Prince of Tennis Nioh Phantom

Chapter 594 : Secret process, doubles charm

The reason why "homology" is hailed as the miracle of doubles is that it can bring players an incredible and excellent understanding.

The racquet on the other side of the "homology" is one's own racquet, and the other end connected by the "light belt" is like another self.

The silver-white spot of light shone silently in the silver-white brilliance ribbon--

This is the manifestation of the power of Nioh's different-dimensional profound meaning "to live toward death".

-But it is only the manifestation of Nioh's different-dimensional profound meaning power, not the complete display that can burst out a great offensive profound meaning in an instant.

This has nothing to do with Nioh's failure to show his other-dimensional shadow.

The different-dimensional phantom is a cohesive display of the power of the different-dimensional level. That's right, but after the different-dimensional phantom is perfected, there is another higher stage of strength above this.

Just like the current "One Five Three" island Shuji

A high school student, No. 2 in the first army, is known for being "undefeated" in the U17 training camp.

How could Tanegashima Shuji not have his own extra-dimensional power?

The high school player didn't just rely on his innate talent to get his current position in the army.

At the level of Tanegashima's tennis, he no longer needs to show the phantom of the different dimension to use the power of the different dimension.

In the final analysis, "Different Dimensional phantom" is also a big consumption of a project.

In competitive competitions, you pay the least price in exchange for the greatest results-you can save your own power consumption. Isn't it right?

Therefore, being able to use different-dimensional power without showing the different-dimensional ghosts, players will not let their own different-dimensional ghosts appear in every game unless they want to frighten their opponents or make quick decisions.

Of course, in the case that the phantom of the different dimension does not appear, the power to cast the phantom of the different dimension also has a corresponding "cost".

"The law of conservation of energy" is fair and just--

The consumption of physical strength is reduced, so relative control must be topped.

Only when the control power reaches a certain limit can a tennis player, like Nioh, display the profound meaning of the different dimension without showing the shadow of the different dimension.

Moreover, the greater the range of use of the phantom of the different dimension, the higher the control of the tennis player's strength.

Therefore, to a certain extent, Nioh's current method of using different-dimensional profound meanings is much more difficult than directly letting his own different-dimensional phantom appear.

But it is precisely because of this "difficulty" that the audience did not find the white-haired Rikkai Taisho Election "dark silo" on court.

What Nioh lacks is stamina-

Among the five dimensions, what he lacks most is mental strength, and what he lacks most is physical strength.

At the same time, his control over his own strength has long since reached the stage of nuances.

Even though his advancement speed made everyone he knows dumbfounded, Nioh never concealed his own fine control.

--If there is a time when he can't control all his strength, then it must be his physical fitness that is holding back.

Nioh Masaharu's mental power and strength control ability, in a single aspect, there has never been any problem!

Therefore, unless he is desperate and goes all out to display his different-dimensional power, he can completely use some "small methods" against the younger generation when he does not show the different-dimensional phantom.

The fine control makes his mental power fluctuate finely and densely, which is difficult to be noticed by other people.

Needless to say, the coaches watching the game through the screen, none of the junior high school students on the scene noticed the fluctuation of Nioh's mental power.

Even Seiichi Yukimura, the strongest mental power, neglected the past at the time--

Although Minister Rikkai stood closer, his people were outside the court after all.

Even if he felt a little bit, he would probably think that it was a normal mental power fluctuation in a "homology" state.

And Tanegashima

The high school students are still dizzy and ups and downs in the "sequelae of homology".

"Forced homology" comes at a price!

Nioh previously made Tanegashima and Shiraishi feel the same as "direct homology" on the basis of the three-way "double homology". Such an incredible operation would normally cost several times the price.

Most of these "costs" were borne by Nioh's own tyrannical mental power, who volunteered to serve as a "transit station-signal relay station".

Nioh's mental power is like an element everywhere in the air, creating a good environment for the "direct homology" between Tanegashima Shiraishi and Tanegashima Shiraishi.

However, even if he takes the most part, Shiraishi and Tanegashima must share some pressure.

And these "being profitable" "pressures ー-

Most of them were taken over by Tanegashima Shuji himself!

--How could a senior high school student faint because he was stingy in sharing the pressure and let his younger generation happily break through after having no time to hit a few goals?

Since Tanegashima is willing to agree to the match with Shiraishi Kuranosuke, his favorability for Shiraishi's predecessors is of course above the passing line.

Therefore, with the help of the "direct homology" link given to them by Nioh, Tanegashima Shuji used his own U17-army top mental power to take over the "dominant" coherent position and bear most of the mental pressure.

His commitment was directly responsible for Shiraishi's breakthrough.

Therefore, after Minister Shitenhouji was refreshed, his strength skyrocketed, and his breakthrough was successful, high school player Tanegashima Shuji felt that his own mental power was suppressed because of the sequelae that finally broke out.

Tanegashima only felt endless boredom and mania.

Thanks to him as a senior high school student with excellent patience, and thanks to his not weak mental power level, he was able to stabilize his emotions.

Moreover, No. 2 of the First Army quickly formulated a "extremely risky" plan to "push the younger generation" after stabilizing their emotions.

"It's finally over.

Tanegashima said, slowly slowing down.

His white-haired junior did not disappoint his senior.

Although the high school player is a risky temper, he is also a cautious tennis player. 2.9

- How can Tanegashima, who can play "Dead-None" talents, be a high school student who is not meticulous?

Perhaps in the eyes of others, including Nioh, Tanegashima Shuji was “all-for-all” before.

But in Tanegashima's own cognition, he has never been burdened with all the pressure alone.

He is standing on this piece of net court, surrounded by powerful juniors as his partner.

Tanegashima has played doubles, he is so smart, how can he not know the uniqueness of doubles?

As a doubles player, Tanegashima Shuji has never been "playing alone" ー-

His partner, his junior in the third grade of junior high school, has always been his most trusted companion and a teammate who will win the victory with him!

PS, finally finished last night's plot clip!.

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