Prince of Tennis Nioh Phantom

Chapter 714 : A scientific observation report

In this way, when the players on the court competed seriously, the players on the court started their "buying away".

Although this kind of gambling is related to great interests, it is linked to personal glory, pride and personality. Therefore, no one wants to cheat or make small moves in this kind of thing.

Therefore, after the Byodoin Temple agreed to the "invitation" from the junior high school students, he maintained his arms holding movement and continued to watch the ongoing game on the court.

Compared with the past, this second army VS first army qualifying is still very rich.

Especially for the U17 youth World Cup team that is about to take shape! Through these games, many players' hidden tennis strength, certain things that they have gained from progress, and breakthroughs under the pressure of opponents and self-force will all make the U17 training camp. The coaching staff was pleasantly surprised.

Just like the previous games where the last ten players of the original army were challenged successfully, these games have extremely high value in the view of the coaching staff. Perhaps, most of them are not in the eyes of the boss of the army, but the perspective of the coaching staff's perspective and consideration of the problem is different from Byōdōin Hōō!

The coaches of the U17 training camp are all thinking from the perspective of the training camp. They see the whole-not only the overall strength, but also the "wholeness" of the time concept of the present and the future.

Players who are "not enough to face the world" in the first army No.1 will support the next generation of U17 training camp in the future! The junior high school players recruited for this U17 training camp are R national middle school. The best players in the tennis world.

And most importantly, these middle school students all accepted the invitation and came to the training camp voluntarily. When it comes to high school, the studies are more busy, and the teenagers have further life plans. How many people can continue to play tennis and play for three years in high school without slack~?

If you can plan ahead, you can delineate a few goals that can be cultivated in the future-well delineated!

Regardless of the coaches' attitudes when facing middle school students, their attitude is natural and reserved, but they still have a lot of ecstasy in their hearts!

For an excellent tennis player, such as hand Kunimitsu, the coaches can imagine how this tan-haired junior high school player will become an indestructible trump card in the team in the future by watching the video of his game.

Such players who can almost see the future glory and results ran away. The coaching staff did not express anything on the surface, but their heartaches lasted for a long time in private!

Because they want to have majesty in front of the players, the coaches will not show any emotions that can be classified as "weak and negative", because their position is the U17 training camp coaching staff set up by the country, and they represent the entire training camp. Even the national youth tennis world. But they watched Minister Seigaku walk away from Germany with a clear goal, how could they be emotional?

What about volatility?

Players like Kunimitsu, once joined the representative team of another country, must be a strong "mortal enemy"!

With the "precedent" of Nioh Masaharu and the "proof" of Seiichi Yukimura and others, the coaches have officially treated some middle school students as high school students in their internal staff meetings! Ignore age, just look. Players can play their own strength on the court! Even, coach Kurobe believes that in the upcoming World Cup, this is the first time there will be

In the competitions in which middle school students compete, some middle school students can play a greater role than high school students can play! At least, in the U17 team of other countries, there is absolutely no way to beat Nioh Masaharu. High school player players-the high school student leaders of each representative team will definitely not have an advantage in front of Nioh!

--Tactical coach Kurobe Yukio and his two coaching colleagues are very convinced of this.

It is precisely because of this that, while having great expectations for the final ranking of the upcoming World Cup, they also have a very solemn attitude towards the ongoing qualifying.

Leaving the main control room where he usually worked and watched the game, he came to the scene for a more perceptive observation.

While the coaches were pleasantly surprised by the strength of the middle school students, they also had their ambitions!

Still in the youth career stage, the three coaches all hope that they can make some achievements. With this great expectation, the three coaches were successfully persuaded by the lobbying representative Mitsuya Akuto, specially selected by some high school students-they gave up the screens in the control room and allowed "certain high school students" Watch the qualifying match in the main control room.

Of course, as an "exchange", Mitsuya Akuto and the others have to hand in the report.

Feelings of watching qualifying

See the XXXX game

Report on XX and XX

Before that, Nioh's game was good in the early stage, but it was a bit "out of bounds" in the later stage. It was instantly clear that the viewing report of this game was not easy to write.

But the doubles game of Yukimura that followed is still not easy to write-it ended too quickly, and it was still a mental game. Yuan Zhe and He Shan agreed that if they want to write a report on this game, they simply don't have enough words in a report!

Therefore, the doubles game of Sanada, Akutsu VS Tanegashima, and Daqu became the "key analysis object" of high school students in the main control room.

The Mutsu brothers did not know where they took out the paper and pen, and stared at the screen very seriously.

Banli is also discussing the game with the Date boy, hoping to get something from the opponent that can be included in the report.

Not breaking the iron man is even more excessive--

This upright player looked directly at Mitsuya Akuto, who is proficient in data tennis!

He has no clue or understanding of the task of writing the report.

This high school player felt that if he wanted to make a choice between playing a game and writing a report, he would definitely choose a game instead of a report! Paperwork is really a headache, don’t break the iron man for this report The task is clueless-even if he watched the game with enthusiasm.

But, isn't there Mitsuya Akuto among those present?!

Mitsuya is a strategist-level figure in the First Army. The data tennis he is good at not only plays a role on the court, but also has a strong role outside the court.

Therefore, the unbreakable iron man player who was able to watch the game with a sense of understanding but couldn't say it or write it, very straightforwardly chose "Help Foreign Aid@同抯 Mitsuya".

"Mitsuya, do you think there is hope for middle school students to win this game?"

It is a pity that unlike Seigaku junior high school player Inui Sadaharu who takes a notebook all the time to record data all day, Mitsuya Akuto's habits are probably the same as Yanagi Renji-when watching the game, just watching.

Mitsuya Akuto took what he saw in his heart instead of writing it on paper-after all, the speed of recording with pen and paper was too slow. The work of recording still has to wait until the time in private.

Therefore, the non-breaking iron man who wants to know "what can be written in the report" can only ask Mitsuya this question.

He doesn't think that middle school students can defeat the first army NO, 2 Tanegashima Shuji and the first army NO.6 Omagari. Not long ago, the ranking was only one difference, and he could become one of the top ten in the first army. He was very aware of the gap between the top ten and the bottom ten of the first army, as well as the difference between some first army players and other players. A gap like a chasm!

Tanegashima Shuji was able to push through the mission of "expedition", and was able to successfully mobilize Byodoin and others at certain times, but after that, he still lived freely in the U17 training camp, all relying on his own advanced tennis strength.

I have a very high position and a not weak voice in the leadership center of the first army. Basically, I have not undertaken all kinds of affairs of the army but no one doubts it. , Scrupulous

In the First Army, Tanegashima Shuji is simply a "winner in life"!

………For flowers…

[Tanegashima Shuji: I have a strong tennis strength, an unshakable position in the U17-military, and a group of juniors who respect and love me, please call me "Life Winner-Tanegashima Shuji"~]

"Akutsu Jin is said to have retired before coming to U17 and gave up tennis for a period of time, but his physical advantage is unique, and his athletic talent is enough to make him enter the level of a player in the first army-but of course it is against Tanegashima and Daqu No longer dominates."

"Senda Genichiro originally possessed such a powerful move as'Fenglin Volcano Yin Lei'. In this game until now, although he has not used all of these techniques, he has used'aggression like fire' and ' From the perspective of these two moves, Shinichiro Sanada clearly has a better understanding of the moves compared to the level of strength at the time in the national competition."

And from the game just now, it can be seen that the "moving like thunder" technique, which has a large side effect, seems to reduce the loss of Sanada himself when used.

"Maybe, there is still further development!"

Just like Renji...

As Mitsuya Akuto said, he raised his hand and pushed down his glasses, feeling a little in his heart.

Vice Minister Rikkai has the title of "Emperor" in the middle school tennis circle, and his reputation surpasses that of Chief Staff Officer of Rikkai General Liu, and his moves have always been domineering, and his game system is also very clear.


Mitsuya believes that he has reason to guess that this junior high school student also has something "extraordinary."

"The key point of the ups and downs of this game should be Sanada Genichiro. Although he is playing very hard now, we have reason to suspect that something he hides will affect the game-the strength of his hidden hole cards. Will directly affect the outcome of the game.

Mitsuya Akuto did not clearly state a personal guess that he has doubts, and the No. 2 of the first army, if you are happy, you may be in a good mood and let a certain result!

After all, there are too few people present and watching the game who can see whether the First Army No. 2 is "doing their best"!

"And the First Army..."

"Obviously, Sanada played fiercely but left room for energy, Tanegashima and the others are still waiting! The first set of this game should determine the future trend, how strong is the No.2 rank of the first army, although I have my own The data is estimated but it cannot guarantee you anything."

Mitsuya Akuto, who is used to data analysis, looked at the screen and said.

The real key point is actually the two high school students. However, the outbreak of junior high school students on court can lead to the change of Tanegashima Shuji's attitude towards the game, which leads to the question of whether Omagari can go all out.

--The leader of the situation changes in this game is Tanegashima Shuji, but the breaking point that affects the situation is the middle school student.


Now that the first game of the first set is over, both sides have shown their respective strengths but both have spare capacity. However, one person is still too reluctant to deal with two people-especially in the case of Sanada and Akutsu. .

Although Omagari's "Double Knife Flow" is very powerful, this game is not singles! Even if he did not insist on "60% strength" in the first game but played more, he failed to match the Superman's physical reaction ability with " "Moving like thunder" prevailed.

Akutsu's superman's motor nerves, and Sanada's "moving like thunder" fast movement speed combined, gave Omagari a fast attack of tennis. The doubles field is already relatively large. Daqu can deal with two opponents who can react quickly, even with two racquets.

"1:0", this is the result of the first game of the first set. One side of the second army is temporarily ahead!

PS, don't break the iron man: After "discussion (listening to Mitsuya's speech)", I succeeded in having a report that could be turned in.

But no matter what, the match between Sanada and Akuzu has finally been "highly valued by spectators"! Well, the first game is over, and Tanegashima-senpai should also take it over and start playing with racquet~ soil.

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