Prince of Tennis Nioh Phantom

Chapter 726 (Top): Different ministers, diehard Sanada, general orders

Minister Hyotei and Minister Higa are not ignorant people--the ministers of the famous tennis club in the country, who are not smart people?

Able to command a tennis club, they naturally have their own uniqueness.

Therefore, when Yukimura talked to herself and "supplemented" some key information points, both Atobe and Kite understood what Nioh just said.

It's just that the first thoughts of the two ministers of middle school students are somewhat "different."

[Sanada, he wanted to defeat Nioh, so did he develop such a different-dimensional move for "homology"?]

The minister in Higa thought so.

[Are you "frontal attack"? How come there are such stupid guys in Rikkai's place? Didn't they deliberately put Sanada on the position of deputy minister? Humph, my uncle reluctantly admits that it's pretty gorgeous!]

Minister Hyotei thought so.

Kite and Atobe seem to have similar ideas, but in fact there is a big difference between the two.

The Okinawa where he came from is very simple, but in other words, it can be said that Okinawa is actually a place with a relatively "strong folk customs".

From the "white paper" in the birth state to the "self-demand" of "obeying the strong" engraved in my heart now, Kite Eishirou's life drawing paper is stained with the colors of Okinawa. He thinks he wants to "obey the strong", because when he is in a weak and weak situation, such a posture can avoid "harm".

Perhaps such a "lifestyle" may seem very embarrassing, but for Kite, it is also a manifestation of his own courage.

Without the courage to face strange gazes and gossip, how could Kite250 Eishirou not care about its reputation in order to win and win?

Teenagers who practice martial arts know their minds and have straightforward emotions. They really want to grow in a way that is free and free, but such hard experience tells themselves-"can't do this."

So, be patient

Patience is necessary, and it is also lacking in many people. But Kite learned this silently-this is how the "Assassin" on court in Higa was born.

In order to win, Kite doesn't care about using some means. And when he confirms that he "cannot win" anyway, he will try his best to minimize his losses-if necessary, he can even bow his head to concede defeat!

Under normal circumstances, if there is no special accident, when the "Assassin" is in a sensible and calm state, Kite is like this, and he is very "cold-blooded" in the eyes of others.

So, from the words of Nioh and Yukimura, the information he got from Kite is only so "simple" because he thinks about Sanada in his own way of thinking.

The teenagers in Higa are still too young. They have only played a game with the Rikkai Grand Tennis Team, and have not yet realized the "hardness" of this khaki uniform tennis team.

--From grades to temperament, Rikkai are mostly very "hard", their persistence is as hard as the earth.


After Atobe thought about it, his mind changed. He snapped his fingers and attracted the attention of everyone present.

"Although it's stupid, it's still gorgeous!"

Minister Hyotei's tone was disgusting, but his expression was praise.

Because in the view of Atobe Keigo, the real gorgeousness includes what Sanada Xianichiro is doing now.

--Losing the game is not terrible, nor is it ridiculous.

--Only cowards should be laughed at.

In this way of thinking, Sanada's stubbornness and persistence-his "frontal attack", is very worthy of Atobe's praise.

Even if Minister Hyotei doesn't appreciate the "hard temper" of Deputy Minister Rikkai, this does not prevent him from thinking that Sanada's practice and persistence are "really gorgeous"!

Atobe can understand more things than Kite can understand, and is more accurate and comprehensive, not only because of his good eyesight, but also not entirely because he understands the deputy head of the Rikkai Grand Tennis Department, but also because of himself. Character.

Minister Hyotei is actually a "cold as ice" person.

Atobe Keigo's gorgeous moves are his own eyesight and insight. He can defeat the opponent's loopholes and weaknesses with one goal and one goal, just like Nioh's wanton Phantom unbalanced the opponent's mentality, Yukimura's use of "five senses" to make the opponent mentally breakdown, and Sanada's frontal attack made the opponent lose the will to play.

Because of this, when Kite thought that Sanada's approach was to target the opponent and reduce the opponent's doubles strength, Atobe took it for granted that Sanada was still the "emperor" Sanada.

Your own ideas will never be distorted by failure or other factors.

--Although I dare to admit my mistakes, I almost never look back.

Therefore, Minister Hyotei naturally wanted to understand the next step of Rikkai's mammoth different-dimensional move-frontal attack!

Only the "frontal attack" is the way for Sanada to carry out his own will.

Even if he loses horribly to Nioh, he won't change his way.

"Our deputy minister is a'hard-liner'."

Nioh said.

"Sanada, he is a tough guy!"

Although most of the time Nioh Masaharu's attitude towards Shinichiro Sanada was extremely disgusting, he never denied this.

The "Different Dimensional Shadow-General" on the court also echoed what Nioh said with actual actions.

--During the Warring States Period in Japan, there were elite cavalry troops all dressed in red armor.

--Its disease is like wind, its Xu is like forest, aggression (bhcj) is like fire, it is not moving like a mountain, it is hard to know like yin, and its moving like thunder.

"They" are indestructible copper walls and iron walls, and they are also a sharp offensive force.

Today, these red-armored soldiers who have long withdrawn from the stage of history have demonstrated their outstanding combat capabilities to people in another way!

"Any way to use the military, you will be ordered to the monarch, gather the army together, make peace and give up. It is not difficult to fight in the military. Those who are difficult to fight in the military will make the move straight, and the suffering will benefit."

Once "drawing a knife and cutting" will be stopped by "Miewuwu", then twice or even more?

Behind the "General of Different Dimension" appeared more and more uncountable soldiers.

Some of them are mounted on horses, some are just infantry.

But "them" all have something in common--

Imposing and unstoppable!

The crimson stomach is already very impactful, not to mention the black air currents that have swept the court.

"If you don't hear each other, it's the golden drum; if you don't see each other, it's the banner."

Previously, Tanegashima and Daqu had heard the sound of a tennis landing as a war drum. It was not a complete illusion, but a precursor!

Isn't the "general" commanding the battlefield just to beat the drums?

The red and black flags fluttered along with the appearance of the soldiers. It stands firmly behind the "different dimension-general" and has replaced Sanada as the source of the "black aura".

The black and red flag seemed to reflect the sky into a combination of red blood and deep black. At a glance, you can feel the murderous aura, which makes people fearful.

If the courageous person is standing on the court at this time, I am afraid that he will be directly scared and fainted!

- Sanada's other-dimensional virtual shadow shouldn't have such a violent aura, but now it is probably because of Sanada himself.

He let go of the frustration and anger that he had pressed in his heart from the beginning of the country.

This made Nioh feel a bit complicated, and at the same time he couldn't help but sympathize with his Tanegashima senior.

"Senior's luck today is too bad..."

The white-haired junior who didn't think about it at all sighed, and he couldn't help but vomit.

[The days of Mercury retrograde have long passed, and my luck is really good!]

[Sanada is too serious, isn't he even able to withstand this kind of stimulation?]

Nioh doesn't think he has over-stimulated Rikkai Deputy Minister in the middle of the country.

On the contrary, he believes from the heart that one

[Puff, I didn’t release all my mental energy to play against that guy. It’s really the right choice~]

Compared with other middle school students, Nioh now has an advantage in addition to the hard power of the game-he can objectively and appropriately judge the strength of tennis players on the court.

From the point of view of Nioh, who is now completely relaxed watching the game, with Sanada's current aura of different dimensions, I am afraid that he can already threaten his level of performance in the tennis team.

But fortunately, he released the water at that time!!

"Homophony" has a lot to do with mental strength, and tennis strength is the same.


Sanada's aggrieved anger and anger on court are actually due to this part.

--Whoever is deceived for more than two years will be angry, right?

"Good data-the infinite possibilities of doubles, I have new data!

On the other side of the audience seat, Liu rarely lost his former calm and calm attitude.

It is only at this time that Junshi Liu, who is estimated to not be gloomy, can change his face.

"The husband, the gold drum and the banner, so the eyes and ears of a person are also. If a person is dedicated, the brave must not advance alone, and the timid must not retreat alone. This is also the law of the crowd."

"On the battlefield, the general uses the sound of war drums and banners to direct the soldiers of the troops and act in unison.

"--Sanada is now using this method with Akutsu "doubles'!"

ps, I didn't expect it, I suddenly updated it at the beginning of the week (actually I was staying up late to catch the ddl, and then I took a look at my account. Thank you for your fresh flower monthly evaluation ticket and reward! If you remind you to change the ticket, you don't need orz)

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