other time and leaned on his elbow on the wooden table and sighed silently. .

He is really troubled, right?

- My own group of middle school students don’t need him to help "pull the ladder", nor do they need him to "give up the stairs"!

Yukimura and Marui were originally the representatives of extremely rare high EQ among tennis players.

Liu originally had a good opinion of Tanegashima Shuji, and in his way of doing things, if there were no other emotions in his heart, he would certainly not be alienated from his predecessors.

Even if Liu Sheng doesn't know his predecessors, he will not show an indifferent attitude.

Although Yagyu Hiroshi himself is not a teenager who is so easy to get close to other people, his own personal cultivation of top students will not make him discourteous.

So the remaining two low EQ tennis player representatives, Shinichiro Sanada and Kirihara Akaya

Nioh watched them indifferently, Rikkai's deputy minister stood up and strode towards the second-year junior who pointed to the sky. After hearing the very familiar conversation, Nioh really felt that he had just made an unnecessary move.

Look, how capable their second-year ace from Rikkai is.

Kirihara Akaya can destroy all the external image of the so-called "King of High Cold Rikkai"!

As for Sanada

The Vice Minister of Rikkai University, Shinichiro Sanada, is the biggest "accomplice"!

Nioh doesn't want to know what his six Rikkai teammates did in the back mountain.

His instincts told him that it was just the irritable and over-motivated performance of the first deputy minister in front of him. Their Rikkai image was already collapsed by Sanada's help when Yukimura didn't know it. destroyed!

"The U17 World Cup is a team competition. Everyone must have no dead ends to win!"

Sanada frowned, unaware that this was not his home court.

"I see, Deputy Minister!"

Kirihaya nodded, then flinched, and sat back upright.

His current image is simply impeccable, calm and self-sufficient.

If he didn't know that the aggrieved teenager who just held his head was him, Tanegashima, who had been watching this unexpected incident, would really believe it.

But Tanegashima Shuji really watched them as the second-year juniors of Rikkai big junior high school students changed their expressions and their own temperament quickly.

Now, Kirihaya looks like another Rikkai tennis player with a powerful, confident, calm, and very cold tennis player.

Tanegashima was amazed in his heart.

He felt as if he saw another Irie just now.

However, when he looked at Nioh next to the wooden table, Yukimura on the other side of him, and the red-haired younger looking cheerful on the other side, Tanegashima quietly put away his thoughts.

--How could it be "another Irie"?

- Obviously it is the younger generation who has obtained the excellent inheritance of Rikkai seniors!

Tanegashima decided to unilaterally “break off” with U17 training camp colleague Irie Kanata for one night.

He suddenly missed his junior high school student Mōri Juzaburō.

Maori must miss him very much, so send a few text messages to contact him!

While exchanging feelings, it is easy to exchange information!

Tanegashima, who was thinking about it this way, looked at Kirihaya with an emotion that Marui was familiar with.

#My brother only I can bully, other people don't want to touch it#

#But the number of paragraphs is not as high as that of white hair and ministers, so Akaya, you will work hard to be bullied by the seniors~#


Tanegashima held back his own smile.

"I'm fine! Senior, let's continue talking!"

Kirihaya said this, but while Sanada turned and sat back at 113, he showed the senior high school student whom he had just met today with an expression that was half aggrieved and half coquettish in Tanegashima's eyes.

Senior high school student Tanegashima Shuji immediately felt distressed.

Since he met Nioh and Yukimura, he seems to have awakened some strange attributes similar to Irie and ghosts.

For younger generations, feel relieved when you meet.

If the younger generation can act like a baby (?), then Tanegashima will be even more soft-hearted.

But the key point is that neither Nioh nor Yukimura are so good at coquettish juniors-all "acting coquettish" little emotions are self-supplement under the No.2 500-meter-thick filter.

Now, after meeting Kirihara Akaya, Rikkai's sophomore,

# Tanegashima: Thanks to Rikkai, this is my "ideal type"!#

#U17Training camp's hidden boss Tanegashima Shuji is rising in popularity#

#Warning, the full value of "Senior Love" has been exceeded, please do not continue to add points, otherwise it will enter the "black transition", Rikkai University and U17 training camp are not responsible for it#

First Army player Tanegashima Shuji decided to book himself a tennis match of "First Army VS Second Army Reshuffle" today.

PS: Yesterday, the mentality exploded. Let me resume my state with a daily photo.

#人见人爱小海带#How can he be so cute? Suck the kelp to restore his mood~.

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