Prince of Tennis Nioh Phantom

Chapter 709 : Relax doubles, reluctant to combine

"The third qualifying match will begin below. Please be in place for both sides of the match!"

Such words were broadcast on the radio on the qualifying venue.

"It's going on, Ryuuji!"

Tanegashima, who stood up and picked up the net racquet before speaking, said this to his doubles partner Omagari in this qualifying match.

Regardless of the mood of the First Army No.6 at this time, the First Army No.2 is currently full of expectations for the next game. What is the tennis prowess of the current Deputy Minister of Rikkai Grand Tennis?

The high school students who have already fought against Rikkai Chief Minister and Rikkai Fraudster are really looking forward to this!

Although Tanegashima Shuji is popular, the place where Sanada went after he came to U17 was the training ground of the three head coaches of Mifūne Nyudō on the mountain! In this way, even if Tanegashima wanted to ask anything, he couldn't find anyone to go. Ask. He was not so cheeky that he went directly to the head coach of Mifune on the mountain to ask for information on junior high school students!

However, the black-skinned and white-haired high school students cannot go to the head coach of Mifune to ask for probe information, which does not mean that he really knows nothing about the tennis level of the junior Rikkai junior high school student.

It's been a while since the middle school students who trained "qualified" on the back mountain returned to the U17 training camp headquarters.

During this period of time, Tanegashima was unable to learn some hidden personal information, but with his eyesight and insight, he was able to detect some of Sanada's tennis skills from the perspective of an "bystander".

Not to mention, "Let's get the month before the water platform", he can't ask the head coach of the three ships, but he can ask Nioh at will!

Nioh and Sanada are both junior high school students. It stands to reason that they are in the same position, and they are both tennis players of the same tennis team. They should have been "mutually beneficial". But how can anyone make younger generations "want to watch the excitement"?

From Tanegashima's point of view, the relationship between his junior Nioh Masaharu and another junior Genichiro Sanada is actually quite good-on the surface there is a bit of tit-for-tat, but that is just on the surface.

The insightful socialist Tanegashima Shuji is now very familiar with his Rikkai white-haired junior. He knows that with Nioh's character - Nioh doesn't want to hide his character at all. If he really hates someone, Sanada probably won't stand on court right now!

If Nioh really wanted to let their Vice Minister of Rikkai suffer a "torn of tennis", then the current Rikkai Tennis Club would have succeeded in the "transfer of power" and "upgrading". In that case, Nioh will actively ask to join the team of the first army from the beginning-before the start of the game, stand on the side of the first army high school students, instead of combining Maori and Yuezhi.

Defeated by two! 240

"Puff, Tanegashima-san, come on!"

Therefore, the provocative words of encouragement and encouragement from the juniors of the white-haired junior high school students, No. 2 of the first army is just to listen.


Regardless of the fact that the white-haired junior high school student is so sincere and sincere to encourage him from the standpoint of the first army, if he is careless in the game, in case, in case he accidentally loses the game, his This junior will laugh out loud!

No. 2 of the First Army sees things clearly among the younger generations. He has always been humane and well-trained, and he is proficient in the principles and guidelines of being a man. Compared with the slightly worse (sometimes terrible) behavior of the leader of the army, Byōdōin Hōō, Tanegashima Shuji's attitude and practice of “seeing through but not telling the truth” and pushing the boat along the river to cooperate with the younger generation is simply a “high school student”.

A role model among the predecessors"!

However, now, this "model" high school student has set a "bad role model" for his juniors on tennis doubles.

With a careless look on his face, he casually pulled down one sleeve and stretched out his arm.

In an instant, the image of this high school student changed from "a senior master in the first army" to "a senior master in the first army"!


Very exaggerated, even very exaggerated, the No. 2 army of the first army stretched out and yawned.

All the players of the First Army who are sitting on the seats of the First Army and still in the role of "audience"-Byōdōin Hōō, Watanabe Duke, and Onijujiro are not surprised. After all, Tanegashima played this "relaxed posture" in his rare occasions as the No. 2 of the first army.

- First Army No. 2 has "Destroyed Nothing" in hand, even Oni Jujiro dare not say that he can win Tanegashima Shuji.

Therefore, in the few appearances of No. 2 in the first army, "winning the game" is simply the normal state!

"You better spare me!"

This sentence sounds very frustrating to others.

The aura and expression of No. 6 of the First Army at this time seem to be somewhat similar to the No. 2 of the First Army.

Maybe the coaching staff asked them to try to combine-doubles at first, for this reason.

--But Omagari will never admit this!

He felt that he was really unlucky, and he would meet Tanegashima Shuji, a "inaction" doubles partner. But helplessly, he really "cannot choose"!

There are twenty players in the First Army, and the top ten players are basically unchanged. But in the case of singles, under normal circumstances, of course, it must be handed over to the top five players. Although his No.6 ranks in the ranks, if you really want to compare it cruelly, it means "compared to the superior and inferior to the inferior".

I really want to fight for the chance of "singles". The probability of winning is simply pitiful!

Then he can only settle down to occupy the doubles position-but among the top ten players in the first army, he really can't find a "doubles player better than Tanegashima Shuji"!

The doubles combination of Maori and Yuezhi cannot be taken apart at all, nor can it be taken apart.

The combination of Kimishima and Tohno's doubles that can be taken apart, these two high school students colleagues, Omagari doesn't want any of them!

So he really has and only has the option of "Heyijun NO.2 doubles"!

This was enough to make him uncomfortable, but the facts are undoubtedly more cold and ruthless.

--What's even more depressing is that "doubles with Tanegashima Shuji" is still his qualifying "best solution"!

#Nonsense, there is only one choice, and of course it is the "optimal solution"~#

"Wow-the player from the first team in this qualifying match is Tanegashima Shuji-senpai!"

Compared with other first-team players, Tanegashima is still very popular among middle school students.

--Because compared to other players in the first army (except Maori), junior high school players only know this senior high school student.

"But Senpai looks like uh, like

Hesitated, hesitated, and didn't know how to tell his true feelings.

"High school students are too relaxed, right?!"

However, among junior high school students, there are still tennis teenagers who react more intensely.

For example, Fuji Yuta, an active second-year student in the Saint Rudolph Tennis Club;

Another example is Shishido Ryoh, a three-year student in the Hyotei Tennis Club who is serious about tennis, strives for perfection, and works tirelessly.

"Huh, the first army has lost two games."

It is obvious to hide the next unspoken sentence.

--The current big score of the first army vs. the second army, the number on the first army is very round "0"!

"Senior's look like this. Senior high school students should think that this game is confident, right?"

never expected--

Shishido Ryoh never thought that his Hyotei good junior and good partner Otori Cyotaroh would say such a thing!


Shishido Ryoh opened his eyes wide.

His astonishment was beyond words.

"Senior Anato, I'm sorry!

Otori Cyotaroh also realized that what he said just now was not appropriate enough. He hesitated and blushed for his previous "inappropriate remarks."

Hyotei's honest and conscientious second grader apologized so well that he almost stood up and bowed to Shido on the spot.

--Although, although what he said just now is indeed his true feeling!

Unlike Shishido Ryoh, the mental coach Saitō Itaru asked the middle school students to form a team to "cannibalize each other" and win, and Otori Cyotaroh, who stayed at the U17 training camp headquarters, followed the middle school students in the U17 training camp headquarters step by step. Your court number is moved up.

He saw the progress and changes in the strength of many junior high school students, and how the black-skinned and white-haired senior high school students were inadvertently awed by some second-arm high school students.

The pure-minded Otori Cyotaroh is very sensitive to emotions. He can feel that the high school students of the Second Army are truly "fear and awe" towards Tanegashima Shuji, the high school student player (bhcj).

--This is nothing at all.

After all, Otori Cyotaroh has always respected his predecessors, even if he played "one goal to the soul" on the net court very ruthlessly, but he really respects all the predecessors.


It's because of "the senior of Rikkai".

Feng certainly doesn't know Tanegashima, but he knows Nioh well as Hyotei's candidate.

Since becoming a member of Hyotei's tennis club, Feng has gradually learned about the opponents of Hyotei's tennis club in the junior high school competition. Naturally, the Rikkai Grand Tennis Club, which is inevitable in the Kanto region, is the regular selection.

The results of the Rikkai Grand Tennis Club at the time were as good as Mount Fuji.

Back then, he and Hiyoshi began to admire Otori Cyotaroh, who was currently selected in the Hyotei Tennis Club, when he was in junior high. Under this circumstance, he slowly learned about their "biggest opponent" in junior high.

This is nothing at all-pure admiration for the strong.

When it was time to play as an opponent, Feng would never miss a point.

But when Feng became a doubles player, there were still some differences.

In other words, it was originally different.

The members of the Hyotei Tennis Club are not limited to the formal elections, all are under the leadership of their Minister Atobe Keigo. They all respect and admire their ministers sincerely.

Director Hyotei Atobe Keigo has a different meaning to Hyotei players. It is not just a simple "powerful minister", but "as gorgeous as the sun in the sky"!

Chasing the light, pursuing the sun, and looking up to the light are all human natures. Moths still love fighting fires, let alone the more delicate-minded teenagers?

There was a leader who stood in front of him in his youth and pointed out the way forward. The amazingness of young people is always unforgettable in the bone marrow. They are born with high-level filters, with soft but eye-catching brilliance.

Atobe has a high status in Feng's heart.

Therefore, when Nioh defeated Atobe in the practice match that occasion, the Rikkai Taisho Election had a different status in the hearts of Hyotei second-year students.

What's more, Nioh Masaharu is also an opponent who suffocates all middle school doubles players.

No matter how hard I tried, I looked at each other every time I made progress, and I felt that I was simply "not worth mentioning". Even if there is a feeling of pride and swelling, as long as you meet the opponent in the game, the feeling of powerlessness will flow into your heart like a tide.

To surpass Nioh Masaharu on doubles--

It is as desperate as "Kuafu Chasing the Sun"!

With each step, I feel that I am a little closer to the opponent's level. But the next moment you will find that the previous feeling is just an illusion!

Nioh's tennis level is very high, and the doubles strength is even more unfathomable - this kind of evaluation is not simply drawn at random, but the true feelings of many players who finally reached a consensus after many personal experiences and observations!

The Rikkai fraudster, who has stood tall enough now, may feel that this kind of evaluation makes him a little bit distressed. But for middle school students, this kind of evaluation is not adulterated at all!

Therefore, "the level of tennis that beats Atobe" and "the unmatched strength of middle school students in the doubles field" are superimposed, and Feng absolutely believes in Nioh's vision.

Tanegashima and Nioh stood together many times in the U17 training camp to watch the game and watch the game. They didn't mean to hide their figures at all. Feng also occasionally saw Nioh and Tanegashima watching the game and commenting on the game--just like a coach, he was very confident in his vision of the pros and cons of the game.

--It's that simple, Feng is very decisively convinced by the senior Tanegashima Shuji.

I haven't seen the opponent play, just because of "almost intuitive and convincing judgment"-not so much convincing, as "I believe Nioh Masaharu, Rikkai senior".

The purer the mind, the better the intuition.

Even if he doesn't know the rank of Tanegashima Shuji in the first army, Feng feels that this senior is "not easy."

--At first glance, it looks a bit similar to Rikkai-old Nioh-senpai!

So, after knowing the rank of Tanegashima Shuji's army, how could Feng speak against his conscience?

Hyotei's second-year student, Otori Cyotaroh, has a spleen and spleen on the surface, but just from the triumphant skill of "a ball into the soul", you can see his hidden sharpness.

Minister Hyotei, who is enterprising and pursuing gorgeousness, will not misunderstand people. He selected the current Hyotei team from three hundred members, and he has already achieved the best he can do.

"But the senior high school students in this qualifying match are better than before, right?"

Even if the people on court are their Hyotei players, Otori Cyotaroh will not feel that they have an advantage. Therefore, in the situation where the player on the court came from Rikkai Yamato Yamabuki Middle-School Tennis Club, he was able to express his opinions objectively.

"Of course-you can tell by looking at the badge. At least on the surface."

Oshitari Yuushi stood by for a while, but finally couldn't help but speak.

He just watched the reaction of Feng and Shito from the side just now, and he almost couldn't help laughing out loud--not to mention Shishido Ryoh, even he didn't expect that Chotaro would be with Anato one day. "Choke to speak",

--Although their good younger generations of Hyotei just speak the truth, they didn't deliberately "sing against the tune". However, the timing of Feng's speech was so coincidental, it sounds like it was targeted just to refute Shido's words!

"But our side is not without chance!"

Hyotei's genius made a promise, and set up a beautiful capital flag for Rikkai's deputy minister and Yamabuki's players.

[Yuushi, are you sure that this sentence is not "poisonous milk"?]

His doubles partner Mukahi Gakuto was watching, thinking that he was about to sneer in the next moment.

--The two players on the high school student side at least showed a "confident and relaxed" attitude in their expressions. The two players on the middle school student side seemed to be fighting in the next second. what!

ps, happy holiday~.

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