Prince of Tennis Nioh Phantom

Chapter 560 : Evacuate urgently and return in a big victory

Nioh and others watched Momoshiro Takeshi rush into the "dust mist" first.

Next, Seigaku's Oishi and Kikumaru should have rushed to the battle with their second-year juniors.

However, the encounter between Yukimura and Shiraishi made Oishi and Kikumaru abruptly stopped.

"Haitang, his roommate, unexpectedly."

Kikumaru Eiji tremblingly pointed there, talking tremblingly.

He couldn't even finish a word-he didn't know whether he was surprised by the boldness of Kaidoh Kaoru's roommate, or he should be amazed by the quick response ability of Minister Rikkai and Minister Shitenhouji.

You know, the genius of their Seigaku, who had just faced the sneak attack, had "fainted to the ground".

Kikumaru looked over there, thinking so, suddenly heard a--



--Who took the opportunity to attack again?

The red-haired Seigaku doubles player thought so and looked back~.

The first thing he saw was the shock-face of his doubles partner Oishi Syuichirou.

So, Kikumaru turned towards the side Oishi was watching-Xiang looked over-


A high-pitched tone rising straight up.

Kikumaru shouted directly.

Then he watched Seigaku's genius smile and waved at him, then walked to Zhenyuechu who was stunned and picked up Kanyue's pillow.

"Mizuno-kun is still so interesting~"

Fuji carried the pillow and said with a smile.

He had played his acting skills in the game before, and deliberately lost five games to cheat the beginning of the month.

--The higher you stand, the more painful you will fall.

That time, Fuji Syusuke gave Kanyuechu hope, let him see the dawn of victory, and then ruthlessly knocked the opponent down the abyss of defeat.

Today, Seigaku's genius is performing the same trick again in an emergency.

This time, he did more theoretically.

Because he made Guanyuechu think that he had "winning"!

Bang! Bang!


Carrying a pillow and trotting a few steps, Fuji Syusuke "supported" his roommates in the 201 dormitory, and at the same time gave the younger generations of the 205 dormitory a very heavy psychological blow.

Whether it is Hiyoshi Wakashi with a calm face and flustered heart, Hikaru Zaizen, who is chased by Shiraishi with a bitter face, or Kaido, who is struggling to defend all-round but cannot prevent pillow attacks from all kinds of incredible angles.

The front line of the temporary squad of the 205 dormitory was defeated and defeated by the three “big devil” in the 201 dormitory who gradually showed their true colors (crossed out).

Yukimura, Fuji, and Shiraishi threw themselves into the deepest part of this "battlefield".

Their shots were too sharp.

The momentum of the three Yukimura directly opened a way for them.

Consciously give way to Yukimura and others, and let the players in Higa on the field look at each other--

"Kafei, I think

Rin Pingguba spoke.

"Ping Guchang, I think it's time for us to evacuate!"

Kai Yujiroh, the deputy minister in Higa, said with a deep face.

"Let's go, let's go to Eishirou! After finding him, carry him and immediately return to our 220 dormitory using Shudi method!

Faced with such a crisis, Kai still does not forget the safety of his young and tamed Kite.

"Same adversity, live and die together", this is really touching teammates.

--Because, if Kai does not do this, tomorrow he will face the double "experience of adversity" given to him by Kite!

"Okay, let's go there together!"

The players in the united Higa bit the bullet and embarked on the road of "saving Kite and then retreating".

They accidentally threw down the pillows in their hands--the pillows that belonged to them. They didn't know where they were thrown for a long time. Now they are holding them in their hands.

Kirihara Akaya, who was slightly red with lake-green eyes, saw the head of Rikkai carrying a pillow, smiling freely and following the embarrassed Hiyoshi Wakashi, his eyes became watery with fright--like blue waves, no red at all. A trace of it.

Sanada had a fierce fight with Akutsu, but when he saw Mr. Rikkai carrying a pillow



Ajujin frowned and yelled.

Sanada Genichiro played so often, a pillow of "It's as fast as the wind" slapped Akutsu Jin on the front face.

But his "moving like thunder" seemed to go wrong.

First Deputy Minister Rikkai, who should have dashed forward, shifted his position diagonally backward.

"Too lax!"

The dark-faced Deputy Minister Rikkai didn't know who was talking about.

"Don't order me!

Akutsu Jin thought Sanada was talking to him.

The white-haired Yamabuki player wanted to run to Sanada Genichiro with a fierce expression.


"Time is running out, Ajujin!"

"Next time, we will decide the winner!"

Sanada said solemnly.

His words seem to make sense, because at this time, most high school students have fallen asleep.

But Kirihaya's second-year student with blue eyes and watery eyes can see through the true intentions of his deputy minister--

Too embarrassing!

How can this be?

As Rikkai's second-year ace, Kirihara Akaya will not give up lightly!

"Minister, I'm going to sleep now." Qiao.JPG

Kirihaya softened his voice, and reported his actions to Yukimura, who was carrying a pillow and putting on a coat, as if he was on the court.

"Very well, Akaya."

Minister Rikkai said softly.

He responded to Kirihaya, but stunned Hyotei's second-year student very smoothly.


205 dorm, Hiyoshi Wakashi, out!

With the sound of his roommate falling to the ground, the second-year student of Rikkai University obediently closed the door of the dormitory.

"Before Cai, you must cooperate with your roommates in team battles!

Shiraishi smiled brilliantly, teaching his juniors.

If you only look at his expression, listen to his words, and ignore his actions, it is estimated that everyone will regard him as "a good predecessor who is enthusiastically teaching his younger generation the importance of "united and cooperative"."


The members of Higa ran quickly carrying their ministers, as if they were fleeing.

Boom boom boom!

--This is a lot of slamming doors.

No one believes Shitenhouji's minister.

Even Kintarou Tooyama, because of Shiraishi's "blackened state" at this time, was afraid that he would encounter a "bad hand" next, and joined Echizen Ryoma, carrying Liliadent Krauser into their 206 dorm.

………For flowers

The two first-year students looked at each other after lifting their roommate's seat.

Then decisively ran towards the 201 dormitory, carried another roommate back to the dormitory and quickly closed the door.

-A touching room friendship.

Echizen Ryoma knows the character and personality of his predecessor Fuji, Kintarou Tooyama knows Shiraishi Kuranosuke's "horrible" and has a very effective intuition--

If they don't bring Fuji Yuta back, then the three of 201 will knock on the door of 206 dormitory with a smile after finishing the second grader in the 205 dormitory!

--Don't want to be knocked on the door by the seniors, Echizen and Toyama's actions are very decisive.

Although Shiraishi Kuranosuke is a good senior, his "teaching method" is "Pillow Fight-Actual Combat"!

Shitenhouji pressed forward step by step and perfectly blocked Hikaru Zaizen's "way of escape".

In desperation, Cai Qian had to try to avoid it, and finally one-

He made a mistake for Hyotei's second-year students who have performed well in various blocking and avoiding positions because of martial arts!

Hiyoshi Wakashi and Hikaru Zaizen, the backs of two sophomores hit each other!

The quick-reacting second-year Hyotei immediately adjusted his center of gravity and wanted to continue to avoid the pillow attack of Minister Rikkai.

However, it is too late!

--That's too late


"Um~ Ecstasy!"

Shiraishi was very happy looking at his descendants who fell to the ground with their pillows empty and without hitting Cai Qian.

"Yukimura, your cooperation is awesome!"

The Minister of Shitenhouji sincerely praised the Minister of Rikkai who succeeded in "eliminating the five senses" by using that pillow again.

"Your cooperation is also very good.

Both ministers are all-round tennis players.

Whether it is Shiraishi Kuranosuke with five-dimensional balance, or Seiichi Yukimura, who has no dead ends, they have an extraordinary high level in single-player combat or teamwork.

"Thanks to Shiraishi for your cooperation just now, otherwise, I will have to spend more time."

Yukimura said with a smile.

Then, he picked up a pillow on the ground that he didn't know it was.


Attack from behind.

Trying to avoid Fuji Syusuke's bizarre pillow, Kaidoh Kaoru was directly hit by Yukimura's blow.

Minister Rikkai's strength was just right.

"Now that everything is done, let's go back."

Looking down at 205's "corpse x3", Yukimura said.

His words were unanimously agreed by Fuji, who now feels a bit boring in the "pillow fight", and Shiraishi, who has smashed his younger generation and is contented.


Leaving the "corpse" on this battlefield behind, the 201 dormitory trio walked in the direction of returning.

On the way back, there was no one except the blind pillows and buckwheat husks scattered in some places (the "corpses" in this place were all carried away, carried away, and dragged away).

201 Dormitory-Seiichi Yukimura, Fuji Syusuke, Shiraishi Kuranosuke, the three of them returned home in a big victory!

PS, the next chapter will be written tomorrow! Tomorrow is very important, get up early!

There are no loopholes in this chapter. Those "corpses" and the places where Nioh and others went, are in the next chapter that I haven't written yet!

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