Prince of Tennis Nioh Phantom

Chapter 700 : Ideal dreamland, true and false depend on each other

Because of the interruption of Hyotei junior high school students, Tanegashima Shuji, who was unable to answer the "truthful questions" of his younger generations in time, his current "good mood index" is simply the sum of the high school students present here!

The hidden rule of U17 that is unknown but does exist in the heart--

Generally speaking, there is nothing better than seeing your colleagues in the army with your own eyes.

If there is one-if there are special circumstances-

That is, watching with my own eyes that my younger generations lead their colleagues to defeat step by step!

Well, in other words, to be familiar, to use the words of a black hat junior known to Tanegashima, that is to say--

Looking at my colleagues, I knew nothing and entered the abyss of defeat!

The vast majority of junior high school students in the second military's auditorium on the other side of the court did not understand the progress of the doubles game in the court at the first time. However, Tanegashima Shuji, as the No. 2 of the First Army, has a different vision and insight into the game in the arena. What's more, he is the one among the high school students in the First Army who knows Rikkai best.

Yukimura's "Dreamland"--this trick, combined with the "destruction of the five senses", made Tanegashima suffer.

What is "killing the five senses"?

What is "dreamland"?

Tanegashima can still clearly remember that when Yukimura first asked him to hone his skills, the two tricks of "killing the five senses" and "dreaming" can be said to be "clearly separated-".

--It's easy to distinguish!

"Missing the Five Senses" means "Missing the Five Senses", and "Dream State" means "Dream State", which cannot be confused.


One day--a very ordinary day--the teenager with purple-blue iris hair smiled as always, holding a racquet and standing in the court opposite Tanegashima. The chaos of true and false"!

On that day, Tanegashima Shuji, who was jealous of all the players in the first army for "Destroyed", failed to catch the few balls under the "Dreamland" of Rikkai, the Minister of Middle School Students, Seiichi Yukimura!

I thought it was a "dream state", but when I saw this ball, what I reflected in my eyes and mind to my brain was "this is the extinguishing five senses", and the senses of sight, hearing and touch also "cooperate" with it. Alarm bell.

--Faced with such a situation, how can you not treat these balls as "annihilating the five senses"?!

But this is really not "eliminating the five senses."

This was just a "dream" from the beginning!

--Of course, if Yukimura is willing, he can also satisfy his opponent's "wish" and let his opponent experience the "dream state-extinguishing five senses" in his opponent's dream!

[Turn the fictitious into the real, the real and the fake]

The white-haired elders sitting on the contestant stand were very conniving and did not care about the "quarrel" between the two middle school students sitting next to him.

Tanegashima is actually a little bit guilty now.

Facing the Rikkai queen sitting next to him, the No. 2 army, who has always acted calmly and freely, also has an emotion called "guilty conscience".

-A younger generation enthusiastically introduced his minister to the U17 training camp, and the younger generation was relieved to entrust his minister to his senior to take care of him. The younger generation was still in contact with him during the tense National Three.

However, he who is trusted

[Can I remedy it if I say "forgot"?]

Tanegashima is calm, his heart is struggling very hard.

He really didn't mean it!

He didn't intentionally conceal certain information!

Yukimura once used the "movement combination" that is currently available on court once, but isn't this type of movement still a "dream" in the final analysis?!

Tanegashima really did not expect that the Minister of Rikkai has really never revealed the "old tricks and new uses" he felt at a different level in any game since he returned to the Rikkai Tennis Club!

Nioh didn’t know about it, other middle school students at Rikkai University and Minister Hyotei didn’t seem to know about it either-they didn’t know that the "Missing the Five Senses" could be transformed and connected with the "Dreamland" naturally. NS!

Whoosh~ whoosh~~

Although the air-breaking sound of tennis is very small in the sound, it sounds very beautiful in the ears of some players.

Of course, on the other hand, in the ears of some other players, it sounds very harsh, and it also carries a sense of sarcasm.

Pop! Pop!


Tohno Atsukyo exclaimed very dissatisfied.

The mentality of No.8 Tohno Atsukyo, who is very worrying by the coaching staff, has now completely entered a mental state called "excitement" but actually "madness".

According to the coaching staff of the U17 training camp, Tohno Atsukyo’s mental state is "doing more harm than good"!

Excessive brain excitement caused by emotional overexpression is actually like a poison/product. On the surface, it can act as a stimulus to accelerate the body's response state, but it is inevitable...

………Please ask for flowers……

"Sanity Evaporation" is the true portrayal of Tohno Atsukyo's personal performance in court today!

Yukimura's moves also have mental power. From the very beginning, it was to "target" the first army NO.7 Kimijima, a senior high school student.

Without the variable of "homology" mixed into it to cause an impact, Minister Rikkai's plan is actually very "unreasonable". Seiichi Yukimura wanted to "kill" Junjima first, and then deal with Tohno Atsukyo.

Chief Minister Rikkai had already prepared for the first action to "get twice the result with half the effort", but he did not expect that the two senior high school students he faced would be so "friendly and cooperative".

The so-called "Plan-B" was not used, and the first trial was done directly!


"Unexpectedly simple

Controlling the other-dimensional phantom floating in the sky behind him, carefully manipulating his mental power, Yukimura's expression was a bit subtle for a while.

The mental power of No. 8 of the first army is not too high, but it is easy to be overwhelmed. This is something he has known for a long time, so Yukimura is actually not worried that he will be backlashed by mental power in this regard.

However, No. 7 Kimijima of the first army was so easy to be recruited.

Could it be a trap?

[This senior's mental strength is not low

Minister Rikkai, who is currently in absolute lead in the doubles game, is in doubt.

[If it's not a conspiracy

[According to what I know, Kimishima-senpai himself lacks the willpower in "persistence", right?]

It's hard to imagine that the No. 7 army with the top five-dimensional mental power of the U17 training camp team on paper will be evaluated as "lack of'persistence", but this happens to be the case.

Kimijima, who has almost never extinguished enthusiasm in the "negotiation", will easily lose his will and perseverance in the face of a game--sometimes just a simple game.

No matter how gentle on the surface, he couldn't hide the emptiness that gradually formed in his heart.

-This kind of psychology, this kind of game mood and attitude, under normal circumstances will not affect the final result of the game. However, such a "hole" is a fatal weakness for a special mental power type tennis player like Seiichi Yukimura!

ps, short, connected to a chapter of soil.

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