Prince of Tennis Nioh Phantom

Chapter 668 : Mental Assassination, Ominous Premonition

Theoretically speaking, if the height setting satisfies the condition of 1.9 meters, the gross profit can be used to serve the Mach serve.

But this is only "in theory".

Tsukimitsu Ochi's first serve success rate is 100% correct, but his "serve score rate" is not that high.

Not to mention, Mach serve

Of the four players on the court with this skill, perhaps only Atobe is unfamiliar!


Compared with the serve speed in the first game, it is not inferior.

Liu, who was watching the game on the players' stand, immediately confirmed this, and confirmed the guess that "it seems that the high school students have not done their best yet."

Although Liu Junshi said that the conditions of Mach serve, Mōri Juzaburō are all satisfied. But the master of this skill is still Tsukimitsu Ochi! Liu believes in the tennis level of his seniors, but he does not think that his seniors will far surpass Hyotei's senior high school students in this skill.

This is my own skill, which is not the same as the one learned-Mach serve, this skill developed by Tsukimitsu Ochi, is itself the best skill for the smarter!


Racquet barely touched the tennis ball, but due to insufficient preparation for the direction of strength, the tennis ball that was hit back hit the net directly.

--Hang the net!

"15:0, the smarter the score, the gross profit!"

Atobe glanced at the net and snorted coldly.

"Atobe is so unlucky!"

Oshitari Yuushi outside the court expressed deep sympathy to his minister.

This qualifying match was not "fair" from the beginning-among the four players on the field, perhaps only Minister Hyotei is in the "nothing" situation "207"!

There is no need to mention the degree of mutual understanding between Nioh and Maori; there is no need to say more about the tacit understanding between Maori and Yuezhi.

Rikkai's fraudster had already studied the tennis of Hyotei's senior high school students-this matter, now all the middle school students present know about it.

So there is really only Atobe who "knows nothing"!


The players on the court will not hesitate to think that Hyotei is a genius who "sees everything".

Maori scored in the first serve, and did not let up when serving again.

Although he still has reservations, since he went to court, he really hasn't relaxed in his heart.

--The tennis of my own junior, that pervasive, subtle, and strange mental power, Maori has suffered too much!


This time the tennis was successfully hit back by Nioh.

"15:15, Atobe, Nioh score!"

Perhaps it was because the previous "Handy Kunimitsu" showed his skills such as the handy field, the Phantom of the Hand, and so on. Many people were convinced of his tennis prowess. The current "Handy Kunimitsu" returned to the Maori serve. Many people watched it. Not surprised.

They probably think that Minister Seigaku is so good, or think that the players have adapted to the current speed of serve-even though they "spectators" still can't see the serve of high school students.

However, as Nioh Masaharu's teammates, the Rikkai Taisho elections headed by Yukimura saw the "wrong place".

--According to the "handsman" tennis level that Nioh imagined at the beginning, this ball can be hit back, but it should not be hit back directly!

Now that he is fighting back so directly and simply, did he increase the strength of the Phantom, or have other plans?

[But there is another possibility]

Yanagi Renji's heart was pounding, thinking of a possibility to make him "just think, get excited".

"It's going to start!!

Yukimura's words seemed like an omen.

Minister Rikkai almost read the script, announcing that this doomed doubles competition is about to usher in its first climax!

Bang bang bang--

Maori and Yuezhi exchanged glances.

With the No.10 racquet of the First Army, tennis speeds up again.

"30:15, the smarter the score, the gross profit!


"40:15, the smarter the score, the gross profit!"

Atobe, who is adapting to the previous speed of the ball, stalks in his heart in one breath-really not a gorgeous senior!

- Slowly speed up, do you want to take care of them, middle school students, or deliberately release water?

You know, if high school students directly use the extremely high serve speed, Atobe may not be able to adapt at all. However, slowly improving like this, Atobe can barely catch a tennis ball!

"Recommendation, little Nioh.

Accompanying this sentence is Maori's swing serve.


The arrival of this ball and the previous sentence did not change the face of "Handyman Kunimitsu", but when he hit the ball with a swing

Tennis hangs on the net.

At present, it is not the No. 10 of the first army. The Mach serve is played at the highest level. If you want to do some small actions when serving, add some small things-this level, Mōri Juzaburō can still do it!

"2:1, the more intelligent, the gross profit leads!"

Under the phantom, Nioh showed a very complicated expression.

I didn't fight back, but I went online

Senior suddenly became so "treacherous", it really made him unaccustomed!


[Just now, did I overlook something?]

Rikkai's fraudster frowned under the cover of mental power.

He has a very bad premonition.

Nioh, who has always been free, believes in intuition, but the current situation is not beyond expectations?!

Everything is done step by step.

If an accident happened, did the ball just now make him feel that way?

But now the gains and losses of one goal, the gains and losses of one point and one game have absolutely no effect on him in the final result!

Qingjun's dark brown hair color fits well with his character and shows an expression of being cautious of his opponents-the expression now is undoubtedly Nioh's true feelings.

With some premonition that made him feel bad, Nioh immediately raised his alertness again and again.

He is even ready to accept the "mental shock", because then it is time to change the field!

After three rounds, the two players switched to each other.

Although Nioh did not remind his current doubles partner Hyotei for some "for Atobe good reasons", he was ready to "accelerate the process".

After all, his previous decision to follow the high school students' plan was to let himself have a doubles partner who completed the breakthrough in this game, rather than wanting a "one-to-two" super-specification doubles game that made him abhorrent. !

"Wait a minute, little Nioh."


Walking beside the net, Nioh was directly pulled by Maori very hard.

Before Atobe had time to comment on this "Rikkai-style greeting" method, he saw the army's NO.9 ready stare!

Spiritual Assassin Tsukimitsu Ochi

This was the only clear thought that Atobe had before he lost his spirit after seeing those eyes.

And in the eyes of others--

"what "

"What happened?"

"not good!

The reactions of middle school students are enough to explain their eyesight and tennis skills.

Any middle school player who finds something wrong at the first time is a person whose tennis has reached a certain level of commendable strength.

Their names were written down one by one by the coaching staff who watched the game-the U17 coaching staff did not want to miss any players who could immediately transform into the U17 Youth World Cup.

But there are only a few qualifying matches, and the middle school students can't play one-on-one at all.

Although the coaches have already had a rough list in their minds before, although they actually do not have the final list decision (the final decision is in the hands of the head coach three Mifūne Nyudō three), but in case they missed the low-key performance. What about middle-age players?

For example, Fuji Syusuke who is not participating--

This middle school player doesn't have too much pursuit of the desire to win and lose. It can be said that he has gone to the extreme and will not compete in the challenge of the second army against the first army.

Another example is Shiraishi Kuranosuke who suddenly became mysterious--

In fact, Minister Shitenhouji did not deliberately keep a low profile, but compared to some players who seem to be too high profile in the coaching staff, Shiraishi's strength is still a bit mysterious;

At least, what Tanegashima Shuji mysteriously asked Shitenhouji's junior high school student to say and do has always been the "heart thorn" of the coaching staff!

Relying on understanding the camera distribution of the training camp to "do whatever you want"

Too much, this approach has greatly increased the difficulty for the coaching staff to collect the latest intelligence on the players.

But even so, the three coaches had to pretend to be "okay" and swallow this bad breath for nothing. No. 2 of the army, I don’t know why I suddenly raised some thoughts to Minister Shitenhouji, the coaches can still see it.

Among the high school students in the First Army, the No. 2 of the First Army, who does not go to expedition and who has a proper manager like Oni Jujiro and others, is probably the one who is most assured by Coach Kurobe and others.

Tanegashima has always been very measured.

People who communicate with him, as long as Tanegashima is willing, are often very comfortable.

No. 2 of the first army is willing to make a spontaneous contribution to the increase of the U17 training camp's combat power. Even if you don't know the specific process, the coaches are deeply gratified. It is strange!

--So, what non-intelligence deviation happened to Shiraishi Kuranosuke's tennis?

Kurobe Yukio, the tactical coach watching the game in the stands, can't wait to let his colleague coach Takuchi directly throw Minister Shitenhouji directly onto the court for the game!

"Spiritual assassination!"

"Yuezhi finally made a move!"

The first army high school students looked more relaxed over there.

In their opinion, the junior high school players who have been impacted by Yue Zhi with mental power can almost approach zero tennis ability.

Even if it is "used well", it can also reduce the tennis strength of another player!

"Nioh is careless."

Tanegashima Shuji sighed.

To others, what he meant was "Nioh Masaharu knew Tsukimitsu Ochi's tennis but his doubles partner was recruited".

However, Tanegashima really felt that Nioh was "careless" because it was not this--

"Ghost, do you know it too?"

No. 2 of the first army recalls the past.

"Compared to us, Maori is the one who knows Nioh's tennis skills best."

"On the premise of knowing that I will lose, I will play such a qualifying match, and the gross profit will not be so stupid!"

Tanegashima Shuji actually doesn't know the level of tennis prowess of his junior high school students.

But he believes that in terms of singles strength, his own juniors can be compared with the current NO.1-this idea is still owned by him without knowing how Nioh's current tennis strength baseline is.

So, in the heart of Mōri Juzaburō

"In this U17 training camp, Maori will probably put Nioh in his No. 1 position."

Tanegashima said so and looked at the current No.1 Byōdōin Hōō of the First Army.

What he didn't expect was that the boss of the First Army just gave a "squirt" with his arms in his arms.

-His attitude is essentially like the silent default of a ghost!

However, the thing that surprised Yijun No.2 even more is--

Although his colleagues are not very good-looking (the expressions of individual colleagues are distorted), they are basically quiet in the face of the "2.9 topic that should have been very controversial" he provoked!

Is this all the default?

It seems that he still underestimates his junior high school students!

Tanegashima thought thoughtfully.

Although I know that my senior Rikkai is very powerful, but No. 2 of the first army, I did not expect that these colleagues who are proud of their personalities are now so trusting and believing in Maori's words.

Thinking about this, Tanegashima withdrew his gaze to Byodoin, who looked unmoved, and his lips curled up as if thinking of something very good.

PS, Tanegashima: Exceeding expectations-I wanted to say (show off) that my juniors are actually really good tennis players, but I didn't expect them to believe it! But I'm so excited~

First Army: In fact, we are all brainwashed! And we don’t want to continue to listen to someone’s "Science Explaining'Reality' Show Off" remarks!

Nioh: Things at Atobe are going well, but the ominous premonition seems to be beyond expectation

Yukimura: Although it was passive homology before, cohomology and resonance still let me know something interesting~

Liu Junshi: I thought of a certain possibility, but [smile without speaking.jpg]

Maori: Well, I know how Nioh's tennis skills really are. I happily take the initiative to play the game, but it's not to lose! - It's to kill the younger generation! How much suffering has been caused by the ability of Phantom.

As for Tsukimitsu Ochi, who was outside of the excitement of Rikkai's big fan, he still didn't want to say a word; he just supported Maori's plan with his own practical actions, and ruthlessly killed his Hyotei junior, that's it~.

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