Prince of Tennis Nioh Phantom

Chapter 559 : Battlefield fusion, all members of the darkened devil group


Kikumaru Eiji let out a mournful cry.

"Senior Fuji!"

Momoshiro Takeshi also yelled after Kikumaru.

"Eiji, Taocheng, don't be too sad."

"Fuji is already like this, if he knows that everyone is sad, he will be sad too.

Oishi's eyes were sad, and he did not forget to comfort his doubles partner and his second-year juniors.

"Now those of us who are still capable of action, what we have to do is to avenge Fuji!

Seigaku's deputy minister said this very imposingly.

A certain white-haired person from Rikkai shook his head after listening to it, feeling worthless for him.

"Ahhhhhhhhh, it's not gorgeous."

"Atobe Keigo" rubbed his eyebrows.

Nioh, who has kept the appearance of Atobe unchanged, feels sad for the three of Seigaku who are standing here now.

As a result, Oishi, Kikumaru and Momoshiro Takeshi who heard the sound saw the pity of existence in the sea-blue eyes of "Minister Hyotei".

"Wushi! "

Kabaji Munehiro immediately replied blankly, and the eyes that seemed to be "compassionate" made Seigaku's players stunned and questioned their eyes.

After Yukimura heard Nioh's words, the curvature of the corners of her lips rose slightly.

The member of the 201 dormitory didn't seem to have any intention of going to see the fallen genius of Seigaku.

Shiraishi behaved even more simply--

The minister of Shitenhouji directly invited the minister of Rikkai University.

"Yukimura! Go over there with me and have a look!"

"Xiao Jin is fighting fiercely over there! A great pillow fight!"

Shiraishi seems to have forgotten that he also has a roommate named Fuji Syusuke.

He warmly invited his roommate Seiichi Yukimura.

"Okay, it just so happens that both Genichiro and Akaya are over there."

"I really want to try other people's strength--"

"Rikkai's deputy minister and second-year ace, both of them have reached a deadlock." 123

"This makes me look forward to it."

Rikkai's big minister has curving eyebrows, and his speech is gentle, but his words are filled with the domineering aura that he deserves.

"There is really nothing fun here.

"Cilang, let's send Jack into his dormitory, then go to the "Battlefield" over there to see!"

The red-haired Rikkai Taisho selected a look at the genius Seigaku who fell on the ground, and then decisively turned his head and said to the little fan of Hyotei.


"I listen to Wen Tai! Let's go and play over there!"

"Little fan" Akutakawa Jirou responded with enthusiastic support.

"Then let's go there too, Chotaro!"

"Even if we can't decide the "best doubles, we won't give up halfway!"

Shishido Ryoh said to Otori Cyotaroh seriously.

"I won't give up either, Senior Shiro!"

Feng also answered Shito with a serious face.

"Um hum hum~~"

At the beginning of Guanyue, he was still immersed in his own thinking. He watched his fainted younger generation Fuji Yuta, and entered a unique and strange laughter time that also chilled the players of the Saint Rudolph Tennis Club.

"Hey, you are all too much!"

Kikumaru looked around and said angrily after watching other people's statements.


Oishi hesitated to speak and stopped, wanting to be comforted.

However, an angry Kikumaru directly pointed the finger at another Seigaku player-Seigaku player Inui Sadaharu in the 202 dormitory who was still watching from the outside of the field.

"Fuck, where are you on earth?"

The door of the 202 dormitory had not been closed by the beginning of the month, so Kikumaru saw Yanagi Renji and Inui Sadaharu sitting at the wooden table.

The big Rikkai player, Kikumaru did not stand to say anything;

But Inui Sadaharu, as his Seigaku teammate, should

"!!! "

Kikumaru Eiji watched the door of 202's dormitory close.

His Seigaku teammate closed the door calmly, leaving a few words to the person outside--

"I'm on the data side.

"The new dry juice is coming out soon (bhcj), you are welcome to taste it and suggest improvements!"

The red-haired Seigaku doubles player did not even feel angry.

"The great horror between life and death" filled his heart.


Kikumaru's expression at this time seemed to be crying.

However, his doubles partner Oishi Syuichirou's mood is not better there--

As the "loser" of the seven-ball matchup, he practiced tennis with his teammates including Gan in the back mountain day and night.

How can Oishi not taste the taste of dry juice!

What's more, Inui Sadaharu also found his friends and got the support of the three ships coach

The power of the "dark juice" of dry and willow is combined, and the affectionate contribution of all kinds of creatures in the back mountain forests and grasses creates a back mountain version of the ugly nutrient solution that allows people to see the scene of "day and night change, galaxy reverse, world destruction" ".

Oishi thought this was the "ultimate".

He did not expect that Houshan’s "dry willow plus nutrient solution" was just the beginning

The inspiration of the data tennis player exploded too fast.

With the improvement of the information and the increase of the data obtained, the "developing new varieties" that Yanagi Renji and Inui Sadaharu seem to have, in the eyes of Oishi Syuichirou is "the malice that goes deep into the soul"!

"Pillow Fight" is nothing more than smashing people;

The development of new varieties of Gan is to destroy them both physically and mentally!

"Eiji, let's go there too!"

Oishi shivered with an ugly smile-it was more sad than crying.

"After the seniors are pressed, I will take the lead!"

Momoshiro Takeshi, who had stayed in the back mountain during that time, burst into his own speed after hearing Oishi's words.

He ran very fast, as if someone (such as Qian, such as Liu) was chasing him.

Bang! Bang!

Momoshiro Takeshi, who broke into the "Hara. Second Battlefield", enthusiastically greeted Kintarou Tooyama, who was still out, with a pillow in his hand.

Shitenhouji's first-year students were very surprised to see "newcomers" joining.

"Someone has come to knock me out again!"

Kirihara Akaya's eyes are almost red.

The explosive Rikkai sophomore, even though he had a stalemate with Liliadent Krauser's first-year trump card, he still slammed Liliadent Krauser's pillow and knocked out the first-year student with pale blonde hair.


Echizen Ryoma pressed down the brim of his hat a little depressed.

He is "transporting" his first-year roommate with some difficulty.

- Lilia Ender. Liliadent Krauser's height really makes Echizen a little melancholy.

"Akutsu Jin! Go on!"

Sanada, who pursues the belief of defeating opponents head-on, is unwilling to bully by relying on his physique and age after Echizen Ryoma said that he had only come with his roommate and that he was not very interested in this message. "Seigaku's first-year student.

The militant Sanada turned his own goal to Akutsu Jin, who seemed uncomfortable but was in line with his own concept of "finding a strong opponent".

"Don't order me!

Ajutsu said with a sullen face.

Then, the two men continued to fight each other in the dust and smoke.

Sanada Genichiro VS Akutsu Jin

Fenglin Volcano Thunder VS Beast Fighting Instinct

"Too lax, Sanada."

Yukimura, who did not forget to put on his coat in the 201 dormitory, had a blue vein on his forehead even when he went out.

Then, his anger, which was originally lit by Kite, burned completely--

"The kid should go to bed obediently."

The minister of Rikkai leaned back and escaped the pillow that flew towards him after the door of 205 dormitory suddenly opened.

(Background sound: Bang! Duang-

"Hyotei's second grader

-One player is out!)

"Want to try the taste of eliminating the five senses?"

Seiichi Yukimura's jacket drew an upward arc, and he himself stood up firmly and stopped.

"That's right, Yukimura.

"I also want to learn the technique of'destroying the five senses'."

Clapping the dust on his hands, Shitenhouji's minister looked in the direction of the 205 dormitory with a bright smile, looked at the frozen Hikaru Zaizen, and said to his like-minded roommate.

"His--it's troublesome now.

"Hiyoshi, is this the result of your practice?"

With mental arithmetic and unintentional, and that's it, I haven't been able to "defeat Minister Rikkai". Kaidoh Kaoru feels that Hiyoshi Wakashi is in a bad situation now.

"Kaido and Hiyoshi, you guys said that I'm talking to senior Shiraishi now, saying that I slipped my hand just now, is it too late?"

Shitenhouji's second-year student was stupefied and desperate.

How did he be so obsessed before agreeing to Hiyoshi Wakashi's plan!

-A sneak attack won't work for Shiraishi at all!

Shitenhouji's minister enters the school gate every day in the posture of jumping high, hitting the door, and falling in a trick. In the school, he also poses all kinds of poses in disregard of the image and deliberately faces some weird sudden funny incidents in order to be funny.

The "funny experience" of the past has now become the body's fast-reacting muscle memory - Shiraishi Gango almost instinctively leaned on the ground with his left hand.

Caiqian's pillow attack did not hit the target at all!

"That's too late."

Hyotei's second grader coldly broke Hikaru Zaizen's fantasy.

"Not only you, but also Haitang--"

"None of us can run away!"

The warrior's instinct makes Hiyoshi Wakashi face the smiling Seiichi Yukimura and the brightly smiling Shiraishi Kuranosuke's body trembling slightly.

"Haitang, don't run away either.

Hiyoshi Wakashi immediately followed, and clarified this very cruel fact for Seigaku second-year students.

Kaidoh Kaoru was the only player who solved the predetermined goal in the "205 Ambush" just now.

He hit his Seigaku teammate Momoshiro Takeshi.

However, this "harvest" has no effect on the score of "205 Ambush" at all.

Because according to Hiyoshi Wakashi's plan, Team 205 VS 201 Demon King Group, Kaidoh Kaoru's original goal was Seigaku genius Fuji Syusuke!

"Senior Fuji, here comes!"

Holding the pillow from the beginning of the moon in his hand, Fuji Syusuke, who was "fainted" just now but actually fainted, walked over with a smile.

Fuji Syusuke has "avenged" himself.

Seigaku, a genius who is good at "communicating" with the wind, although he hadn't noticed the attack at the beginning of the moon before, he felt the sound of the wind from the pillow rushing through the air--

Fuji Syusuke decisively learns from the advanced experience of senior high school students, and his fine play skills can be activated in seconds.

He himself froze in the direction of 201's dormitory, looking like he was knocked down by a pillow.

However, in fact, although Fuji Syusuke was hit with a bit of pain, it did not reach the point of fainting.

"Mizuno-kun has rested in peace.

"Seiichi, Zang Lin, do you want to help?"

Three VS Three, is the "fair duel".

What's more, Haitang stunned Fuji's own junior Momoshiro Takeshi, and Fuji Syusuke deserves to "avenge" him!


Kaidoh Kaoru subconsciously uttered a voice, and then tried to restrain his body's desire to retract immediately after seeing Fuji Syusuke.

There is no disaster, he thought so.

He didn't shoot at Seigaku's genius at all. Why did he become the target of the predecessors together with Hiyoshi and Zaimae?!

Struggling to avoid the trajectory of pillows thrown by Seigaku's genius, Kaidoh Kaoru, like his two roommates, was taught by the three seniors in the 201 dormitory "what is the attitude of being a junior"!

PS,#滴, Seiichi Yukimura's blackening status has been reached! Shiraishi Kuranosuke's blackening status has been turned on! Fuji Syusuke's blackening status is still being maintained! Congratulations to the 205 dormitory team for obtaining the achievement "201 Dormitory Demon King Group-All Members" #

Congratulations to the three second-year students in the 205 dormitory for starting the main line of the task of "defeat the blackened big devil x3". According to objective analysis, the probability of completion of this task is zero percent. I hope that the three second-year contestants will maintain their fighting spirit and work hard to complete your main task!.

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