Prince of Tennis Nioh Phantom

Chapter 667 : Knowing yourself and the enemy is a sign

Zero serve and zero chop can actually be called the representative tennis moves of Seigaku Minister Kunimitsu. They are second only to the "hands" field, which is a personal trick secret that is named after the player's name.

"The Phantom of the Hand" is the same for the hand Kunimitsu-the personal touch of the game is more important than the game itself.

Nioh chose to use the "Phantom of the Hand" to respond to Maori's return. While receiving a lot of exclamations, it also made his phantom image more deeply rooted in the hearts of the people.


Toss the ball and swing.

The young Danfeng's eyes are clear and solemn. His expression is still the same calm as before, and his look is as steady as usual. If you look at his expression alone, it is estimated that not many people can think of-he is now making a terrifying serve.

Zero type serve!

In the middle school tennis world, such a serve can be said to be unsolvable.

As a result, on the side of the second army player seat, many people couldn't help holding their breath. Seigaku's little pillar was already obsessed with watching the game, and he couldn't help but raise his hand to press his hat with the ball.

--This time it is not "MADAMADADANE".

If such a serve is still far behind, then what is the serve of other people?

But such a serve is indeed "not enough."

At least, facing the high school students on the other side of the net, it is not up to the ACE level of scoring a goal!

Zero form is no longer synonymous with no solution.

The response of high school students made these junior high school students soberly aware of "high school students' tennis."

Their mood is probably very complicated, but more emotions should be excitement.

--Like Atobe on court at this time.


Hyotei's junior high school student ran forward two steps, and then slammed--

He was totally excited!

Minister Seigaku is like a specific stimulant to some players in the middle school tennis world.

Before playing, Nioh considered his "role" in this doubles qualifying match and seriously considered his phantom object.

After thinking about it, he finally chose Seigaku's Minister of Junior High School Students.

This is not the unwillingness in the memory he has long abandoned, or even his own poor self-esteem. In fact, after the completion of Rikkai's junior high, Nioh has completely put some unpleasant things behind.

Therefore, in the consideration time before the game, he was more thinking about-which phantom would be more useful?

For Tsukimitsu Ochi, No. 9 of the first army, there is no phantom object among junior high school students.

And if it is against Mōri Juzaburō, the first army NO.10...

Nioh can say to everyone without shame and righteousness that the most effective opponent against Mōri Juzaburō, a junior high school student, is of course Nioh Masaharu himself!

Therefore, Rikkai's junior high school students were distressed for a while and decided to ignore the high school students for the time being at the beginning. The player he decided to target was his doubles partner Atobe Keigo in this competition!


The invisible Qi Jin changed direction.

This time, there seems to be a centripetal attraction.

The moves of the hand are really easy to use. If you don't consider the loss of yourself, it is simply a practical and perfect game!

I once again praised Minister Seigaku who has already gone to Europe in my heart. Nioh happily used the "Tezuka Field", regardless of the sadness that arose in the hearts of a small number of people on the second army player seat.

"40:0, Atobe, Nioh score!"

Although it is not an ACE, it is an unchangeable fact that the junior high school team, that is, the second army scores again.

Judging from the scores in the small game, it is indeed that the doubles combination of middle school students is more "gorgeous" here!

Atobe was very satisfied with this thought.

He has temporarily forgotten his hatred for Nioh at the beginning.

The power of "Nioh Phantom"...

The development to this level actually affects not only the opponent, but also the Atobe who has the identity of "teammate, partner"!

Unconsciously, more and more people saw Minister Seigaku's figure in their minds from the "Tezuka Kunimitsu" created by Nioh's phantom.

--The dignified look is like Fuji Syusuke, eager to try such as Echizen Ryoma.

--Naturally, and Atobe Keigo who is already excited on court!

If Atobe can overwhelmingly surpass Nioh in mental power, or have a tacit understanding with Nioh's unusual doubles, then it will definitely not be the same as it is now.

He clearly knows that his doubles partner is Nioh Masaharu, and he was still angry at Nioh Masaharu, who is "a phantom master but still has no right attitude".

But now?

-They just scored consecutive points, ーthe small round is not over yet.

In such a short period of time, Atobe, who has always been calm-headed, has experienced such a big emotional change...

The way he looks, from the eyes of those who know Minister Hyotei, is really a bit weird.

Sanada outside the court frowned subconsciously.

Deputy Minister Rikkai is also "one of the people" who is obsessed with confronting Minister Seigaku. At the beginning, Shinichiro Sanada, who had just been promoted to the Rikkai High School, definitely treated Kunimitsu as his obsessive target.

If not, although it looks irritable, but in fact, it has strong self-control, but it will let go of the guard in front of people who identify with it, and show the truth-real-self, self-my Sanada, how can the targeted development of "difficulties" What about "knowing like yin" and "moving like thunder"?

These two skills, the original idea was born due to Kunimitsu's skills.

But such thinking is limited to "at that time".

………For flowers

Now Sanada has already got what he wanted. Although he still values ​​Minister Seigaku very much, this is also the attitude that all tennis players-especially tennis players after seeing Kunimitsu's tennis are inevitable!

- Minister Seigaku, who has such a strong tennis strength and potential, is definitely an opponent worthy of attention!

However, Sanada is still different from other tennis players.

He has the "experience" that other tennis players don't have-the deputy minister of Rikkai, how can he not be familiar with the mental power of Rikkai's cheater?

"Nioh Phantom" will be more effective against acquaintances-because it will target the opponent's heart;

However, this is also a double-edged sword!

For acquaintances

See more Phantoms, and learn about immunity!

Having completely stepped into the realm of different-dimensional tennis strength, Sanada has more than most of the "resistance", plus the "resistance" that comes from familiarity--


It's really rare. He was not affected by "Hand Kunimitsu" like Atobe.

Bang bang bang--


After the tennis landed, the score in the first set became a "1:1" temporary tie.

"Oh-the score is tied, it's back!

Obviously it was only the first two games, but the middle school students who watched the game were fully engaged as if the two sides of the game had to decide the winner immediately.

"Good job!

They praised again and again.

Although there are not all ACE scores, the mentality of the players on both sides will not change because of ACE under normal circumstances, so-as long as the final result is good, ACE is not so important. The level of tennis prowess possessed by the players on both sides has cut them off from watching a crushing game. What's more, Nioh really played beautifully in this game!

"It really played beautifully-I don't seem to have encountered such a game in a long time.

Judging from the height data and personal information, the No. 10 army that also uses the high-speed serve ball skill of "Mach serve" has been unable to restrain the corners of his angry mouth.

"Then it's me in the next game, little Nioh."

Putting his index finger on his lips, Maori listened to the cheers and comments of the junior high school students in his ears, and made a gesture of "please enjoy the next more exciting game".

In terms of understanding and familiarity

Mōri Juzaburō was originally the doubles partner of "The Rikkai Fraudster"!

--It is the kind of doubles partner that can be very natural in tune.

PS, I have finished the physical exam, and I have to practice vomiting for 42-style Taijiquan! The author once again overestimated his codeword speed, the estimation was wrong! Not enough time, too sleepy, can't write three thousand words, write Qaq was not there as expected. In the next chapter, let the first army NO.9 take care of Atobe~ Good night~~~ Soil.

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