Prince of Tennis Nioh Phantom

Chapter 628 : Different dimensions of time and space, reborn

In another dimension, this is another realm of tennis.

If you don't enter another dimension, it is difficult to compete with players of different dimensions.

After entering the realm of different dimensions, the players' tennis strength is also different.

After entering the different dimension, the level of strength division is even higher, and it is also an expression of the potential of the different dimension realm.It is the different dimension phantom floating in the air behind Yanagi Renji at this moment!

Swing, serve--

Familiar movements, familiar swing postures, but this time the ball is one-

Flowers bloom in spring, and cicadas croak endlessly in summer.

This is "empty cicada"!

Yanagi Renji's own, will not bounce serve!

--Compared with the zero-style, it is more suitable for Liu himself, but the effect is slightly weaker than the zero-style serve, which is not "will not bounce" in the complete sense.

This ball is very beautiful.

Beautiful in a visual sense.

Because this is the "empty cicada" under the blessing of the "different dimension virtual shadow"!

"Onmyoji"'s indifferent look is obviously not a reason for him to stand by.

The light spot, which was as thin and transparent as the different-dimensional phantom temperament, lit up at the moment when the different-dimensional phantom-Onmyoji raised his hand.

At this time, Mitsuya Akuto should have been fully focused on tennis, should have found flaws and hit back at tennis; however, he gave most of his attention to Liu's phantom.

--177 High school students who are cautious enough, obviously know that football skills are only superficial, and the power of the other-dimensional phantom is the "killer move" given to him by the middle school opponent on the opposite side of the net!

Mitsuya Akuto's response was not wrong.

The warm and glaze eyes of "Void Shadow of Different Dimension-Onmyoji" are surprisingly calm at this moment.

When "Onmyoji" raised his hand, he waved his sleeve.

He didn't seem to use any curse to make people watch out, and he didn't use any onmyoji to make the audience dumbfounded.

--There is no Hogwarts in the modern society, and Yanagi Renji is really not the heir of the Onmyoji family.

However, if he is not a professional inheritor, and he has never seen jump-the grandson of a slick ghost, it does not mean that Liu will not use his own different-dimensional phantom!

The different dimension virtual shadow book serves its users.

Liu's will is the will of the Void Shadow of the Different Dimension-Onmyoji.

Different-dimensional phantom, analyzed from a theoretical perspective, is just the manifestation of spirit.

Think about it so broadly--

Isn't this "I think, therefore I am"?

Regardless of the philosophical issues of materialism and idealism, tennis is not originally a "science".

Liu has the reputation of "living dictionary" (bhcj) in the Rikkai High School-he has read too many books.

Knowledge is the cornerstone and spirit is the reinforcement.

The will is the blueprint, and the five-dimensional foundation is the foundation.

The rigorous middle school student data tennis player, in the back mountain, can be regarded as crowded (less courts, more players) and open (the mountain venues are vast and diverse and each has its own advantages). Many thoughts that can be called "crazy".

With so many years of history of mankind, what is the problem that has troubled people the most and has never forgotten to this day?

Even in modern society, everyone is still a frog in the bottom of the well in terms of the term "time and space".

The pursuit of longevity is what people have always longed for;

The obsession with land and space is the obsession of people deeply.

Time, endless;

Space is endless.

"Time and space", at least today, is an unsolvable proposition.

--At the same time, it is also a challenge.

Liu, who is still a junior high school student, naturally does not understand the profound knowledge of physics, mechanics, and philosophy.

He is just a teenager who loves tennis.

--Love tennis, that's enough.

As long as there is an idea and a direction to move forward, the phantom of the different dimension will appear sooner or later!

But I have to say, Rikkai's Liu Junshi is really arrogant and bold enough.

When it comes to "time and space", even the different-dimensional phantom manifested by mental power is not simple - Yanagi Renji has suppressed a lot of time for his long-conceived different-dimensional phantom.

Although, at the beginning, Liu just subconsciously wanted such a different dimension.

If there were no examples of Nioh and Yukimura first, and without the stimulus of the success of Sanada and Kirihaya later, Liu might slowly forget his "dream" and this idea deep in his heart.

But there is no "if" and no "if".

Yanagi Renji is gentle, but also proud.

The Liu Junshi of Rikkai has always had the capital to be proud of.

Therefore, on the back mountain, Liu, stimulated by Kirihaya and Sanada, and under the thoughtful observation of the three boats coach, directly confronted his idea.

Think day and night, always adjust your state, use all your knowledge, and reflect on all your abilities.

Yanagi Renji finally awakened his own different dimension phantom.

Moreover, because he thought too much and was too detailed, his "Different Dimensional Shadow-Onmyoji" was the "complete body" from the beginning!

--Ontology does not need to go any further, all we need to work on is just "development"!

"Empty Cicada" is like this.

A ball skill that is not ordinary in the U17 training camp, but is not a unique skill at the level of the first army. With the blessing of Liu's "Variational Shadow. Onmyoji" ability, it has been reborn and entered another class!

What is "empty cicada"?

It's just the empty shell left by the cicada's metamorphosis.

The superficial meaning is very simple, but it is matched with the power of the different-dimensional phantom

Life is impermanent; time is short.

The life of a cicada is not short-lived, but when it screams out of the soil, the life of the cicada begins a short countdown.

And in this short summer, the cicadas cried endlessly-


"15:0, Willow scored!'

Mitsuya Akuto swung the racket without power, he swung the racquet and missed the tennis ball.

Is it "visual error"?

No, this is the "war begins" meeting ceremony.

For data tennis players, "intelligence" is important.

--When the things you know are distorted to another dimension, can the "data" you hold is still the truth?

Liu's goal was actually his own provocation to the No. 17 tennis ball of the first army.

And the provoked tennis player himself

Looking at the tennis ball on the ground, Mitsuya Akuto did not frown.

No. 17 of the first army has converged the arc and has almost never changed, and is gentle enough to smile deliberately.

He became serious and excited.

At the same time, Mitsuya Akuto, a high school student player N...17, had a headache--

"Intelligence" is invalidated.

The next "war" will be the "last battle"!

Because he has no retreat at all.

The high school student knew that in the next game, tiebreak, he would face a familiar but unfamiliar Liu who made him look up!

ps, don’t care what the title of my chapter is (the author is a nameless, everyone understands this kind of thing silently) (what is different dimension is not clear. If I can explain it clearly, I’m flying into the sky now! Just know that the different dimension is very powerful, and Liu’s different dimension phantom is very powerful~) Good night everyone, don’t wait. .

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