Prince of Tennis Nioh Phantom

Chapter 713 : Pain and happiness, for freedom!

Just as Oni Jujiro thought, Byodoin and Duke Watanabe not far away did hear the topics discussed by the four middle school players here.

The boss of the First Army held his arms, his eyes were cold, and the corners of his mouth were also icy arcs.

It's No. 3 in the first army. The high school student was quite interested in asking them aloud from a not too long distance.

"Then what if your estimated scores are the same?"

"How to deal with this situation?"

Probably because of foreigners, the thinking of international friends is different from that of domestic players.

After hearing Nioh and the others, Oni Jujiro thought of the coaching staff of the U17 training camp. But Duke Watanabe seemed to ignore the coaches.

Is it because of the atmosphere of "freedom and democracy"?

--Of course not so.

No. 3 of the current army is a smart man.

He looks like a chubby, kind and honest person, but he actually moves back and forth on court and his posture is very flexible, completely different from appearance.

Therefore, the reason why he didn't talk about "the coaching staff may cause obstacles caused by something" is because he is confident that those obstacles simply don't exist. It's not because of anything else, it's just because of the tennis strength and psychological quality of these middle school players.

From tennis matches and tennis moves, you can actually see the psychological quality of tennis players.

Needless to say Seiichi Yukimura, the doubles game that ended just now was simply "playing the opponent between the palms".

Nioh Masaharu is even more terrible-one must use words like "terrible" and "terror" to describe this middle-school player who looks "harmless to humans and animals".

As the former "King of Destruction" of the French team, and now No. 3 of the U17 training camp in Japan, Duke Watanabe can feel a lot of things that the players who are also spectators can't clearly recognize.

Players who are not that high in level, even if they see incomparable moves, it is difficult to define such moves and such tennis players in their own minds. Because they don't even know what kind of "great horror" there is in the domain level that they have not touched or seen.

However Duke. Watanabe knew it. He used to fight abroad with the French team and became famous in the U17 World Cup. Naturally, he also learned more things that other people didn't know.

"Old Domination"-the name alone makes people feel jealous.

And when I saw this move appear on the court

The feeling of being on top of the predator's town really makes every nerve of the person tense tight.

His thinking was frozen in an instant, and his expression condensed.

The coldness began to permeate from the bottom of my heart and spread to the limbs. The pupils suddenly shrank unstoppable, and the breathing followed.

When the "frozen" thinking returned, the cells all over the body were shouting "Danger! Danger!". Thinking that this was just a qualifying match for the U17 training camp, the No. 3 team even subconsciously wanted to stand up-he wanted to stop the doubles match.

--Such moves are simply not something that Maori and Yuezhi can deal with!

Losing the game had become the smallest problem in Duke's mind at the time. Because of a U17 internal 240 qualifying match, losing the entire tennis career is the biggest problem!

The No. 3 army, who had always seemed to be smiling and very kind, finally couldn't laugh at that time.

He almost got up to stop what might happen next in his mind.

However, Byōdōin Hōō stopped him.

The "cold and ruthless" army boss didn't move, and directly stopped the action he wanted to perform with a look in his eyes.

--Not that way!

At that moment, Yijun No.3 dared to swear that he had never seen Byōdōin Hōō look like this.

It's probably like the "ecstasy" of winning the U17 World Cup-although he doesn't know how the Japanese U17 team will feel like Byodoin, but Duke Watanabe used his "poor experience" after following Byodoin. In contrast, he can only make such a metaphor.

Because this is the most joyful expression of the army boss he has seen since the Byodoin Temple.

Even if the expression of Byodoin Temple hasn't changed much, his expression, his eyes and aura have all exposed his emotions!

Therefore, in No. 3 of the first army, it is impossible for the coaching staff to refuse the entry of these middle school students. Tennis strength and status have always been directly proportional to coaches. What's more, the mental and psychological qualities of these junior high school students are very good?

"In that case, you have to go to the online court for a match."

The senior high school student's sudden interruption did not make the junior high school student panic. Yukimura calmly answered the question of the senior.

"Is this too sloppy?"

No. 3 of the First Army thinks that these middle school students' methods of dealing with things are really simple and rude, but if you follow along, it seems to be really useful.

"But that position has always been occupied by the capable, right?"

Minister Hyotei, who has had the experience of playing games and seizing power, asked quite naturally.

He is very accepting of this approach, although in this way, his own odds of winning are actually not great. But even if it is "not a big chance"?

Give up without having to fight for it-this is not Atobe Keigo's "gorgeous aesthetics".

Even if the prospect is bleak, he is willing to go down, turn the night into day, and use himself into the sun.

This is the aesthetics of Atobe Keigo, the rule of his life, and the gorgeousness he insists on!

"Have such awareness one-I hope you can have the strength to match this awareness."

The boss of the first army finally spoke.

When he watched the game before, he thought that Hyotei's junior high school student was very good.

Facing the opponent's momentum is good, and knows how to advance and retreat on court, knowing that his level will not act blindly and recklessly, not like a disobedient junior.

--In short, Byodoin's impression of Atobe is still very good.

Among them, there is probably most of the credit for the more wisdom!

Because compared to the unremitting efforts in the army, Tanegashima Shuji and Tsukimitsu Ochi, who have been constantly trying to go out on an expedition match without getting on the plane, are constantly adding to his heart, it saves him a lot of worry!

Therefore, although Byodoin also appreciates Rikkai's great strength (bhcj), but the individual is always unable to "appreciate" Tanegashima Shuji's outstanding juniors, No. 1 of the army, and resolutely refuses to say that he appreciates Rikkai's big country middle-aged players. !

- When he didn't say anything, No. 2 of the First Army was proud to be that way.

If he really said it

Absolutely, definitely will be ridiculed by a certain white hair!

So his "lowest baseline" is to praise Mōri Juzaburō without hesitation.

#If you appreciate Rikkai's big player, you should keep it in your heart.

"Seniors also want to join this gambling game?"

"It's boring to watch the game all the time, why don't we go together?"

Nioh Masaharu, who has never thought that things are going to be a big deal, said the first army high school students who were there immediately.

Byōdōin Hōō, Duke Watanabe, Oni Jujiro, the three high school students of the First Army who are still in the viewing area, all looked at Nioh Masaharu at this moment. The three high school students gave a look, and then their momentum came over together.

Nioh Masaharu's words are natural and calm, but the premise of this gambling game

There is a bargaining chip in this gambling game!

The middle school students bet on the position of the middle school leader of the U17 representative team. If their high school students join in it-do they want to "change the sky"?

Feeling the change in high school students' aura, Atobe and Kite also subconsciously looked at Nioh.

Neither of them expected that Nioh would say something like that-was this intentional or unintentional?

Only Minister Rikkai was able to keep the smile he had always kept, and even his smile became brighter.

Yukimura is very satisfied with Nioh's "statement".

All the time, since Nioh Masaharu became the official election of Rikkai's big tennis club, he has become more and more "heartbroken" as he understands the tennis strength of his own tennis club, the white-haired boy who is selected.

Others don't know, can Seiichi Yukimura still be unclear?

Their Rikkai Grand Finale, they all know Nioh Masaharu!

- "Hidden strength" and "indifferent to fame and fortune" are all reasons!

Nioh, he is too lazy to want to work!

I don't want to deal with various and disorderly affairs, so I dislike the position of deputy minister and even minister. This is the unified point of Rikkai's deep understanding of Nioh Masaharu.

Many players from other schools are surprised that there are players like Nioh in the Rikkai Grand Tennis Club but they still maintain their original positions, but they don't know that although Nioh is an "ordinary election", he simply "listens". Don't listen to the announcement" Ah!

Therefore, Yukimura has always been "painful and happy" in the surprised and enviable eyes of others.

There are no coaches in the Tennis Department of Rikkai Big Country Middle School. The various internal affairs of the Tennis Department-departmental work, coordination and communication with the school, and communication with the competition official, these things are all done by the "Rikkai leadership" headed by Yukimura. !

Yukimura felt that he was lucky, with the assistance of Sanada and Yanag. Especially Yanagi Renji Liu Junshi, who handled the various affairs of the Rikkai Grand Tennis Club very well!

But now

Minister Rikkai gave a bright and mysterious smile.

I don't know if there are any "competent" players in the first army in the sense of handling affairs?

The feeling of "pain and happiness" is not known at all if you don't experience it truly!

Nioh is not interested in the position of the team leader (because both the leader and the management have to work), but he is determined to win the position of the "ace" and "hole cards" in the team, and with his own tennis strength, You must get it!

- Senior high school students in the First Army, are you ready?

"There is no need for a'bargaining chip'-the'bargaining chip' that Atobe said before is their own business."

The "understanding" Rikkai Taisho election is not afraid of high school students' aura.

His words are still very calm.

"Don't the seniors of Byodo-in Temple think that the U17 training camp is too monotonous, do you need some "small adjustments" now?"

Nioh himself directly pointed out most of the true purpose in the cloud, which was still uncertain.

For Yukimura and Atobe, this "small gambling game" about the big score of the game on court requires "chips"-but that's just a superficial statement.

If high school students want to participate, they don't need a "bargaining chip."

But this is only "on the surface".

The tennis players participating in this "gambling game" are never "bargaining chips", but their own attitude!

Who takes a joke seriously?

What a tennis player cares about is the result of the tennis match.

Therefore, who wants to be the leader, who wants the right to speak, who wants a higher status

See the real chapter for everything on court!

Yukimura, Atobe, and Kite think like this.

The same is true of Nioh's invitation to senior high school students to join--

Senior, the online court is so fierce, are we still outside the court asking for a battle?

As long as Nioh Masaharu doesn't get into the horns, he has always been very clear.

He knows that if you want to fly to the sky unscrupulously in the World Cup, no one will care, the U17 training camp must do "preparatory activities"-kill the group of senior high school students on the court!

Since entering the u17 training camp, Nioh Masaharu, who is still "the old-fashioned-unfathomable" in the eyes of many people, is actually more dangerous!

For example, in the previous qualifying competitions, Nioh, Atobe and Maori and Yuezhi doubles competitions.

If it is before officially entering the U17 training camp, Nioh will never let his mental power go and use this tennis move that is "enough to destroy the opponent's spirit and will."

In the past, when Nioh was in National One and National Two, he also specifically sought out Maori to contact mental power moves, but those moves were just "sprouts" that were "not yet embryonic."

The most important thing is that at that time, Nioh directly "seals" his strongest mental power! With just a small amount of mental power, Nioh at that time can phantom Yukimura and let Atobe experience the mental power moves of Minister Rikkai once again. Set meal ("Missing the Five Senses" and "Dreamland").

In the third grade, Nioh's mood and mentality are slowly changing with the progress of the national competition.

He gradually, slowly and methodically combed his long-buried spiritual power.

--Nioh Masaharu, who looks very active and noisy, will actually be more calm at critical moments.

The achievement of Rikkai's third consecutive tyrant made a "click" sound like the sound of glass being broken in his heart.

--The imprisoned, sealed, and deliberately neglected mental power rushed to the shore of my heart like a rising tide.

The tide is fleeting.

Nioh's powerful control over his own strength prevented him from showing any flaws at the time.

On the contrary, the sealed mental power ran out so much in advance, which gave him a lot of help-the legendary samurai Echizen Nanjiro, the world's number one tennis player, even if he is now in a "retired" state, he cannot be underestimated!

"Unparalleled in ancient and modern times" and "Impermanence in all lines".

This is Nioh's gain.

-He is actually very lucky.

If he did not "harvest" those "spiritual powers" in advance, I am afraid that Nioh would not be able to "learn" the trick "Impermanence" from this experience!

Once the "Pandora's Box" is opened, can it be closed again? Besides, this is not a bad thing for Nioh!

Now, most of the middle school students have not noticed Nioh's changes-they just feel that tennis has become stronger and have such a vague perception.

However, some middle school students have noticed something.

Minister Hyotei has long understood the subtle changes in the lazy fraudster of Rikkai.

--Otherwise, Atobe will not invite Nioh to doubles.

- To invite someone to doubles, first determine if the other person has a "war spirit or fighting spirit"!

It just so happened that the mental power that had been suppressed for a long time was broken by its owner, and it needed a hearty game!

The jerky movement of mental power will affect the mood changes of the players, and even cause some lasting negative effects.

During the period before qualifying, Nioh first agreed to doubles with Irie and Tokugawa, and then agreed with doubles with Kirihaya and Shiraishi--not just for reasons such as "kindness" or "conscience".

The Rikkai fraudster, who is good at "pitting others", is also doing a good job in "mutual benefit and win-win"!

He polished some of his mental power in those two doubles and successfully enhanced his control over his mental power.

However, the quality of his mental power is too good, and the amount of mental power is too much

Good quality means "difficult to polish".

Too much volume means "heavy work".

In the two matches, Nioh did not go all out. His mental power is far from being polished.

--The most efficient way to polish your mental power is of course to use mental power moves more often.


Once there was "too many dramas" in the early stage, and there was no chance later.

Another opponent is not good at "to be cruel"!

So the unlucky person is the gross profit and the more wisdom encountered in qualifying.

Nioh actually didn't want to treat these two senior high school students like that. His relationship with Maori is not so bad that he wants to "break the other's spirit."

But, but.

"It's forgivable for God to do evil, but you can't live for it!"

His Maori predecessors were too keen and too clever to perceive the "holes." Moreover, Senior also carried out his plan with full action.

--There is no way.

Nioh, who "successfully" and "rioted" with his mental power, used that trick.

It is really thanks to the previous games-thanks to those games, Nioh has been able to master his mental power completely and meticulously.

Otherwise, he really "goes all in."

Kill a thousand enemies, self-defeating a hundred?

Nioh is certain that if he is to win the game, he will not hesitate to compete with his opponent at the cost of his "complete mental riot" - it will certainly not be him who falls first!

Up to now, the loss caused by his moves is far less than the loss caused by his opponent!

What Yukimura can do in qualifying, Nioh can do it just a little bit.

Although, the difference between the two lies in one-

Kimishima and Tohno can stand up awake after taking a break, and Maori and Otsuchi may be accompanied by Kaji Kazena in the infirmary to the U17 World Cup when they encounter an "if situation"!

At first, Jujiro Oni, who thought that these junior high school students were very courageous, opened his eyes wide-Nioh's approach is almost equivalent to "carrying racquet to provoke Byodo-in Temple." But the current rank of No.5 in the army has thought about it, and I think there is nothing wrong with it!

Why can't Byodoin Temple be provoked?

Playing a game with Byodoin Temple, as long as you have enough strength, there is nothing to be afraid of--the same way the high school student who used tennis to leave marks on the forehead of a young, blond, high school teenager.



Duke Watanabe took a long breath - this white-haired boy really dares!

He turned his head to look at Byōdōin Hōō.

Then something that surprised this first army NO.3 happened!

- The boss of the first army looks, now not only is not irritable, but very calm!

"Tsk, boring little action.

Although Byodoin has a bad temper, he will not get angry easily.

Faced with this half-hidden and half-revealed provocation, No. 1 of the First Army raised his eyebrows slightly, and now he somewhat appreciates this white-haired boy. This courageous king Masaharu is at least a bit more pleasing to the eye than Tanegashima Shuji!

"Then join.

The tone is calm and it doesn't seem to be from Byōdōin Hōō's mouth.

Oni Jujiro even saw a slight, fleeting smile on the face of this old opponent.

#Believe, this is just an illusion~#

Ps, the high school students who unknowingly put on the filter "for junior high school students". The future leader who is painful and happy, has to work, has meetings, and writes reports. Kite who focuses on participation, wants to witness and participate in history (competition). For the sake of freedom (no work, no report, no participation in boring meetings), try to prove your Masaharu. Fight for XX!.

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