Prince of Tennis Nioh Phantom

Chapter 719 : Ordinary special, sword war horse, different dimension!

Oops, the black hat junior looks very irritable and innocent, but in fact, is the mind so calm at this time?

Tanegashima Shuji thought of this in his heart while swinging the tennis ball to the opposite direction of the net.

Unlike the average high school student, the majority of the motivation for the No. 2 high school student of the First Army to play is his own interest and fun-this is actually the same as Nioh's current mentality.

After Nioh played Rikkai's three consecutive hegemonies, he was already in a state of good mentality called "mental satisfaction". This state directly led to some changes in his words and deeds after the national competition this year, and indirectly caused the "little misunderstandings" of Minister Rikkai and others towards Nioh.

--Especially Yukimura.

As we all know, when people eat and drink enough, there will always be a feeling of sound sleep.

Nioh himself knows that this feeling of his is actually a sense of satisfaction that "the wish is finally fulfilled".

However, neither his teammates nor his minister knew about this!

This is a secret that Nioh Masaharu cannot reveal in this life.

Therefore, in Yukimura's view, Nioh's state is obviously "not motivated and motivated". He almost went to his teammates to "talk".

Fortunately, the No. 2 high school student who was a senior in the first army saw this in time before the incident happened.

Tanegashima promptly stopped the possible "chicken-duck talk" dialogue between the two younger generations, and used himself as an example to explain to Minister Rikkai how good the other white-haired younger generation is now.

No need to talk or worry.

Although Tanegashima's face-to-face time with Nioh is not long-at least not long compared to his junior high school students in Rikkai, he understands Nioh well.

It is very boring to experience a person without waves.

A tennis match that can predict the ending and even the process is also extremely boring!

Before the arrival of the junior high school students, the players of the first army of high school students in the U17 training camp had a solid status. Although there were routine challenges and qualifying matches, the results and even the process were predictable.

This kind of competition made Tanegashima Shuji unable to lift the energy at all, just perfunctory.

--So it caused the accumulation of resentment for the current army NO.6 Omagari.

No. 2, the first army who has had this idea many times, understands Nioh's current feelings very well, and has adopted a very tolerant attitude towards it.

His predecessor status is tolerant of taking care of his younger generation.

Although he has never said his teachings, his actions have always shown his mind as a senior.

Nioh actually didn't feel this at first.

His first beginning was to look at the world with the mind of an "adult". Tennis awakened the blood of his youth and made him seem to have that kind of youthful feeling again.

However, after all, time left an unforgettable mark on him-it remained in his heart. Let him always lack a sense of peace of mind.

The initial "toss" and "active" are like a restless child attracting the attention of others; the silence in the middle is nothing to say in a lonely journey

Because of his own sensitivity, Maori paid more attention to this white-haired junior; Marui and others, as teammates, also made up for the loneliness of time and space dislocation; Yukimura is familiar with every one of his teammates, and he is very concerned about Nioh. The understanding is also very deep.

Only Tanegashima Shuji is the one who really understands, even if he doesn't know why his junior has that kind of confused mentality of "old age" and "childhood" intertwined.

it's fine!

No. 2 of the First Army is such a considerate and good senior.

Don't ask the reason, don't ask the process. Anyway, the younger generation is just a little more delicate and sentimental.

-Tanegashima Shuji, who has a large number of paranoid colleagues in the army, didn't worry about these things. What's more, the target is the younger generation he valued.

Although he is a senior, he does not assume the posture of an arrogant senior. Tanegashima is very good at communication. In a conversation, he can quickly change his "role", either "predecessor" or "peer".

While being an excellent listener, he silently guided the topic and changed the thinking of the younger generation. This method is very slow, and the water milling time is enough to make many people lose their patience.

If it is another player in the army-either directly lift the table on the court, or pat the table and pull the collar of the opponent!

But Tanegashima Shuji was willing to do so.

Not only because he himself is a gentle person, but also because he has always been tolerant and tolerant towards younger generations.

If Nioh later realized something and wanted to understand it, he felt "Why is there another piece of black history in life and still be seen!" At the same time, he was also very moved.

Since the first country, outsiders have only seen him Nioh Masaharu's tennis strength is tyrannical but not fighting for power within the ministry. He is very envious of the Rikkai team.

But in Nioh's view, the luckiest person and the most enviable person should be himself.

How fortunate to have such good teammates hand in hand when they are lost and uneasy?

There is also the guidance of the predecessors' unmoving look and the silent tolerance that I have not noticed in the first time!

Therefore, after Nioh watched his senior Tanegashima Shuji on the court swing again to score, he silently applauded the combination of No.2 and No.6 high school students of the First Army.

- It's time for Sanada to feel the predecessors' teachings as gentle as the spring breeze, as gentle as the spring rain, and as warm as the spring sunshine!

Although Tanegashima Shuji is a bit more nasty sometimes, he is always willing to help the younger generations, especially the junior high school students from Rikkai University.

Treating the younger generations of Rikkai is not just the Nioh he is most familiar with...

Just like it is now!

- Tanegashima Shuji does the same to Sanada!

The tennis matches named "Qualifying" and "Challenge" are really just a coaching match in the mind of the No. 2 of the first army.

The main task is not to win the game, but to check the gaps for the younger generation.

--Although, it's just a "guided match" that some people think unilaterally.

Senior high school students with black skin and white hair can take charge of the Rikkai Grand Tennis Club in the previous precarious and magnificent Middle-School tennis world, and stabilize Rikkai Okanto's dominant position under the front and back of the Lions and Makinofuji and other tennis teams. , Keeping Rikkai's great momentum and prosperous and upward momentum is naturally not a simple ordinary character.

He is now inconspicuous at first glance in the first army, but in fact, while his position is unshakable, his sensitivity to certain things has not disappeared, and the means of acting have not changed.

Resolute and fierce!

Usually it may be careless, but as long as you think about it and think it well, do it unswervingly! If the most ideal method fails, change to another method that may work!

Tanegashima Shuji persisted but not stubborn.

He has never been a top tennis player, he has no obsessions to his heart, so he can see some things thoroughly.

This, even Yukimura is ashamed of it.

After Rikkai University's junior high school student experienced his U17 training career, he respected this senior. Tanegashima has taught him a lot whether it is tennis technology or the job of the head of the tennis department.

The tennis club of Rikkai big country middle school has not had a coach for a long time, and the most lacking is "guidance"-especially the guidance of such seniors. Without a coach, most of Rikkai's "guidance" is a paper legacy passed on from generation to generation, as well as word of mouth from third graders to younger generations.

Yukimura was surprised to meet a senior high school student who had such good tennis skills and a former minister, but at the same time he felt very lucky.

--In contrast to him, Rikkai Deputy Minister Sanada Genichiro felt that it was really bad luck for him and Akuzu to meet Tanegashima Shuji in the challenge!


"4:1, Tanegashima, the big song score!"

Tanegashima Shuji is too difficult to deal with!

No matter how Sanada and Akutsu played, they couldn't open the scoring breakthrough.

Therefore, the heart of Vice Minister Rikkai is actually not as "calm" as No.2 of the First Army thinks.

The reason why Sanada can still endure now is not because he has improved and will not be irritated and impulsive, but because he himself found the doubles partner of this game, Akutsu Jin, a middle school tennis player!

In the unfinished three-set doubles game, so far, the thing that shocked the middle school students the most was not the "Baosen Yanfeng" of Sanada's "first meeting", but the quietness of Akutsu Jin!

--Yes, Akutsu Jin's [Quiet].

That boy with a ferocious beast and with fierce expression and eyes, when he met the youth Gakuen tennis team, he was still so grumpy, like a bad boy who would hit someone if he didn't agree with him.

Even after the end of the national competition, the news that everyone knows is that the talented young tennis player has retired from the Yamabuki Middle-School Tennis Club.

No one could have imagined that for more than a month, Akutsu Jin's appearance remained unchanged, his temperament was still so fierce, and his personality still didn't like being ordered. The description is still exactly the same as before, but if you perceive it carefully, it's almost like a person has changed!

"Oh my God!!

"Akutsu is not like Akutsu now!"

"No no, he's still as fierce as before

"But what's the difference? Is the temper better?"

"It's the mind! I used to be impulsive, but now I become a brainer, but it calms Sanada!"

In the audience seats of the Second Army, the middle school students, regardless of the points lost in the game, unanimously discussed two middle school students, especially Akutsu Jin.

--No way, for three years in junior high school, I have heard too much and watched the "Fenglinshan Mountain" of Vice Minister Rikkai.

"Baosenyanfeng" is amazing, but in comparison with the past, it seems to be taken for granted.

Rikkai is big, shouldn't it be so "amazing"?

This is a very common thing, just treat it as common sense.

Because if you don't take it as usual, Higa is a lesson for the past!

No minister or player is willing to face an identified opponent and bring himself the terrible idealistic BUFF named "filter".

The teenagers of Okinawa are simply too simple.

I have been far away from the general environment for too long, and I have not come into contact with the "earth-yellow-color-terror-terror-speech" in the middle school tennis world. There is no psychological expectation of facing the biggest BOSS, so that the first contact in the national competition, there was a cognitive scrubbing like an avalanche!

A known--

Okinawa martial arts boy, Higa middle minister: Obey the strong.

Also know--

The first game of the national competition told the Okinawa teenagers one thing: Rikkai players are strong!

--It is very sad that the wrong conclusion of the syllogism has been produced like this!

The "earth yellow desert of terror" has swallowed the championship trophy for three consecutive years, and has made the entire middle school tennis community vigilant or even isolated for two years. Even Hyotei is extremely jealous-after all, the Kanto Contest has lost more than ten years in a row.

However, in the third year, after the national competition, in the case of practice matches between school tennis clubs where non-freshmen and non-heirs exercised, there was actually a team from the tennis club that was directly selected and slammed into Rikkai. !

Although I ran into it at the U17 training camp, it was also courageous and worthy of admiration!

Watching the match between Sanada Akutsu, and silently looking at the audience seat on the opposite side of the court from time to time, looking at a few other Higa players from the outside, many middle school students give Okinawa teenagers I got the labels of "head iron", "straightforward", "too simple", "hehe, it looks like a lie", "huh huh, it looks like, no, it's really a bit silly".

All in all, after experiencing too much shock, junior high school students will not easily stare at the performance of these people from Rikkai on court.

--Unless Sanada also uses a different dimension!

"Ajutsu is usually very polite, he won't get angry easily!"

Yamabuki player-insider-goddess of the goddess of luck-Sengoku Kiyosumi said.

Next to him, Minister Yamabuki and another Yamabuki player's expressions were instantly distorted, which made people see what they wanted to show-panic!

"His grades are also very good!"

The orange-haired boy still had some envy in his speech.

Akutsu Jin's talent is not just in the big aspect of sports. Although not very concerned, in his studies, this vicious and seemingly bad teenager has a very good report card!


Surprised sounds one after another.

Fuji Syusuke smiled and picked up a racquet from nowhere, and stuffed it into the hands of his Seigaku teammate Kawamura Takashi.


Seigaku's two-faced character with passion and explosive power is now online!

"Great! His academic performance is number one!"

Kawamura Takashi, who became excited as soon as he got the racquet, shouted for his friend with a very loud voice.

This sentence stunned many people present.

Previously, Sengoku Kiyosumi's words only made these people dubious, and some people didn't care about it at all. Looking at the expressions of the other two Yamabuki players, they know that Sengoku Kiyosumi, the lucky boy, recognizes that Akutsu Jin is different from the Akutsu Jin that others know.

Sengoku was very familiar, completely ignoring Akutsu's vicious words, and was always able to pull away in time when Akutsu was on the verge of violent rage-this also caused the current appearance.

Yamabuki is choosing Sengoku Kiyosumi. I really don’t know that Akutsu is "too fierce" in the eyes of his other teammates!

I don’t feel that Yajutsu is fierce at all. Instead, I feel that this teammate is just "insincere" and "too proud" Sengoku. He even blurred the perception of a junior, so that Yamabuki's first-year student came into contact with this "Asian". "Senior Jiutsu" then really admired him.

But Sengoku's luck is indeed good.

………For flowers…

Akutsu, who treated the first-year student in Seigaku with a bad voice, couldn't resist the adoring eyes and words of Yamabuki's first-year student and his unremitting perseverance, and finally couldn't help but one day speak to the younger of Yamabuki.

# Sengoku Kiyosumi: I know that Akutsu is a cold-faced person! #

#伴田乾也: Grateful.JPG#

"There is such a big contrast."

Shiraishi couldn't help but flicked his hair.

"Is this the true meaning of Yamabuki?!"

Oshitari Ken, who was sitting on Hyotei's side, was also actively taking the scene.

"Zang Lin! Let's try it too!"

Golden Xiaochun appeared in love.

"Ah, Xiaochun--don't--"

Hitouji Yuuji followed his partner closely, and he was ready to go out (face and image) - Shitenhouji didn't need (face and image) such things.


There is no endurance, no need to endure it anymore.


After snapping his fingers, there was silence.

That's how Shitenhouji's performance has not yet started.

Kabaji Munehiro did not know when he prepared everything. He stood quietly, holding a racquet in his hand, and just successfully played a tennis ball.

"Good job, Huadi!"

Is this what it feels like to exercise power? It's really cool!

No wonder Nioh did that during the pillow fight

Oshitari Yuushi snapped his fingers and praised him, although he might be a bit sorry for his minister now.

Next to him, except for Shitenhouji Naniwa no Star, who was "in the enemy camp, daring to be angry but not talking", both Mukai and Shido nodded in agreement.

- Oshitari Yuushi finally did a good thing!

--Thanks to Atobe!

-Thank you Huadi! Thank you Atobe for leaving Huadi!

They sincerely thanked their minister for his "foresight"-let Kabaji Munehiro obey Oshitari Yuushi's instructions for the time being.

Although Minister Hyotei's approach is also worried that his unwary members will stay here and be bullied by some black-hearted guys, but I have to say that Atobe Keigo prepared in advance and saved the audience here. The eyes and ears of the vast majority of people!

"Senior Shido"

Hyotei's only conscience-Otori Cyotaroh hesitated and stopped.

We are not so good, are we?

Not knowing whether he should say the words he was thinking in his heart, Feng's expression was tangled.


He is too simple and clear, Shishido Ryoh also knows this tall junior with short silver hair so well that Suohu guessed what Feng hadn't said.

Therefore, Shimo immediately glared at his junior with hatred for iron and steel.

"Nagataro, you too--"

Weak? No, saying this will hurt the soul of the younger generation!

Kindness? This is even worse, such juniors will definitely be bullied to death by others, right?!

Shishido Ryoh thought so, for a moment he didn't know what to say.

As a doubles partner, he knows the kindness of his junior very well.

-ーWhen I was a child, I was too kind and was sent home by a trafficker who changed my mind?!!

Shishido Ryoh thinks this is like Atobe blessing the phoenix across the Asian continent!

Fortunately, Hyotei also has a very reliable second grader. With Hiyoshi, at least the next Hyotei election will not be deceived.

Shishido Ryoh, who is eager to win and has a character that is not willing to lose, has been tempered by this experience in the Hyotei Tennis Club, and his expectations for his juniors have been low and cannot be lowered.

His idea is actually a shortened version of Atobe.

Minister Hyotei asked the birch to stay on Hyotei's side, listening to Oshitari Yuushi's instructions, just because he was worried that his unwary members would be miserable when others were doing things!

The physique of Huadi is shocked here, at least it will not be completely pitted, right?

Although the Minister of Rikkai and the fraudster have temporarily left here, the genius of Seigaku, the Minister of Shitenhouji and others are still there!

"I understand the profound meaning of our Shitenhouji too much!"

The Hyotei players have forgotten, they are still mixed with a Shitenhouji "spies"!

Oshitari Ken was also very moved by the incomplete words of Hyotei's second-year student Feng. For a moment, he forgot who was sitting next to him, and uttered these words directly without emotion.

--Really, he used his life to prove Shitenhouji's funny persistence!

Yanagi Renji looked at Hyotei's genius with a faint expression on his expression "righteously destroying relatives", and had no opinion on how things were going.

He only wanted to "different dimensions", the two "brothers of Oshitari" and Hyotei were dissatisfied with the "open fire fighting" of a certain temple player.

--Well, right now, Sanada hasn't used his different dimensions yet, so Liu was able to watch these with restraint instead of staring at the game on the court.

Liu's practice, the words and deeds of middle school students, in fact, all explain one thing in a unified way--

Chief Deputy Minister Rikkai, don't worry about it, keep fighting! What about your "new stuff"?

First Army NO.2 wants to see your different dimension, they actually want to see it too!

Pearl and jade are in front, and everything else is just vulgar rubble.

A game without "different dimensions" is unattractive-this sentence is not aimed at others, it is aimed at Rikkai.

Bang bang bang--

"5:1, Tanegashima, score the score!"

"6:1, Tanegashima, score the score!"

I was already very aggrieved in my heart, that is, only reluctantly played calmly under the composure of the partner, Sanada did not want to bear it after hearing some excessively loud sounds in the audience from afar!

And now, after losing the first set, he was completely furious!

"Huh, do you want to see'new things'?"

Vice Minister Rikkai gritted his teeth and said.

"This one - I'll show you the new one!

The black aura originally gave people a feeling of depression and irritation, but now it is about to explode.

Spiritual power and aura have affected reality and distorted reality.


This is the sound of swords.

In the national competition, some people have seen it before-the black shadow of the imaginary sword appeared!

Shiraishi Kuranosuke's expression became serious in an instant. He sat up straight and straightened his back.

At that time, he was right!


High and long, this is the neigh of war horses.

Fuji Syusuke, who had been smiling all the time, finally changed his face.

Yanagi Renji looked at the horse that appeared in front of the arena, and nodded slightly with satisfaction

A voice that has never been heard on court, at least not in Sanada's game!

The sword and war horse returned to the battlefield.

The general shot and appeared on the battlefield!

This is the further "new thing" of the "black aura"!

Rikkai's Deputy Minister Sanada Genichiro's different-dimensional phantom has accumulated thick and thin, and it has been firmly formed on the back mountain. Today, the birth is finally on the court!

Ps, let it go! Please let this chapter go!! There is nothing to check, please let it go! Soil.

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