Prince of Tennis Nioh Phantom

Chapter 725 (Bottom): Frontal offense, the ability of generals


The high school student who has started to play seriously, but still hasn't put on the U17-Army uniform jacket, is naturally puzzled and tilted his head.

"Are you going to continue to use your'Black Dragon X'to re-slash and avoid my racquet with a curved ball?"

No. 2 of the First Army was full of interest in the provocative words of middle school students, and he asked tentatively.

"Or "

"Use your different dimension to "draw a knife and cut" to bend the ball?"

Tanegashima Shuji looked at Sanada and asked in a relaxed and natural tone.

The line of sight can give people a sense of pressure, and the contrast brought by relaxed words will exacerbate this pressure. In short, Tanegashima Shuji is to put increasing psychological pressure on Sanada.

No. 2 of the First Army is full of self-confidence in his own "death"-this is not because he is too confident and arrogant, but because he does have this confidence.

In addition to letting the ball bend at a critical moment and avoiding the racquet in Tanegashima's hands, does Sanada have other ways to break the "Destroyed Nothing"?

""The curve of "Different Dimension-Drawing a Knife and Cutting the New" sounds like a good way, Ryuuji?"

While talking about No.2 of the First Army, he turned his head to look at his doubles partner.

Omagari was silent, unable to stand Tanegashima Shuji's "teasing" to junior high school students. But in order to avoid burning his body, he chose the previous method one-pretending that he couldn't hear.

No. 6 of the first army really wants to reduce their sense of presence on the court!

Although this is a doubles game, it would be nice if Tanegashima Shuji could finish the game directly and earnestly.

Taking advantage of the gap between the end of the small game, the first army NO.6 ignored everything and wandered away.

So, the second round started like this--


Racquet swung down and the tennis ball flew out.

The physique of high school students is actually a bit "cheating" in qualifying. Tsukimitsu Ochi's wingspan and height are a good example. The gap of three years is sometimes enough to determine the victory.

However, Sanada and Akutsu are rare and tall among middle school students!

Strong physical fitness can not only keep them from showing signs of decline in the second set of a game of this intensity, but also allow them to fight back again!

Bang one by one


Its disease is like a storm, and its aggression is like flames, and the black aura once again swept the court with the momentum of thunder!

"This is not "new stuff"!!"

With the wave of racquet, Sanada shouted angrily.

Although it is the first time to use it in a game, Sanada's mood is not "new".

He had already suffocated his anger--

Not only in the first set of the game, but also the anger buried in my heart before the game, even after U17.

One more-

The earliest, from the middle of the country, from the first day of the country, the anger that has never been vented is brewing!

Seiichi Yukimura really knows his young friend, Yanagi Renji is worthy of the name of Rikkai's great military master, Nioh also guessed Sanada's mind.

Vice Minister Rikkai immersed himself in the development in the back mountain, and this trick that he did not talk about after the back mountain returned was originally born for Nioh!


This ball can be regarded as "simple"||single".

At the very least, Omagari, who received the ball, couldn't perceive anything special from it-if not counting the powerful impact and excessive speed of tennis.


Very smoothly, the tennis was played back by the high school students.

This should have been a matter of "even if you are unhappy, you won't be troubled by it". However, in the eyes of the two high school players in the first army with a long history, this is not a sign of a "good thing"!

No. 6 Omagari of the First Army was wary when he returned the ball, but he was relieved. He was vigilant and careful about the next goal, maintaining the qualities he should have as a player in the army.

However, his doubles partner ranked No.2 but his pupils suddenly shrank!

The mental power value is clearly the absolute top Tanegashima Shuji in the U17 training camp player file, and he has an instinctively strong perception of "danger".

The pervasion of the "black aura" made him feel uneasy--even Sanada's different dimensions before did not make him feel that way.

It seems that there is something dangerous in that "black gas"


Tanegashima seemed to be aware of something. He almost shouted at the same time the tennis flew over the net.

Tanegashima Shuji, who wears only one sleeve and can't even wear a uniform jacket, looks like the U17-Military top ten players who are the least concerned about qualifying.

However, people who are familiar with Tanegashima know that this No. 2 player in the first army is actually the most stable player in the game.

-Win steadily, at least for high school students to maintain an "undefeated" record.

He is careless on the surface and often paddles in the doubles, but he still has the ability to control the game situation. At least, in this qualifying doubles, since Tanegashima Shuji took the shot, he has completely taken over the rhythm of the game.

This kind of control ability made him aware of his own "missing" in the first place.

When the "black aura" that hadn't been particularly concerned about swept the court, the rhythm of the game has changed!

-This is the "smell" of top tennis players on the situation of the game, a unique feeling that can be known in an instant.


Omagari reacted quickly, he hadn't slackened in the game.

However, in the face of Shinichiro Sanada and the "emperor", "don't relax" is only the most basic of the foundations.

Although Tanegashima Shuji noticed something bad, Omagari was still late in the end.

- Two high school students, lost in this ball!

Whoosh~ whoosh~~

The black aura is now not just surrounding Sanada himself.

The "black aura" in the different-dimensional shadow is not as simple as the initial state.

The black air flow gushes from the foot of Sanada, and then radiates from the "general" of the different dimension phantom who is waiting behind Sanada.

The black spirit swept the court, and the court naturally included Sanada's doubles partner Akutsu Jin!

"Fight to death in desperation--"

Along with Sanada's shout, a figure with a pure yellow border and a true green for the main team jersey dazzled Tanegashima and Daqu's eyes.

"Until the abyss of defeat!"


The sound of the tennis ball landing is not much louder than Sanada's shouting statement at this time, but it is like a drum in the ears of high school students.


-The sound of war drums falling in the bottom of my heart, but also suppressed in the bottom of my heart.

It seems that the heartbeat coincides, and it also seems to be the speed of the heartbeat that makes people unconsciously speed up - even the players in the audience seats outside the court can't help but feel a feeling of "fear" at this moment. !

"15:0, Sanada and Akutsu score!"

The sound of the broadcast broke the condensation of the atmosphere at this moment.

Outside the court, the auditorium in the direction of the first army-

"You guessed it, it really was a move that was going to be used against me."

Before the others were silent, Nioh spoke first.

I am honored to be the target of Rikkai Deputy Minister. Of course, Nioh himself responded to the situation in the court in the first time.

Others may need to watch for a few more minutes and then think about "what is this".

But for Nioh, that one shot and that moment is enough!

"Didn't you understand, Atobe?"

Looking at Minister Hyotei, who was frowning and thinking next to him, Nioh felt that he was so kind now that he actually took the initiative to do it for others." "Commentary".

--Although there are certain things, he himself is really unhappy!

"This is a doubles game!"

This is what Nioh Masaharu, a doubles player with "homology" skills, said.

This sentence is enough to make the Minister Rikkai next to him suddenly realize and understand the intention of the Deputy Minister Rikkai's move!

"No wonder"

Rikkai, who is familiar with Rikkai Taisho's ability to play tennis, murmured.

After listening to Nioh's prompt, while the Minister Hyotei and Minister Higa on both sides were still thinking, he instantly reacted.

"Ajutsu said that before, it turned out to be like this!'

- Those few sentences before, "Don't order me", are not just Ajiuzin's own meaningless mantra!

In the doubles competition, the tacit cooperation between the two players is very important. Therefore, the two doubles players must be familiar with the various skills of their doubles partners, as well as the tennis style and style of the game.

Therefore, when Sanada knew that he was going to play a doubles match with Akutsu, he would never conceal his own different-dimensional ability from Akutsu Jin!

Correspondingly, Akutsu has already known what Sanada can do in this doubles arena!

for example

"Don't order me!"

--This is probably Akutsu Jin's "mantra", because Akutsu Jin said it many times.

But this sentence is not really a catchphrase, because every time Ajiuzin says this sentence, there is a reason (Li's)!

-He was not "ordered", where did this sentence come from?

Those who use the art of war are generals on the battlefield, and those who march in formation are also generals on the battlefield.

For Nioh, who is able to "force homology" and has an absolute advantage in the field of doubles, what can Shinichiro Sanada do?

The "Different Dimension-General" on court has already told Nioh the answer.

It's just that the person being targeted is not Nioh himself.

And, unfortunately

This ability is naturally suitable for doubles. While exempting Sanada from the "black (missing) hole (sinking)" of his own doubles, it also happens to be able to deal with Tanegashima Shuji's "nothingness"!

ps, so it is "different dimension, general" rather than other different dimension phantoms

Fortunately, it was Ajutsu in the U17 training stage. If Guan Dongqing chooses to do this, Atobe will definitely not work.Even if he is willing to cooperate with the estimation, he can barely bear it in the end (regardless of the reasonableness of the advanced strength, maybe the Ice Emperor Domain will be stimulated and the two will fight. That's it), it's better to follow the rhythm of music. And Akutsu Jin--same

Not willing, but because Yamabuki and Sengoku are already softer, and their opponents are No. 2 and No. 6 of the first army! Thank you for the pressure brought by the senior high school students~ The doubles of middle school students have successfully cooperated~ Tanegashima It's really unlucky, Sanada's anger that was suppressed by the country just took advantage of the trend hhh.

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