Prince of Tennis Nioh Phantom

Chapter 699 : Poetry and Dreamland and Extinguish the Five Senses

What the three coaches thought of was the conclusion they came to. Kimijima in the court had never thought about it-he could recognize that "the strength of junior high school tennis players is extraordinary" before the game. It's not easy already.

You know, his partner Tohno Atsukyo corrects the attitude of the game, or it is because of the defeat of Maori and Otsuchi in the last doubles!

However, even if Kimijima had already prepared for the worst, he did not expect that his calculation of the Rikkai major country middle school minister Seiichi Yukimura's shot on the Internet court was more ruthless than he thought!

He didn't expect that at the beginning of the third game, Yukimura would begin to attack him with targeted mental power!

And now

"Different Dimensional Shadow-Alaya" was suspended behind Yukimura, but the storm of mental power had already arrived at the halftime where the two high school students were.

Under the pressure of another dimension, the surrounding air seemed to be heavier.

The current junior high school student is really amazing, Kimijima smiled bitterly to himself.


The tennis ball was played, and the ball came to the line of sight.

"It's like the surface of water."

Speaking in a low voice, Junjima saw through the ball.

--Although he is smiling bitterly, Kimijima still has the tennis prowess that needn't be questioned if he can hold the position of No.7 in the first army.

Just like most of his colleagues in the First Army's audience view of this game, he also has a strong self-confidence in himself. Although prepared for the worst, Kimijima never expected that he and Tohno would lose without fighting back!

[Tennis is a mental sport. 】

Kimishima thought silently in his heart.

--Because of this, he has never underestimated Seiichi Yukimura, who is just a junior player.

But it is precisely because of this that he still has confidence in himself and the outcome of this qualifying match!

The minister of Rikkai University must want to capture the top ten badges of the first army, so if Seiichi Yukimura can't guarantee that he will win the game, will he think of some information he learned before the game?

On the online court, there is no respect between the predecessors and the predecessors!

Kimijima firmly believes in his judgment that the moderate-looking Rikkai minister of middle school is not an indecisive or tense tennis player!

As long as Seiichi Yukimura remembers that Kimijima's doubles partner Tohno Atsukyo has such a weakness...

After planting such an introduction, Kimijima, who is good at negotiating, actually made such an idea.

He will not release the water, but he will guide the opposite middle school students to "spontaneously think" about the knee problem of No. 8 of the first army!

So no matter what the final result of the game is, he will eventually get the 230 result he wants!

Probably because the previous life was too smooth, Kimijima, who is still in a state of self-confidence, although it seems to be calm on the surface, has not yet thought of another possibility.

And, because of Yukimura's mental power's interference and inducement, Kimijima did not observe the expression when another middle school player on the other side of the net looked at them--

They are really two poor seniors!

Kite involuntarily showed his compassion for the two senior high school students.

- Falling into a dream without knowing it!

Sometimes ignorance is the greatest happiness.

Playing the game silently, Higa Middle Minister felt that the motto he has always insisted on "obeying the strong" is definitely the most common saying in the world!

call out--

"15:0, Yukimura, Kite score!"

The face of No.8 of the First Army is even more ugly.

But unexpectedly, although the high school star had an ugly face, he didn't say a few harsh words like rubbish-even though Tohno of Mobility Max had already used the punishment law a bit more severely.

By now, Tohno Atsukyo has reacted-the two middle school students who blocked his execution before the game are really emboldened to withstand the punishment law!


Stern eyes looked over, such eyes still have aura, enough to make the timid opponent directly abstain.

And Tohno's cold and murderous voice also allowed everyone to appreciate the determination of this high school student in the next game.

--Don't keep your hands anymore, in order to win.

Tohno Atsukyo's mental state has been completely ignored by him.

Excited, he had a mental loophole, but now regardless of it, he can improve his level of strength.

Because of his tennis, he was crazy and savage.

"Like a spider's nest

Volley, No. 7 of the first army, is indeed very good.

As a baseline attacker, Tohno Atsukyo has undertaken most of the offensive tasks in the doubles game. Kimijima, as his doubles partner, also has his own uniqueness in defense in front of the net.

"15:15, Kimishima and Tohno score!"

It is densely packed, like a spider's web of defense.

Kimijima's volley level in front of the net is not low in normal conditions, and now it is more conspicuous when he uses his skills. At least in the middle school students' auditorium, Marui and Kuwabara were already a little dumbfounded.

"Isn't it completely affected now?"

The red-haired Rikkai Taisho Xuan exclaimed.

"Isn't (bhcj) a'dream'?"

Kuwahara was also very puzzled.

Every Rikkai Taisho Election knows the tennis moves of their head of the Tennis Department very well-don't ask why, this is the reality of "practical knowledge".

According to Marui and Kuwabara’s understanding of Yukimura, with the mental power already in place from the beginning, after spreading for so long, the different dimensions have already been displayed to this extent, and it should be possible to "like that" soon. what!

In the current situation--the high school students seem to be unaffected at all--is it because the high school students' mental power is too high, or does Yukimura have other arrangements?

"It won't be so easy. The No. 7 team is a tennis player who is unique in mental power. According to the available data, the mental power level of senior Kimijima is at the top level of the U17 training camp."

"Yukimura's different dimensions are not that simple.

"Since he has already used a different-dimensional phantom, the move he has to use is not just a simple "Dreamland"!"

It's not just Marui and Kuwabara who have doubts, Seigaku player Inui Sadaharu, who is next to Rikkai Oyanagi, can't help his doubts for a long time. Therefore, Liu simply answered these in one breath.


The next game verified Liu's words.

"30:15, Yukimura, Kite score!"

The hand that was supposed to hold the racquet to swing the tennis ball seemed a little sluggish-it was such a minute difference that the tennis ball fell directly to the ground.


"40:15, Yukimura, Kite score!"

The situation seems to be getting worse for high school students.

Kimijima looked down at the racquet he was holding, looking inexplicable.


The voice from behind made Yijun No.7 even more irritated.

Tohno shouted those words next, Kimijima didn't hear a word, he just looked at himself racquet with such an expression inexplicably.

"This is "

"Exterminate the five senses", Yukimura-san?"

The moment he looked up to the other side, there was still a smile on Kimijima's face.

--No matter when, there is still the perseverance to insist on negotiations.

The top mental power among high school students in the U17 training camp is so terrible.

Kimijima's negotiation step is not just the opponent!

He can also negotiate with himself and convince himself.

Moreover, it is still more than that...

"Depriving the opponent's sense of sight, hearing and touch, giving the opponent a sense of oppression like a catastrophe, and causing the opponent's mental breakdown.

"For junior high school students, it's a terrifying skill. But in the situation where our army is fighting, there is still something lacking!"


Kimishima, who raised his hand again to hit the ball, smoothly defended a ball that was not lacking in speed and strength.

The ability to "negotiate" does have its own spiritual power.

After self-negotiation, Kimijima seemed to no longer be negatively affected by Yukimura's spiritual power. And his negotiation with the spiritual power around his body, that is, the negotiation with Yukimura's spiritual power, seems to be a success!

Gentle breeze

The pressure brought by the powerful different-dimensional phantom and the low-pressure aura that followed, with this ball, there is no trace!

It's like what he just said.

The influence of the "elimination of the five senses" has been eliminated!

under court.

"Senior Tanegashima, in the doubles match between Atobe and I, in your opinion, don't you still play well enough?"

Sitting in the same row of spectators with No.2 of the First Army, Nioh not only did not worry about his minister in the game, but also naturally asked Tanegashima about his own performance evaluation after a long time.

# Rikkai大者戏精online, Online Acting#

"Sure enough, we didn't perform well enough, right?

Actually make senior high school students so contemptuous!

Nioh immediately said rather worriedly.

He had no intention of letting Tanegashima Shuji answer his own words.

"Oh, I haven't been taken seriously by the predecessors-Atobe and I are okay, Yukimura will be very angry when encountering such a situation!"

Ignoring the feelings of Minister Hyotei sitting next to him completely, Nioh Masaharu has forgotten his partner relationship with Atobe doubles.

He wholeheartedly provokes the nerves of the senior high school student who is sitting aside.

"It's "4:0" now. "

Nioh said something suggestive, and there was no actor to hide his sincerity, and he twitched his mouth directly.

The scoring efficiency of the Minister of Rikkai is too high-the Rikkai fraudster who sighed so quickly had to give his sincere advice to a senior high school student.

"Nioh, you have enough!"

Before Tanegashima Shuji spoke, Atobe couldn't help it.

If Minister Hyotei didn't know what Rikkai Taisho election wanted to do at the beginning, then he has figured it out now!

Pay attention to the look of Nioh police officer to the other half of the audience, and consider some rumors about Rikkai.

Nioh Masaharu, how much hatred are there between you and Rikkai's Deputy Minister Sanada?!

Very keenly aware of the “maliciousness” of the Rikkai Taisho Election against a certain deputy minister sitting next to him, Atobe Keigo felt the same emotions as the other members of the first army at this moment.


The middle school students in the military who are not clear about the complicated interpersonal relationships and emotional expressions within Rikkai University have completely translated Nioh's words into "show off, show off, and show off" according to their previous way of thinking.

So even though Tanegashima Shuji didn't say a word, his colleagues gave him a few deathly glances.

But because Minister Hyotei knew too much, as an "informer" he heard another meaning in what Nioh said--

How bad is it for Sanada to let Nioh spare no effort to provoke this No. 2 senior in the next game?

And the most important thing is that Nioh provokes the relationship between the predecessors of No.2 and Rikkai, and he is still in the words!

"Nioh, you are not afraid of being beaten, are you?"

After playing a game, Atobe, who was selected by Rikkai Taisho's mood, was a bit wrong, and said very frankly what he was saying-the embarrassed look, the perfect look, and the cover-up look, they have all been doubles in the same way. , Both of them know so well, so what do they pretend to do?

After passing through the previous doubles, Atobe has not only made great progress in tennis, but now he also has his own new insights into certain things.

So, he finished saying this, sneered, and then looked at Tanegashima very calmly, and then naturally looked at the seniors around him.

Minister Hyotei's intentions were very obvious, which made Rikkai Taisho-sen's eyes look with shock and regret.

[Ahhhhhhhh, what the seniors did not say, my uncle reluctantly said it instead!]

Rikkai had a big idea, Atobe Keigo was basically the same as everyone else before qualifying, and they didn't guess. But after playing doubles, he watched the game and saw that now, he has noticed what Rikkai's "old opponents" want to do.

- With the help of this qualifying match, can you directly seize power in the hands of the first army?

Minister Hyotei, who also has not weak ambitions and is unwilling to live under people, has to admit - this time, they Hyotei lost!

Not only in action, but also weak in courage and courage!

But I admit that I admit that I still have to take action when it is time to make a big stumbling on Rikkai.

Just now, Minister Hyotei has keenly noticed the changing aura of the No. 1 Army.

Byōdōin Hōō didn't directly express anger or annoyance, which surprised Atobe but also took it for granted. If the leader of an army encounters a "challenger" and furious, then his leadership position as the captain is too unstable.

But what kind of attitude does this No.1 team have towards Rikkai?

Looks like acquiescence

Minister Hyotei, who had just glanced at No.2 of the First Army with a frank expression just now, thoughtfully--perhaps there is the "credit" of this high school student!

But after all...

Noting the previous expressions of the other senior high school students in the First Army--all seemed to be "prepared for a long time" and accepted such a high level of acceptance--Atobe felt that he had tentatively detected the truth.

[Nioh has been to U17 training camp before]

[From what we know so far, although he is the same as us, most of these senior high school students met for the first time, but he definitely did something in the training camp before!]

If Nioh Masaharu did nothing, it would be impossible for these high school students in the army to have such a subtle attitude!

[Mōri Juzaburō, Tokugawa Kazuya, Irie Kanata, Oni Jujiro, Tanegashima Shuji..]

Atobe, who dared to propose ideas and speculate and prove based on his own observation ability, has almost guessed what Nioh did in the "first time" of the U17 training camp.

--For a tennis player, what can't solve the problem and change the attitude of the game?

Guessed that Rikkai, who was sitting next to him, had defeated a few senior high school students long ago, Atobe's mood fluctuated for a while, and he couldn't stabilize.

Although it has long been known that the tennis player of Rikkai is not that simple, the "truth" is really shocking to Minister Hyotei!

Ps, in summary, Kimishima-sama is dreaming that tennis is a mental sport, so Yukimura will win. This chapter can also be called "The Famous Detective Atobe". Of course, Byodoin knew about Nioh's previous (that is, the first time) when he came to U17 to play against certain seniors! He is the leader of the army, and he is a veritable leader of the army. How could the coaching staff not tell these things?

What about him? Then Watanabe would know it naturally. As for the other top ten players in the first army, don’t you still have Tanegashima? Remember the text message incident? Oh, yes, Daqu was the first to know about it besides Mori Otsuchi Byodoin Duke. The news channel comes from Tanegashima Shuji, who is showing off his younger generation! Compared with Maori, Tanegashima was angry with Byodoin more than once, but he actually

Has been very patient and restrained.

PS, the large-scale horror film "School Is Started" is in progress. I have already joined the closed beta of a "learning" copy of a certain horror film, so I was disconnected from the internet before. I'm back now, and there are still ten days to go before the official "learning" beta. fall

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