Prince of Tennis Nioh Phantom

Chapter 708 : Make trouble unreasonably, as you wish

"Yukimura, did you end the game like this?"

Nioh looked at Chief Minister Rikkai who was standing in front of him and his Tanegashima Shuji-senpai, his eyes were very sad.

He had already seen something wrong, although he had clearly reminded Minister Hyotei who was sitting next to him, but this did not prevent him from "pretending" now.

To be honest, Nioh Masaharu was looking forward to the "court meeting" of Yukimura, Kite, Kimishima and Tohno before the game started.

But after doubles started, his mood immediately became worse.

Compared with the expectations before the game, the process of this game is obviously "not as interesting as he thought."

--Why is Kimishima-senpai so unbelievable!

Rikkai Taisho election is really "hate iron but not steel". When he was sitting in the audience on the side of the First Army to watch the game, he couldn't wait to go up in person, Phantom Cheng Junjima played instead of this senior high school student!

In his imagination.

Not to mention you coming and going, the scores are chasing each other, and you have to "entangle" and "struggle" so one or two times, right?

Yukimura knows about Tohno Atsukyo's senior high school student's hidden injury. In the current situation, it is somewhat hesitant-Yukimura will never deliberately avoid that side. When it is time to play, he still has to play as usual. But at least he wouldn't deliberately hit that place with tennis.

In this way, one of Kimijima's hidden purpose is achieved.

--Hold part of Seiichi Yukimura's mind.

Although it is useless, but increasing the difficulty of this point will not make the game more exciting?

However, Nioh didn't expect that their Minister of Rikkai made up his mind at the beginning.

Salary from the bottom of the pot--

Yukimura directly "killed" his two high school opponents in the doubles game!

[Tohno Atsukyo, this predecessor is nothing more. Did Kimishima-senpai be stunned by his partner, or was he fainted by the airsickness?]

From the 237 doubles match between him and Atobe against Maori and Otsuchi, two senior high school students, Nioh can clearly perceive the targeting of his and Atobe by two high school opponents in the first army.

He also felt the concern that other members of the army were "very familiar (at least to the extent they had heard it)" of him and Atobe.

It can be seen that although these high school students who have returned from the expedition have made a posture of "dismissively" and put on a posture of "high above the top", in fact,

It should be prepared for the game by "lighting up the night reading" against the materials of these middle school students?

Although the intelligence is time-sensitive, the paper data and some video recordings of middle school students obtained by these high school students in the army can not fully show the strength of middle school students-middle school students have made a lot of progress in the U17 training camp these days. , And some of them had reservations before.

However, the information that the high school students of the first army saw, it is absolutely impossible not to indicate the proud skills of Rikkai!

Apart from other dimensions, it is impossible not to write "Missing the Five Senses" and "Dreamland" as Seiichi Yukimura's signature techniques.

--This is where Nioh "hates iron but not steel" towards Jundao.

The senior Tohno Atsukyo didn't have much scheming, but he also knew that facing Seiichi Yukimura could not release the water, he had to do his best. Junjima actually gave Yukimura the opportunity to "kill his opponents all at once"!

After passing the "dreamland", can't we "enjoy" the warm hospitality of "destroying the five senses" again?

Neither Kite nor Yukimura will give up any chance of victory, but why does Kimijima think that these two will target Tohno?

Wouldn't it be better to kill two opponents at once?!

When Junjima talked with Tohno in the second set, Nioh had already "seen" the final result.

Mental power can be used coarsely or finely in tennis. Every tennis player has his own way of using mental power.

Even if it is not deliberately used, it will naturally show a point or two when flat (bhcj).

For example, when facing an opponent, the aura that oneself reveals is one of the manifestations of the natural manifestation of mental power.

The simplest principle of the mental power usage of "Dreamland", to put it plainly, is the "mental power suggestion" under deliberate control.

Let the opponent think that they are doing something, but in reality it is not the case.

With the use of different-dimensional phantoms, "Alaya" worked so hard to "dream". In fact, after the end of the first set, both Kimijima and Tohno were still affected by the "remaining hints".

In court, and not Yukimura's teammate partner, how could it be possible to ask Minister Rikkai to "be merciful"?

"Dragging time" is a clear and wise way, but combined with the actual situation, it is really stupid!

Nioh raised his eyes to look at his minister, already imagining the expressions of Kimishima and Tohno when they woke up in the infirmary.

--It will definitely be a very exciting, very full level of beauty!

#Pour out the water poured in my mind, I can't wait for myself to lose my memory when I wake up! #

Knowing that their mental power is not better than Yukimura, and they have also caught Yukimura's mental power moves, "fantasy protracted battle", the two senior high school students do not know whether to say "courage is praiseworthy" or "too much" under certain circumstances. Naive and innocent"!

"Doesn't Masaharu want me to come soon?"

Minister Rikkai smiled.

Yukimura hinted that he turned the "question" to his white-haired member very directionally.

Tanegashima Shuji curled his mouth and sat steadily, ignoring the gaze of the No.6 Omagari player who was not far away.

"Ah um, since you two are here, find a place to sit down. My uncle can't wait to enjoy the next game!"

Atobe glanced at Yukimura and Kite, the two "Army Territory-Newcomers", and the protagonist said the same.

Minister Hyotei has obviously taken the role of "a player in the first army", and naturally classified the area where he sits as the "Kingdom of the Ice Emperor".

However, when he said this, he looked at Yukimura and Kite.

Minister Hyotei apparently did not notice the expression of Rikkai Taisho, sitting next to him.

- The corners of Nioh Masaharu's mouth raised, as if he had heard an interesting story.

Seeing such a scene, Higa's expression was slightly condensed, and he condensed his slightly complicated expression that was mixed with excessive excitement and a small amount of fear. The nerves of the keen martial arts teenager reminded him of what "unexpected and reasonable things" seem to happen in the next moment.

"Then Tanegashima-senpai

Yukimura didn't reply to Atobe. He curled his lips and smiled and looked at his immediate senior who was sitting next to his tennis club.

"Well, are you in such a hurry? I want to sit a little longer.

Speaking with regret, Tanegashima patted the younger man sitting next to him on the shoulder, then got up and picked up his own net racquet.

"It's not me who is in a hurry, Tanegashima-senpai.

It seems that I was "accused" by the seniors. Yukimura didn't mean to be unhappy, he said, pointing out.

--It's like talking about Atobe, after all, the person who urged you just now was Minister Hyotei.

But everyone who is standing and sitting knows that Minister Rikkai didn't mean that.

"Puff, Sanada has stood up.

"Minister, you just finished the game, our deputy minister can't wait to play!"

Nioh, who was patted on the shoulder by his senior, pointed out the "truth" for everyone.

Those who can't wait, those who are in a hurry, are not anyone on the military's auditorium. It was on the side of the Second Army, who had just gone out and disappeared, and now they are interfering with Yukimura Village, Kite and Kimishima, and Tohno at the end of the doubles match of Rikkai, the first deputy head of Rikkai Genichiro Sanada!

" Um?"

The most at a loss is probably Kite Eishirou, the head of Higa who followed Yukimura.

He could feel the fierce fire burning, thunder plummeting strong fighting spirit and faith displayed on Sanada's body at such a distance from the net court!

[Is this an appointment for a shuffle game?]

Turning his head and looking over there, Kite Eishirou thoughtfully.

Compared to Higa, Rikkai's big tennis club has a very solid foundation.

This foundation is present in the U17 training camp, and it is directly reflected in the previous gross profit and the current Tanegashima two high school players.

Seniors who have already graduated, in fact, do not need to pay attention to "the juniors of the school club before entering the school." Even if it is a "direct promotion", it has been two or three years or even more time, and there is nothing to talk about if it is not the same.

But some things will always exceed people's expectations.

Tanegashima Shuji, No. 2 of the first army, is concerned about and attaches great importance to the middle school students of Rikkai, which is enough to attract everyone's attention.

Rikkai never concealed all this.

Kite and others have already known this.


[It's normal for Sanada to have this kind of "swearing to win" aura, but why do I feel murderous again?]

Minister Higa fell into deep thought.

Do the Minister and Deputy Minister of Rikkai University habitually release "murderous intent" before the game? Haven't felt this before!

You know, even at the final scene of the national competition, Kite, who is always watching Rikkai Taisho, as an audience, did not notice such "murderous"!

"Senior, did you agree to this game before?"

The No.2 of the first army, did you have an appointment to play with Rikkai Deputy Secretary Sanada Xuanichiro on this critical occasion?

Because I think Tanegashima Shuji is not difficult to get along with, Kite, who feels puzzled, asked directly.

He felt that even if senior high school students didn't answer, Nioh would give an explanation, right?

Even if it was "the lie of a fraudster," he admitted it!

--It's better than knowing nothing!

"No, this is not an agreement.

Tanegashima moved her body and shook her head.

Wushu boy Kite Eishirou looks at people, at least when he looks at the surface, he is quite accurate.

Tanegashima Shuji, a high school student player, is not a cold-hearted, unspeakable senior, nor a tennis player who looks down on juniors. When some places are not involved, No. 2 of the First Army is still very good to communicate.

#After all, it’s a "Social Flower in the Army"~~#

"Not a promise--"

"Senior's'accommodation' to Sanada!"

In a very disgusting tone, Nioh, in front of the three junior high school ministers and the first army No. 2, "accused" a certain deputy minister who was not caring enough.

"It was Sanada who wanted to play a tennis match with Tanegashima-senpai!

Nioh said so.

Yukimura also nodded.

Tanegashima seems to have acquiesced in this statement.

Minister Hyotei is dubious--

[Well, is that so? My uncle always thinks something is wrong!]

Although Nioh's words are correct, but under the "out of context", his statement actually shows that Deputy Minister Rikkai is really "too wayward, unreasonable, and not considerate of the predecessors."

PS, Kite: Is that so?

Sanada: (Finally, I have a chance to be ashamed of Yixue (teased)!) Come on, come on! Three set points!

Tanegashima: (I feel so caring as a senior) As you wish~

#At this time, the Junjima contestant who has hidden merit and fame is on his way to the infirmary#.

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