Prince of Tennis Nioh Phantom

Chapter 720 : Draw a sword vs. Destroyed nothing

The weather in December was already cold, not to mention a small snowfall just now.

However, the reason why some people in the audience are not consciously flinching is not only due to the weather like today.

- "Swords" are a powerful weapon that hurts others and ourselves. And even if the "general" has not formally drew his sword on horseback, he will have a terrifying aura that shocks others.

The black airflow was originally wrapped around Sanada, but now it has become part of the background board. At the same time, it has also become the main force that floods the court.

The "black aura" that was originally behind Sanada has now become completely reckless, and the overbearing will almost fill up half of the court on the side of the Second Army!

At this time, the Deputy Minister Rikkai can no longer take care of, nor can he take care of whether his doubles partner can "cooperate" well with his current state.

The power of the "different dimension" is extremely manic and difficult to be finely controlled. Yanagi Renji's special different dimension is an extremely rare state. Not to mention Nioh's different dimensions.

Sanada is now able to use the "black aura" well. In this state, he can cooperate with the doubles partner. However, after entering the "different dimension" state like this one can only rely on Akutsu's own efforts NS!


The "general" with a sword in his hand has been on his horse. The sword is unsheathed only in an instant!


It was not audible, but a very clear voice sounded in Sanada's heart.

The deputy minister of Rikkai was very calm now, as if the person who was furious just now was not himself.

The kendo sitting meditation that he insists on every day is ultimately useful. The kendo that he has practiced since he was a child can also be used in tennis by analogy, and let him go out of his own way!

"Different Dimensional Shadows. General"-Draw a sword!

The black blade flashed cold in everyone's eyes, it was the evil spirit of the sword that could not even be covered by the black aura!


The cold air swept across the skin, and instinctively made people's spirits tense.


Omagari finally really changed his face and his mentality on court.

No.6 of the First Army has a hunch--an ominous hunch, he may not be able to catch this ball!

However, even if his thoughts were so frustrated, Omagari did not really give up the ball.

The high school students of the first army are truly "experienced" in the true sense. They have not only experienced several high-level matches in the domestic tennis industry, but also experienced too much in foreign and world competitions. It's an "unbelievable and unstoppable" enemy.

Although Sanada used such a powerful different dimension and hit such a menacing goal, none of this was the reason for Omagari to retreat.

As the No.6 of the first army, don't look at his lack of energy, but on the court, Omagari is also very reliable!

Even if he has a bad premonition, he will not be timid or retreat!


Running fast on the court, Daqu's racquet swung a little faster under the use of its owner. It seems that this high school student has not used his full strength before.

Between the sparks and the fire, Akutsu Jin on the other side of the net frowned when he saw this scene.

"Huh, it's late!"

"--Fell me into the abyss of defeat!

There are more and more black air currents behind Sanada, although his expression is still calm, but his tone can show his true emotions.

And in the eyes of those who are familiar with Rikkai Deputy Minister--

"Deputy Minister, you deserve to be a Deputy Minister!"

Rikkai's second-year ace Kirihara Akaya exclaimed to his roommates, the second-year students.

Having experienced more than a year of "tribulation" in Rikkai, Kirihara Akaya is no longer a junior high school student who "knows nothing".

He deeply knows the attitude of the deputy head of his tennis department on court.

And, thanks to the blessing of a senior white-haired third-year senior, Kirihara Akaya is especially familiar with some of the little habits of his third-year seniors on court!

For example, the current deputy minister does not have a black face, but he snorted coldly!

The vice minister did not violently violently, but he let out cruel words-or the phrase "the abyss of defeat" that I have heard many times, which makes people feel very familiar and kindly cruel!

What does this mean?

If it is Yanagi Renji, Junshi Liu will definitely use the data to tell the seekers, this represents the confidence of the Deputy Minister Rikkai in winning, and it is a performance that he is conscious of winning.

At least this ball is okay if there is no accident.

However, in the current audience seats, the second-year students of his school, and other people who are listening, are facing the "narrator" Kirihara Akaya.


The ball that landed in a flash represented that the second-military junior high school team took the lead in the second set and scored the first small point.

"15:0, Sanada and Akutsu are leading!

The speed of the ball is too fast, and Kirihaya's commentary can't keep up with Rikkai's scoring speed.

"The power of the different dimension realm, the new skill one-our deputy minister won this ball steadily!"

After all, he was still slow, unable to give his "commentary" before the tennis ball hit the ground.

"Does that still need to be said, Kirihaya?"

"Different Dimension-General-Draw a sword. If such a move can't score, we simply admit defeat. If the first army is so terribly strong, the second army still needs to challenge the first army and replace them. Status?"

Shitenhouji's second-year student Hikaru Zaizen usually complains.

This second-year student is now able to integrate into the atmosphere of Shitenhouji school spirit very harmoniously. Compared with the brief period of confusion after entering the first grade of junior high school, he is now at least "not surprised" and "responsive in time" with the "edification" of his Shitenhouji predecessors.

"If the two senior high school students have no new moves."

Hiyoshi Wakashi said, his dark golden eyes widened because of his emotions.

If you say from Minister Higa before, he has seen the extremely high feasibility of integrating martial arts into tennis. So now, from the Deputy Minister of Rikkai, the future Minister of Hyotei has seen a bright and full-point future!

The thick black airflow did not make Hiyoshi afraid. He was also not only shocked by the current tennis level of Genichiro Sanada shown by this ball.

On the contrary, from this unfinished game, Hyotei's second-year student has got what he wanted.

Breaking through from the national level to reaching the realm of tennis called "different times" | Yuan. The seniors in the third grade have shown a complete path.

Although Hiyoshi said some "crow's mouth" words, he himself was very lucky. The road ahead can be seen and the future can be expected. His third grade tennis path is predictably smooth and strong.

"Senior Sanada"

As if he hadn't heard the words of his second-year companions, Kaidoh Kaoru, a second-year student of Seigaku, has sincerely paid tribute to the vice minister of Rikkai University, after returning from the mountain.

The second-year Seigaku and Rikkai, who are very persevering and have endurance, often do exercises on their own at times not arranged by the coaches.

Among the four second-year students who are communicating (?), he is actually the one who believes Sanada can win the most!

As for Kirihaya

"Yes, Hiyoshi!"

Kirihara Akaya is very excited that his second-year companion from Hyotei can think of a place with him and pick up his words.

"Senior Tanegashima and the double-sword senior are not good senior high school students, hahahaha!

As he said, he patted his thigh excitedly.

The second-year students of Saint Rudolph, the second-year Fudomine and the middle-school middle-School first-year students who sat over and listened and then "shifted their positions" were very surprised and subtle gazes.

[Kirihaya, are you not optimistic about Sanada-senpai?]

Lilia Ender-Zangmuza's face was clearly confused.

Although this first-year student is tall and strong in tennis, he is relatively innocent. It was only in the semi-finals of the national competition that he officially "knowed" Rikkai's big tennis club. Obviously he didn't know the "complex" relationship within the tennis team.

Except for the super innocent and reckless period when he was just promoted to the Middle-School affiliated to Rikkai University, Kirihaya has never denied the strength of Sanada tennis. However, the word "strong" should be compared.

Therefore, Rikkai, who is also a very upright sophomore ace, did not hesitate to choose between his Deputy Minister Sanada and Tanegashima-senpai!

# Kirihaya: I choose the more powerful senior white-haired high school student!#

Sanada’s tennis prowess was “verified in person” by Kirihara Akaya, and Tanegashima Shuji’s tennis prowess was previously proven to them by Nioh Masaharu.

Nioh Masaharu has the name of "fraudster on court" outside of Rikkai University, and his name of "fraud" is widely circulated-in fact, he has been investigated carefully to the end. Nioh has clearly not deceived others how many times!

Besides, is the "fraud" on the court considered a "liar"?

But a person's unilateral "protest" is simply invalid, and from the perspective of others, Nioh sometimes "screams for injustice" in protest, which is more like a kind of "show off."

--On the means of "how to make the game more exciting", if you want to rank, the "fraudster" is definitely on the list!

Because of the above, the conclusion that Nioh Masaharu is "good at fraud" is deeply rooted in the hearts of the people.

This is generally accepted in the middle school tennis circles.

The Rikkai Grand Tennis Department also adopted a default attitude towards this.

Kirihaya, as a member of the Rikkai Grand Tennis Club's selection team, also deeply agrees.


As a second-year student of Rikkai University, Kirihara Akaya, as a junior who is deeply loved by the third-year candidates, instead has a deep-rooted trust in his white-haired senior who is called the "fraudster".

This kind of trust is inexplicably deep-it is probably the instinctively reliable response of single-celled animals to the "danger" that the party perceives.

What's more, the most important thing is, Sanada-senpai and Tanegashima-senpai, won't both of them win Rikkai's big win?

Rounding up is the "normal" internal practice match, so don't be nervous, don't worry, just do whatever you want, and the most important thing is to be happy~

It’s not enough for "Fenglin Mountain" to become a "Blood Senyan Peak", is it not enough for "Black Aura" to appear, is it not enough for "Alternative Dimension" to come out?"

"Rikkai is really arrogant, what else do you want? According to Rikkai's goals in the past three years, it is probably the No. 1 position in the first army-so is it not enough?"

This is already very restrained.

Fudomine's Shinji Itake has gone through the hell-like training process for middle school students in the U17 training camp. It's been less before, usually more!

Although, the words "less and more often" are still "a lot of thoughts"

"Shen Si!"

Will you really not be beaten like this, won't you be beaten by that Kirihara Akaya?!

Akira Kamio wanted to put the Fudomine genius next to him into the trash can.

After this Fudomine speed player became roommates with two other speed players and Hyotei's genius, he was deeply aware of the greatness of Fudomine Minister Tachibana Yoshihira, and his own "not easy" in the past.

Time is precious, speed is king.

Things that can be solved in one second must not be delayed for two seconds!

The players in the speed group are all action players. In these days of U17 training camp, they acted very efficiently. The most important thing is that although Akira Kamio's roommates also have some innocuous small problems, they speak extremely crisply and neatly!

Even the player Oshitari Kenya of Shitenhouji speaks very fast.

Now, it seems that it has been a long time since I stayed with my Fudomine teammate. Listening to this familiar and unfamiliar "Smashing Thoughts", Akira Kamio really has an urge to throw Shinji Iwu into the trash can. NS!

"Ryuuji, there seems to be something wrong~"

In the court, the white-haired and black-skinned high school student blinked and said to his doubles partner.

"Lost points."

His look is a bit subtle, like a mixture of surprise, pleasure and satisfaction.

"So-forgive me!"

Omagari, who seems to have a bad temper, is actually quite good (at least he has a good temper in front of No. 2 of the Army), and Omagari is not irritated by the subtle and irritating tone of his partner.

"What are you doing?

First Army NO.6 said helplessly.

Had he not known and was sure that the black hat Rikkai middle school student on the opposite side of the net had not colluded with his doubles partner, he would have really misunderstood!

Did Tanegashima Shuji have a tacit understanding with the other party?

"New things" one after another, lined up! And the current "new things" are still "different dimensions" that can't be easily dealt with - if you don't know what Tanegashima Shuji is, if it wasn't for the last game No. 2 of the First Army has really made an effort. Daqu has to suspect that his doubles partner is a "spies" sent by his opponent.

Sparing no effort to irritate the opponent in various ways, this approach can disturb the opponent's mind at some point, but the effect now is completely counterproductive!

[I don’t know how those junior high school students know that they will be treated like this in advance?]

Omagari thought with a headache.

The two middle school students on the opposite side are obviously types that are easily irritated, but as a result, their mental state is calmer than the other. The difference in score and the excitement of words not only did not disrupt the opponent's rhythm, but made the opponent play harder-it is simply "the gain is not worth the loss"!

Bang! Bang!

The tennis ball flew from the opposite side at a tricky angle.

Double knife flow, the advantage in doubles is great. However, the opponents of high school students also have their unique advantages.

Aside from Sanada's current "different dimensions", will Akutsu Jin be suppressed in this way?

- Yamabuki is a rare geek talent in ten years, who will lose, but will never be overwhelmed by the strength of his teammates on court!

Akutsu Jin has a huge advantage that most of the people present are difficult to compare. His motor nerves are very outstanding, and his physical reaction ability is rare. People who can barely keep up with the rhythm of Tanegashima Shuji's "Black and White Guess"--even though it is still Not reflected, but No. 2 of the "old and cunning" army has come to this conclusion on its own.

Tanegashima voluntarily gave up his original plan-"Knowing that it is against the wind but still bite the bullet and move forward", this is not the practice recommended by Tanegashima Shuji. So even if he knew that he had a better chance of winning in "Black and White Guessing" with all his strength, Tanegashima gave up this "pre-match game" plan before the game.

Facts have also proved the wisdom of No.2 of the First Army.

- Akutsu Jin is hitting the ball in a position that is almost out of balance!

What a terrifyingly flexible body, it is obviously such a strong physique, it is obviously not light, but it can still have such a quick response and outstanding balance ability!

['Turning disadvantages into advantages', the two boys on the opposite side would never think of this during the game.]

[Wait, Tanegashima Shuji will not really want to "jump", right?!]

In the end, the No. 6 of the First Army could not communicate with the No. 2 of the First Army. Akutsu Jin's unexpected return of the ball, coupled with Omagari's own background, made the defensive rhythm of the double knife flow obvious pauses and loopholes under this kind of thinking room.

Although it was only a brief moment, it was also a big omission.

Bang one by one

". "Black Dragon-Draw a sword and cut!"

Accompanied by the tennis ball flying out-the sword slashed, the blade flashed.

Suddenly, a black air current formed a dragon shape around the ball.

Sanada seized this momentary opportunity!


Swing down very quickly and extremely quickly.

Sanada held the handle of the racquet in a manner similar to holding a knife, and kept his state of mind like water on this passionate court.

--When the knife is out, the heart can't be messed up!

All my mind is focused on this swing.

After capturing the fighter, even the two opponents Tanegashima Shuji and Omagari could no longer let Sanada pay attention.

Sanada is now focusing only on the racquet in his hand, and tennis!


The direction pointed by the tip of the knife is the direction in which the tennis ball lands.

Once another dimension came out, it was really tricky!

It was originally a super high-speed shot that was "as fast as a storm". Now, with the help of the extra-dimensional skills of "drawing a knife and cutting", the speed of tennis is so fast that it is difficult to catch with the naked eye.

Even with dynamic vision, it is difficult to look directly at it-because this is after all "cutting a knife."

Knives and swords are all things of the military, and they are the weapons of the battlefield. Coming with momentum is enough to make people with a little lack of courage subconsciously remove their eyes to avoid injury.

"30:0, Sanada and Akutsu score!

Although Tanegashima's speed is very fast, after all, he can't run over in an instant to make up for that moment's loophole.

And Omagari's moment of confusion was enough for a savvy opponent to discover this fatal loophole!

"Ajujin--continue to fight, don't relax!"

Sanada looked serious, and after running to the frontcourt, he told his doubles partner without looking back.

-This is probably the "personal habit" of the Deputy Minister Rikkai.

As long as his doubles partner is not Seiichi Yukimura, Sanada can always say "don't relax" or "too relax" in a solemn tone.

This was the case before when Rikkai was big, and it is the same now on court.

The Deputy Minister Rikkai has changed a lot in the three years of junior high school, but in his bones he is still the tennis teenager with broken black hair and bright eyes.

"All in one go, just take this one!"

Sanada didn't wait for Akutsu's answer, and then shouted sharply.

In the three years of junior high school, his face-to-face confrontation and indomitable momentum is also unchanged.

"Don't order me, Sanada!

If it is someone else, they might be suppressed by such an imposing Sanada, but the teammate next to Sanada is Akutsu Jin!

In the second game, Akutsu Jin directly rolled up the sleeves of his sports jacket, making his own image look even more frantic.

People's actions will reflect people's subconscious psychology in many cases.

In the short free time before the second set, Ajutsu quickly rolled up the sleeves of his sports jacket-this behavior was enough to serve as an example of his psychological analysis.

At least, this is the case in No. 2 of the first army with good observation ability. (Are you Zhao)

--Are you going to have a big fight without reservations?

As a senior, I must give the two outstanding juniors the necessary reply!

Tanegashima Shuji thought so, before the next one was about to come and landed, he took the initiative to grab the ball!

"!! "

Daqu was waiting for it, staring at the menacing ball to intercept-although it may not be able to stop it.

However, before he received the tennis ball, when he was halfway through his swing, another racquet crossed diagonally from the side!

"It's gone!

The wrist of No. 2 of the First Army was flipped skillfully, weakening the strength of the tennis ball and the range of rotation.

It directly weakened the flying power of the tennis ball to the point where it was almost "none".

If you can observe and inspect carefully at close range, you will find that Tanegashima's racquet is around-this part of the space is vibrating finely and densely!

It is like a droplet splashed by a small stone falling into the water, like the surroundings gradually dissipating, and slowly, it is close to "nothing"!

"Senior Tanegashima's tennis talent is terrible.

Before today's qualifying match, Nioh has repeatedly expressed his personal attitude.

Without concealing it, Nioh Masaharu believes that the No. 2 army is "undefeated"-even if it can't win, it will never lose!

When Nioh himself must face the combination of Maori and Ochi with Atobe, Tanegashima Shuji's "undefeated" is a foregone conclusion-even Yukimura cannot defeat this predecessor!

"Senior, he has the natural ability to instantly convey the rotating information of the tennis ball visually to his wrist-this ability constitutes the basic prototype of the skill of'Destroyed Nothing'.

"Destroyed Nothing" can turn the ball skill into'Nothing'. It is the natural nemesis of chop skill and the natural enemy of skill!

No matter how powerful "drawing a knife and cutting", it also belongs to the category of tennis skills.

Although it is already a tennis force at the level of different dimensions, Tanegashima Shuji's "Extinction" has also entered the level of "different dimensions" early!

Once in the field of "different dimensions", unless it is a targeted player or an absolute overwhelming strength, Tanegashima Shuji, who possesses the ability of "Extinct Nothing", is already in an "invincible place", the last time." "Five to five" the odds of winning him!

"Sanada's luck has never been so good."

He won the first qualifying match, and Nioh, who is sitting on the side of the first army watching the battle and saying "sniffs", said with emotion.

Although he is not like Sengoku Kiyosumi, fortunately he seems to be favored, but his luck is definitely not bad.Not everyone is as lucky as him!

Earlier, he came to the U17 training camp during the first stage of his country’s first promotion, and met senior Tanegashima, who had not fully reached the level of the other-dimensional realm, and the first almost tentative match. It broke the predecessor's "unbeaten record" in the U17 training camp. .

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