Prince of Tennis Nioh Phantom

Chapter 631 :End and Summary

The worries and distractions of the high school students in the court appearance game can't affect the direction and ending of this game at all.

Yanagi Renji obviously didn't let his strength in another dimension be reserved, so an almost one-sided scene appeared on the court, and he got the natural result--

"Renji, with your current strength -"

"I have nothing to teach you!"

One game, so much progress.

Renji's data tennis becomes more sophisticated

Mitsuya Akuto raised his hand and wiped the sweat from his cheeks, and sighed with relief in his heart.

The perspective of this high school student on the game is completely different from that of his fellow high school students.

The Mutsu brothers simply focused on strength and focused on Liu's different dimensions;

The unbreakable iron man with a stern face and a little bit of anger, only the flame of fighting spirit showed in his eyes.

- Different dimensional phantoms, who doesn't want to have their own different dimensional phantoms?

The three high school students in the court battle couldn't refuse this "temptation."

Needless to say, Kirihara Akaya, who thought he was "like-minded" with his predecessors, was flushed with excitement after recognizing Junshi Liu's different-dimensional phantom form. If you let other people who don't know it, you might think that this second-year ace will perform a "Devil Transfiguration" live!

Junior high school student Marui Bunta can't resist his own desire for a different-dimensional phantom.

When Liu started to fight back to chase points and use the different-dimensional phantom, Marui subconsciously shifted most of his own attention to Liu's different-dimensional phantom.

And since Marui is like this, Kuwabara is a good partner of Marui Bunta, what else can he say?

Rikkai's big black-skinned 17 is looking at Liu Junshi of his own tennis club with scorching eyes, and then divergent thinking begins to imagine what Rikkai's big red-haired player will look like in different dimensions.

--Yes, Kuwabara never considered the possibility that "Marui Bunta did not enter the realm of another dimension".

-He gave full play to his trust in the doubles partner.

Yanagi's feelings are more complicated, especially when he feels Kuwana's obvious emotions.

-Two three four five

Rikkai has only eight positive candidates in total!

Although I had been mentally prepared for a long time, when confronted with this fact, Rao Yi's heart in the first grade of Yagyu Hiroshi couldn't help but speed up.

When he watched the game before, he had been silent all the time.

This was not because he was fascinated by watching the game, but Liu Sheng felt that he had nothing to say.

What should I say?

The teammates are so good, would they take me to lie down and win?

Yagyu Hiroshi is sure that if he really says this sentence, he will immediately get a templated smile from the Minister of Rikkai and an iron fist from the Deputy Minister of Rikkai.

But correspondingly, if he really said that, Nioh Masaharu, who has always liked paddling, would definitely be willing to help lead him to lie down and win!

--Nothing else, Nioh Masaharu is for his own good mood!

What other people think of Nioh, Liu Sheng doesn't know.

All he knows is that Nioh Masaharu is a very emotional, but very sensible person who is currently selected by the Rikkai Grand Tennis Club!

For Nioh, as long as he makes him happy, it doesn't matter how much he contributes;

However, this "strength" is limited.

Nioh has been restraining himself all the time, he has always been doing whatever he wants within the limits of his self-delineation.

Liu Sheng, he thinks he still has a face.

He can accept "lie down to win", but never accept Nioh to take him paddling and lie down to win!

So-practice! Must practice!

So, this is another Rikkai big country middle school student orz who has been stimulated again

"very good!

Sanada was very satisfied with the outcome of the game he saw.

Deputy Minister Rikkai was very satisfied with Junshi Liu's performance in tiebreak.

All of them were teammates who worked hard to practice tennis together in National One, but Sanada actually didn't want to see anyone left behind.

He strictly applied for admission in the tennis club, and quickly and decisively eliminated a large number of people every time he recruited new recruits. This approach was actually a sign of his soft-heartedness.

If you can't insist on finishing the training menu, how can you hold the racquet and walk to the court?

If you can't even train, how hot can you be about tennis?

It's not that Sanada Genichiro looks down on those who are lax, he can't see those who are behind!

In his eyes, he only has "an opponent worth defeating" and "teammates fighting side by side". Maybe he needs to add a category of "I don't know how to define-Nioh Masaharu".

In the last few beautiful scoring process, Liu went straight and neatly, which made Sanada look excited.

- Actually, if it weren't for the "no competitions" rule, Sanada would have been courted by Liuyue!

But Rikkai's deputy minister is indeed worthy of being a "sticker" of "justice and lawful order". He strictly enforced the regulations. Even in the back mountains, except for special circumstances, he did everything in strict accordance with the regulations.

Even, not only that--

The Deputy Minister Rikkai was so frantic that all the players on the back mountain should do things in strict accordance with the regulations together!

Sanada Xianichiro regarded himself as a "trustee", and took care of everyone else on the back mountain very seriously and unrelentingly.

Excluding the "deliberate murder" of certain Rikkai players due to some reasons, the series of "small incidents" such as the Rikkai Deputy Minister, Sanada succeeded in taking the position in the back mountain!

Every morning, when the sky is still dark, get up on time at four o'clock

The wooden knife of Vice Minister Rikkai has become a nightmare for almost everyone on the back mountain!

"This time you all went to the back mountain, I was still worried."

Yukimura said.

"Now it seems that everyone has gained a lot."

Minister Rikkai reached a conclusion that satisfies him before the game is over.

The military divisions of their own tennis club have super-evolved on the back mountain, and their tennis strength has improved by leaps and bounds, and they even have their own different-dimensional phantoms!

This is really a surprise for Yukimura.

For Nioh, it's the same.

Nioh saw more than just the surface in this game.

The appearance of Liu's different-dimensional shadow did surprise him, but what made him the most happy was actually the "official appearance" of his own tennis team Liu Junshi on the road of data tennis!

Mitsuya Akuto, although it is not particularly prominent among the high school students in the first army, the player's statistical tennis level represents the pinnacle of intelligence tennis in the current tennis industry of country r high school students!

Nioh Masaharu's commentary on this game is the same as Mitsuya Akuto.

Neither of them put Liu's other-dimensional phantom in the "most delightful No. 1" position.

Because there is no one who has walked a road personally, it is difficult to understand the difficulty of walking this road.

Even Yukimura would not know what Yanagi Renji's data tennis would look like.

Nioh has "Phantom", but his "Phantom" is limited. Although the different dimension level is within the limit, it is really hard to say that he can show some strength.

Different Dimensional Phantom is the product of the highly cohesive mental power and will after the players break through the realm and reach the level called "Different Dimension".

What can be condensed from the messy data and intelligence?

- Liu who returned from the back mountain told Nioh the answer, "Victory"!

Different from his absolute trust in Yukimura, different from Kirihara Akaya's certainty that he will get a different-dimensional phantom, and different from Sanada's "laissez-faire", Nioh has never considered the change in tennis strength of Liu Hui in the back mountains. .

Seiichi Yukimura only needs to hold a racquet to grow strength and complete a breakthrough. It is as simple as eating and drinking;

Kirihaya still has the foundation of "demonization" and "angelization", and the foundation of spiritual power is sufficient, all it needs is an opportunity.

And Sanada’s other-dimensional phantom

Fenglin volcanic thunder, such a clear path, if you want to condense the phantom of different dimensions, it is simply a wide road!

Only Yanagi Renji--

Although Nioh had thought about this possibility before entering the U17 training camp, he actually didn't care about it.

He just couldn't resist thinking about it.

Others always say that his "phantom" is simply the best companion.

But Nioh Masaharu himself knows that this is not the case.

Faced with a data tennis player like Yanagi Renji, Nioh really doesn't know where to start to help his teammates improve.

He can arouse Yukimura and Sanada's eagerness and desire to win, and can improve and stabilize the mental power of juniors through practice games, but he is not a data tennis player after all.

Even "Phantom" can only be an indistinct style-after all, it is not the future that Liu possesses today.

Therefore, before entering the U17 training camp and before returning to the U17 training camp in the black jacket group, Nioh always thought that Army Master Liu from his own tennis club would accumulate a different dimension in high school.

He is even ready for "Marui Bunta's inspiration burst suddenly to condense the phantom of different dimensions"!

But he didn't expect that Yanagi Renji would not take the path of "accumulating thin hair" this time!

Accumulate and make progress-not that it must be weaker than others, but the process will always be a little harder, and the previous game will be a little harder.

"Puff, Liu made a lot of progress in the third year of junior high.

In addition to the necessary "Rikkai size kelp cultivation plan", Yanagi Renji, who has no other redundant and tedious work, was almost always "real-name threat" from the kelp younger generation trying to defeat the senior in Junior Three, and he also learned of a certain Some news that the fighting spirit broke out and it hasn’t been cold.

Such a willow, under the instigation of the three Mifūne Nyudō three head coaches with venomous eyes on the back mountain, can grit his teeth once. It seems that there is nothing impossible.

People are not frivolous and vain young people.

Kirihaya was able to break the barriers of “step by step” because of his “ruthlessness”, and possessed the different-dimensional phantom of the “seraph-dual form” nowadays.

During the period of the third country, Liu's tennis strength foundation is simply snowballing.

The more powerful opponents there are, the richer Yanagi Renji's database will be.

Therefore, now that Army Master Liu, who is not reconciled to lagging behind his younger generation, makes a ruthless breakthrough, it will be natural!

Everything is different from the memory of that fuzzy lake

"Yiu Sheng, when can you--"

No, he can't. Yagyu Hiroshi rejected Nioh's unfinished words in his heart.

He is just a transfer student from the golf club in the tennis club!

Is it his fault to meet these teammates?

"Time is running out, Nioh-san!"

Returning to their respective dormitories, and not mentioning the "different phantom", they can still be good teammates who "do not run into the river".

Otherwise, Liu Sheng couldn't guarantee that one day he would really not be able to stand his teammates, and he would simply practice some of the skills in the mystery with his own hands!

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