Prince of Tennis Nioh Phantom

Chapter 539 : Destined handover

"Our U17 World Cup is still very sure.

Anyway, the captain is Byōdōin Hōō, and the leader of the U17 youth national team is also Byodoin.

Byodoin could not tolerate its second and last U17 World Cup, which ended in a huge drop in failure.

Therefore, No. 2 Tanegashima Shuji, who does not take responsibility, portrays a bright future for the younger generations, and he is not guilty at all.

"The next U17 World Cup will depend on you who are promoted to high school."

Tanegashima finished speaking and looked at Kirihaya.

My own junior kelp is really lucky.

"If you succeed in two consecutive championships, then"

"I'll rely on you next time, little Akaya."

His words succeeded in making Kirihaya trapped.


Rikkai's second-year ace thinks he is very self-aware.

After all, his predecessors are not ordinary tennis players.

"And the predecessors-Minister, they will be able to win the U17 World Cup three consecutive hegemony!"

Kirihara Akaya said firmly.

His words succeeded in making Nioh no longer lie on the wooden table after pulling his pigtails, but straightened his back a bit.

"Puff, Akaya, Yukimura will not personally win the U17 World Cup three consecutive championships."

He said lightly, making Kirihaya and Sanada stunned.


"You make it clear!"

Before Kirihaya could react, Sanada yelled out first.

"Our U17 World Cup three consecutive championships have no dead ends!"

Without a championship, Rikkai's first deputy minister has already shouted out a slogan that he simply can't achieve.


"You should say "our second consecutive championship has no dead ends'!"

Nioh patiently corrected his slogan.

"Of course, if you want to repeat the grade, and then find a way to change your household registration age, we will not prevent you from personally winning the "U17 World Cup three consecutive championships."

Nioh, who is fully aware of the relevant rules of the U17 World Cup, said meaningfully.

"But you want to repeat the grade and change your age, it's all your own business."

"Our Minister at Rikkai has no dead ends!"

"Yukimura will not repeat the grade, so, Sanada, you will die of your heart!"

No eyesight, Sanada.

Yukimura is so persistent for three consecutive hegemonies, and he did not mention the "three consecutive U17 World Cups". Do you think he is humble or reserved?

Yukimura should just think that the slogan "two consecutive U17 World Cup championships has no dead ends" is a bit awkward.

Rikkai Taisho Election Nioh Masaharu said that he had already seen everything.

Rikkai First Vice Minister Sanada's expression stiffened to get angry, and he thought of common sense things that he shouldn't have forgotten.

However, Kirihaya was still confused and didn't figure out what was going on.

-His predecessors, what riddle is this talking about?

I. Senior Nioh thinks that the age of the deputy minister is due to his overly mature and stressful appearance?

But Kirihaya remembers that his Minister Yukimura, as the youngest in the third-grade election, was only almost six months older than him!

When his third-year seniors were in high school, shouldn't they not be able to participate in the U17 World Cup?

Kirihaya, who couldn't figure it out, showed a confused look, and Marui who was on the other side looked at it and shook his head.

"Akaya, U17 World Cup held every two years"|.

Can't stand the still confused look of his younger generation, Liu Renlao explained to Kirihaya bitterly.

The more information collected, the deeper and deeper. Yanagi Renji, who found a lot of information about the U17 training camp during the national competition, has already known various official information about the U17 World Cup.

Among them, there is the "U17 World Cup held every two years".

"Therefore, we simply can't get the third championship trophy of the U17 World Cup by ourselves.

Yukimura finally added an explanation.

In fact, if he counts his age, he can also participate in that session. After all, he is only six months older than Kirihaya.

But is Seiichi Yukimura's goal just to win three consecutive times?

The accepted peak age for tennis players is 18 to 25 years old. Although there are players whose strength is still rising after the age of twenty-five, they are very few after all.

How can there be no injuries or physical strain in competitive sports, professional competitions?

Even some people who have played in the professional network for several years, mentally cannot withstand the pressure and quickly announced their retirement.

Seiichi Yukimura has always had mature ideas far surpassing ordinary peers.

He had already thought about his future goals in life.

Tennis is an indispensable part of his future.

Yukimura, who finished high school, is in the golden age of his tennis career.

That period of time is very precious, if you can spend it in the professional arena, you must not let it go!

"I have decided to become a professional player."

So, Akaya, our three consecutive U17 World Cup championships are up to you!

As soon as the voice fell, Yukimura curled her lips and stared at his successor.

His eyes were firm with irresistible firmness, and his tone was light, as if he was saying something unimportant.

"Rikkai's three in a row, we are done."

"However, the task of three consecutive U17 World Cup championships depends on you."

Kirihaya listened to this in a daze. For the first time, he felt that he wanted to "separate" from his seniors who had been in the tennis club for two years.

Moreover, a heavy thing called "Sense of Responsibility" was pressed on his shoulders.

Some roads can only be walked by one person.

His predecessors have won honors for Rikkai, and also played responsibilities for their juniors in the tennis club.

I didn't think it was any different before, but now, Kirihaya finally realized what he didn't want to think of subconsciously before.

--When he became a third-year tennis player in high school, he was in Rikkai University and in the U17 training camp, and he would no longer have his seniors to supervise himself to complete training tasks.

--And that year, he will compete with other teammates in the U17 World Cup

"Then I will become the N..1 of the U17 training camp!"

"Seniors, you can go away with confidence! There is absolutely no dead end for three consecutive championships. If someone obstructs them, I will dye them red!'

There seemed to be a flame burning in Kirihaya Lake's green eyes.

Knowing the rule of "U17 World Cup every two years", he did not directly let his mood down.

Because this is not a sad thing at all.

Going to the professional net, winning the game, and winning is what a tennis player should pursue.

Even though he is carefree, Kirihara Akaya is also the heir taught by the seven third-year candidates of Rikkai University. He has already had enough willpower.

"But before that, let's ask the seniors to win our first championship!"

The time is still early, and it is important to cherish the moment.

Kirihaya feels that he has shouldered the expectations of his predecessors-to win the "U17 World Cup three consecutive championships", then you must ensure that the first two champions are foolproof.

"Seniors, don't hold back!"

The second-year junior said with extreme hatred.

Probably for the first time, Sanada did not directly hit him with an "iron fist of love" at this time.

- The deputy minister of Rikkai University just got a black face.

"Akaya, it seems you haven't played practice matches with me for a long time, right?"

Yukimura smiled softly.

"If you want Yukimura, I can phantom like you and play that doubles game with Akaya!"

Nioh also came to the spirit.

"Do you want to set a tactic for me in advance? Or let me play it at will?

He is interested again and is willing to devote some energy to planning for the subsequent doubles game.

Kirihaya, who was very public just now, immediately felt cold after listening to it.

-Can he take back the previous words?

Although I really want to play a game with his senior Nioh, in order to promote the improvement of his tennis skills and verify his current level of tennis, Kirihaya really does not want to let Nioh". "Free play"!

Of course, he doesn't want his Minister Yukimura to make any tactics for his senior Nioh!

- Is it not good to simply play a game?

The second-year student of Rikkai University felt as if he was threatened by the secret words of his seniors.

However, the dialogue is not over here.

Kirihaya seems to have forgotten that the game he reserved is not a singles, but a doubles game!

"Senior Tanegashima has to be more serious.

"Senior, you represent the U17 training camp players in the game!"

Nioh said pointedly.

If his senior high school student is able to paddle again during the competition, then he would dare to face-to-face with the N..1 army who is about to return to the U17 training camp in ten days, and comment on their middle school student's "" first army player Tanegashima Shuji. "!

I believe that it is about the players of the first army, including the N.. 1 who does not care about the image but cares about the strength. 1 own collective strength impression, Byodoin is very happy to carry racquet to the game!

"The first crown of the U17 World Cup depends mainly on senior high school students."

Although the strength of middle school students is improving rapidly, except for a few people, there is still a big gap between them and the high school students of the First Army in all aspects.

Especially the physical fitness limits the strength of many middle school students.

"Since Senpai is the representative (well done) among them, and also a member of the army, let Akaya see the level of tennis prowess of the army players in advance."

Following Nioh's words, Liu's eyes lit up.

Junshi Liu of Rikkai opened his eyes expectantly across Yukimura and looked at Tanegashima.

" as you wish!,

Realizing that Liu, who thought he was calm and steady, resembles Mitsuya Akuto's character, looked over with expectant eyes, and Tanegashima's original thought of changing the subject disappeared in an instant.

In the shuffling battle of the Second Army challenging the First Army, their players of the First Army also had to use 60% of their strength.

It's okay to use it now, right?

Big deal, during the shuffling game, participate in doubles and try to paddle?

Tanegashima, who was already shaken, now hesitates to change his original position.

"That's it!"

Nioh quickly blocked Tanegashima's words immediately after Tanegashima's voice fell.

On the other hand, Yanagi Renji, who was fearless for the data, made perfect use of his identity as a "junior," and the corners of his mouth rose and got his wish.

PS, Rikkai's U17 World Cup three consecutive championships, rely on Kirihaya! #小海带 is really cute, but you still have to fight~#

# Yanagi Renji doesn't care to lower his eyes for the data~#

As long as # Tanegashima's own ultra-thick filter does not drop, he will be so simply blinded by the younger generations with high EQ (Note: Low EQ-excluding the younger generations who do not have the skills of acting like a baby)#.

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