Prince of Tennis Nioh Phantom

Chapter 723 (Part 1): The character of the emperor

The sincere worries of the younger generations outside the court, Tanegashima Shuji on the court can't feel it at all.

This No. 2 army only felt that the black hat junior high school student on the opposite side of the net was really too "smart"!


It was another ball that came with light and shadow with a sword.

Behind Sanada, the phantom "general" of another dimension was suspended in the midair of another dimension.

The horses neighed, contributing to the majesty of the sword!

Bang bang bang!

Tanegashima Shuji's tennis is just like that. As far as my eyes can be, I have the situation in my hands.

"Destroyed Nothing" is born to be the nemesis of technical skills. Even if it is a different dimensional level, facing today's "Destroyed Nothing", if there is no accident, it must return.

But "Drawing a Sword" is different from "Baosen Yanfeng" after all!

--Not only because of the skill of the sword, but also because of the natural strength and impact of "Drawing a Sword"!

"At 30:30, Tanegashima, score the score!

Bang bang--


"40:30, Sanada and Akutsu score!"

On the surface, the casual No. 2 army is already frowning in his inner world.

To be honest, he is not surprised that Sanada Genichiro can use different dimensions. On the contrary, Tanegashima Shuji was prepared for this, otherwise he would not repeatedly let Sanada show the "new things" in tennis.

However, Sanada was able to use such "drawing of swords and slashing"--for Tanegashima Shuji, it was indeed an accident!

"Destroyed Nothing" has the ability to "change nothingness", but this ability is not omnipotent.

He can instantly reflect what he sees and observes to his wrist, and cleverly turns the opponent's ball skills into nothing with an incredible speed. Of course, this ability has limits, and it is not unburdened to use!

Excessive skills will burden and affect the players' bodies. Different dimensions will not only burden the body, but even oppress the player's spirit from time to time.

The ability of "Destroyed Nothing" is due to Tanegashima Shuji's talent, but it will also be a burden on him!

Sanada's current "drawing sword and cutting" is exactly the same-it has brought a lot of shock pressure to his wrist!

However, these are not the reasons why No. 2 of the First Army feels that it has exceeded the large-scale estimate.

What shocked Tanegashima most was that the black hat junior high school student on the opposite side of the net has not reached the peak of momentum until now!

"1:0, Sanada and Akutsu score!"

As the No.2 of the first army, Tanegashima Shuji has naturally played tennis with Byōdōin Hōō and other army players, and has also seen many good tennis players.

Relying on his existing experience, coupled with his own flexible mind and observation ability, Tanegashima Shuji has no doubt about his own judgment now - so far, Sanada must have something unseen!

"I seem to overestimate you"

While Tanegashima Shuji was thinking silently, Sanada, who was completely in the game state, has undoubtedly abandoned the so-called "predecessor polite state."

- The deputy head of Rikkai Grand Tennis Club, Sanada Genichiro, is called the "Emperor" by the middle school tennis circle for no reason!

Sanada, standing on the court, seemed to others to have a coercive spirit.

Obviously I also have sweat on my body, but it gives people a sense of courage from top to bottom!

Nowadays, Tanegashima Shuji and Omagari have been suppressed and suppressed since the start of the game, and the momentum of knocking down again and again, after all, still can't be suppressed!

"The No. 2 of the First Army, plus the No. 6 of the First Army, this doubles combination really has the tennis strength worthy of your badge.

Sanada held the racquet and said in a deep voice.

The defense of "Double Knife Flow" is very tricky, and'Destroyed Nothing' is also very troublesome--"

"But these, all end here!"

Hearing what Sanada said, Nioh, who thought he had to watch the next game carefully, couldn't help but squinted at this time.

He knows Sanada--

With Sanada's awkwardness, if it were not for the certainty of winning, he would not say that!

In the current three-set match, Sanada and Akutsu have already lost one set. In the second set, the two of them must win.

And, if you want to win the final game, the two of them must also win the third set!

So to say

"Can'beat' Huawu's different-dimensional ball skills?"

Merely "resist" or "confrontation", it is impossible to speak out about victory or defeat at all.

At least in Nioh's view, Sanada is not stupid enough to be arrogant.

In line with his own conscience as a member of Rikkai, Nioh has done his best to say all the standards that the first army players can reach and some points that need to be paid attention to!

The advanced level of tennis of the high school students in the U17 training camp is not comparable to the "national level" generally called by the middle circle. Able to compete with the U17-Military-even the bottom ten middle school players are already out of the "national" level in the middle school tennis world!


Atobe, who sits next to Nioh, is alert to his "doubles partner" by 120,000 points.

"What bad thoughts do you have?"

Minister Hyotei said unceremoniously.

If it was before the National Third National Competition, he would at least maintain a polite and communicative attitude on the surface. He would never say such unceremonious words as they sounded like sharp thorns.

However, the national competition stimulated Minister Hyotei, and the U17 training camp exercised Atobe Keigo.

Atobe dare to swear by the romance novels of their Hyotei genius, and even the cakes of Akutakawa Jirou and Mukahi Gakuto-his straightforward words like this are what Rikkai meant!

Nioh Masaharu is getting too lazy to cover up now

Atobe doesn't envy Yukimura very much now, because he can feel the tiredness of Minister Rikkai when he sits here now!

"Puff, what can I think of sitting outside the court?"

As a spectator, of course you have to watch the game seriously, and then try hard to learn from experience!

Nioh, who squinted his eyes slightly, was extraordinarily "treacherous" in the eyes of Minister Hyotei at this time.

"I've played doubles, Atobe, don't you know my tennis'phantom'?"

I have to say, Minister Hyotei sees people very accurately.

Nioh is really too lazy to hide or hide something now. The nationwide triple dominance has long since ended, and now he has completed the doubles game with Maori and Otsuchi. His inner satisfaction is unprecedentedly strong!

As a result, the feeling of satisfaction was too strong, causing a little floating in his heart. Nioh straightforwardly made trouble for himself, and joined the three middle school students present and the remaining high school students of the first army to open a "gambling game on the result of the doubles competition in court. "!

"Senior Tanegashima's "has disappeared" Generally speaking, in addition to forced breaking, the most convenient thing is to exercise restraint and prevention in advance.

To get the first hand, let the seniors enter their own rhythm and fall into the preset trap, and the "death" will naturally be restricted.

This is Nioh's own view and his approach.

"But don't you know Sanada's character?"

Regardless of the other people's still surprised emotions, Nioh said quietly.

The guy who was named "Emperor" by "Tennis Monthly" will definitely not "curve to save the country"!

--Frontal attack! Frontal breakthrough!

Defeating his opponents with an unstoppable and unstoppable momentum can naturally arouse the enthusiasm of the audience almost every game.

Those reporters still have some insight.

"Tennis Monthly" did not give Sanada the wrong title one-"Emperor", worthy of the name!

Even though Sanada's own tennis prowess does not "see the mountains" in the middle school tennis world, he also brings the same pressure to many middle school tennis players.

From "Wind Wind Volcanic Thunder" to "Bao Sen Yan Peak", "Black Aura", "Driving a Knife"

Who can imagine that Sanada develops such moves as "turning around"?

At least, Nioh himself couldn't imagine it.

"He wouldn't be like that."

Yukimura froze for 2.9, then said.

"So Sanada still has a trick that can directly crack the'death'?"

Kite said, couldn't help taking a deep breath.

[Sada Genichiro, if he can really do this]

This is simply incredible!

"It deserves to be the'Emperor'."

Middle Minister Higa reluctantly calmed down from his imagination and said.

[Sure enough, he is the emperor who can secure the seat of Rikkai First Deputy Minister!]

After the first round of the national competition, no matter what other people think or think, all of Higa's main players have a deep fear of the Rikkai Grand Tennis Team.

But these Okinawa teenagers, who "respect the strong", have always thought about it--

In the Rikkai team, Nioh Masaharu is obviously so strong, why is it just a "normal election"?

Comparing the heart to the heart, until now, as Hyotei and others have not yet understood Rikkai's big Higa, the young and middle-aged children will never think of the truth.

They just keep getting confused

Then, like now, my brain will make up for a reason!

ps, the second half, come back after dinner and continue to write~,

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