Prince of Tennis Nioh Phantom

Chapter 711 : Incoming gambling

"Oh, I'm sleepy to death."

Steadyly catching the tennis ball from the opposite middle school player, the No. 6 team of the First Army complained softly with extra strength.

"Don't you know how to be considerate of seniors, kid?"

Glancing at the vigorous Vice Minister Rikkai, Omagari decisively chose another middle school player as his conversation partner.

However, he does have something to say with Akutsu Jin.

"Because of yesterday's thing, I was busy in the library until five o'clock in the morning!"

No. 6 of the First Army said complaints, but revealed the message of being extremely confident in its own strength.

The players of the Second Army, whether they are high school students or junior high school students, whether they are players who want to challenge the first army or those who simply come to watch the game, have somewhat excited and ambitious expectations for today's qualifying match.

For today's qualifying, there are definitely people who can't sleep well. However, players like No. 6 Omagari of the First Army who stayed up all night just to sort out the books in the library, at least Akutsu and Sanada didn't know it!

--Spent a night of energy for things that have nothing to do with tennis, it is definitely a slack in today's qualifying match!

So, before Akutsu could speak, Sanada couldn't help the irritation in his heart.

Deputy Minister Rikkai has long been annoyed with the No.6 doubles partner of the First Army, that is, the white-haired and black-skinned senior high school student.

The jokes that happened more than once, Tanegashima Shuji's actions one after another

If Sanada couldn't see that a certain white-haired senior did this deliberately, he would have been scammed to death in Rikkai!

Bang one-

"Aggression is like fire--"

The power of the swing is still increasing.

The burning sensation attached to the tennis ball-the illusion-like feeling caused by the rapid movement and rotation of the tennis ball, made Omagari, who was thinking about fatigue on the surface, suddenly looked terrified.


[These middle school students, these people, what kind of "monsters" are they!]

No. 6 of the First Army groaned secretly in my heart.

"Hmph, thank you for your hard work!"

The young man with a fierce beast-like temperament called a "monster" by the high school students of the First Army of Double Swordsmen kept walking.

It stands to reason that if he only relies on his speed and footsteps, he will not be able to reach the position where he can catch the ball. But "monsters" are unreasonable!

Akutsu Jin leaned forward while running, and stretched out his arms.

If you don't have an extremely strong balance ability, the result of this must be to fall to the ground!

But Yamabuki Middle-School is a "physical genius monster" that is rare in ten years, and even once in a hundred years. If you choose this approach, how can you let yourself fall and lose points?

Therefore, under the surprised eyes of the high school students on the opposite side and the players in the audience, Ajutsu's upper body almost formed a straight line with his running right leg.

He stretched out his arm, not caring about the posture that he was about to fall to the ground, aimed at the tricky ball that Omagari had hit, and swung a bat.

Then, as if violating the law of gravity, Akutsu Jin's body is like a spring, very elastic to "rebound" before bottoming out!


"What's the matter with this kid's actions?!"

Daqu watched such a catching action, and for a moment of dazedness he didn't forget to swipe the ball back.

High school students must pay attention to this move by Yajutsu.

Because at some point, a slight misestimation of the opponent in the game will cause a world-shaking difference in the result of the game!

No. 6 of the First Army has four colleagues who "lead by example" have proved that middle school students are "difficult to deal with".

Omagari thought that "the great ones have come out", but

Is there such a junior high student player?!

Those high school students in the Second Army and the first Army are already familiar with each other. They had known for a long time that if the First Army were to "shuffle the cards", there would probably be changes in those positions.

But these new junior high school players, although they have learned something through various channels, they still "see it at first sight"!

[The slot is full)

The mood of No.6 of the First Army quickly fell.

--Although it has not fallen to the point of a passive strike, it has also fallen to the point of sighing.


"30:30, Sanada and Akutsu score!"

Looking at the tennis ball just two or three meters beside him, the lazy army NO.2 with his hands in his pockets can't appreciate the pure cake mood of his doubles partner at all.

"The action is fun~"

Tanegashima Shuji is still in the mood to talk and laugh now!

No. 2 of the First Army ignored the ferocious eyes from the opposite side, and has no intention of making a move until now.

And Tanegashima Shuji's performance-although Omagari felt that the two middle school students in the qualifying matchup were difficult to deal with, he sighed or complained, and he did not speak for the second player in the first army to take it. Come here and racquet means to take part in the battle!

The First Army Spectator Stand--In fact, it is the contestant stand. The leader of the First Army, the First Army high school student NO.1 Byōdōin Hōō and the First Army NO.3 Duke-Watanabe, are also light-faced.

They didn't mean to be anxious or angry at all.

"The two men are fighting harder and harder."

While watching the game closely, Atobe also looked at the reactions of the few high school students remaining in the first army player's seat from the corner of his eye.

High school students don't know what their hole cards are, and are not at all anxious about the temporary stalemate in the score.

--Actually, in a three-set tennis match, the score of one game cannot determine much.

But the attitude of high school students

Is it not caring about the middle school student opponent?

[Clearly know that the tennis skills of Sanada and Akutsu are not so simple, but they are left with the opportunity to run in and get into the game in the game. 】

Minister Hyotei gradually calmed himself down while he was meditating.

A little bit, stripped of the joy of winning the game before, and the excitement of seeing "another victory" just now.

Only the remaining bits of "excessive pride" were gradually filtered out of my mind in thinking.

In his mind, Atobe raised the actual level of the high school students of the First Army.

He doesn't know the strength of high school students, but he has already seen the "incredible tennis power" he can accept and is willing to consider - high school students hide 2.9 what is more powerful hole card?

Thinking like this, he heard the white-haired player who was also a junior high school student next to him say--

"Should we bet on the final big score in this three-set doubles game?"

Nioh's voice seemed particularly abrupt at this moment, attracting everyone's attention in this area.

- Tanegashima, Daqu vs Sanada, Akutsu.

The final big score

2: 0, 2: 1?

Or 1:2, 0:2?

There are four possible options in total.

At present, there are exactly four middle school students in this row.

--Just to "deuce" these possibilities.

--Although in actual circumstances, no one would choose this way.

ps, the holiday is over QAQ. It's decided, I can post as much as I can write today (I haven't saved the manuscript anyway~). .

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