Prince of Tennis Nioh Phantom

Chapter 666 : Zero-style serve, the phantom of the hand, successful fraud!

"Senior Maori used the superficial'Mach serve' in competitions, but his skills and height were not enough at that time, so his speed was not as fast as No.9 himself serve."

Liu said in a calm tone, not paying attention to the inhalation that other people couldn't help making when they heard this conclusion.

"So Atobe are facing two opponents who serve so fast?!"

The first person who made the voice of despair was Hyotei player Mukahi Gakuto.

By now, the middle school students are no longer sitting in line. They sat together directly; some of them couldn't stand their temper and even stood up to watch the game.

"Do we still have the possibility of winning?"

"The opponent high school student hasn't used all his strength yet, right?"

"No, Nioh should be able to deal with it. He called back so easily before! But Atobe"

"Atobe can do too! Don't forget Atobe's eyesight-if you adapt, you may be able to fight back!"

"Nioh is in his'phantom' state, how do you know if he is struggling or relaxing now?"

"It must be easy! Isn't he the'big fraudster of Rikkai' always mysterious and unpredictable?

The middle school students argued.

Pessimism and optimism are equally divided.

"Things are not so pessimistic yet."

In the end, it was concluded by the authoritative person-Rikkai Daliu Army Division.

In the case of other Rikkai big players eating melons and watching the show, they just laughed and didn't express their opinions anyway, Liu's words are very authoritative in the eyes of other middle school players.

"The weakened version of'Mach serve' used by the Maori predecessors was actually made by Nioh!"

Liu held so many gazes, his expression still indifferent.

His words successfully silenced the middle school students for three seconds.

"But as mentioned before, theoretically only players with a height of more than 1.9 meters can deliver a perfect flat ball.

But the beginning of the month is not so easy to send.

"Can the weakened version of'Mach serve" be the same as the Mach serve used by No.9 of the First Army?"

He raised 203's own doubts quite sharply.

Nioh's height data is there.

- Even if you don't know the height data, you can know the height contrast between junior high school students and high school students just by looking at it!

"Yes, so Nioh used his "phantom"!'

"Don't you still have a hand?"

Liu said very frankly.

His words succeeded in calming down the middle school students.

In terms of serving skills, Atobe owns Tang Huaise serve; and Nioh Masaharu has phantoms to become a master of Kunimitsu, what will the people of Kunimitsu do, you don't have to ask!

--"Zero-style serve", the same serve that the opponent can't reach!

"But the problem still exists."

Now Yanagi Renji asked the question himself.

"Tang Huaise serve and zero-style serve are much more expensive to the players themselves than the Mach serve of high school students."

Liu Junshi evaluated the players on both sides very objectively.

And the development on the court is almost as they discussed--

Mach serve, speed up again!

Although Atobe's eyesight is strong, he has not yet adapted to the previous ball speed. Now he is naturally helpless in the face of this ball speed. He can only watch himself a step slower.

And Nioh Mirage Cheng's hand, the expression is very serious and solemn.

He hit back again, but missed more.


This is the final sound of a tennis ball landing in this game.

"1:0, the more wise, the gross profit leads!"

Atobe, who tried to catch the ball but failed, heard the referee's announcement and his expression was quite unhappy-this is enough to make his Hyotei members tremble, but to the "hands" or Nioh. In terms of it, it's nothing.

[All said that you are not allowed to escape, no escape! No paddling!]

[My uncle doesn’t believe you can’t take the previous serve!]

Atobe was so angry, he glared fiercely at the back of the "handman Kunimitsu".

Fortunately, this is Atobe Keigo, Minister of Hyotei.

If the person partnering with Nioh on court is Sanada

Maybe Sanada will fight with Nioh directly, right?

At this moment, even though his heart is short of breath, Atobe still believes in his doubles partner Nioh Masaharu. He believes that Nioh, like him, will not allow this qualifying match to be lost.

The personal meaning of defeating Mōri Juzaburō to Nioh Masaharu and the personal meaning of defeating Tsukimitsu Ochi to Atobe Keigo should have the same weight in their respective hearts.

The calm Hyotei Junior High School Student thought this way, and slowly calmed down his annoyance.

But when did the unhappy Atobe swallow?

He directly stunned the high school student opposite.

"Hey, Senior Blue Hair!"

It's really unceremonious.

This time it was the high school student's turn to breathe in astonishment--Has the Hyotei junior high school student still not learned his lesson? The more wisdom is not so easy to provoke!

"Your taste is too bad, right?"

"This highlight color

Atobe looked at the high school student with a very obvious disgust in his eyes.

--It seems that the previous Mach serve did not bring him a psychological shadow.

Tsukimitsu Ochi thought this way, his expression unchanged, and he didn't care about Atobe's "disgust" at all.

But Maori complained a few words for his doubles partner--

"Yueguang Sang's taste is not so bad, right?"

"I think the color of the moonlight mulberry highlights looks good! It looks pleasing to the eye after a long time!"

"What do you think, little Nioh?"

The No.10 Nickel of the First Army talked with Rikkai high school students perseveringly.

However, the person on court now is "Handie Kunimitsu".

Although it is Nioh Phantom's hand, in order to maintain the authenticity of the Phantom that Minister Seigaku sees to others, Nioh cannot answer Maori's questions in his own tone.

He answered directly with tennis!


It was his turn to serve. As Yanagi Renji said, Phantom became the Nioh Masaharu of Kunimitsu, and of course he did not forget to use his signature skill "Zero serve".

The tennis ball crossed the net and did not bounce up after landing.

Such a serve naturally does not have the problem of "returning" in theory.

"15:0, Atobe and Nioh score!

Sure enough, it is zero. After Fuji Syusuke saw it, the arc of his smile flattened a bit.

"Feasible! In this way, we can get the score back!'

"It's great, it won't bounce serve!"

"The skill of the hand is really strong! Nioh Phantom, can the current Nioh completely imitate the hand?"

The middle school students became lively here.

However, the high school students who watched the game in the Second Army were not as optimistic as the junior high school students.

"Zero serve"

Tokugawa Kazuya has a subtle expression, and seems to think of some unpleasant memories.

"I remember that Maori would do this (bhcj) too."

Said the black-haired high school student.

Therefore, if you will use the zero-style No.10 for the same long ago, will you easily let the doubles of the middle school students score here?

"How did you know Tokugawa, you are going to fight back!"

With the No.20 badge of the First Army, Irie is not like some of his colleagues because of the temper of the First Army boss and the No. 8 violent punishment law of the First Army, he dare not come to watch the game in person.

This high school student relied on his own pro (no) and (requiring) strength (face), so he naturally mixed into the middle school team.

Although he is now "excluded"-the middle school students broke up the original tennis team directly in twos and threes according to the needs of watching the game, which made Irie Kanata fall alone-actually not, he is still standing in Germany. Next to Chuan.

It's just that the black-haired high school student was too silent, causing Irie to watch the game alone, with no communication.

- Irie Kanata is envious of his roommate Jujiro Oni!

Knowing that Tokugawa was so silent today, he also went to the first army player to chat with Tanegashima!

Although No. 2 of the First Army sometimes says something that makes him depressed, it is well known - what a communicative person Tanegashima Shuji is! No need to cite other examples, people who have spoken to Tohno Atsukyo will know how good Tanegashima is chat.


After the "hand's family" throws the ball, just like the last serve, it swings and hits the ball.

However, this time zero serve met the red-brown little curly senior racquet who was already ready to catch the ball!


The zero-type serve of "Handie Kunimitsu" has become more sophisticated now. If there was a possibility of a small distance from the ground in the past, now the zero serve is basically close to the ground!

But sticking to the ground and not bouncing does not mean that Maori can't fight back.

- No. 10 in the First Army, but a tennis player who knows the "Strategy"!

"Little Nioh, you taught me this!"

Maori said.

Identify the key moments, repeat the rapid swings continuously, and force the tennis to be too high. It's easier said than done, but it has a "pass strategy" for a long time, and the Maori who has practiced the game can do it all successfully!

So this time, let's not talk about other people in the first military player's seat. Even Byodoin raised an eyebrow when it heard the sound.

The corners of Tanegashima Shuji's mouth became more and more obvious, as if he was afraid that his colleagues would not know that he was in a very good mood at this time.

But because those who want to beat him can't beat him at all, those who can beat the No. 2 army (such as Onijujiro and Byōdōin Hōō) are unwilling to pay attention to this high school student with a tail.

Tanegashima Shuji was able to watch the game uninterrupted and refreshed!

In fact, one of the important reasons why Byodoin and the ghost are unwilling to talk to Tanegashima Shuji is that no matter which side of the doubles wins, the No. 2 army can show off their descendants to them!

Whoosh one by one

The tennis ball that was hit back made the middle school students in the second army player's seat nervous.

They didn't expect that the zero serve would be beaten back.

"Wait, Nioh won't also teach the No. 10 strategy of zero serve to the first army, right?"

The sentence I asked at the beginning of the month is the voice of most middle school students.

However, Liu watched the game on the court intently, and it seemed that he didn't want to answer this question at all.

--Because his answer is unnecessary.

For this goal, Nioh must score!


The tennis ball hits the ground.

"30:0, Atobe and Nioh score!

The person on the court is "Handy Kunimitsu"!

Although it was the "hand house" from Nioh's phantom, but no matter what

Minister Seigaku, who has always been serious and not negligent, would let him lose points?

So, Nioh waved the racquet and hit back the tennis ball that was beaten back.

Because "it is necessary to learn a lesson (and to conform to the design of the hand)", his return this time is ordinary, not the zero chop in the "zero series".

The real ultimate move is in the next moment

The invisible strength made the tennis ball that was hit back by the high school student in the next moment directly out!

- "The Phantom of the Hand""!

Forcibly let the opponent hit the tennis ball out, thereby achieving the goal of scoring.

Quite easy to use the game, the only drawback is probably the physical wear and tear caused by the game to the player.

From the perspective of Yanagi Renji outside the court-the most important thing is that the "Phantom of the Hand" is a game that Maori won't use!

"A very good phantom!"

Yukimura in the second place player's seat finally opened again.

Although what he was thinking in his heart was one-

[Very outstanding phantom, wonderful fraud and layout!]

[It doesn’t matter what the two senior high school students think, the important thing is that Atobe has been deceived!]

ps, yes, due to the existence of Nioh, a buggy doubles teammate, Atobe is not under much pressure now. But we can make him have other negative emotions. Together, the achievement of "spiritual assassination" can be achieved perfectly. (I have spoiled it, don't urge qaq today).

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