Prince of Tennis Nioh Phantom

Chapter 710 : Crackling, lightning sparks

Unlike the "relaxed and frustrating" atmosphere between Tanegashima Shuji and Omagari, the air between Sanada and Akutsu is full of gunpowder.

And the smell of gunpowder has become stronger over time

It seems that it will explode directly in the next moment!

"Sanada's expression one-"

"Did he regard his doubles partner as his opponent in this game~?"

The veteran doubles player Nioh Masaharu unceremoniously pointed out the attitude of the doubles player Shinichiro Sanada sent by the Second Army in this qualifying match.

"Yes, Kendichiro is too lax today!"

Not at all disgusted, Minister Rikkai is not afraid to make things worse. Yukimura cooperated with his staff very seriously, "accusing" Rikkai Deputy Minister of the attitude of the game.

- The two players from Rikkai University, just looking at the surface, are seriously targeting their deputy minister's "match attitude".

However, Kite, who was sitting in the same row as Nioh and Atobe with Seiichi Yukimura, felt that things were not that simple.

--"Attitude problem"?

--Is it just because of this?!

After finishing the qualifying match just now, in his heart, he has "demonized" the beautiful image of Rikkai Chief Minister Seiichi Yukimura in private. He feels that the words of Rikkai Master are "quite profound".

Although on the surface it seems that Nioh can't understand Sanada's doubles, Yukimura can't.

In the doubles game just now, Sanada went out without watching the game, right?

Seiichi Yukimura had not finished the game, and the score was still in suspense, and Sanada Genichiro went out halfway.

Does this dislike Rikkai Deputy Secretary's game speed too slow, or do you think Seiichi Yukimura's doubles game is not good?

--Okinawa teenagers with martial arts intuition refused to continue thinking about this issue.

This question cannot be considered in depth.

To know..

How could Seiichi Yukimura, the head of the Rikkai Grand Tennis Department, be a "little Closed Eye" person?

- Yukimura, shouldn't he "hate grudges" and "notebooks" just because the deputy head of his tennis department went out without watching his game.

I still remember the tragic situation of Kimijima and Tohno Atsukyo being carried by the U17 training camp staff on a stretcher. Kite Eishirou refused to continue thinking about this kind of brain-consuming problem.

He sat on the other side of Seiichi Yukimura, trying his best to be calm and narrowing his sense of existence.

-Rikkai's internal affairs, please don't "affect Chiyu"!

--If you are looking for someone to chat, please go to the Minister Hyotei sitting next to Nioh!

"Hey, stop talking nonsense, you two!"

Kite's heartfelt call seemed to be heard by Atobe on the other end.

Minister Hyotei yelled at the two Rikkai big country middle school players very generously.

"My uncle asks you--"

After Atobe watched Yukimura's game, his emotional performance was more intense than that of Yukimura and Kite who had won the game and won.

His look was an excitement that couldn't be concealed--in fact, Minister Hyotei didn't even conceal the slightest hint in this regard.

Minister Hyotei's interest in the "different phantom", there is no need to cover up.

Because everyone is interested in "different dimensional shadows"!

"Does Sanada have that too"?"

It was not stated clearly, but everyone present knew what Atobe Keigo was asking.

For example, Kite Eishirou.

Kite also made a decision just now, determined to watch the game steadily, and try to reduce his sense of existence without mingling with Rikkai's big "business". But now, after hearing Atobe's blunt question, Higa's expression suddenly changed.

-I look forward to it.

Complete expectations.

No one can forget the powerful court power of any tennis player who has seen the "different dimensional shadow".

Not to mention, the question that Atobe asked was about Rikkai Deputy Minister Sanada Genichiro!

Since Nioh's National One, the Rikkai Grand Tennis Team has been in the highest-end leading position in the junior high school summer competition.

Whether it's doubles or singles, Rikkai is a well-deserved national level.

It's just that the "national level" of other people's homes is really "national level for middle school students."

Rikkai University’s "national level" evaluation is because the summer competition for junior high school students is held all over Japan!

The highest evaluation is the "national level", so the Rikkai Grand Tennis Team, which is at the highest level in the Japanese junior high school tennis world, can only be rated as "national level"!

And the evaluation of the tennis industry is so high, the internal evaluation of junior high school tennis players is not only not low, it is even higher!

--Only when you compare yourself with the Rikkai Grand Tennis Team, can you know how high the highest level of the Japanese Middle-School Tennis Team is.

Perhaps to say "unfathomable" is to exaggerate the strength of Rikkai's big tennis team. After all, if you compare it, the heads of the tennis teams of each school and the trump card are not decorations.

But to talk about the highest strength of Japanese junior high school tennis players--

Even if you cannot say "unfathomable", you must call it "unfathomable"!

In the previous national competitions of the summer competition for middle school students, the team from the Rikkai Grand Tennis Club won beautifully all the way, but to be honest, there is still a gap between "trying hard".

Even the finals of the national competition failed to detect where Rikkai's "understanding the baseline" was.

Nowadays, everyone has gained tremendous gains after experiencing rapid improvement in strength. Who can believe that the players of Rikkai "get nothing"?


Under the gaze of other people's expectation, Yukimura said and nodded.

"Probably yes!"

Nioh followed, and after Yukimura finished speaking, he nodded seriously.

--But there is not much difference between his words and no words.

At the most, it made Atobe's choked breath a little more heart-stirring.

"Don't look at me-I didn't go to the back mountain."

After noticing Minister Hyotei's unspeakable eyes and echoing his own Minister's words, Nioh quickly explained.

He was not telling a lie this time.

He really didn't know about Sanada's "different dimensions" this time!

In the line of the back mountain, Sanada seemed to have suddenly learned a hole, and his ability level rose rapidly from the perspective of the left and right. Even if Yukimura asked left and right, Sanada still insisted on his "back mountain harvest".

Yanagi Renji supposedly knew about Sanada's harvest, but Data Tennis is very persistent in collecting intelligence.

But Junshi Liu also has his own "task" in the back mountains-Liu also needs to complete his own different-dimensional phantom!

Under the circumstances of studying, the Liu Junshi of their Rikkai University has not even had time to pay attention to and follow up the progress of the strength of the younger Kirihaya, how can they have the leisure to obtain Sanada's intelligence?

Therefore, Nioh and Yukimura really don't know the strength of their Vice Minister of Rikkai.

--Maybe, probably, maybe

They can only answer that way.

But with this answer, Atobe and Kite didn't believe it at all!

The reputation of "The Great Rikkai Fraudster" is too prominent.

Moreover, Minister Hyotei and Minister Higa are both opponents who have played against Nioh, and they also know the "great achievements" of this Rikkai Taisho election.

So they don't believe the truth of the "fraudster" at all.

They also don't believe what Minister Rikkai said.

"Sanada will use'that' soon--"

"At this time, is it still necessary to hide information?"

Minister Hyotei, who has insight, did not use his own intuition at all. Sticking to his own point of view, and believing in his own heart, Atobe Keigo continued to ask.

Kite was next to Yukimura and also made a gesture of "listening carefully".

--The two ministerial players of middle school students really feel that Rikkai is "selling off".

"Then you two will concentrate on watching the game."

--When did no one believe the truth?

Nioh thinks it's not his fault!

I glanced at Yukimura, and from the eyes of my minister, I can tell you the "accusation" that "you, the "fraudster" cheated too many times to make our Rikkai credibility go bankrupt", Nioh can't wait to end in person. Fist Sanada!

After the junior high school students in the black jacket group trained in the back mountain came back, Nioh has always been curious about the different dimensions of his teammates.

But considering the "hardship" on the back mountain, he was very considerate, but just asked a few words seemingly at random and didn't go any further.

--If he really has to know the situation of his teammates in different dimensions, can he just pull people to the court and play a game? Maybe it will make his teammates more rewarding!

Isn't Rikkai sophomore ace Kirihara Akaya's other dimension progressing like this?

Player Nioh Masaharu, who understands Sanada's temperament, said that the aggressive approach-especially the "excited approach" he used with Sanada, is very effective for Sanada!

"Look at it, now the game is going very smoothly!"

Regardless of Minister Hyotei's frown, he felt that it was rare for him to be "thinkful once" to Deputy Minister Rikkai but "good guys are not rewarded" Nioh blinked and said when he looked at the game on the court.


"Aggression is like fire--"

Cries full of breath.

The deputy minister of Rikkai University is always so imposing and "passionate".

But at least in this game, momentum seems useless.


The quick swing fell quickly and hit the tennis ball accurately.

The tennis ball, burning with fire, seemed to be blocked by a thick and solid giant net. It was blocked by the net line on the racquet.

"Come on, Ryuuji!

When I went to court, I handed racquet to my doubles partner in this game. Tanegashima Shuji was like a cheerleader. He almost clapped his hands and applauded.

………For flowers…

"Young generations, you guys have to cheer too-Ryuuji is not easy to deal with."

This is the advantage of the double knife flow partner. The first army NO, 2 is very comfortable watching the game, and leisurely cheering for their opponents in this game.

"Don't order me one-"

It is a pity that the "goodwill" of No. 2 of the First Army was not appreciated by the two middle school students.

After Akutsu Jin went to court, he exploded like a beast.

He is like the Beastmaster, not allowing others to approach his own territory.

--For such a tennis player, with such a gas field, it is uncomfortable enough to doubles with others, let alone the opponent's seemingly playful but condescending "goodwill"?



"Moving like thunder!"


Yajutsu used words to reject the "goodwill encouragement" of No.2 of the army, while Sanada used actions to express his own attitude.

--This senior high school student is too lax!

--Senior who is so relaxed, let me send you into the abyss of defeat!

Sanada's swing is very powerful and his skill is just right.

He has practiced kendo since he was a child. While exercising his body and arm strength, he also learned the skills of exerting strength. - Take control of your own body, don't waste your own strength, aim at the opponent's loopholes, and then ruthlessly defeat the opponent head-on!

Get up on time at four o'clock every morning, sit in meditation, practice kendo, and exercise. Sanada is not too rigid to be flexible, he is just self-disciplined enough and hardworking enough.


During the internal meeting of the Rikkai Grand Tennis Club, Yukimura and Yookai developed a targeted training menu for everyone's shortcomings.

At this time, the red-haired Rikkai Taisho-chosen would look at Rikkai's strong physique with envious eyes. The second-year kelp junior will always look enviously at the muscles of the deputy minister senior.

Even Nioh, who is strong enough in tennis, would think about "if I had the physique like Sanada" under this kind of "envious" atmosphere.

And whenever this happens, Sanada always solemnly and solemnly tells you a few sentences that translate into something similar to the meaning of "life is in motion".

His physical physique has such natural factors, but it also requires acquired exercise.

--At this point, Deputy Minister Rikkai stated that he "reluctantly recognized" a certain white-haired teammate in the tennis club.

Although Nioh Masaharu showed a loose look, this guy has never been slack in training.

The training tasks that should be completed, Nioh will definitely complete them all honestly--sometimes they will increase the amount.

This is a commendable training attitude.

If it weren't for Nioh's always showing inattentive look and somehow escaped training several times, Sanada would definitely appreciate and praise this behavior even more.

--But because of this, the relationship between Shinichiro Sanada and Nioh Masaharu is not as bad as it seems.

--And it can't be called "harmony"!

As if they were born, Sanada and Nioh "different from each other." Nioh is always able to accurately stir up Sanada's anger, and then quickly leave to get rid of his "responsibility", making Sanada get stuck in his heart.

At the beginning, Yukimura also worried about the "contradiction" between the two people, and wanted his teammates to "get along well". But afterwards

# Yukimura:吃瓜看戏#

Minister Rikkai is accustomed to this, and even thinks that this is just a "reasonable getting along" between the two.

- Seiichi Yukimura knows that Nioh has always been measured and won't really quarrel with Sanada to the point of making a fist.

Moreover, he and Sanada are still in the relationship with the young child, and he knows the emotional endurance and baseline problems of his own child. #Yes, Yukimura has personally practiced this work#

Up to now, under the continuous efforts of some "good-hearted people" and the hard work of Sanada himself, Sanada's patience is actually not low.

Although he was so emotional when he faced Seigaku Minister Kunimitsu in the national finals, the opponent he had been waiting for before finally meeting again, but that was just an example.

--It's just because the opponent is Kunimitsu!

Tanegashima's current "small means"

Do you want to make him irritable from the chaos?

After sinking his heart, his fighting spirit was still burning like a flame, but Sanada's mood was very calm at this time, just like he would usually sit in meditation.

Two points for me, he can feel his passion during the game, but his heart is very stable. Rage is just the fuel to inspire his game state!

Does the senior high school student on the opposite side want to provoke him with such gestures and words?

-One is very successful.

Before the game, the Deputy Minister Rikkai was already very angry.

ps, Happy National Day! Soil,

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