Prince of Tennis Nioh Phantom

Chapter 698 : Question doubles (for coaches)

"Huh! Kimijima guy"

The high school students of the First Army still have confidence in the two colleagues on their court for the time being, but the tone of the coach Tuo Zhi in the stands at this time is not just a simple hatred of iron and steel.

This mixed practice coach's unconcealed gloating tone when speaking fully shows his position and mood at this time.

--Who made Kimijima, the seventh tennis player in the dignified army, so unbelievable in terms of physical fitness on paper testing?!

As a mixed practice coach, Takushoku Ryuuji, the tennis player he hates most is not actually a "disobedient player", but a "disobedient player who hates exercise and has no perseverance"!

In terms of spiritual development, it is excellent and technically at the top level, but Kimijima lacks perseverance in the aspect of "persistence". It is only natural that the coach of Tuozhi who is a mixed practice coach is not pleasing to the eye!

"Don't worry, isn't the game just beginning?"

Coach Saito felt relieved.

However, he was so relaxed, probably because the problems of the two first-team players on the court were not under his control.

Kimijima has obtained lasting benefits in negotiations, but often lacks the perseverance to stick to it physically. Although Tohno Atsukyo has perseverance and willingness to persevere because of his personality, this first army NO.8 hates running exercise very much.

Although there are personal psychological reasons for some players, it is impossible for the pain on the knee to leave Tohno with any negative psychological effects, but Tohno Atsukyo didn't like running in the first place.

The result of this-isn't it still the increase in the workload of the extension coaches themselves?

Mental coach Saitō Itaru smiles when he thinks that his colleagues in charge of this work have talked to the No. 8 army many times.

"The doubles combination composed of Nioh and Atobe, the two middle school students, the final result of the previous doubles match must have sounded the alarm for the army."

"Seiichi Yukimura hasn't made any concessions from the beginning of the game. Such performance and situation are good!"

You can see the tennis strength of the junior high school students and the baseline of the high school students who have returned from the expedition. Coach Saito's eyes are always soft when he is watching the game.

"Is that okay?"

Coach Kurobe, who had been watching the game, frowned at this moment, and his expression turned out to be unpredictable for a while.

"If the head coach passed over, you all forgot "|?"

"This is a'revolution'?"

The tactical coach in a white suit only looked at the appearance of being personable on the surface, and did not see the beacon in his mind when he was simulating tactics.

In international competitions, team competitions are basically wars. In fact, sometimes coach Kurobe really wants to let the fierce-looking one in the army directly take down the opponent!

"Does the head coach have to fight the top ten in the first army--"

Coach Saito, who had always been gentle-faced, was shocked when he heard this.

The top ten in the First Army are not active. Kaji Kazena and Oni Jujiro's affairs seem serious, but is it not their acquiescence? What's more, Kaji only needs to heal his injuries and still be able to catch up with the U17 World Cup...

Coach Saito did not think about the "revolution" mentioned by Coach Kurobe. However, he just thought that the head coach of Houshan was giving instructions to the middle school students. Win or lose!

"Not to them, but to the U17 training camp."

Coach Kurobe shook his head.

"To be more refined, it is a'revolution' to the initiative of the U17 training camp for the World Cup team!

When the tactical coach said this, he had a little smile in his eyes.

"I thought this qualifying competition was just a pavement for future middle school students to take over some positions in the U17-Army. When the graduation season is over next year, they will be promoted to the first grade with this experience. The land has taken over certain positions, rights and responsibilities."

"But now I have discovered that the three of us think this way, yes, the head coach and these middle school students didn't think that way at the beginning!"

With that, tactics coach Kurobe Yukio smiled bitterly.

"The current practice of Seiichi Yukimura is not just a simple matter of showing strength and winning the game."

"The Minister Rikkai is seizing power, don't you understand?"

It is worthy of being the tactical coach of the U17 training camp.Although I was blinded before, once I think about it clearly, I can immediately point out the plan of the three Mifūne Nyudō head coaches who are still in control of the overall situation behind the qualifying match, and Rikkai. Minister Seiichi Yukimura took the opportunity to "seize power and usurp the throne" behavior.

"That's it!"

As Coach Kurobe said, he looked in the direction of the player seat of the first army.

"The previous game--"

"Nioh Masaharu!"

Saitō Itaru reacted quickly and immediately thought of a certain Rikkai middle school student in the last doubles game.

That game, with its ups and downs, was wonderful.

At least in their opinion, both players returned with great fun

But is such a game really the "truth"?

Nioh Masaharu--This player is a "fraudster on court"!

A tennis player who plays the game between his palms!

"Maori and Otsuchi have done their best. Of course, it is impossible for the two of them to target their actions without affecting Nioh Masaharu. It's just that these "influences" really cause Nioh to be so troublesome?"

After coach Saito reacted, he began to think along the way.

He doesn't doubt that Nioh and Atobe's performance in the last game was "fraud" from start to finish. They could feel the pressure and riots during that short period of time in the game.

But when did Nioh return to his state? After he recovered, did he still have the absolute ability to control his mental strength and his own strength after he recovered? In the end, whether there is any surplus left, Coach Saito did not think about it. Once I think about it, I feel foggy.

The ups and downs of the game seemed to be huge and exciting enough.

But it didn't leave him a clear enough impression

It's like deliberately weakening the sense of existence!

". "The quota for high school students is set by the U17 World Cup team."

Coach Tuo Zhi said suddenly.

"Regardless of the relationship between junior high school students and high school students, the number of high school students will not change, will they?"

This up-and-coming coach is unwilling to care about the issues between the players that are causing him headaches. So instead, he sees the most transparent thing-do they need to be entangled in matters that are not within the scope of his duties?

"This is a matter of Byodoin Temple, right."

Coach Takuchi said calmly, looking like his two colleagues looked black.

But what he said struck the hearts of coaches Saitō Itaru and Kurobe Yukio.

ps, [Kimijima] Top mental power. In the game, he established a reputation for long-term negotiations, but (good) in the best circumstances, he will lack the perseverance to hold on to a game. The coach hopes that he can overcome this shortcoming in training from now on. So weakness

[Tohno Atsukyo] Top technology. However, the excitement at the limit and the increase in ineffective exercise after provocation seem to weaken the remaining physical strength. In addition, the extreme excitement is abnormal and the mental strength is unstable under the state of excitement. Tohno, who is known to hate running, was persuaded to practice more when he talked to coach Zuzhi about this issue. Most importantly, this high school student

Very cruel to himself! He has his own code of conduct. (What the text does not say is that among the top ten in the unshakable position of the army, the top five and the bottom five also have a big gap! 叼)

I don’t know how many people have noticed that Minister Yukimura is planning to "seek power to usurp the throne"~~ The entire Rikkai team is his "conspiracy group", and there is basically a tacit understanding in this regard (such as Marui, the other dimension is not There is also a reason for not playing, "not dragging the minister to usurp the throne"; Nioh and Yukimura are the most tacit understanding!) Tanegashima is also a person who knows the ambitions of his younger generations

As for Byodo-in Temple, I didn't expect junior high school students to have such guts, please guess.

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