Prince of Tennis Nioh Phantom

Chapter 629 : Template exception, data restart

Brother Akuto, don't look at me like you used to

Liu raised his arms and let the net racquet sweep a sharp arc in the air.

He sighed softly in his heart.

How "penetrated" is the "separation" between middle school students and high school students?

Although Yanagi Renji has long been aware of the barriers between the middle school tennis world and the high school tennis world, these long-standing cognitions do not hinder his small dissatisfaction.

--U17 training camp high school student player, No.17 Mitsuya Akuto of the first army, this data tennis player occupies a very important position in the minds of Army Master Rikkai Oliu.

Mitsuya Akuto is not only the opponent that Yanagi Renji wants to defeat, but also his role model and the object he wants to be recognized.


If it hadn't been for a certain No. 10 player in the previous military expedition to enthusiastically reveal various news, Liu's actions at this time would definitely not be so radical~!

The data is fine.

Careful calculations are virtues.

Although any player in the Rikkai Grand Tennis Club will not be afraid of revealing their hole cards, and will not blindly hide and shrink back, the reason why the "hole cards" are called "hole cards" is because of it. Uncommon.

Different Dimensional Phantom--This is definitely one of the strongest "-hole cards"!

- Don't look at Nioh, Yukimura, and Kirihaya before using different dimensions one by one, but in fact, except for Kirihara Akaya, who was actually forced out of the different dimension phantom, neither of Nioh and Yukimura Do you have spare energy?

At this stage when the phantom of the different dimension is completely perfected, the strength of tennis players is difficult to calculate on paper-at most, it can only be roughly divided into levels and vaguely described strengths.

Before this game, Liu was ready to show his other-dimensional phantom.

He has always been gentle to others, and while possessing pride, he also possesses the virtue of humility.

But something

Yanagi Renji doesn't plan to let it out!

It should be his position, it should be attributed to Rikkai's great honor-these are absolutely not allowed to other people!

What's more, Kirihaya has performed so well as a junior

Rikkai sophomore ace has now begun to show "interaction force" that has been delayed for a year!

"Pressure rebound", Kirihaya's outstanding performance, although not known to most players, only the look of Shitenhouji Minister Shiraishi Kuranosuke looking at Liu in a daze is enough to make Rikkai Grand Master Liu smell the smell of crisis NS.

Just like the mantra of Kirihaya's roommate, Hyotei's second-year student Hiyoshi Wakashi-"Successfully"?

Perhaps before, Yanagi Renji would be very pleased to see his younger generation complete this great cause.

but now..

First Army No. 17 is like a hyperstimulant for Liu!

Yanagi Renji is good at obtaining intelligence, and he is very capable of observing words and colors.

--The high school player on the opposite side of the net has treated himself with an attitude that can be called "connivance" from the beginning!

"Indulge", the attitude and expression that Mitsuya Akuto showed inadvertently and naturally made Liu Bolan's heart a few flames.

In fact, Liu Junshi of Rikkai felt very wronged at the beginning of the game after seeing No.17 of the first army.

Why is his brother Akuto treating him this way?!!

There is no gap without comparison.

Mitsuya Akuto's attitude can actually be said to be an excellent example of the predecessors to the younger generations, but no matter what, Liu Junshi's comparison is another unreasonable predecessor and unreasonable teammate of Rikkai University!

The relationship between Nioh Masaharu and Mōri Juzaburō is also full of brown-red little curly-haired predecessors' "connivance" to younger generations, but it shows more of a complex tension one-

With the goal of killing the opponent, once you play, you will turn your face and deny the person!

The competition between the official elections of the Rikkai Tennis Club has always existed, but the way of getting along with each other under court, like Nioh and Maori, is an absolute exception. .

After all, not every tennis player can experiment with various applications of different dimensions against his predecessors;

It is not that every predecessor is "more frustrated and brave", knowing that the road ahead is dark, but still does not hit the south wall and does not look back. Every time, with the mentality of killing the younger generation, he promises the younger generation to become a "test item" and brazenly "resist" again and again. of.

All insiders, including Yanagi Renji, have no envy for the high mental resistance of their predecessor, Mōri Juzaburō.

That is a bonus from "Nine Deaths".

Mental resistance can be improved a little bit by some means.

But the process of greatly improving mental resistance--even a young man like Kirihara Akaya, who is full of vitality and strong in anti-shock ability, can hear the change!

Therefore, after Maori has been able to carry Nioh's various moves time and time again, he also agreed to Nioh's practice requirements time and time again, and tried to counteract again and again.

If Liu didn't know that the two players got along well and had a very good relationship under court, he would guess that there was a deep hatred between the two.

After all, according to Liu Yuan's data--

It's not "deep hatred", why bother to persist so painfully over and over again?

Of course, this is just Liu Junshi's "original data".

Rikkai's Grand Tennis Club changed a minister and deputy minister who had been in the country for the rest of his life. In order to establish Yukimura's position, the seniors of the tennis club did not easily intervene in internal affairs. In addition, according to the tennis strength at that time In the Rikkai Grand Tennis Club, Mōri Juzaburō is the only senior who can make Liu and others have to pay attention to their strength.

Maori was the only predecessor familiar with the tennis club in the second year of the country.

For many reasons, Junshi Liu was imperceptibly affected by the surrounding environment.

He made a big mistake.

-He chose the wrong sample! He chose the wrong reference for comparison!

Nioh Masaharu has never been an ordinary middle school student.

Although Mōri Juzaburō does not have the experience of Nioh Masaharu, he has a thorough mind. After a series of changes, although his bones have become more cold, he still maintains a clear mind and his soul is more transparent.

The relationship between the two of them is actually a tacit acquiescence under the tacit understanding.

………Look for flowers…

With a probability lower than one in ten thousand, Nioh Masaharu and Mōri Juzaburō’s way of getting along with their predecessors will appear.

However, Liu Pian, who has always done everything without leaking, has a loophole here.

Probably because Nioh and Maori carried out this way of getting along very naturally, and the performance was too "eye-catching", Yanagi Renji directly regarded it as his own "predecessor-template"!

Junshi Liu thinks that he is not a single-celled junior of Kirihara Akaya, who needs care, so he is committed to becoming the No.17 "enemy of life and death" in the first army!

So one-

An invisible shock appeared.

Ordinary and unremarkable, there is no dazzling Ambilight, but it has caused irreparable distortion of visual errors.


"30:0, Willow scored!'

What happens if two data tennis balls meet or meet on a narrow path on court?

You will meet Liangcai, and you will meet your opponents--

It was supposed to use the data as the chess pieces and the court as the chessboard to fight, but now, Yanagi Renji directly draws his salary from the bottom and overturns the chessboard!


What is this?!

With most of the data, you can actually win half of the game.

So, data is very important.

However, the attribution of "data" is "information".

"Information" is time-sensitive--

Now that it has become an advantage for the opponent, just "format and restart the game"!

"Different Dimensional Shadow-Onmyoji" looked forward indifferently and waved his sleeves.

With the blessing of the power of different dimensions, Liu's power cannot reverse the cause and effect, but it is enough to "restart the data"!

Under the blessing of a different-dimensional ghost with the power of time and space, assisted with skills, and data, he directly distorted the course of the ball, making the tennis feel like it is in another dimension.

Mitsuya Akuto, who was about to swing the ball, almost watched the tennis ball suddenly appear on the other side of his body!

"40:0, Willow scored!"

Mitsuya's face was sinking, and he appeared almost helpless.

New different-dimensional phantoms, unintelligible "hole cards", and special tricky powers are mixed together, and there is no way to analyze it for a while!

It's a mess!

Even though Mitsuya Akuto has a rough understanding of Yoo's tennis strength after this process, he can't afford the time for data analysis at this critical juncture!

What's more, Yanagi Renji, who has revealed a different-dimensional phantom, has almost completely invalidated his original personal data!

"6:6, Willow scored!"

Inui Sadaharu spoke quickly. As he said, he quickly raised his hand to support the spectacle frame.

He watched the game without turning his eyes, and quickly analyzed it in his heart.

"Enter tiebreak below!"

The pitch was slightly higher, and there was a hint of tension and anxiety in his voice.

Seigaku's data tennis players have never lacked curiosity.

What's more, Inui Sadaharu has been very concerned about the actions of the Rikkai Daliu Army Division.

He is not a player on the court, but he can substitute himself as the "Yanagi Renji opponent", and he can fight against Liu Yi in his heart on the court side! Soil.

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