Prince of Tennis Nioh Phantom

Chapter 635 : Known information, plan to reconcile!

Nioh and his group walked on the way to court on the 16th, and there was a silent silence at first.

We will see the U17 training camp returning from the expedition-this is a matter of mood for all of them.

The Mutsu brothers who lost the game and lost the badge already showed a sad expression.

The iron man's complexion is not broken, but a careful analysis of his expression is more like "waiting for a big event".

Mitsuya Akuto also rarely lost interest in communicating with Liu. The intelligence analysis ability of data tennis has made him thoroughly predict what he will face.

And junior high school students who should have an active atmosphere one-

Everyone is a middle school student from Rikkai University, and they are all selected by the Rikkai Tennis Club. They are basically third-year students, and the youngest Kirihara Akaya is also a second-year student.

They all have a relationship with the No. 10 member of the army returning from the expedition that other high school students are "unwilling to face"!

Therefore, the term "near hometown cowardice" may well describe most of the subjective emotions of these middle school students.

Although I haven't seen each other in less than a year, too many things have happened during the period of "180", and everyone's tennis has also changed too much.

Only from Rikkai's side--

Not to mention the big event of three consecutive hegemonies, only to say that tennis strength breaks through this one--

Yukimura, Sanada, Yanagi, and Kirihaya have all completed different dimensions and entered another realm of tennis.

Mōri Juzaburō, who has already been promoted to Rikkai High School, is undoubtedly very familiar with the Rikkai masters of the second grade.

Especially for Nioh, this senior even knew something that even Yukimura hadn't noticed in time.

For the player Nioh Masaharu, before Nioh's third year, Maori knew much more information than Yanagi Renji discovered!

But now, everything is different.

Everyone became familiar and unfamiliar to their former teammates and companions.

Before Kirihara Akaya played that game, who knew that Rikkai's sophomore ace's phantom would have such a special form?

Before watching the Yanagi Renji VS Mitsuya Akuto match, who knows that Rikkai's Liu Junshi quietly developed such a terrible different-dimensional ability to match his data tennis?

And until now, although others have speculated about Sanada's different dimensions, the specific abilities of the different dimensions are still unknown question marks!

At this point, even Nioh couldn't help but be surprised that their Rikkai deputy minister seemed to have changed his temper.

--Where did the silly white sweet Sanada Genichiro go?

Once you have a different dimension, shouldn't you directly hold the racquet and challenge Yukimura?

Ichita, really disappointed him and the others too much!

Nioh firmly refuses to admit that this result was caused by him and his minister Seiichi Yukimura who cheated on Deputy Minister Rikkai too much.

He just used his brains, thinking about how to use the tyrannical strength of the existing senior high school students to "stimulate" the different-dimensional ability of their senior deputy director Rikkai.

After seeing Liu's different dimensions, Nioh decided that "everything is possible".

Marui Bunta is a talented and inspired player, forcing it may be half the effort.

But Genichiro Sanada is not such a player!

When Sanada started learning tennis, he had a friend, Yukimura, as the "control group."

After finally participating in the JR tennis match, he has the strength of Kunimitsu.

After arriving at Rikkai's big tennis club, emmmm Nioh thought that his sense of existence should not be weak in Sanada's eyes.

Therefore, Sanada, who burns fighting spirit under pressure and blow, must be very suitable for Rikkai's consistent "frustration education".

Within a certain range, the greater the pressure, the greater the progress.

Sanada, who now has a different-dimensional phantom, is definitely worthy of his title of "Emperor" in the middle school camp.

But facing the No. 2 player in the first army

Tanegashima Shuji's 60% strength may not cause him too much pressure!

Following behind Yukimura, who was walking in the front, Nioh Masaharu lowered his head slightly to avoid the warm sunshine.

He thought, before the shuffle of the first army VS the second army, Tanegashima must be reminded-don't relax during the game!

Of course, the game attitude on the surface can be casual, as long as it is taken seriously in the heart is enough.

All the high school students in the U17 training camp, Nioh's most trusted senior, besides Maori, is Tanegashima Shuji, who seems to do nothing. The former minister of the tennis club of Rikkai big country middle school, as long as he is willing to shoot and take it seriously, he will basically win 80%!

"Renji, in the previous game, you used the ability of the "Onmyoji"

Mitsuya Akuto's words broke the silent atmosphere first.

"Is there a name?

He said.

Although Mitsuya has a headache about what he will face in court on the 16th, his pursuit of intelligence, especially that of Yanagi Renji, is too strong.

But the current situation is--

Marui thought about his tennis, and kept Kuwabara silent;

Nioh thought of "how to clean up Sanada" from senior high school students, and directly ignored the silence around;

Yanagyu enjoys the silent atmosphere, Sanada's expression is serious as if he is about to go to the battlefield, Yukimura and Liu Xinsi think back and forth about the first army's high school life.

The third-year students of Rikkai University remained silent, and the second-year student Kirihaya was affected by the atmosphere at this time and did not dare to chat.

And other high school students can't even count on it!

In order to obtain timely information from the younger generation that she was optimistic about, Mitsuya simply "forgot" what she was about to face but didn't want to face.

[Renji's different-dimensional virtual shadow, the performance image is "Onmyoji"]

Perhaps, he needs to find some information about "Onmyoji"?

- The JUMP improved by the second-year junior of Rikkai will be included in the information database that needs to be updated for the time being!

[Known information--attribute "time and space", ability tendency is "prejudgment"]

[The specific manifestation is the pre-judgment of data, the specific name is unknown, and other information is unknown]

If you can ask for the "specific naming", there should be additional intelligence gains!

After all, naming is basically a brief summary of tennis moves sublimated to paper.


As Liu said, he couldn't help but glared at Kirihaya.

Although his image of the different-dimensional virtual shadow is indeed an "Onmyoji", he is also happy to accept the name "Another-dimensional virtual shadow-Onmyoji", but if this name is for the younger generation of players who are unusual in their own brain circuits" The sensible brain hole-association analysis "link is perfect!"

Liu can't wait to go back to the past and tear down his different dimension now!

He is very satisfied with his different-dimensional phantom ability, but why does his different-dimensional phantom have the image of an "Onmyoji"?

But no matter what, it's done.

The next thing he had to work hard on could only be made up for by Feng Li.

For example, sealing the mouths of single-cell juniors and watching lively teammates!

"Scheduled to reconcile!"

Liu did not speak directly, but said after a few seconds of silence.

Originally, the name he gave to his different-dimensional ability was not this.

Pre-judgment, or "prophecy on court", Liu Ben wants to call it "Xing Jian", using this term to summarize his ability of different-dimensional moves.

But Kirihaya can start his associations when he sees "Another Dimensional Shadow-Onmyoji", considering the lethality of "jump" and other things that Liu can't be sure of.

Said it named "Xing Jian", I don't know what weird things will be heard from the younger generation!

2.9 Junshi Liu, who didn't want to have too much black history (especially the black history that he didn't have) that came out of the brains of his younger generations, decisively named his different-dimensional ability with this philosophical term!

-Scheduled reconciliation, established destiny.

--Even if the encounter I think is useless, from the point of view of the Almighty, a necessary and inevitable reconciliation can be achieved!

Applied in tennis matches

Even the data and intelligence that the opponent considers useless can be used from Yanagi Renji's side to perform data deduction and prediction, and finally win!

Of course, the most important thing about this naming is one-

Basically, it has prevented the younger generations who love comics and games from developing their terrifying association ability!

Junshi Liu firmly does not believe that their second-year ace of Rikkai University can have the patience and time to read this philosophically related term on the edge of the struggle with academic performance!

If this kind of "philosophical term" has also suffered the terrible "jump" "bad hand" Yanagi Renji will be willing to accept his fate and accept those who do not belong to his own "children's brains, black history"!.

Maybe everyone has a different naming style, but you can always get so little information about it.

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