Prince of Tennis Nioh Phantom

Chapter 595 : Different Dimensional Phantom, Seraphim

Boom one

Kite, who hadn't stepped back too far, felt that his eardrums were turning at this moment.

Although Minister Higa knows the power of the "different dimensions", he himself is a very self-confident and extremely stubborn boy.

Self-holding strength, and want to watch the game as close as possible, Kite just took three or four steps back--

Compared with Liu directly stepped back seven or eight steps, compared with Yanagyu and Kuwana, there are still entangled or follow what looks like an honest person.

Kite is still too close to the court!

Except for Yukimura, who is indeed strong enough to be at the top of the ranks of the spiritual power of the army, only with "Since you are standing with Qi Tianlie, you can't run away alone"" Nioh will not play the game too exaggerated and too violent. , Akaya is very trustworthy, isn’t it?” The red-haired Rikkai Taisho selected Marui Bunta, who is still standing with Kite.

The two of them were shocked by the mental power of "Different Dimensional Phantom-Leap to Advance"!

"15:15, Shiraishi and Kirihaya score!"

Yukimura announced the score calmly.

But Liu who was standing at the back saw Mr. Rikkai's drooping hands clenched into fists.

- Yukimura is actually already excited in her heart and can't restrain herself, right?

Liu Junshi recorded this data in his heart.

At this time, the "homology" on the court has completely disappeared.

Only the "Holy Light" is shining with the light that melts everything.

The other-dimensional phantom that gave the impression of an "angel" at first glance raised his six wings of the Holy Light.

The white wings gently twitched the air--

Even the Liu who stood farther could see the white feathers on the six wings of the Holy Light!

"A third of the stars in the sky have lost their original brilliance..."

Liu murmured.


[The first and only one-a six-winged seraph led one-third of the heavenly angels to raise the anti-flag, one-third of the stars in the sky lost their brilliance, one-third of the angels became black wings, only Lucifer retained The original six wings of the Holy Light. 】

For the first time, such a sentence appeared in his mind!

- One-third of the stars have lost their brilliance, and one-third of the angels have become fallen angels!

After "different dimension, demonization", the advancement becomes "different dimension-demonization", and then a leap-forward advancement will occur again, becoming "different dimension-angelization"

This is not the end, it is another beginning!

What kind of different-dimensional phantom does their Rikkai descendants have!

"This, this is about to end, right?"

Kai Yujiroh stammered and asked.

When he said this, he probably didn't want any response, but wanted to alleviate the violent shock in his heart.

However, the dark-skinned junior high student player who followed Rikkai's instructions and stepped back with him and stood beside him did not respond.

Kuwabara now looked as if he was stern-faced - obviously just before, when he saw Kirihaya's breakthrough for the first time, he still couldn't hold back a smile on his face.

Another Rikkai Taisho elected Yagyu Hiroshi as well.

Yanagi gave Kai a faint look, but said nothing.

The two players from the Rikkai Grand Tennis Club gave a serious feeling at this time.

After they were pleasantly surprised, perhaps because they had stayed with the only junior in the Rikkai Grand Tennis Club for a long time, the senior's intuition told them one-

Today's special state of different dimensions is a perfect different dimension phantom, yes, but

"This doubles game is about to end."

Marui looked at the players on the court and said to Kite.

"But I always feel that Akaya's different dimensions have more power to dig!"

--The end of the game does not mean that Kirihara Akaya's different dimensions are over!

In the Rikkai Grand Tennis Club, Nioh is eliminated, Yukimura, Sanada, and Yanagi are removed, and Kirihaya is pulled out

The strength of Rikkai genius Marui Bunta, although part of the brilliance was concealed by better teammates, but the tennis strength of the red-haired player has also reached the national level!

The various trainings arranged by the coach of the three boats in the back mountain have made up for some of his weaknesses and have made him the first sequence of the national level!

--The first rank of the national level, rounded to the nearest equivalent to the "different realm reserve team"!

Therefore, when Yanagyu and Kuwabara only have intuition, but neither of them are uncertain, Marui has an intuitive determination.

His words leave room for his own guesses, but he has already stamped his "guess" in his heart!


The raised six wings of the Holy Light give people a sense of oppression, but also exert a great additional power on tennis.

The white feathers, as white as snow, were flying, scattered in the brilliance of the holy light.

If a religious believer is at the scene, it is estimated that he will directly pray for it!


But it's a pity.

The opponents that Kirihaya and his Light Seraphim face are not followers, nor ordinary players of different dimensions.

Nioh Masaharu's different-dimensional power can already be mastered in detail.

The reason why he didn't directly reveal the phantom of different dimensions before was not only because the "homology" was too expensive, the protracted battle could save a little while saving a little, and the reason why he kept more hole cards, but also because of the "protection" of the younger generation.

When Nioh first entered the second state of the country, his different-dimensional profound meaning can defeat the second-year high school ghost Jujiro in the state of the different-dimensional phantom at that time.

Although Kirihara Akaya's potential has been tapped to the limit of this stage by Nioh and other Rikkai three-time seniors and three-ship coaches, he is still only a second-year national.

Even if Kirihaya will soon become a third-year student, there is still a gap between him and the second-year high school Oni Jujiro, let alone Nioh at the end of the third year?

If Nioh, with the assistance of the phantom of the different dimension, fully displays the profound meaning of the different dimension, then Rikkai's second-year ace is expected to be hit to the point of "crashing", directly unconscious and forced to abstain!

This is not falsehood!

Kirihaya's stamina has long been exhausted. Although he is now strong and seems to have taken a step forward in strength, he is actually more like a "last fight" in the best condition!


The silver-white light band was cut off by Kirihaya's breakthrough and disappeared.

A black air current appeared out of thin air--

"Different Dimensional Profound Meaning-Living to Death"!

Previously it was just the transmission of breath, and now it is finally possible for the younger generation to taste the real moves!

"30:15, Tanegashima and Nioh score!

Yukimura looked at Nioh, her expression calm.

But his blue-purple eyes were full of eagerness to try.

- Has Nioh's control over the power of another dimension reached this level?

--153 No, his staff probably already had this kind of control.

The reason why it is now shown

One of the reasons should be that there was no proper opportunity before;

Then it is to preserve the strength and prevent others from spying on the strength baseline;

The last and most important reason one-

Physical limitations!

Middle school students are generally between 12 and 14 years old, and they have not yet reached the golden age of development.

Generally speaking, the period after junior high school students graduate is the golden period for boys to "reborn"!

Before that time, no matter how young teenagers exercise, they will not be able to surpass some high school students in physical fitness.

The talented first-year Shitenhouji Kintarou Tooyama may be able to do it in his junior year, but now

Minister Rikkai thought about it for a while, all middle school students, including Nioh and himself, can't achieve the first-order level of the first army in physical fitness!

PS, Kirihaya’s different dimensions are completely get! But it still can’t be connected to the small scroll (please note that Akaya is still in the second year! He is a second-year student!) so the small scroll is written to seriously spoiler QAQ

Liu's words here are foreshadowing (I have checked the information for a long time before finalizing it, and there will be differences between different information and different sources. Don't be too textual, please follow the direction of my text)

[Highlight] The first and only seraph with seraphs led one-third of the heavenly angels to raise the anti-flag, one-third of the stars in the sky lost their luster, one-third of the angels became black wings, and there was only way Xifa retained the original six wings of the Holy Light.

(Akaya's follow-up hint, according to the above hints, everyone is welcome to fill up the small papers on their own).

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