Prince of Tennis Nioh Phantom

Chapter 555 : Hidden high profile

After feeling the vibration of the ceiling many times, Tanegashima sighed for the vitality of junior high school students, and still sat on her bed with peace of mind to text the junior high school students in the expedition.

Tanegashima, who sent a few text messages as he pleased, regardless of whether the Maori in the expedition saw his message or not, after sending the text message, he went into sleep peacefully with the chaotic rhythm of the ceiling swaying faintly.

He slept very securely.

Tanegashima was not at all affected by the noise of the "pillow fight" of the middle school students upstairs, nor did he miss the cell phone that turned off after sending a text message~.

He just fell asleep like this--

It troubled Mōri Juzaburō, the first army player in the expedition who received the text message for a long time.

The location of the expedition for the U17 training camp players this time is not far away.

Their destination is South Korea, and then follow the official invitation list to play tennis matches around.

Therefore, they did not cross too many time zones at all.

What's more, the destinations of this expedition are all west of Japan.

With South Korea as the first destination, after the end of the exchange game, the U17 training camp team basically continued their expedition towards the southwest.

If it is daytime, the first army players in the expedition may have their own maintenance training and competition.

But in the evening in Japan, especially at night when it was about to sleep, the expedition team just finished their day-to-day games and training, and even the meeting was finished under the auspices of Byodoin in a few words.

Therefore, at this point in time, the influence of the time zone communication between the U17 training camp and the expedition team is about nothing in the evening in Japan.

Of course, Mauri hadn't fallen asleep before receiving Tanegashima's text message.

He was holding his cell phone, and his doubles partner, Yue Zhi Senior, looked at each other in silence.

The atmosphere is a little gloomy--but it's not because they have received any bad news.

In fact, Maori is simply a little bit distressed.

And Tsukimitsu Ochi, only under the cover of thick bangs, was as expressionless as before.

"Moonlight Mulberry--"

The atmosphere stagnated for a while, and the first thing to say was the gross profit.

"How do I answer this question?"

No. 10 player Mōri Juzaburō of the First Army looked confused.

"How do I know the current tennis strength of the Byodoin Temple boss!"

"The boss hasn't played at all. Where can I find out about his strength improvement?"

"Do you want me to invite the battle now?"

While speaking, Maori stood up altogether.

He paced back and forth in the small aisle between the two beds.

Tsukimitsu Ochi didn't speak, it's just that under his highlighted bangs, his blue pupils shrank helplessly.

--Oh, it's starting again

Yue Zhi's first thought was this.

And next, when he looked at the seniors walking back and forth, the second thought that appeared in his mind was--

Wait, why is it "again"?

Tokugawa obviously texted Maori for the first time.

Tokugawa Kazuya was not among those who sent text messages to his seniors.

--There was no Tokugawa Kazuya originally.

So is there another one now?

Yue Zhi, who was still expressionless, couldn't help but complain in his heart with a cold face.

He couldn't help it anymore.

It's not that his patience is bad, or that he likes to spit out, but one-

Suzaburo, every time you receive a text message, you limp back and forth in the room and vomit bitterness with me.

Then the next day, you were a high-ranking student who was honestly holding your breath under the eyelids of those people in Byodo-In Temple, and advertised the information you received loudly.

Is it true that others dare not hit you with a tennis ball?

Tohno has long wanted to do it!

And this time, you are going to be "worried and spit out bitterness" in front of the group of people in the army, but it's about Tokugawa Kazuya!

In front of Byodoin Temple, said Tokugawa Kazuya texted himself to find out information

The No.1 of the first army may change the ranks of the first army to No.10.

However, the current No. 9 of the First Army does not want to change gears.

Therefore, the smarter you think, the greater your responsibility as a senior.

He felt that the Gao Shengsheng who was walking back and forth in front of him had not yet fully integrated into the U17 army.

Otsuchi believes that Maori's tennis strength is enough for him to gain a foothold in the army, but his communicative skills

Maori's communicative ability fluctuates up and down, completely unstable!

………Please ask for flowers……

Tsukimitsu Ochi has to admit--

To some extent, Mōri Juzaburō is more hateful than Tohno Atsukyo!

At least Tohno went straight and talked, and it was all those words, so you can ignore it when you get used to it.

But certain actions of Maori during the expedition...

Daqu, who has good endurance and good patience, already has some opinions on Maori!

If Maori continues and violates the "baseline" defined by this high school student in his heart, then the consequences will be unimaginable!

Moreover, Otsuchi always feels that a certain doubles player who is good at "negotiation" recently has something wrong with Maori's eyes.

--This is not like grabbing a partner's eyes, but with "humane destruction XXX" eyes!


"Can you keep a low profile?"

Seeing Mori dangling in front of his eyes, even though Tsukimitsu Ochi was very patient with him, he couldn't bear it at this time.

He was originally pulled over by juniors who had received text messages many times and sat "spitting out bitter water (not)".

However, every time I listened to Maori's melancholy tone and watched Maori's troubled movements, Yue Zhi always felt that his eyes would be blinded by his thick enough bangs!

The more Tsukimitsu Ochi listened to Maori's "sorrowful complaints" there, the more he felt that the background of Maori was shining.

This should be considered a mental attack, right?

The No.9 of the First Army thought so reluctantly to make the younger generation "low-key".

He didn't expect to stop Maori from speaking, but he wanted to make the surrounding air quieter.

If Maori wants to find someone to talk to and turn left after going out, all U17 colleagues he knows after opening the door.

"Have I been high-profile?"

The pacing Maori turned around abruptly, opened his eyes wide, and looked at his predecessor Yuezhi inconceivably.

--His senior high school student from Hyotei doesn't seem to know the meaning of "high-profile", right?

Located in Hyotei Gakuen in Tokyo, from the school gate to the tennis club, from the current head of the tennis club Atobe Keigo to the tennis club's support team cheerleaders, all can give a good definition of the term "high profile".

Therefore, Maori does not think that he has ever made a "high-profile" move.

Instead, he was aggrieved because of the more wise "accusations without cause." earth,

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