Prince of Tennis Nioh Phantom

Chapter 722 (Bottom): Thinking outside and inside, talking about intelligence

At the audience seat on the other side--


"No. 2 of the First Army is not something these middle school students can handle!"

Most high school students in the Second Army said so.

"Yes, after all, I'm still a junior high school student. Facing the second place Tanegashima Shuji like this is already very good."

They looked at the situation like this, but they were relieved.

Middle school students Although those middle school students have strong talents and surpass them, they are still far behind the top players in the first army in tennis strength!

The mood of these high school students is actually very complicated.

On the one hand, the player representing the second army camp is now a junior high school student. Although they were very angry and furious for the court's ranking before, they all belong to the same camp after all. In the face of the always strong first army, how can the second army not want to win~?

But on the other hand, these high school students in the Second Army (or most high school students, except for a few) are actually in a sad mood. It was originally the Second Army VS the First Army, and challenged the ranked shuffle of the first army players, and it abruptly became a one-man show for middle school students!

As early as when they were defeated by those middle school students, they were actually already enlightened.

Today's challenge is nominally a challenge between the second army and the first army, but in fact it has nothing to do with them!

--No, it can't be said that it doesn't matter.

After all, Tokugawa Kazuya is also a member of their second army high school students, right?

As for the original No. 5 court "gatekeeper"--

Even if this is the case, they are not completely fools, and they have automatically regarded this as the top player in the army!

And the original owner of the No. 3 court, Irie Kanata, who had a good reputation in the second army players...

Having been deceived for so long, and also deceived so badly, they are already very calm without actually fighting back!!

Therefore, watching the game calmly, the high school students of the Second Army are probably the most objective "spectators" apart from the coaches. Although, they are tennis players belonging to the Second Army camp.

"Just kidding, Sanada's'Drawing a Sword' was beaten back like this?!"

"The ability to dissolve everything into'nothing', S - this is too powerful!"

"I can win. If this doesn't work, wouldn't we not be able to win?!"

"Is there really no weakness in "Missed Nothing"?"

Different from the high school students of the Second Army who have been "reduced to the real-spectator", junior high school students still have a sense of companionship and camp honor.

"Drawing a knife and cutting" is not completely useless. "

At the beginning of Guanyue, he kept using his fingers around his hair, as if this would speed up his thinking speed.

This St. Rudolph’s manager player received too much "stimulation" today and got too much information that needed to be analyzed and sorted out.

Under the temptation of data intelligence, Kanyue had completely "released" the second-year students in their tennis club, and let Fuji Yuta run to the place where the "junior group" gathered.

--Actually, this is also a kind of exercise and trust in Yuta!

--Yuta, you are already a qualified and mature tennis player. Since you want to surpass Fuji Syusuke, you have to learn from your strengths, learn from your peers, and make progress together with them!

"Yes, the No. 6 "dual knife flow" defense of the First Army has been broken by the "drawing of swords" in a different dimensional state. This means that Sanada and Akutsu can switch from stalemate to offensive--"

"The original "dual knife flow" defense plus the first army No. 2 check for deficiencies, but it can seal them all!"

Inui Sadaharu agreed with what he said at the beginning of the month.

The perspective and orientation of the players in the data group are different from those of other players who only look at the surface.

In the eyes of others, Sanada and Akutsu had been pressed and beaten by high school students. Even if there is an outstanding performance-a beautiful goal, it will not have any impact on the high school students.

But in the eyes of the players in the data group, it's not like this at all.

At the beginning of the game, although Omagari also used the "double-knife flow"--or really held two racquet double-knobs, but what level of strength is that?

Not to mention Tanegashima Shuji.

The No. 2 of the first army was completely on the sidelines, pulled into the game, and put him into the game state, and also used "Destroyed Nothing"-isn't it because he feels that the middle school students are here? Is the doubles combination a threat?

Not long ago, the No.6 side of the First Army has actually completely entered the real-game state. It is precisely because of this that No. 2 of the First Army can paddle leisurely after several shots on the court.

And now

"Now is the turning point of the game, Sadaji."

Compared with other data group partners, Liu Junshi, who knows a lot of "special information", said very solemnly.

"Renji, you say so

"Is there a way for Sanada to deal with the ability of "transformation of nothing"?"

Something was being recorded in the notes, and his head suddenly looked up after hearing Liu's words.

"Is there a game against the extinguished no? There will be such a thing?"

At the beginning of Guanyue, Yanagi Renji's eyes were surprised, and his fingers around the hair stopped turning.


"But at this time, you can't hide it anymore--the ability of the'different dimension', is it so exquisite? It's really gorgeous.

Adhering to the concept of "knowing oneself, knowing the enemy, and never ending a battle," and addicted to "script writing", the manager of Saint Rudolph's tennis department let out a confident and proud hum.

If Fuji Yuta is still with him now, this second-year student who respects his senior manager will definitely ask his seniors not to speak like this in a tone of horror.

Although the Saint Rudolph players trust the manager of their tennis club very much and believe in the ability to watch the beginning of the moon, in any case, they don't want to go to court because of some possible "quarrels"!

If you are unfamiliar with the tone and language of watching the moon, it is actually very easy to have some misunderstandings.

Their St. Rudolph’s manager is just too proud-after knowing this, automatically translate the words at the beginning of the month in his heart, and it is easy to feel the heart of this proud young man.

Gan and Ryumoto are masters in data analysis. After this time of getting along, they have been able to "automatically translate" the meaning they wanted to express at the beginning of the month.

"Indeed, Sanada hides these on the back mountain."

Liu didn't explain anything to watching the moon.

Because after listening to what he said later, Kanyuechu and Inui Sadaharu will understand these.

"I thought he was doing this to deal with Yukimura and Nioh--"

"According to my data, with a probability of more than 70%, Sanada actually wants to find Nioh. Because I personally think that Sanada wants to defeat Nioh a little bit stronger than Yukimura."

Nioh Masaharu's ability to "pull hatred" is too powerful.

Liu felt that if Sanada wanted to defeat Nioh fiercely, it was entirely reasonable.

"Although Nioh is obviously more difficult to defeat I-I personally don't recommend Sanada to challenge him, but Sanada's subjective consciousness is too strong."

Liu lamented the "head iron" of their Deputy Minister Rikkai.

"Is that so? It turns out that

Seigaku's data player glasses suddenly flashed strangely, and he quickly began to write notes to record the "intelligence" he got from Liu's words.

--Sure enough, Nioh is the strongest!

So what is the internal structure of Rikkai Tennis Club?

Using Seigaku as a comparison, Seiichi Yukimura should have taken into account the responsibilities of coach Ryūzaki and his hand; the part that Liu is responsible for is also roughly the same as the part he is responsible for, and some of the tasks of their Seigaku Deputy Minister Oishi are added; Sanada is the deputy The minister, while shouldering the responsibilities of the deputy minister, he also manages and teaches the training of other ministries. This seems to cover

Second, work at Seigaku?

So does Nioh Masaharu have any work in the tennis club at Rikkai?

Inui Sadaharu, who started gossip # Rikkai大部内务发布#, was puzzled.

……………Please ask for flowers……

Not counting the juniors in the training team-just like all of their Seigaku are taking care of Echizen, Rikkai's general selection is also focused on the juniors in the team.

Therefore, the strongest one in Rikkai's big tennis team, because of the strongest tennis, has won him the right to "strike"?

"Nioh is similar to the No.2 tennis of the First Army?"

Compared to Inui Sadaharu, who is always on the gossip road, he has been focusing on the key points at the beginning of the month.

"I just said that Yukimura and Nioh, Sanada has a tendency to beat Nioh by more than 70%. It doesn't mean Sanada must have developed a trick specifically to deal with Nioh!"

Liu replied.

Almost accustomed to his friend Inui Sadaharu, who always pays attention to Liu, who has shifted his focus, now also habitually ignores his friend's weird spectacle glitter.

"If Sanada really develops targeted moves against Nioh in the back mountains, he will definitely not endure it without going to Nioh for a match.,

Liu shook his head and said.

"Seiichi Yukimura's hidden tennis moves-are they similar to the ability of "death"? Damn it, just knowing this is not enough!"

Writing scripts must also follow the Basic Law.

Although knowing all of it may not be able to write a perfect script, but as I am now, I only know the surface information. At the beginning of the month, I feel like listening to the music and being told "the performance is suspended, see you next time" at the beginning. !

"Huh, Rikkai is really arrogant~"

That is, Fuji Yuta is not here. The second-year student of Saint Rudolph would definitely cry if he heard his predecessors "death" so unremittingly!

Most of the players in the middle school tennis world, who doesn't think that "Rikkai is too big, they are too much", "It's hateful and too arrogant", but who dares to say this in front of Rikkai Taisho?

#裕太: Seniors watching the moon are so naive and innocent, I hope you don't misunderstand! #

"But if you say so, isn't the No. 2 army in trouble?"

At the beginning of the month, who just snorted coldly, now it seems that the corners of the mouth are hooked a little badly.

"This senior high school student is also a tennis player from Rikkai, right? Liu, you seem to be very familiar with him.

"In the first set before, this senior high school student in the first army specifically asked Sanada to show off the "new stuff"-did they know it for a long time, or was it a mistake?"

You need to master special listening skills when you talk to the beginning of the month.

Yanagi Renji knew this for a long time, but he still couldn't help but want to bring the manager of Saint Rudolph to court for a game!

--I knew it for a long time, or was it a mistake?

What Guanyue said is what he is worried about now!

The thing that Yukimura worries about in the audience on the other side of the court is not a question of unknown possibility on Liu's side.

Although Yanagi Renji had contact with Tanegashima, he also talked about certain things.

But about Sanada’s guesses about new ball skills in different dimensions--

[I just mentioned to Senpai that Sanada has an obsession with defeating Nioh and Yukimura. 】

The No. 2 army, who is good at communication, has already established a two-line contact channel with the younger generations except Rikkai Deputy Minister.

Tanegashima, who had already made up his mind to play against a certain black hat junior, of course would not ignore Yanagi Renji as an "intelligence agent".

After sharing some photos of the Deputy Minister of Rikkai, No. 2 of the First Army and Army Division Liu had a good and effective communication about a certain deputy minister.

But "the wise man must have a mistake when he thinks about it", Liu said a lot of things to Tanegashima, but after all, he missed this thing!

[However, things are not so bad. 】

Although he himself made a mistake and there was a problem with the information supply, but if the senior himself can think of this

"It depends on Tanegashima-senpai's own thoughts."

Liu replied watching the moon.

He admitted that he had made a mistake, but maybe he would "get a blessing in disguise"?

--Just take this opportunity to get more information on the overall tennis strength of Tanegashima-senpai!

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