Prince of Tennis Nioh Phantom

Chapter 707 : I have lingering fears, excitedly agree

Seiichi Yukimura, who walked down the court, kept a gentle smile, facing the spleen eyes of the boss of the army, calmly walked with the slightly complicated expression of Kite Eishirou to the army NO.2 and some two middle school students who came early. In front of him.

--I didn't get the badge.

Because the two senior high school students who lost the game have now lost consciousness and fell into chaos.

Yukimura and Kite didn't even look at each other. After receiving the pronouncement of their own doubles combination, they turned and left the tennis court that had been playing very fiercely just now.

The two had no nostalgia.

Minister Rikkai simply and swiftly recovered his other-dimensional phantom.

Minister Higa is like finishing a set of single training projects. He regards the two senior high school students who fell down as the air-the Okinawa teenager who knows the current affairs has already weighed both sides in the game, so he resolutely chooses Follow Minister Rikkai!

The top ten badges of the First Army

Although Kite was coveted from the beginning, but after he finished the doubles game, he didn't insist on getting this badge that represents qualification, glory and power.

After playing this game (in fact, it was not really finished, but the opponent fainted), Kite deeply realized a fact--

His thoughts are indeed right!

Following Yukimura silently to the direction of the first army player stand, feeling the sharp gaze of the first army's No.1 team, the Okinawa teenager of Higa Middle-School once again confirmed his thoughts.

The ambitious Kite thinks, thinks, and does all to "show the strength of Okinawa." This is the driving force for him and his partners to play tennis, and it is the pillar that supports him to win at any cost.

Unlike the Shitenhouji Tennis Club, which has been stable and stable for many years and has been almost firmly in the top four of the national competitions, unlike the Lions Tennis Club that has covered Kyushu with the "Lion Age", the Higa Middle-School Tennis Club is too weak.

Even the Seigaku Tennis Club, which has not been "prosperous" in recent years and has been in decline, is different from the situation in Higa-the tennis club in Higa has never tasted the legendary glory.

Hyotei is another contrast in a different sense-just looking at the hardware facilities, it seems to be in a different era.

In front of the above tennis team, the tennis team in Higa is like a timid, dirty and thin child, with their heads hanging down and not daring to raise their heads and speak loudly.

--In the past few years, this is the fact.

Any team that is a bit proud of tennis has never cared about the tennis club of Higa.

This situation has continued until this year.

But the flames of ambition burned, as soon as it entered the national competition, it hit the invisible mountain of Rikkai Grand Tennis Club.It was really a dizzying and temperless blow!

I thought I and my fellow teammates were ready to win, but I got this result. The precocious Kite knows that not all efforts will get the perfect result he wants, but he is still not reconciled!

-He and Kai and others are convinced that they lose, but they are not reconciled!

Acknowledging the strength of the opponent's tennis does not mean that they have lost their desire and pursuit of victory.

Kite, who had decided to "do whatever he wanted even if it was cruel", was actually quite interested in Kimijima's negotiations. In fact, he himself was willing to meet another senior according to the wishes of this senior high school student. Ball.

#However, the sensitive nerve of practicing Okinawan martial arts saved this young man who almost stepped into the "dark abyss". #

murderous look--

Kite Eishirou sensed a rather strong murderous intrigue.

The change of aura from Minister Rikkai made him choose not to move, and honestly cooperate with Yukimura in doubles.

He and Seiichi Yukimura have not communicated in detail, but they also have a basic understanding on court.

I thought it would be a textbook-style victory - Rikkai's big tennis team has always won this way, but Kite Eishirou never thought that Seiichi Yukimura would use the "five senses" to directly make the two high school opponents faint!

--Literally "fainted".

--The kind where the star falls to the ground and won't wake up for a while!


The inhalation sounds one after another.

Most people did not expect that Yukimura would end the game like this.

Then, after the exhaustion is over

Most people, including Kite, thought of a little bit.

- Seiichi Yukimura, worthy of being "the Minister of Rikkai"!

Rikkai, who has completed an unprecedented three consecutive hegemony, is a tennis team with the reputation of being the ``king of Rikkai,'' and is good at crushing opponents to win. .

These days in the U17 training camp, they eat, live, and train. As the limbs become more developed, the brain is not good to some extent!

- How can Rikkai be "gentle"?!

From the year before last, the sound of the fishing boat that was like "the naval forces set off" is actually the real public opinion!

Seiichi Yukimura's regular selection of the Rikkai Grand Tennis Team is really "condescending and cold." Not only is it ruthlessly attacking opponents on the court, but it is also full of aura and coldness on the court.

Although it is not an excessive tool, it is definitely not "close to the people".

Therefore, these days in the U17 training camp, they are really so tired that they are "blurred" by their own sweat!


Slow down your breathing and use your exhale to relieve your psychological pressure.

Let the heart that was beating violently because of the ". "emergency" on the court at the previous moment calm down the rhythm and frequency of the previous beating.

The junior high school students in the audience were frightened by the "Rikkai".

In the audience of the Second Army, only the few people from Rikkai were able to recover quickly, barely maintaining their heartbeat frequency as before. To express your own happiness.

"These two senior high school students are so miserable--"

"It shouldn't leave any psychological shadows, right?"

"As expected of being a high school student, I can survive until now before falling down. As expected, Yukimura is too strong!"

While feeling lingering, they expressed their concern for senior high school students and their praise to Minister Rikkai.


These middle school students are still like this, not to mention Kite who happily finished the game and won.

When Kite saw Kimishima and Tohno fainting on the ground, the eyes under his lenses were shining at that moment.

- Hit the key, kill with one shot (good Zhao)!

--Cruel, but very efficient and useful!

At this moment, Minister Higa highly recognized and agreed with Minister Rikkai's final goal!

[This is Seiichi Yukimura, Minister of "King Rikkai Dai"!!!"

The blood surged, Kite even forgot the victory of the game at this moment, and immersed himself in his aftertaste.

He was intoxicated by the scene where two high school players fell to the ground opposite the net.

So that the expression is strange, silently followed Yukimura to walk in front of No.2 Tanegashima Shuji of the first army.

ps (first chapter to relieve your boredom), audience: (dignified expression) Rikkai is indeed an unfathomable and terrifying team!

Rikkai big candidates: emmm, you are willing to think so, just think like this~

(Cover your face, not from the perspective of Rikkai, we Rikkai can easily become "a big villain team who always despise opponents at all times of high coldness." But in fact, the inside is really like heavy rain and it hurts people's faces. It's also very gentle at the same time, isn't it?).

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