Prince of Tennis Nioh Phantom

Chapter 554 : The consideration and training of high school students

High school students did not participate in the "fun" of middle school students.

The steady high school students, even if they felt the vibration of the ceiling and heard the sound from the stairs, did not go up to join the "pillow fight" of the middle school students.

Some of the reasons for this are because high school students feel that as seniors, they can't act so freely in front of younger generations; but the more important reason is that the senior high school students who are the seniors of the u17 training camp can understand tonight. The emotions of the students.

Who hasn't been a "newcomer" period?

Who has never had a teammate or partner?

In this U17 training camp whose ultimate goal is to train professional players and enhance the overall strength of the national tennis industry, how lucky it is to be able to continue to improve yourself with your past teammates!

Not every player has the luck of most middle school students.

School tennis teams such as Rikkai University, Seigaku, Hyotei, Shitenhouji, where the entire selection team stays in the U17 training camp, can be said to be very few.

Or to put it bluntly, it just doesn't.

Because even if the invitation letter was issued to the entire team being selected at the beginning, there is no record of the team that can stay together in the end.

--U17 training camp, before this "newcomer", there is no such precedent!

This group of middle-school students is called the "golden generation" and is well-deserved.

Listening to the sound of "Boom, dong, dong--" from the ceiling, the high school students sighed in their hearts about the tennis skills of today's juniors, and pretended not to hear the messy sound upstairs very intimately.

The patience of the U17 high school students has not been exhausted by the junior high school students.

In the case of not touching the baseline, high school students are also very happy to let these juniors play and celebrate.

Although, after a day of training, they are also very tired

However, for some high school students, the additional training should be carried out as usual.

In court No. 1 tonight, Tokugawa Kazuya is still present.

However, the black-haired high school student did not practice swinging or doing other training programs.

Tokugawa took his cell phone and looked at him in a daze.

There was a faint look in his eyes, and he didn't gather his eyes at all.

The strands of broken hair on his forehead were blown by the night wind and fluttered for a few minutes.

The brow is clearly not. Yes, but because of the temperament or the aura at this time, it gives people the impression of "sorrow and twitching".

Although he is looking at his mobile phone screen, in fact, Tokugawa's attention is not on the phone.

His thoughts drifted to his "memory hut", back to the beginning, and then connected to the present.

--This time, in the end, can you...

In the small woods outside the court, there are still very conspicuous red-haired high school students.

The boulder was lifted, and Oni Jujiro squatted down and stood up, training his strength.


Along with the boom, the boulder was put down or, more accurately, it was thrown directly on the ground by the ghost.

The naked red-haired high school student turned his head to look at the dark shadow deep in the woods.

"Irie, try?"

The red-haired high school student who could not be measured by Wuwei said to his roommate like this.

Irie Kanata, whose figure was hidden in the dark, suddenly stiffened his smile.

"Ghost, are you kidding me?"

If it is a powerful tennis ball, Irie feels that he can still use his skills to pick it up.

But instead of "squatting with a boulder on his back," Irie Kanata felt that if he trained like this, he would have to reserve a bed for himself in the infirmary in advance.

"I just came to have a look, you can go ahead.

Said the high school student with orange-brown hair.

"But your strength does need to be strengthened, Irie."

"Although your speed is not slow, if the explosive power of your legs is stronger, the speed will be faster."

"Furthermore, practicing like this will also help increase endurance."

The red-haired high school student in the 101 dormitory sincerely suggested to his "frail" roommate.

Onijujiro feels that if Irie Kanata can have a strong enough body, then Irie's tennis strength will definitely increase by more than 30%!

However, the recommended high school students did not think so.

He feels that if he trains in the same way as a roommate, he will not be seen in this U17 training camp within three days.

The Tokyo hospital will open the door for him.

If you really carry that boulder on your back-it will definitely break!

"Ghost, I appreciate your suggestion."

"But this kind of training method is really not suitable for me, you should find someone else to practice this way.

"I think Tokugawa's personal training menu is more suitable for me."

Even though the figure was in the dark, Irie indeed spoke with a sincere expression at this time.

However, Oni Jujiro, who is also a high school student, doesn't appreciate it at all.

"You are too idle, your bones are stiff, so you will lose today!"

The red-haired high school contestant said, carrying the boulder on his back again.

"From tomorrow, Irie, you will follow Tokugawa for training!"

"Court No. 1 is very big, enough for the two of you to use!'

In a few words, Oni Jujiro finalized the "tragic fate" of his roommate for the next ten days.

His tone didn't sound much different from usual, but Irie heard ghost emotions from it-unchangeable, indisputable, undisputed!

"Jujiro, are you really so cruel?!"

Irie Kanata hid his face and wept.

". "The King" high school students feel that they can still work hard for the final "self-help".

My family knows my family affairs.

Irie has long accepted his own strengths and weaknesses.

He was very ordinary in terms of physical talent.

Irie Kanata's tennis talent points have not been added to the physical aspect at all.

So the extra training would really kill him!

"Tokugawa can complete additional training tasks as a sophomore in high school."

Oni Jujiro ignored the "cry" of his roommate, "playing fine", he said the fact that Irie also knew.

A high school student of the theoretical school of psychology, his face turned black when he heard that.

--Can this be the same?

According to the data chart on the paper by the U17 training camp coach, Tokugawa Kazuya's five-dimensional graph is a regular pentagon, while Irie's five-dimensional graph is similar to a diamond!

Are quadrilaterals the same as pentagons?

A coach who is almost dying and not obsessive-compulsive, one looks pleasing to the eye.

It seems that the difference is so big, if you really train together

Irie thought, his face turned pale.

"You are not required to practice with Tokugawa all the way--"

"You don't know his one-finger Zen, do you?"

Oni Jujiro carried the boulder on his back, and still had the strength to talk to Irie.

"You just follow him to practice swinging more than 10,000 times!"

"It's easy.

Considering the physique of the roommate, the ghost said very "acceptingly".

The junior high school students in Houshan received almost the same amount of training in the evening.

Oni Jujiro felt that the baseline of his suggestion was really very low.

However, Irie, whose physical fitness was appreciated by her roommate, did not feel the warmth.

Irie Kanata has been blown away by the cold night wind.

Swing more than 10,000 times

What does it have to do with "easyness" for middle school students?

It's not that Irie Kanata has not trained himself, but if he has to train himself every day-he can get through it, but it will definitely be very uncomfortable and painful!

PS, it's a supplement. .

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