Prince of Tennis Nioh Phantom

Chapter 636 : Undefeatable, wonderful misunderstanding

""Scheduled to reconcile'?"

Mitsuya Akuto repeated Liu's answer softly.

There was a faint flash in his eyes under his lenses, but what was left in the bottom of his eyes in the end was more curiosity.

Although Mitsuya has not met and exchanged tennis with Liu for so many years, he already knows the personality of Yanagi Renji, and he has excellent observation ability.

The hesitation and contemplation of Army Master Rikkai Oliu before answering, although it only took less than three seconds, was seen and remembered by the tennis high school player who is proficient in intelligence collection.

Mitsuya Akuto added another question one-

What was Yanagi Renji hesitating and thinking about?

The temperament that seemed to have made a major decision. Although Liu seemed ordinary on the surface, the high school student discovered that his junior seemed to have made a very important decision in less than three seconds.

As a result, the curious high school student data tennis player complied with his own wishes.

Mitsuya Akuto looked at Kirihara Akaya, a second-year junior high school student from Rikkai University!

[According to my data, the person with the greatest probability of causing Renji to react abnormally is this Rikkai sophomore junior high school student!]

The high school student player thought very confidently.

-His idea was quickly confirmed by Kirihara Akaya himself!

"Wow,'Scheduled to reconcile'!"

Rikkai's sophomore ace opened his eyes wide and his tone was full of surprise.

Angrily, Master Liu, who had set up a super-large Flag in his heart, suddenly had a very bad premonition.

I have never heard of philosophy in the comics!

Could it be that "jump" attaches great importance to educational meaning-how is this possible?!

Yanagi Renji knows Kirihaya, and he is convinced that the kelp in his tennis club is not the kind of kid with a boring philosophy.

[Is something wrong? Akaya shouldn't understand it]

Liu Junshi's Flag was erected high.

[Do I need to make up the comic?]

Liu is resolutely unwilling to believe that he himself defeated the long-admired brother Akuto in the data tennis contest, but after a rigorous data analysis after the game, he lost to the younger generation!

Therefore, he is just thinking about supplementing his "database" and learning more "knowledge" things.

"Very cool!

While Liu was thinking frantically, Kirihaya paused, and then said excitedly.

As he spoke, he waved his fist, expressing his excitement with his body language.

If people who don’t know their previous love see the performance of Rikkai's sophomore junior high school students, they might think that the player who just won the game and used the "pre-reconciliation" move is Kirihara Akaya.

Because Kirihaya was too excited.

--It is not the excitement that can be described as "my senior won the game, so I am super happy", but "senior Liu, you know me!!!" The excitement of "partner"!

Liu felt that he was already on the edge of the cliff of despair-he was almost 100% sure that the juniors of his tennis club would be "awe-inspiring" again!

The excitement and excitement of the second-year juniors is beyond words.

His predecessors looked at Yanagi Renji with complicated eyes!

Sanada looked inexplicable, and a rare untimely smile appeared on his solemn face;

Liu Sheng calmly raised his hand and pushed down the glasses-he seemed to forget that he had pushed the glasses frame just now;

Yukimura maintained a sincere and gentle smile from the heart, the "gloating" in Nioh's eyes almost overflowed, and Marui's expression was slightly distorted - Kuwabara was sure that his doubles partner Marui Bunta was working hard to avoid it. I laughed out loud myself.

This group of people, the onlookers of these events, these audiences, are ready to "eat melons."

You know, their descendants have the "power" in some respects

It's not an exaggeration to say that it is "powerful against the Big Three, singled out in the country"!

"Puff, can Akaya be more specific?"

Nioh had a guess.

He is the one who has "seen" the kelp juniors the most among all the people present.

Not only the time when Hyotei stayed together, Nioh Masaharu was the dumb man who had seen their Rikkai junior, Seigaku and genius Fuji Syusuke!

Nioh, who has experienced this kind of thing, is looking forward to the next "enthusiastic commentary" from the younger generation.

"Hope is a predetermined reconciliation, but despair is unknown!"

Kirihaya was not fortunate enough to let down the expectations of his senior Nioh, other seniors who were holding back smiles, and Minister Yukimura who was smiling openly.

Rikkai's second-year ace, spoke in a deep voice in a meditative tone.

When he said this, his expression was suppressed, and he seemed to be quite stressed.

Well, yes, it's like a big villain boss who is brainwashing others!

The Mutsu brothers and the three high school students of the unbreakable iron man looked stunned at Kirihara Akaya like this.

Tennis players who can have the badge of the first army and are on the expedition team may have some insufficient emotional intelligence, and often have headaches in school work; but I have to admit that they want to be excellent in a certain field. Groups of people must have excellent responsiveness in this field!

It just so happens that the Mutsu brothers and Unbreakable Iron Man not only have excellent reaction ability, but also have excellent thinking ability.

What's more rare is that their thinking is very normal!

So, according to normal thinking, why these Rikkai big country middle school students would react this way.

High school students think they seem to have seen the truth!

There is no use of data for deduction at all-the performance of these Rikkai middle school students really makes the "truth" too obvious. So, Mitsuya Akuto subconsciously looked at his very optimistic junior Yanagi Renji for the first time--

The high school student succeeded in seeing the blue veins emerging from the forehead of Army Division Rikkai Oliu.

Everyone who had been walking and chatting stopped very tacitly.

For a while, the atmosphere was a little stiff.

--Papa Papa Papa!

The applause saved the atmosphere, but did not save the blue veins emerging from the forehead of Army Division Jiliu.

The Mutsu brothers and the Unbreakable Iron Man returned to their senses one after another, with twitching mouths watching the other Rikkai junior high school students besides Yanagi Renji applauding the wonderful performance of their juniors.

Then, they heard the newly joined applause from around--

High school student contestant, Mitsuya Akuto, start to applaud!

Pa pa pa pa pa pa pa!

Unbreakable Iron Man is a bold high school student.

He hesitated for less than a second before joining the applauding team.

The only two remaining "conscience" Mutsu brothers, although a little overwhelmed, eventually followed in the footsteps of the unbreakable iron man and began to applaud.

Perhaps to make up for the previous "slow shot", the four high school students applauded loudly--

Pop, pop, pop, pop, pop, pop, pop!

Kirihaya was satisfied and proud in applause.

And his senior Liu felt the feeling of burrow in the applause.

--How can it be repaired!

-He Yanagi Renji swears that he must find out what comic books for his younger generations are!

- "Jump", right? Remember!! From now on, all members who were caught by him to watch "jump" in the tennis club will all double their training, plus running laps and practice matches!!!

"Predecessors usually concentrate too much on tennis, and they have to combine work and rest!"

The applause was intermittent, and the proud Rikkai sophomore sighed.

The time for revealing the secret is about to come. The high school students listened very carefully, and it was very hard for Marui and others to hold back a smile.

Only Nioh raised the corners of his mouth blatantly, and Yukimura smiled as calmly as before.

"Senior Liu did a great job!"

The second-year trump card who is about to become the third-year minister said earnestly.


Liu thought coldly in his heart.

By now, he no longer has any hope for his Rikkai teammates, and he is even more vigilant towards his juniors.

As for senior high school students

Master Liu Jun feels sorrowful.

The U17 training camp is really a "good place" for training people!

He should understand on the back mountain-where the remaining players in this training camp have such things as "conscience"!

The personality of the training camp can be judged from the coach, which is inferred by big data

Sure enough, his brother Akuto is no longer the kind-hearted, patient, and conscientious brother who took the trouble to teach him data tennis!!!

Liu Junshi was very distracted.

He has become accustomed to the "righteous backstab" from his teammates, but he still feels heartfelt grief in the face of the "very different" predecessors compared to his own memory.

"Games are not only harmful!"

It is the first time for Kirihaya to improve his personal hobbies so confidently.

Yes, that's the case. The experienced Rikkai middle school students thought this way at the beginning.

The comics really gave my juniors a lot of brain holes



Not a comic??!

"Although Dangan Rondo is not a passionate fighting game, it is really fun!"

"But I haven't played for a long time either."

"But as soon as Senior Liu, you said,'Scheduled to reconcile, I immediately remembered it!"

Kirihaya said very happily.

He was really happy because he thought his senior Liu was named "Scheduled Reconciliation" because of the inspiration of this game line.

--Hope is a predetermined reconciliation, but despair is unknown.

How philosophical (suitable to pretend to be deep) this sounds!

So, to this day, Kirihara Akaya, who has a painful memory of English words, still remembers this line from so many uncountable lines in the game after such a long time.

PS, readers, do you think the last chapter is over? No, no! Junshi Liu's obvious Flag is standing at the end-our second-year ace of Rikkai University will not disappoint his respected predecessors!

We, Akaya, have super-university-level brain holes hhhhhhh.

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