Prince of Tennis Nioh Phantom

Chapter 706 : Good trip, second set over

Of course, Seiichi Yukimura wanted to end the doubles game quickly.

- One of his teammates is still waiting for him while sitting in the exclusive audience for the first army players!

Moreover, compared to the "certain expectations, there is hope"

Yukimura felt that he could do better in this doubles game!

Bang! Bang!

The "Thirteen-Style Penalty Law" does not lose its precision in the violent violence.

The previous No.8 of the first army is about to get emotionally rioted to the point where racquet skates out.

Fortunately, playing with his brain, Kimijima, who has always been a brain player in a military team, comforted him with a few words.

--It can be seen how the No.7 player in the first army understands his doubles partner.

And, Kimijima's negotiation skills are really strong!

So their plan is completely feasible-

The defense of the two senior high school students opposite the net became more and more impeccable after they reached a consensus.

Tohno was mad as if he was crazy before. Although the whole person's mental state was very aggressive, it was undoubtedly the price of giving up something.

Although Kimijima treated this game with heart and heart, his initial starting point and purpose had some "small problems"-the mental loophole caused by this directly led to the irreversible defeat of their group of doubles in the last game.

Today, the doubles of the two high school players cooperate tacitly, not lacking in offensive and meticulous defense.

This is the level they should have reached!

So, the coaching staff in the stands looked at such a combination of high school students in the army and nodded with satisfaction.

The junior high school students in the Second Army’s auditorium I-Except for Rikkai, the group of positive candidates who only had an "observation and learning" mentality from beginning to end, they all felt more or less worried. 1. What should I do if there is a "big reversal" next?!

But now the few high school students remaining in the first army's auditorium are even more uncomfortable in my heart.

When did the top ten players in their army face the junior players who just came to the U17 training camp-or junior tennis players from middle school students, so carefully and cautiously?

The scenes I saw with my own eyes are always different from the shock of "listening to 17".

During the early expedition, they only heard certain talks from the rise of Maori; in the U17 training camp, they also heard the words of No. 2 of the First Army that were obviously to show off.

To be honest, Maori and Yue Zhi were tossed so badly in the last doubles game. This result did not make them feel "unbelievable".

When Nioh and Atobe came to the first army's "sparsely populated" auditorium, they showed their attitude without overreaction.

--This kind of mental preparation has long been there!

However, this doubles match between Junjima and Tohno has become like this

No. 6 Omagari frowned, then glanced at No. 2 Tanegashima Shuji, who was not close to him. With a sense of crisis and lack of team friendship, Omagari was distracted while watching the game.

He began to meditate.

How to say it?

Have confidence in Tanegashima Shuji's tennis.

--This is absolute!

But to Tanegashima Shuji.

He has no confidence at all!

【forgive me!】

The bad feeling in Omagari's heart grew stronger.

Especially when he saw Tanegashima Shuji talking very kindly with the two middle school students who had defeated Otsuchi and Maori.

Junjima's intentions, judging from his tactical qualities as the No. 6 of the first army, he could still see the game very clearly.

- Omagari believes that the Minister of the Middle School of the Rikkai major country on the court must also be aware of Kimishima's premeditated plan.

Junjima must also know this.

Therefore, they can only say that this approach is a shameless attempt.

Relying on your own tennis strength, using the degree that you and your partner can do as a bargaining chip, you can bet on the high-intensity, long-lasting time and endurance of the two middle school students!

But can this really succeed?

Omagari said to himself in his heart.

Unlike other people who only pay attention to the game and pay attention to Yukimura, Daqu's judgment in this doubles game has always had a very important factor influencing the army NO, 2 Tanegashima Shuji!

Some people don't know, and some don't even think of it now. Seiichi Yukimura, the Minister of Middle School Students of Rikkai University, came to the U17 training camp once!

At that time, Tanegashima, who did not go to expeditions or participate in any overseas competitions, stayed with Seiichi Yukimura all the time!

With this opportunity, it is impossible for Tanegashima, who is essentially "happy to be a teacher", to do nothing without taking the opportunity.

So, will Tanegashima Shuji's "heir" be a "silly white sweet"?

Since choosing the fast-paced and high-intensity doubles game of "quick fight and quick decision", Seiichi Yukimura can't let the opponent's intentional delay.

Therefore, when Omagari looked at the small situation on the court that was really deadlocked for a while, the "conspiracy theory" in his heart could not stop!

Just like Daqu's point of view, this small game was unexpectedly "lasting" by some people.

It seems that the "strategy" of the two first-team players, Kimishima and Tohno, was very successful.

At least, so far, this small game is not over yet-the yellow ball is still being hit by racquet on both sides of the net.

Nioh looked at this "stalemate" situation, his expression remained unchanged.

But in his heart he was very sympathetic to the predecessors.

[Unlucky, these two former]

Although the First Army must know some of them because of some intelligence information, Nioh is sure that their understanding of junior high school students is not deep enough.

At least, Kimijima and Tohno Atsukyo, two high school students, don’t know Seiichi Yukimura deeply enough.

"Once the game enters a protracted battle, the score can't be what it is now.

Listening to the words of Minister Hyotei in his ear, the big Rikkai contestant twitched his mouth.

-He was wrong.

Not only the seniors of high school students, but the opponents of junior high school students may not have a "deep understanding" of Seiichi Yukimura.

Atobe has this idea

[My "phantom" is still not enough!]

Rikkai player Nioh Masaharu started introspection.

He deeply reviewed the games in which he had apparated into Yukimura.

"Missing the Five Senses" and "Dreamland" are almost perfectly copied-but only "copy".

--It didn't show the "essence" of it!

"Of course the score cannot stay at the current 2:0, but the'protracted battle..."

"It's impossible!"

Nioh, who had nothing to do with anything, said his point of view straightforwardly.

"Little Nioh is right.

Tanegashima agreed.

"Counting the time, it's almost here, right?"

The first army NO.2 said with a smile.

He didn't know, his current expression looked like a black-hearted and black-skinned devil!

"Yukimura is almost ready!"

Tanegashima Shuji explained the game with great interest.

The use of mental skills in a game on court is naturally not as simple as other skills.

It’s true that Yukimura has the blessing of a different dimension phantom, but Kimishima and Tohno, who are serious and united, are as difficult as hedgehog balls.

In this case, if you want to achieve your goal one-such as winning by a big score and closing opponents by zero, you must "find a different path"!

Of course, Minister Rikkai, who has always had no "compassion and sympathy" for his opponent, knows this.

Therefore, it is the best and most suitable choice.

And what Yukimura wants to do--

Very simple and very rude.

Kimishima and Tohno, never thought of it


The sound of the tennis ball announcing the result of this small game.

It also announced the end of the "temporary protracted war"!

"This is--"

Atobe watched the game, his eyes widened.

"It's the elimination of the five senses."

Nioh added.

The so-called "protracted battle" with one goal just now was a "sweet burden" for Yukimura.

Nioh did not expect that the two seniors, Kimijima and Tohno Atsukyo, would be so "cooperating"!

- Extinguishing the five senses requires a certain foundation!

What Junjima and Tohno did has left Yukimura with plenty of "operation space".

That’s why Rikkai Taisho-chosen was doing self-reflection in his heart just now.

[When I played the game with Atobe and became Yukimura, I didn’t do well enough.

[Unexpectedly, Atobe did not realize this!]

"Missing the Five Senses" and "Dreamland" are not like "Tang Huaise" like "Tang Huaise" can hit the ball.

Both of these mental skills require meticulous early preparation.

While in middle school

Nioh played the phantom according to his own thoughts, and subconsciously left no room for psychological buffering against Rikkai's big opponents!

He played too swiftly, leaving no room for the original Atobe.

As a result, even the Minister of Hyotei, Atobe Keigo, is not aware of the obvious "shortcoming" of "eliminating the five senses".

--It would be good if Kimijima and Tohno Atsukyo continued to attack hard at a fast pace, but they chose a protracted battle tactic that focuses on defense and procrastination.

What does "protracted war" mean?

- Constantly swing, keep running, keep catching the ball!

This is exactly what Seiichi Yukimura needs.

--It's what is missing from the "Missing the Five Senses"!

"This doubles Yukimura is actually angry."

The expression was a bit subtle, Nioh still said this while sitting in the area of ​​the first army regardless of the occasion and atmosphere.

How proud of their Rikkai Minister?

How can Yukimura accept Kimijima's "negotiation" with a badge?

Although Junjima did not use such words to persuade Yukimura, in Nioh's understanding, the meaning of No.7 in the first army is like this.

It is the same even if it is used as an excuse to use similar words like "go all out game" as an excuse!

In any case, the "negotiations" proposed by Kimijima are just "utilizations" in Nioh's view.

One this is too low for them to Rikkai.

--Look down on them, Rikkai's Minister Seiichi Yukimura!

[Puff, have I been so "gentle" to Senior Maori and Senior Echi, giving Senior Kimijima the illusion?]

Nioh curled his mouth, and the emotions under his eyes had traces of sarcasm.

Although Seiichi Yukimura is gentle, his tennis is not gentle at all!

"3:0, Yukimura, Kite score!"

Bang bang bang!

"4:0, Yukimura, Kite score!"

"Missing the Five Senses" is not a gentle game.

In fact, there is another explanation for "Quick battle and quick decision"!


"Another Dimensional Shadow-Alaya" still hangs behind Yukimura.

Yukimura and Kite now have sweat beads on their foreheads.

However, the game can already be declared over one-


"15:0, Yukimura, Kite score!"



The sound of racquet landing, and the sound of the human body being in close contact with the ground.

The effect of "mental ball skills" is not only to make the opponent dizzy, they can also directly make the opponent faint!

--Just like now!

The air fell silent for a while.

Yukimura withdrew his different dimension and stood on the court smiling.

As his doubles partner, Higa Middle Minister Kite Eishirou did not show the same joyful mood as Rikkai Chief Minister-because he is now dizzy. 233

Sufficient "basic preparation" and powerful blessings from different dimensions-the lethality of "Extinguish the Five Senses" is so terrifying.

Even if it was a partner, Kite was almost dizzy and vomiting.

So, it's no surprise that the two senior high school students on the opposite side of the net fainted directly, right?

[Tennis is a "spiritual sport.]

[This sentence was said by Kimishima-senpai himself!]

Seeing the development of the game as he expected, Nioh sighed in his heart.

The Minister of Rikkai, who treated the game with all his strength and seriousness, was really angry!

Knowing Kimijima's words from the intelligence materials, he agreed with them with his own actions.

It's just a qualifying match, and Yukimura can't let him be used in this way-he knows that the best way to end the game quickly is to hit Tohno Atsukyo, a high school student, on the knee, but he doesn't want to do that. Do.

It's not because of "good intentions", but because of self-esteem and pride.

The Minister of Rikkai is not a knife that others can use at will. Kimijima used "showing strength" as a reason to negotiate with Yukimura and then to negotiate with Kite, which really underestimated the spirit of Minister Rikkai.

In fact, if Kimishima hadn't made "negotiations", Nioh felt that their Minister of Rikkai didn't care about finding a certain weakness of his opponent in the game.

Because competitive competitions for the purpose of victory are always like this-find the weakness of the opponent, and then defeat the opponent.

If Kimishima does not negotiate, perhaps his purpose may still be achieved.

However, he not only negotiated with Yukimura, but his "negotiation" perfectly angered Minister Rikkai!

If Yukimura changed face on the spot, it would be nice to say.

--But no if!

Minister Rikkai held his anger in his heart until this match took place. Kimijima is really looking for death!

- "Show strength"?

Nioh couldn't help laughing when he knew the statement of the negotiation.

He can see the sweat and exhaustion on Yukimura and Kite now sitting in the audience.

Yukimura really played this doubles game very hard and hard!

Although, this doubles game is not over

But this did not affect the outcome of the game in the slightest!

#Current score: Zero opponents. #

#Current situation: The opponent loses the ability to play. #

Due to the coma of two high school students in the first army, the winner of this doubles game is of course the doubles combination of Yukimura and Kite!

Ps, what is the way to end the game quickly?

Yukimura: Thanks for the invitation. In unconventional situations, you can use mental power to make your opponent faint and send seniors to the infirmary for a tour!

--How do high school students feel?

Kaji: (All get out of the way, I'll come first) I am really happy, someone lie down with me in the hospital bed!.

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