Prince of Tennis Nioh Phantom

Chapter 630 : Anticipating, recalling

There was a lot of fighting on the court, and the "audience" under the court also had a lively discussion.

"Senior Liu's different-dimensional ability is'time and space'?"

"Whether to change the timeline, or one-"

Kirihaya looked at the game and opened his eyes wide.

"It's not that "cheating", is it?"

"Described as "Time and Space, the actual effect is definitely not what Akaya you imagined!"

Although I have seen several different-dimensional phantoms, Marui, who is still in shock when seeing Yanagi Renji’s different-dimensional phantoms, resolutely refuses to admit Kirihara Akaya's conjecture that has made him creepy before he finishes it.

"It's just using "mental force" and skills to create visual errors and deception!"

The red-haired Rikkai said in a loud voice.

"If it's Akaya, what you think of as'time and space', then what kind of tennis are we playing!"

If Liu Zhen can control the "time and space", then what is the suspense of the game?

Marui Bunta analyzed rationally.

"Everyone has this kind of thing

Immediately afterwards, he whispered.

"Puff, so hurry up, we won't wait for you."

Obviously the original meaning should be "inspiration, encouragement", but, in line with his oral addiction and accent, Nioh's hard "one seven seven" is a mocking tone.

"Huh, it's just a different-dimensional phantom!

The sense of urgency has already flooded my heart, but on the surface of Marui, he refused to let go.

Even if he has no bottom in his heart and has no idea about the different-dimensional phantom, Marui Bunta will not sit back and watch Nioh Masaharu's extremely ridiculous appearance.

What's more, Marui Bunta was originally a talented and inspired tennis player.

Although there is no clue right now, once the inspiration emerges one day, his other-dimensional phantom may be formed immediately!

The "inspiration" of the big red-haired Rikkai player is not obvious on the surface, but everyone in the tennis club actually knows that "the inspiration of Marui Bunta" is a very scary thing, enough to turn the tide of the battle!

So, maybe in the next moment, there will be another tennis player with a different dimension in the middle school team of Rikkai.

But these things, high school students don't know.

With the words of Marui and Nioh, they succeeded in making the three high school students who were watching the game next to them jump up at the same time!

--What is "just"?

That is a different dimension phantom, not a Chinese cabbage that can be wholesaled!

Do you look down on such an understatement, or do you not care from the bottom of your heart?

--No matter which answer is, it is enough to make the three high school students present feel heartbroken.

The three high school students have all gone overseas with a military team. They have seen many so-called "genius players", but even these "geniuses" can hardly make any waves in the world of high school tennis.

Only the player who is stable at the different-dimensional level-a tennis player who can use the different-dimensional power more proficiently, can be recognized as a "strong player."

"Different dimensional phantom" does not represent the level of different dimensional power, but it is enough to explain something--

Only players who have completely stepped into the different-dimensional level and have a highly condensed spirit and will can have their own different-dimensional phantoms.

Although the players with different-dimensional phantoms are not 100% able to defeat "Although they are at the different-dimensional level but have not yet condensed the different-dimensional phantoms for some reason", they can use the different-dimensional phantoms to push the past, which means "this Is this player a different-dimensional, stable tennis player"?

--Unaffected by various factors such as venues, emotions, partners, etc., your own tennis strength is at an undoubtedly different dimensional level!

Such players, even in the U17 training camp, there are only a few people!

And today

Bang--bang bang--

The tennis ball left its scars in the air.

When Mitsuya saw the course of the ball, the tennis ball had already reached his destination.


"1:0, Yanagi Renji scored!"

Data, of course, must be calculated carefully and carefully.

Therefore, the power of different dimensions must not be wasted, it must be used on the blade!

Liu knows what an excellent data tennis player his opponent is, so he will not leave any breathing room for the opponent.

The power of the different dimension is not absolutely powerful, and the shadow of the different dimension does not represent an absolute victory.

If Mitsuya Akuto is given a chance to thoroughly research, Yanagi Renji thinks he is not absolutely sure of winning.

Therefore, the rhythm of tiebreak was accelerated from the beginning!

If the rhythm of the previous game was like a silent drizzle of moisturizing things, then the rhythm of the game now is a downpour!

Liu's intention is actually obvious, that is to make Mitsuya Akuto unable to use the data.

However, his actions and actions have made use of data while "compressing people with force."


No, it's on the left!

The high school student on the court no longer had the expression he had been indifferent before. He was sweating profusely, and his eyes were full of horror.

"2:0, Yanagi Renji scored!"

"2:1, Mitsuya-senpai scored!"

"3:1, Yanagi Renji scored!"

"4:1, Yanagi Renji scored!"

The purpose of obtaining data is to use data.

The next action after the data is in hand is naturally "analysis".

But it can be seen from the score that in this confrontation, Yanagi Renji won!

"This is "

Mutsu Yuma opened his eyes wide.


"Pre-judgment" is actually not enough to surprise Mutsu Yuma so much. As a tennis player who is capable of joining the ranks, Mutsu Yuma can actually make a "pre-judgment" at some point.

But the current situation is different from ordinary "pre-judgment"!

That's Mitsuya Akuto--

The "intelligence department" that supports the entire army alone is the data repository of the U17-army!

Of course, such Mitsuya Akuto is not a solutionless existence.

After all, no matter how well prepared his intelligence and no matter how perfect his data collection was, he couldn't beat Byōdōin Hōō.

But even if it cannot be called "no solution", it can be said to be "not leaking".

Originally taking the route of data tennis, Mitsuya will naturally not allow opponents to easily gain opportunities.

But now, facing Yanagi Renji, he is like a prey on a spider web, no matter how hard he struggles, he can't escape the "predicted" fate.

As if there is a script, the high school student on court seems to be "actively cooperating" with his opponent!

Mutsu Yuma believes that Mitsuya Akuto will not play counterfeiting.


The middle school student on court is not only making achievements in the field of different dimensions, but also slowly catching up with Mitsuya on the road of data tennis?

Just in the time of this game, there was such a big improvement

It's really terrible.

Mutsu Yuma took a deep breath and tried to suppress the shock in his heart.

As an older brother, he can barely keep calm.

As a younger brother, Mutsu Yuho can't hold back his own thoughts drifting away--

What kind of "monsters" has U17 training camp ushered in?!

Mutsu Yuho couldn't help but glance at the Rikkai high school student who has been "famous" in the first army for a long time.

He once thought he was very considerate and did not directly show his indifferent and perfunctory remarks on No.10 of the First Army.

In line with the attitude of "Maori is just a lifetime high, doubles with junior high school students, so you will inevitably be emotionally biased." Remarks adopt a "noncommittal" attitude.

But just like how Mitsuya Akuto attaches importance to Yanagi Renji, he would never have thought that Liu Hui would directly use the power of a different-dimensional phantom to "turn the board" in this game, Mutsu Yuho never thought of - Mōri Juzaburō's words, no exaggerate!

No. 10, a member of the Rikkai Grand Tennis Club, what I said is not an exaggeration, or even realism!

In the opinion of Mutsu Yuho today, those words of Maori are still too modest!

- The No. 10 of the first army only praised the juniors who doubles and synchronized with him, and then praised the other regulars of the tennis club of Rikkai big country centrally.

It sounds like "predecessor's affirmation", but now I want to--

Maori must be very hard at Rikkai!

So many and such a strong younger generation, if they relax a little, they will be surpassed by the younger generation--no, maybe they have already been surpassed!

Mutsu Yuho turned his attention back to the red-haired Rikkai player.

This middle school student has no other-dimensional phantom yet.

There is no other-dimensional phantom to be able to be with his partner, almost defeating him and his brother in a victorious manner

If you go further, what will it look like?

For a while, Mutsu Yuho was a little absent-minded.

Should have watched the game with the mood of "glorious misfortune" and "Let's lose together/unlucky", Mutsu Yuho did not have the mood of watching Mitsuya Akuto "losing".

-2.9- Don't get me wrong, this is not a sympathy, but pure absent-mindedness.

Mutsu Yuho has tried his best to find the army N in his mind. .10 The remarks about the middle school students of Rikkai big country.

"Liu Lian ranks in the Rikkai Grand Tennis Club, probably where is it?

Never thought that data tennis can be so cruel, Mutsu Yuho suddenly asked.

He asked this sentence because he didn't want to know the rankings and the like, but he was overly nervous.

You know, the one who has proved No.10 in the First Army, and the head of the Rikkai Grand Tennis Department, this is the different-dimensional phantom known to the high school students who have returned from the two expeditions.

Now add Yanagi Renji's Different Dimensional Shadow-Onmyoji, the third one;

It's just common sense. It's a blessing to have three different-dimensional shadow owners in a school tennis club.

But the school of Rikkai University cannot be described according to the usual theory.

What if there is a fourth one?

Mutsu Yuho would rather have a delusion, but also boldly make this assumption.

PS, Maori: Four, right? Little Nioh plus the Big Three!

Nioh: Sorry, your news, Senpai, is behind. It is five now~

pps, our little angel is still accumulating power

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