Prince of Tennis Nioh Phantom

Chapter 627 : It's literate, it's terrible!

So, this senior high school student, do you really believe it?!

Another Sanada, who has a sense of justice and also has an upright personality, opened his eyes wide.

Even when Kirihaya forcibly explained Liu's phantom in another dimension, Rikkai's deputy minister was not as shocked as he is now.

Due to the existence of his own child Seiichi Yukimura, Sanada has long been immune to such things as "shock".

But in front of the "naive" senior, Sanada Genichiro, Rikkai's big black-faced deputy minister, still has insufficient concentration, so he broke his work!

The shocked Sanada could no longer scold Kirihaya, nor did he care to look at his juniors with the same "too awkward, we misunderstood you, Akaya!" like his other Rikkai teammates.

The deputy minister of Rikkai University couldn't help himself in shock. He had only time to open his eyes and glance at the senior high school student who was seriously thinking (probably thinking about whether to go to Seigaku to play a game of tennis~), and then he and Inui Like Sadaharu, he opened his eyes and looked at Yanagi Renji on the court.

--Yes, it's not Liu's different-dimensional shadow.

What they saw was Yanagi Renji himself!

"Brother Akuto, listen to me--"

After Liu Fa vented the game just now, his immediate reaction was to "explain."

- Brother Akuto, let me explain!

#Not like this, Renji didn't watch the jump! #

#As a top student, all I read are books in the library!#

#There is no jump in the library, brother Akuto, you have to trust the library in Kanagawa, trust the library in Rikkai! #

Liu himself wanted to explain to Mitsuya Akuto very much.

But even though he himself suffered a "mental blow" from his juniors, he is still a very good data tennis player.

For Yanagi Renji, investigating the intelligence of opponents on the court is simply his "own job."

Therefore, Liu did not finish his words at all.

He didn't even finish the beginning, knowing that his own image in the First Army No.17 was over!

- Mitsuya Akuto believed Kirihaya's "commentary" 100%.

According to the calculations of Yanagi Renji's existing data, his brother Akuto is actually not particularly curious (but pays special attention to the junior high school student named Yanagi Renji). "Find the root"||The bottom"!

The comics that can be remembered by Rikkai's sophomore ace, who is not low-sighted, are definitely not popular with low popularity.

With today's network resources, you only need to type search

The black history of a lifetime, it is estimated that it will be remembered to death with this comic!

Understanding the determination of the high school student opposite the net to be absent from the game but have other plans, Yanagi Renji was heartbroken.

Liu Junshi, who knew that no matter how much he explained, was a waste of words, he gave up the explanation wisely.

Although, he hated in his heart--

He hates himself for not correcting the brain circuits of his younger generations in time!

Junshi Liu should have known what kind of teenagers his Rikkai teammates are.

He should have understood that Rikkai Chief Minister Seiichi Yukimura, who was secretly named "The Great Demon King", would have what kind of means.

Seiichi Yukimura likes to eat grilled fish, but he is not particularly picky.


Rikkai Minister Seiichi Yukimura doesn't suffer from anything he eats!

In the absence of myself, I was deducted by the younger generation as "Jump Factory. Saint Seiya-Shaka-Destroy the Five Senses. Black History", and later I was satisfied that I didn’t know how many copies were backed up by the members. Recording, Yukimura has long wanted to "blessed and share" with others. Good-good-open-let's talk about the "lethality" of my younger generation.

But it’s a pity that the general manager of Rikkai (no, don’t forget why Yanagi Renji player is called "Liu Junshi"-not his strategy is outstanding enough, but Liu Junshi he is true-daily wise) The Minister Rikkai does not have enough time and Energy to read comics.

So Seiichi Yukimura can't come on the court to comment.

This arduous and great long-term task must be taught to his younger generation Kirihara Akaya, who is full of aura.

After the Hyotei co-hosting event, Rikkai's sophomore ace's talent in this area has been 100% affirmed by Minister Yukimura.

However, maybe it is usually too much drilled?

Not many people are "successful".

Seigaku's genius "Swallow Back" is really just a coincidence! A coincidence!

There is no "deep hatred" between Rikkai Chief Minister and Seigaku players. Seiichi Yukimura is at best letting his younger generation think.

Nioh is happy to see it happen.

But Fuji Syusuke himself would not think so.

Yanagi Renji will not accept all this calmly!

His own minister ignored his own status as the head of Rikkai's Grand Tennis Department. Not only did he fail to correct the "wrong thinking" of his juniors in time, he also secretly induced his juniors to "keep it well"--

Onmyoji, a ghost!

The grandson of the slippery ghost. Is this the thing in that jump again?!

Even though the top student Yanagi Renji loves to read and reads many books, he hasn't watched much "jump" at all!

His own extra-dimensional phantom was "identified" by the younger generation for no reason. Because the idea of ​​killing the younger generation and Rikkai teammates was impossible to put into practice, Yanagi Renji wanted to "recreate" his own extra-dimensional phantom. I have all my thoughts!

He has never been so". "Hate" before "Reading";

If I knew there would be today

Yanagi Renji almost gritted his teeth and swung his pat.

His heart hurts now.

very painful.


The deep voice sounded.

Different dimension is the realm of tennis reaching another field, it is a watershed of strength.

Liu's "Different Dimensional Shadows-Onmyoji" is in a completed state. Although it is only a short time ago, it can be said that it has an advantage in the face of the No.17 army who just got off the plane today!

Mitsuya Akuto's tennis strength is worthy of his position as a military player, but it is undeniable that the biggest advantage of this high school player is "data tennis" and "intelligence".

Mitsuya Akuto knows Yanagi Renji, he knows what Liu's tennis was like in the beginning-because Yanagi Renji's tennis was originally laid by him, Mitsuya Akuto.

And through the process of the game, Mitsuya got Liu's current data from various aspects.

Even if Liu tried his best to cover up, the First Army N..17 was in a state of suspicion from the beginning to the end about the "personal data" Liu tried to display.

Mitsuya Akuto was forced to show (to get Zhao Zhao) to show his tennis skills--

But is this the true ability of the First Army No.17?

As I said long ago, what Mitsuya Akuto is best at is intelligence and data.

The biggest trump card of No. 17 of the First Army is still in your hand all the time!

In the face of such extremely difficult opponents, most players have no way of starting-even tennis players with similar strengths on the surface.

But Yanagi Renji knew from the beginning what kind of hole cards the high school player opposite the net had.

Moreover, he also knows how to discard his opponent's trump card!

PS Feilu collapsed yesterday (so the chapter cannot be uploaded!)

I made up a little bit today, so I looked at the number of characters-divided into two chapters and sent out! Thank you for your inseparable flower monthly ticket evaluation! A little bit of words (cover your face)) Different dimensions are described in the next chapter (Fully reflect the brain circuit of my author as an author-give me a broom, I can go

Sky fly, you can still turn!),

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